are specific for this kind of attack. More research
should be made in order to capture the behavior of the
attack in MF06 to develop protection mechanisms.
Before a deeper insight into MF06 is made in
the following sections, some comments concerning
the two above mentioned low-rate attacks should be
pointed out. First, both attacks are founded on a pre-
dictable temporary behavior enabling an intelligent
selection for the timings of the attack packets. There-
fore, an ON/OFF attack waveform is used in both
cases, which reduces the rate of packets needed to
carry out the attack. But there ends the similarities.
The temporary mechanisms exploited are clearly dif-
ferent in both cases: while (Kuzmanovic, 2003) ex-
ploits the TCP congestion control mechanism, MF06
exploits some knowledge concerning the inter-output
time between responses in a service. This way, even
the attacked resources are different: the links’ capac-
ity in the network and the incoming requests queue,
respectively. Moreover, the levels at which the at-
tack is carried out are different: transport/application
layer, and so are their impacts: global to the targeted
network or local to the targeted service.
One of the most interesting characteristics of the
MF06 attack is related to its versatility. By adjusting
some attack parameters that will be described later,
it is possible to achieve a compromise between the
effectiveness of the attack, in the sense of the level
of denial of service achieved, and the rate of traffic
generated by the attack. This property would allow
a potential intruder to select the optimum parameters
in order not to be detected by an IDS system based
on some rate threshold mechanism. The purpose of
this work is to study how these adjustments affect the
behavior of the attack and, therefore, how to optimize
the design the attack. This knowledge can lead to the
development of new defence mechanisms. For this
purpose, the authors propose to use and evaluate a re-
cently developed mathematical model for the cited at-
The rest of the article is structured as follows. A
brief description of the low-rate DoS attack is re-
viewed in Section 2. Section 3 presents an overview
of the mathematical model that supports the design
of the attack. Some conclusions extracted from the
model and concerning the behavior of the attack are
compiled in Section 4, while Section 5 describes the
simulations made to validate the model. Finally, Sec-
tion 6 presents the conclusions of this work.
The low-rate DoS attack under consideration is tar-
geted against an iterative server and uses certain a pri-
ori knowledge concerning the time between responses
from the server. From the statistics of the so called
inter-output time and the observation of the responses
from the server it is possible to infer when the next
output is likely to be generated. Therefore, the aim of
the attack, when in a stationary stage with the server
at plenty of its capacity, will be to replace the request
being served, either legitimate or malicious, with a
new malicious request from the intruder by timing
it appropriately. Some details about the operation of
the attack and the targeted scenario will be described
Let us consider an standard iterative server in
which, as usual, requests are queued up in a finite
length queue while awaiting for its processing in a
FIFO discipline. Similarly, let us suppose a request
arriving at the server at a given time, t. The behaviour
of the service, relatedto that petition, can be described
as follows. First, if there exists at least one free po-
sition in the input queue, the request is queued. Oth-
erwise, the request is not accepted. Whether a reject
message is sent back to the requester or not is irrele-
vant to our study. Next, after some queuing time, t
the request will be the first in the queue and, there-
fore, will be processed by the server during a service
time, t
. Finally, at t + t
+ t
, a response is provided
and sent back to the requester.
Up to now, just the standard behavior of an itera-
tive server has been depicted. But, although both the
service time and the queue time are random variables,
some predictable timing can be expected under con-
trolled circumstances. Thus, if an intruder manages
to always request the same resource at the server, it
it expectable for the service time, t
, to be always
identical. On the other hand, the time between two
consecutive outputs, under the single condition of the
existence of at least one pending request in the in-
put queue, is directly the service time. Therefore, the
inter-output time, τ
, for the server is predictable
and always has the same value. Nevertheless, even in
this scenario, some variability in the inter-output time
appears due to several reasons related to the function-
ing of the server and the machine it is running on (e.g.
multithread operation, random access times and so
on). To account for this variability, the intruder should
determine an statistical characterization for the inter-
output by sending some requests and observing the
behavior of the system. This can be easily done in a
non-intrusive way.
In this environment, the attack consists of the iter-
ation of a basic period composed by a period of inac-
tivity, called offtime followed by a period of activity,
called ontime (Fig. 1). During ontime, the attacker
iteratively sends the same request in the hope that at
least one of them acquire a free position in the input
queue. The task of the intruder is to forecast the in-
stant at which a free position is going to be generated,
which is, when an output is to be emitted, and to syn-