data warehouse) and use it to support the decision
making process. In spite of the popularity gained by
DSSs in the last decade, a methodology for software
development has not been agreed. System
development involves (roughly speaking) three
clearly defined phases: design, implementation and
maintenance. However, in the development cycle of
traditional software systems, activities are carried
out sequentially, while in a DSS they follow a
heuristic process (Cippico, 1997). Thus,
methodologies for developing operational and DSS
systems are different. Most contributions on
requirements analysis for DSS came from consulting
companies and software vendors. On the academic
side, Winter and Strauch (2003, 2004) introduced a
demand-driven methodology for data warehousing
requirement analysis. They define four-steps where
they identify users and application type, assign
priorities, and match information requirements with
actual information supply (i.e. data in the data
sources). There are several differences with the
methodology we present here. The main one resides
in that our approach is based on data quality, which
is not considered in the mentioned paper. Moreover,
although the authors mention the problem of
matching required and supplied information, they do
not provide a way of quantifying the difference
between them. On the contrary, we give a method
for determining which is the data source that better
matches the information needs for each query
defined by the user. Paim and Castro (2003)
introduced DWARF, a methodology that, like DSS-
METRIQ, deals with functional and non-functional
requirements. They adapt requirements engineering
techniques and propose a methodology for
requirements definition for data warehouses. For
non-functional requirements, they use the Extended-
Data Warehousing NFR Framework (Paim &
Castro, 2002). Although DWARF and the extended
NFR framework are close to the rationale of DSS-
METRIQ, the main differences are: (a) we give a
more detailed and concrete set of tools for non-
functional requirements elicitation; (b) we provide a
QFD-based method for data source ranking; (c) we
give a comprehensive detail of all the processes and
documents involved. Prakash and Gosain (2003)
also emphasize the need for a requirements
engineering phase in data warehousing development,
and propose the GDI (Goal-Decision-Information)
model. The methodology is not described at a level
of detail that may allow a more in-depth analysis.
Many techniques have been developed in order to
measure quality, each one of them associated to a
specific metric. In what follows, we comment on the
ones we are going to use in our proposal.
GQM (Goal Question Metric) is a framework for
metric definition (Basili, Caldiera & Rombach,
1992). It describes a top-down procedure allowing to
specify what is going to be measured, and to trace
how measuring is being performed, providing a
framework for result interpretation. The outcome of
the process is the specification of a system of
measurements that consists of a set of results and a
set of rules for the interpretation of the collected
data. The model defines three levels of analysis: (a)
conceptual (Goal), where a goal for a product,
process or resource is defined; (b) operational
(Question): at this level, a set of questions is used
for describing the way an specific goal will be
reached; (c) quantitative (Metric): the metric
associated with each question.
Quality Function Deployment (QFD) (Akao,
1997), proposed in the 60's by Yoji Akao, was first
conceived as a method for the development of new
products under the framework of Total Quality
Control. QFD aims at assuring design quality while
the product is still in its design stage. It defines an
organizational behavior based on the conception of a
multifunctional team that intends to reach consensus
on the needs of the users and what they expect from
the product. The central instrument of the
methodology is the "house of quality" matrix.
Data Quality. Efforts made in order to improve data
quality are generally focused on data accuracy,
ignoring many other attributes and important quality
dimensions. Wang et al identified four data quality
categories after evaluating 118 variables (Wang &
Strong, 1996): (1) intrinsic data quality; (2)
contextual data quality; (3) data quality for data
representation; (4) accessible data quality. There is
a substantial amount of academic research on the
multiple dimensions applicable to quality of
information. For the sake of space we do not
comment on them in this work. The interested reader
should take a look to the work of Hoxmeier
(Hoxmeier, 2000), Jarke et al (Jarke & Vassiliou,
1997), and many other ones.
We now introduce DSS-METRIQ, a methodology
specifically devised for requirements elicitation for
DSSs. The methodology consists of five phases:
scenario, information gathering, requirements
integration, data source selection, and document
generation. The rationale of the methodology is