3. Security in e-coin generation process. If we
guarantee this process, we can be sure that
nobody, except an e-purse, could mint an e-
coin. To generate e-coins without the e-purse,
we would have to sign some information with a
private key which is certified by the issuer. So
the user should obtain an e-purse private key,
that is, he would have to hack the e-purse.
Anyway, the cost of such type of attacks might
be even higher than the benefit obtained.
Besides, after detecting fake money, the related
certificate will be revoked, and therefore the
private key. Finally, since we mint a vendor-
specific e-coin, only the true vendor can deposit
the e-coin.
4. Double-spending. The vendor uses TID value
provided during the payment phase, to check
whether the e-coin was previously delivered.
5. Security in a payment. In this phase the security
depends on both the security of the e-coins and
the payment protocol involved. The protocol
should guarantee fairness and provide enough
information to resolve conflicts.
6. Non repudiation. It is impossible to mint e-coins
unless e-purse private keys are compromised.
Therefore, any minted e-coin should be
accepted by a vendor except when it has been
previously delivered.
Next, we underline our proposal’s advantages:
1. Prepayment. Prepayment systems are well
accepted by both end users, since it is
comfortable and anonymous, and financial
entities since they receive the money in advance
2. Portability. User can convey comfortably his
money because is stored in his smart card.
3. Generic e-coins. “E-coins” contained in the
user’s e-purse are generic, and then, they can be
used with any vendor.
4. Divisibility. We can specify the exact amount of
5. Reduction of the number of elements in the
system. The vendors do not need either a SAM
or an on-line connection with the issuer to
verify e-coins. Therefore, the exchange of
messages to make a payment is reduced, the
payment process is faster and the costs of
transaction are lower.
6. Pay-per-click. This scheme could be easily
introduced to make payments-per-click as well
as in mobile phones or in Bluetooth devices.
7. ATM. Due to the fact that this e-purse has been
designed to avoid the on-line connection with
the issuer, it could be incorporated easily in any
POS (Point of Sale).
8. Anonymity. Since the e-coin does not contain
any personal information, the payment is
We have proposed a payment scheme based on e-
purses in which the payment can be checked by
software without having special keys in a SAM. Our
contribution solves this problem with a payment
method based on smart cards that combines the
advantages of an e-purse with the use of a vendor-
specific e-coins. Unlike others proposals, we do not
need the e-coin to be validated against a third party.
Besides, the e-purse can generate e-coins for any
vendor. In such way, we can conclude that the
incorporation of e-purse payment to the Internet
applications is facilitated against some previous
As future research directions we are considering
the integration of this e-purse with a fair protocol.
This work has been partially supported by PROFIT
SESTERCIO FIT-360000-2005-23 project.
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