Stefan Rass
University of Klagenfurt - Research Group System Security
atsstraße 65-67, 9020 Klagenfurt, Austria
Mohamed Ali Sfaxi, Solange Ghernaouti-H
Inforge - HEC University of Lausanne
1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
PPP, Quantum Key Distribution within PPP (Q3P), unconditional security transmission, IPSEC, SeQKEIP,
Secure Routing, Network Connectivity.
Based on extensions to the protocols PPP and IPSEC, we present a working proposal for building a network
over which messages can be sent unconditionally secure. We will show how quantum cryptography can be
implemented in classical protocols and how existing networks can be efficiently extended to suit our needs for
unconditional security. We show that graph connectivity is crucial for the security of the transmission. For
that matter, we provide secure routing services, so an adversary cannot penetrate any message flow success-
fully. Furthermore, our protocols are extensible to allow up to t 1 adversaries (possibly cooperating) while
remaining unconditionally secure.
Classical cryptographic algorithms are based on
mathematical functions. The robustness of a given
cryptosystem is based essentially on the secrecy of its
(private) key and the difficulty with which the inverse
of its one-way function(s) can be calculated. Unfor-
tunately, there is no mathematical proof that will es-
tablish whether it is not possible to find the inverse
of a given one-way function. On the contrary, quan-
tum cryptography is a method for sharing secret keys,
whose security can be formally demonstrated.
Ever since the beginning of quantum cryptography
(Bennet and Brassard, 1984), a considerable theoreti-
cal framework has been built, providing uncondition-
ally secure establishment of symmetric secrets be-
tween two parties. This is often referred to as quan-
tum key distribution (QKD). A lot of research effort
has been invested in practical results concerning phys-
ical devices (single photon sources, etc.) for quantum
cryptography or theoretical results concerning privacy
amplification, for instance. However, little effort has
been put on the problem of distributing secrets be-
tween non-adjacent partners. Sophisticated protocols
have been designed, implementing QKD within exist-
ing frameworks. The reader may consult (Ghernaouti-
elie and Sfaxi, 2005), showing extensions to PPP
and (Ghernaouti-H
elie et al., 2005), providing exten-
sions to IPSec [RFC 2401].
A straightforward solution to the problem of dis-
tributing secrets among non-adjacent communication
partners is relying on the integrity of each station
along the path from Alice to Bob. Forwarding the
message hop-by-hop without Alice and Bob sharing a
secret prior to the transmission will nevertheless make
the plaintext show up at every station, thus full se-
crecy is not guaranteed.
Our solution exploits the underlying network topo-
logy in order to have unconditional security across
multi-hop connections between Alice and Bob. More
precisely, as our intention is the integration of QKD in
existing network infrastructure, we provide methods
for extending networks, so topological properties can
be achieved that allow for information-theoretically
secure message relay. Secure routing services exploit-
ing the topological properties are provided.
Unfortunately, practical evaluation of our proposal
in terms of performance is not possible, as the QKD
technology is still evolving and not fully developed
1.1 Related Work
The contribution of this work is mainly a secure rout-
ing service and guidelines for designing networks.
Previous articles dealing with secure routing mostly
Rass S., Ali Sfaxi M. and Ghernaouti-Hélie S. (2006).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 207-210
DOI: 10.5220/0002094702070210
focus on Byzantine attacks, where multiple active ad-
versaries are allowed inside a network (Hu et al.,
2002). Attacks in these setups include corruption of
nodes, packages or entire parts of the network, which
our setting can allow up to a particular threshold while
preserving information-theoretic security. (Awerbuch
et al., 2003) assumes no trusted third party services,
mutually authenticated nodes, as well as active ad-
versarial nodes, but basically focuses on how to de-
liver the package over the network. Our proposal will
protect the routing information, such that misrouting
is either impossible or will be detected. Computa-
tional intractability assumptions for avoiding misrout-
ing packages (like implicitly adopted by using cer-
tificates; (Castro et al., 2002; Sanzgiri et al., 2002))
are explicitly avoided by our techniques, at negligible
computational cost (in contrast to swarm-intelligence
based approaches, like in (Awerbuch et al., 2004)).
Securing layer 2 transactions is fundamental because
this layer is common to all kinds of nodes’ connec-
tions. The security processing is done transparently
to the users and to the other protocols. Securing
this layer is more optimized than securing the above
OSI layer since neither additional encapsulation nor
header is required. The well known Point to Point
Protocol (PPP) [RFC1661] as well as its extensions
implementing confidential message relay rests on the
conjectured security of symmetric ciphers or on the
conjectured hardness of numerical problems. Espe-
cially the latter is the basis for key-exchange, and
still unproven yet. On the contrary, quantum crypto-
graphy does offer provably secure key-establishment,
with the limitation of doing it only between adjacent
partners. Nevertheless, (Ghernaouti-H
elie and Sfaxi,
2005) and (Ghernaouti-H
elie et al., 2005) elegantly
integrate QKD in PPP and IPSec to overcome these
difficulties. The resulting protocols are called Q3P
(Quantum PPP) and SeQKEIP. The full details of Q3P
are beyond the scope of this article, so the reader may
consult (Ghernaouti-H
elie and Sfaxi, 2005) for de-
A QKD solution for IPSec is called SeQKEIP
elie et al., 2005), which is not based on
IKE [RFC2409] but on ISAKMP [RFC 2408]. Us-
ing this method, we avoid the problem of compati-
bility between IKE and QKD (Elliott, 2002; Elliott
et al., 2003). SeQKEIP runs nearly like the IKE
[RFC2409]. As before, for brevity, we spare the de-
tails of SeQKEIP and refer the interested reader to the
given references, as our focus here is the design of a
suitable network topology for running SeQKEIP.
This paper aims at getting rid of the last limita-
tion of a direct connection between communication
parties, as required by QKD and implicitly present in
As state-of-the-art quantum cryptography can only
create random and secure keys between adjacent (di-
rectly connected) nodes, creation of keys between
non-adjacent nodes A and B usually requires the
trustworthiness of each node on the path between A
and B, for otherwise an intermediate node may ex-
tract information from the message if the sender and
receiver do not possess any pre-distributed secret. We
assume such pre-distributed secrets σ
only avail-
able between adjacent and nodes X, Y (established by
BB84 or similar). Multi-links or one-to-many links
are not (explicitly) considered.
Our solution combines classical information-
theoretically secure schemes like secret sharing
(Shamir, 1979) with QKD underlying SeQKEIP and
Q3P to provide authentic and secure channels for
sending shares of the secret message. To prevent in-
tentional or accidental routing of shares over the same
node, we construct networks providing at least t non-
intersecting paths between any two nodes, and show
how to secure the routing information such that mis-
routing is either impossible or will be detected. Thus
an adversary cannot exceed the number of shares in
his possession above the threshold.
Uppercase letters like X, A, B . . . denote nodes in
the network (routers, switches...) as well as sets
and graphs, and lowercase letters denote vertices in a
graph. Graphs are assumed undirected and connected
and are denoted as pair G = (V, E), where V is the
set of vertices and E V × V is the set of edges. We
assume the reader to be familiar with the basic graph-
theoretic terms, otherwise (Chartrand, 2005) provides
an excellent introduction. The set of nodes on a path
π or in a graph G is denoted as V (π) or V (G), re-
spectively. The one-time pad encryption of m using
key k is denoted by mk (i.e. is the bitwise XOR).
3.1 Network Topology
As we require node-disjoint paths between any two
nodes in the network, we shall provide efficient in-
cremental network construction algorithms allowing
for extending existing networks as well as joining dif-
ferent networks into one. By node-disjoint, we mean
that two paths π
, π
, connecting nodes X and
Y satisfy V (π
) V (π
) = {X, Y }. Formally,
we will provide methods for incrementally construct-
ing t-connected networks. Informally, a network is t-
connected, if up to t 1 nodes can be deleted without
the network breaking up into non-connected compo-
nents (Chartrand, 2005). The following theorem by
Hassler Whitney (following from Menger’s theorem)
is the basis for our considerations:
Theorem 3.1 (Whitney). A graph is t-connected if
and only if at least t node-disjoint paths exist between
any two nodes in G.
See (Chartrand, 2005) for a proof. To create a t-
connected graph H having a given graph G as sub-
graph, we may use the following facts:
Proposition 3.2. Let G be a t-connected graph and
let v / V (G). Then the graph H created by joining v
to t nodes in G is also t-connected.
Proposition 3.3. The complete graph K
(with t +
1 nodes) is the smallest graph being t-connected, i.e.
no subgraph of K
is t-connected.
So we may identify a clique of maximum size in G
and join nodes and edges until we have enlarged the
clique to size t + 1 (hence being minimal t-connected
by prop. 3.3). The remaining nodes are joined by
using prop. 3.2 until all nodes have been integrated.
The resulting network will be t-connected again by
prop. 3.2.
Proposition 3.4. Let G
= (V
, E
) and G
, E
) be t-connected graphs. Select two sets
= {v
, . . . , v
} V
, W
= {w
, . . . , w
} V
and create the graph H = (V
, E
, w
, w
, i = 1, . . . , t}) Then H
is t-connected.
See, for instance, (Rass, 2005a) for the proofs. The
last result implies a straightforward method for join-
ing two t-connected networks G
and G
into a sin-
gle t-connected network H, by simply connecting t
disjoint pairs of nodes in either network. Prop. 3.4
together with the previous discussion shows an easy
method for creating t-connected graphs, without ever
having to test this property via complex algorithms
like the ones in (Gabow, 2000).
Two more benefits are worth to be mentioned:
Safety increases, as failure of at most t 1 nodes will
not make the network go down. For sufficiently large
t, we may concurrently run secure connections.
Routing according to our method requires the net-
work topology known to all nodes in the network. We
can achieve this by broadcasting new topology infor-
mation after having joined a node or another network.
Moreover, as pointed out in (Rass, 2005a), at least one
node will be able to detect up to t 1 active adver-
saries, as every node will receive t identical updates.
If one is different, then some manipulation must have
taken place.
3.2 Secure Message Relay
The method presented in this article is mainly based
on the constructive approach used in (Rass, 2005a).
Let m denote the message Alice wants to send to
Bob. She creates t shares for the message, either us-
ing a t-out-of-n sharing (cf. (Shamir, 1979)) or an n-
out-of-n-sharing (via an XOR with several one-time
pads). Each share is passed along its own path, which
does not intersect any other path. Each share on his
own is forwarded hop-by-hop by decrypting and re-
encrypting it using the QKD key established for the
incoming and outgoing link. Let the secret sharing be
such that t is its threshold, then Eve has to compro-
mise at least t nodes, corresponding to t node-disjoint
paths between Alice and Bob. This can either be
done by misrouting packages or impersonating other
nodes. Both possibilities can be ruled out, as shown
in the following paragraphs.
In the worst case, the adversary is able to have all
paths intersect at one node, thus the key and there-
fore the message appear in plaintext at this node. The
first attack can be countered by a special encryption,
shown below.
Additionally, if the presence of an adversary has
been detected, the packets over such paths are surely
lost, so if we raise the threshold of the secret sharing
scheme beyond the connectivity number of the net-
work (being also the number of node-disjoint paths,
by theorem 3.1), we can tolerate loss of some pack-
ages without loosing information or security.
Avoiding Misrouting: For forwarding a message,
we assume that each packet has a routing information
R attached to it, which contains the path information,
i.e. the nodes which have been passed so far. We as-
sume the network topology to be known, so the rout-
ing information is a field of fixed length, in order to
have one-time pad encryption applicable.
Forwarding of a message by a particular node upon
decryption of the routing information proceeds by
three rules: (1) If the sender’s identity does not ap-
pear in R then announce an error. (2) If the next node
on the path appears in R then announce an error. (3)
Add the own ID to the path information, re-encrypt
the new routing information and send the message to
the next node.
It is easy to see that this protocol ensures non-
selfintersecting paths if carried out successfully and
that no passive adversary can extract information
from the message flow. See (Rass, 2005a) for a more
detailed treatment.
To have the routing information R not accessible,
thus not modifiable (s.t. Eve could have her node
passed more than once), we encrypt R as follows:
Let σ
, σ
be another two (perfectly secure) se-
crets shared between nodes X and Y , which are ded-
icated to routing purposes only. We attach R
(R) σ
to the package as encrypted rout-
ing information. The function E
denotes any sym-
metric cipher with a strong avalanche effect (Webster
and Tavares, 1986).
It follows that E
(R) provides no information
for encrypting another (forged) R
6= R and the one-
time pad encryption with σ
prevents exhaustive
searching for the key σ
or σ
. Since Eve is
required to modify R to R
6= R , the avalanche
effect will ”randomize” the ciphertext, so knowing
(R) is worthless for creating E
Avoiding Impersonation: We can use the QKD
established secrets to implement perfectly secure au-
thentication by exchanging portions of the QKD-key
with an unconditionally secure MAC (see (Stinson,
1992)) attached to it. This MAC is based on a key,
exclusively shared by Alice and Bob. If there is no
adversary, then the MAC should correctly be veri-
fied. However if there is an adversary in the middle,
then with high probability, s/he must have established
two distinct QKD-keys with Alice and Bob, and thus
will be detected upon failure of the verification of the
MAC. Moreover, forging the MAC is not effectively
possible, as it is unconditionally secure. This idea is
elaborated in full detail in (Rass, 2005b).
Upon the work of (Ghernaouti-H
elie et al., 2005) and
elie and Sfaxi, 2005) we have built a
framework for delivering messages over networks in
which adjacent nodes are able to establish secrets by
means of quantum cryptography. We fulfil the re-
quirements of classical information-theoretically se-
cure schemes and provide practical solutions for net-
work design and message relay. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the first unified approach to im-
plementing QKD in existing protocols and network
infrastructure, providing provable security at reason-
able effort.
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