include: loss of memory, confusion and problems
with language, executive function, and social
function. The clinical decision support system
(CDSS) we have developed focuses on providing
support in diagnosing dementia and distinguishing
between the four most common dementias of old
age: Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Vascular dementia
(VaD), Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), and
Fronto-temporal dementia (FTD).
The current method adopted for diagnosing
dementia involves evaluation of the clinical
syndrome based on history and examination,
supported by screening investigations, and, where
appropriate, additional more specialised
investigations. In progressive degenerative
dementias, during the very early stages cognitive
deficits are usually subtle and their manifestations,
though representing change from pre-morbid
function in an individual, may remain within the
normal range for the general population. This
presents considerable challenges to early diagnosis.
However, early diagnosis and an understanding of
the underlying pathologies is of value in planning
treatment and, in some cases, initiating specific drug
Systems to aid in medical decision making, and
in particular, disease diagnosis were introduced in
the medical field over 25 years ago. Despite their
potential usefulness in helping to provide early and
accurate diagnosis, relatively few are in general use
(Kaplan, 2001). This can be attributed to the
difficulties of integrating such systems into a clinical
setting which can generally be described as complex
systems consisting of involved algorithms,
procedures, and protocols. By addressing this
complexity and our continued interaction with those
who would potentially use the clinical decision
support system (CDSS), we hope to ensure our
system is adopted and is found a useful aid in the
diagnosis procedure.
2.2 Disease Diagnosis Systems
Many different operational research and artificial
intelligence techniques have been adopted by
CDSSs. Such techniques include the use of
mathematical models (Werner and Fogarty, 2001),
neural networks (Dybowski et al., 1996) and more
recently, optimisation techniques (De Toro et al.,
2003). Further details of the use of such techniques
are detailed in Oteniya et al, 2005.
CDSSs have also been developed that address
the specific area of dementia diagnosis. García-
Pérez et al. (1998) use data mining and neural
network techniques and Mani et al (1997) apply
decision-trees and rule-based approaches to
differentiate between Alzheimer’s disease and
Vascular dementia.
Our CDSSs extend such systems by providing a
means of identifying the presence of dementia and
the likelihood of underlying pathologies. In addition,
by using BBNs, our systems overcome some of the
difficulties other data mining techniques can present
(as detailed in Section 1).
DemNet uses a probabilistic model of dementia
diagnosis that incorporates patient history features
and physical findings. In an attempt to optimise user
friendliness and utility in a busy primary care
setting, the model seeks to use as numerically few
and as simple to use parameters as is consistent with
reasonably high diagnostic accuracy. DemNet is
described in terms of two components: the user
interface and underlying BBN. Each node of the
BBN relates to a question asked of the user. The
more answers to questions the user can provide, the
more accurate the system in diagnosing the presence
of dementia.
DemNet is designed to be used by clinical
practice nurses, who are involved in the primary
level assessment of patients.
In order to facilitate a hand crafted BBN,
information was elicited from our domain expert (a
practicing dementia consultant) via a number or
technical workshops. The process involved deciding
on key diagnostic variables and the relationships
between them, as well as quantifying the relations
probabilistically. In an attempt to optimise user
friendliness and utility in a busy primary care
setting, the models seeks to use as numerically few
and as simple to use variables as is consistent with
reasonably high diagnostic accuracy. This process
brought to light both advantages and disadvantages
of this technique. Further information on these, the
elicitation process and the methodology adopted is
given in Oteniya et al, 2006..
3.1 The Bayesian Belief Network
The underlying DemNet BBN is given in Figure 1.
In the model, the nodes on the periphery of the
network collect evidence relating to: the individual’s
current functioning, global severity of cognitive
impairment, individual’s age, duration of