(R) ⊕ σ
to the package as encrypted rout-
ing information. The function E
denotes any sym-
metric cipher with a strong avalanche effect (Webster
and Tavares, 1986).
It follows that E
(R) provides no information
for encrypting another (forged) R
6= R and the one-
time pad encryption with σ
prevents exhaustive
searching for the key σ
or σ
. Since Eve is
required to modify R to R
6= R , the avalanche
effect will ”randomize” the ciphertext, so knowing
(R) is worthless for creating E
Avoiding Impersonation: We can use the QKD
established secrets to implement perfectly secure au-
thentication by exchanging portions of the QKD-key
with an unconditionally secure MAC (see (Stinson,
1992)) attached to it. This MAC is based on a key,
exclusively shared by Alice and Bob. If there is no
adversary, then the MAC should correctly be veri-
fied. However if there is an adversary in the middle,
then with high probability, s/he must have established
two distinct QKD-keys with Alice and Bob, and thus
will be detected upon failure of the verification of the
MAC. Moreover, forging the MAC is not effectively
possible, as it is unconditionally secure. This idea is
elaborated in full detail in (Rass, 2005b).
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quirements of classical information-theoretically se-
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knowledge, this is the first unified approach to im-
plementing QKD in existing protocols and network
infrastructure, providing provable security at reason-
able effort.
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