attacks on the certificate-database. It is only needed
to verify the signature, in comparison with X.509
AS where both the certificate and the signature need
to be validated.
Another benefit compared to X.509 AS is that
there is no need to “look up” and validate the public
key certificate of the receiving parts, as long as the
public string ID is known. The public parameters are
the same for all entities related to the same PKG,
and only need to be fetched once.
On the other hand, the PKG has access to all
private keys. It need to be unconditionally trusted,
like the AS in Kerberos, and is suited for attack. The
master key needs to be securely stored.
X.509 AS is based on users identity, and is well
suited when access is based on identity. But in many
cases, particularly in cross-domain cooperation,
access permissions are based on roles and privileges
rather than the users actual identity.
Attribute certificates and SPKI make an easy way to
grant collective access for groups, and is therefore
suited for RBAC. The main difference between the
two technologies is the assigning of certificates,
where AC relies on a certification authority while
SPKI leave the issuing of certificates to the source-
owner. IBE also makes a good basis for collective
access to groups, as public key can be any arbitrary
string (e.g. role-name), and is suited for RBAC. In
addition, it offers authentication, thus need not rely
on a separate authentication mechanism.
Although there have been some work on the
security of IBE it is still in an early stage, and has
not been ‘attacked’ to the same degree as more
familiar technologies. Thus it is not as accepted as
‘older’ technologies, which have proven their
security throughout several attempts of attack.
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