The use of the peer-to-peer computing model has
been restricted by problems of security and trust
management for many applications. In this paper, we
have attempted to show how a very sensitive
application (a P2P Massive Multiplayer Online
game) may be protected from unfair user behavior.
We have been forced to abandon the pure peer-to-
peer approach for a hybrid approach (or an approach
with superpeers). However, we have attempted to
minimize the role of the centralized trusted
The result is a system that, in our opinion,
preserves much of the performance benefits of the
P2P approach, as exemplified by the P2P platform
for MMO games proposed by Knutsson. At the same
time, it is much more secure than the basic P2P
platform. The main drawback of the proposed
approach is complexity. While we may pursue an
implementation effort of the proposed protocols, a
wide adoption of the peer-to-peer model will require
a wide availability of development tools that include
functions such as distributed PKI, efficient
Byzantine agreement, secret sharing and
reconstruction, and commitment protocols, that will
facilitate construction of safe and fair P2P
The approach that we have tried to use for trust
management in peer-to-peer games is “trust
enforcement”. It considerably different from
previous work on trust management in P2P
computing, that has usually relied on reputation.
However, reputation systems are vulnerable to first
time cheating, and are difficult to use in P2P
computing because peers have to compute reputation
on the basis of incomplete information (unless the
reputation is maintained by superpeers). Instead, we
have attempted to use cryptographic primitives to
assure a detection of unfair behavior and to enable
The mechanisms that form our trust management
architecture work on a periodic or irregular basis
(like periodic verification of private players by the
coordinator or Byzantine agreement after a veto).
Also, the possibility of cheating is not excluded, but
rather the trust enforcement mechanisms aim to
detect cheating and punish the cheating player by
excluding him from the game. In some cases,
cheating may still not be detected (if the verification,
as proposed, is done on a random basis); however,
we believe that the existence of trust enforcement
mechanisms may be sufficient to deter players from
cheating and to enable trust, like in the real world
case of law enforcement.
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