Andrea De Lucia, Rita Francese, Massimiliano Giordano, Ignazio Passero, Genoveffa Tortora
Dipatimento di Matematica e Informatica, Università degli Studi di Salerno,via Ponte don Melillo 1,Fisciano (SA),Italy
Keywords: e-learning, learning object, video lectures, migration strategy.
Abstract: Video Lectures are an old distance learning approach which do not offer any feature of interaction and
retrieval to the user. Thus, to follow the new learning paradigms we need to reengineer the e-learning
processes while preserving the investments made in the past. In this paper we present a methodology for
semi-automatically migrating traditional video lectures into multimedia Learning Objects. The process
identifies the frames where a slide transition occurs and extracts from the PowerPoint Presentation
information for structuring the Learning Object metadata. Similarly to scene detection approaches, we
iteratively tune several parameters starting from a small portion of the video to reach the best results. Once a
slide transition is correctly detected, the video sample is successively enlarged until satisfactory results are
reached. The proposed approach has been validated in a case study.
Oral expositions supported by slides are typical
teaching and learning activities providing
Information/Knowledge Dissemination that might
usefully be transferred from the classroom to online
mode (Pincas, 2003).
Video lectures are the first modality adopted to
supply this kind of distance education. Often these
lectures are taught by famous “gurus”. Much of this
material is broadcasted by satellite television or is
available and is mainly sold through Web sites, in a
videotape or CD format. Moreover, filming a teacher
in the classroom while he/she is giving a traditional
lecture, without special constraints to his/her
movements or speaking, has still several advantages.
Firstly, this approach does not require the teacher to
change his/her didactical practice, as the lecture is
located in the classroom where teaching is more
natural then in studio; secondly it enables the
Universities to obtain in a short time a rich
repository of good quality learning content they can
offer on the e-Learning market (Gerhard et al.
These old teaching approaches create a passive
situation in which the user follows the classical
lecture, but at distance. The learner receives the
knowledge transmitted by the teacher which is at the
centre of the learning process. The user cannot
interact in any way with the material and he/she has
to search the entire video to find a specific subject.
Thus, there is a need for reengineering the e-learning
processes to follow the new learning paradigms,
such as blended e-learning (Bersin, 2003), while
preserving the investments made in the past. As for
legacy systems (Brodie and Stonebraker, 1995), it
can be advantageous to migrate the video lectures
into a more modern format that enables the learner
to become an active subject.
It is common opinion that to embrace largely
adopted standards and technologies augments the
compatibility and enables to provide reusable
contents online. Video lectures respect the format of
traditional in presence ones, with a teacher that gives
the lecture with the support of slides for one/two
hours. On the contrary, the actual trend is to create
short, at most twenty minutes (ADL, IEEE LTSC,
IMS), online learning content including:
text, graphics, and movies;
a navigation scheme (easily a table of
contents and/or buttons);
Learning contents should also enable to identify the
learner and record information about the learning
The new learning technologies are based on
Learning Objects (IEE LTSC), which are
De Lucia A., Francese R., Giordano M., Passero I. and Tortora G. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - SAIC, pages 51-58
DOI: 10.5220/0002447300510058
characterized by different granularity levels, are
combined appropriately, depending on the learner
profile, and deployed into an online course. Thus, to
be able to reuse, in appropriate way, existing video
materials on advanced learning systems as Learning
Management Systems and Learning Content
Management Systems we need to structure them as
Learning Objects. In absence of any automatic
support, this requires to manually fragment the video
and to associate it to an index structure, a very
tedious and time consuming activity.
In this paper we present a method for semi-
automatically migrating traditional video lectures to
multimedia Learning Objects. The proposed
approach has been experimented at the Department
of Mathematics and Informatics of the University of
Salerno, where a lot of distance materials was
available in terms of video lectures and the related
PowerPoint presentations. The process both
identifies the frames where a slide transition occurs
and extracts information for structuring the Learning
Object metadata from the PowerPoint Presentation.
Similarly to scene detection approaches (Lienhart,
1999 and Yusoff et al., 1998) we tune several
parameters to reach the best results.
The proposed slide detection process first masks the
frames of the video lecture to the aim of identifying
the slide area, then confronts unmasked areas
applying some similarity metrics. Two frames
represent a slide transition if their
similarity is lower
then a given threshold. The parameters are
iteratively tuned starting from a small portion of the
video to reach the best results. Once tuned
thresholds on the sample video, the complete lecture
is processed. At the end of the detection, the user
can interactively obtain best results discarding
transitions incorrectly detected.
The learning objects produced by the tool have the
following characteristics: a PowerPoint presentation
is used as the main teaching resource and the flow of
the presentation is synchronized with the audio of
the lecture. A little window shows the original
digital video clip of the lecture associated to the
slide currently examined. A navigational schema
enables to surf between the contents.
The method and the tool have been validated in a
case study.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section
2 discusses related work, while Section 3 presents
the proposed approach. Section 4 discusses the
results of a case study and Section 5 concludes.
Many approaches to the detection of scene changes,
based on the analysis of entire images, have been
proposed in the literature, see for example (Lienhart,
1999 and Yusoff et al., 1998). The main
methodology for detecting shot boundary concerns
the extraction of one or more features from each
frame of the video. In particular, difference metrics
are often used to evaluate the changes between
subsequent frames, whilst thresholds are used to
determine whether changes take place (Smeaton et
al., 2003 and Robson et al.,1997).
Nagasaka and Tanaka experiment various frame
similarity techniques, such as difference of grey-
level sums, sum of grey-level differences, difference
of grey-level histograms, coloured template
matching, difference of colour histograms and χ
comparison of colour histograms (Nagasaka et al.,
1991). They concluded that the most robust methods
is the χ
comparison of colour histograms.
Adams et al. shows that the detection of gradual
transitions needs to perform frame to frame analysis
considering great temporal distances, especially
when dealing with low quality video materials
(Adams et al., 2003).
All these traditional shot boundary detection
techniques have been applied for detecting slide
transitions, yielding poor results because of the
small changes in frames during a slide transitions. In
fact, unlike shot transitions, a slide change does not
present, in most cases, significant colour changes
(Ngo et al., 2002).
Several efforts have been also devolved to build
structured hypermedia documents from lectures
video and PowerPoint presentations (Ngo et al.,
2003, Deshpande et al., 2001, Abowd et al., 2000
and He et al., 1999).
To automate structuring and indexing, major
research issues prefer to investigate layout and
content of video frames using various techniques
(Ngo et al., 2003, Ngo et al., 2002 and
Mukhopadhyay et al., 1999), such as the detection of
text regions in viewgraph, characters and words
recognition, tracking of pointers and animations,
gesture analysis and speech recognition.
Video Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a
recent area of intensive exploration, not only for
detecting slide transitions, but also to facilitate the
matching of videos and electronic slides (Ngo et al.,
2003). The process of video OCR mainly includes
the detection, segmentation and recognition of video
texts, not always balancing the greater
computational efforts with better results. No user
interaction is allowed to obtain best result because of
the execution time.
To the best of our knowledge, no automatic support
is provided to translate a video lecture to one or
more multimedia learning objects. In particular,
Learning Objects are created and edited with
software tools called “metadata editors” or
“metadata generators”. Several commercial,
freeware and open-source tools have been developed
in order to edit and manage Learning Object
Metadata since the first publication of its
specifications (KOM, RELOAD). As an example,
the Learning Object Metadata Generator (LOMGen)
automatically extracts the metadata with minimal
user intervention from HTML pages. It also creates a
keyword/key phrase database.
In this section we present an overview of our
approach for the migration of video lectures towards
multimedia Learning Objects. Figure 1 illustrates the
overall legacy lecture reengineering process, where
the rounded rectangles represent process activities,
whilst the rectangles represent the intermediate
artefacts generated during the process phases. An
actor symbol denotes that an activity is interactive.
Figure 1: The video lecture reengineering process.
The materials provided as input to the process are a
video lecture and the associated PowerPoint
presentation. The slide change detection sub-process
receives as input the video lecture and produces a
list of frames where a change of slide occurs in the
video. The information extraction sub-process
translates the source information in a different
format. In particular, it produces a smaller, resized
version of the video lecture, extracts the audio track
from the video and uses the PowerPoint presentation
to extract the structure of the lecture. The structure
can be further fragmented in order to create several
learning objects to obtain the desired granularity.
Concurrently, slides are converted in an image
format. The Learning Object Generation activity,
better detailed in Section 3.3, combines the outputs
previously produced. In particular, this phase
rearranges video and audio of the lecture according
to the transitions previously detected, associating
PowerPoint slides to the corresponding part of
video/audio tracks. The symbol * on the generated
Learning Object indicates that multiple occurrences
of this object are generated, depending on the
number of user required organizations of the lecture
3.1 Identifying Slide Transitions
The slide transition detection sub-process is
organized in two sub-phases: parameters setting and
slide detection. During the parameters setting phase
a small portion of the video is examined and
parameters are tuned to reach desired results. The
slide detection phase is then applied to entire lecture.
At the end of the process we require the user
involvement to grant the correctness of the results.
3.1.1 Parameter Setting
To properly detect the slide transitions we need to
set several parameters. Their values are iteratively
tuned to reach the best results on a sample extracted
from the lecture video. Let us define and detail the
meaning of the parameters we need to tune to be
able to detect slide transitions.
Sensitivity Threshold. The Sensitivity Threshold δ
represents the minimum value of the difference
between the intensity of two corresponding pixels in
two subsequent frames to detect a variation.
Figure 2: Two frames on the same slides and their
Applying a difference metric to two frames shows
not null results only in the teacher’s moving area, if
the lecture frames are depicting the same slide, as
shown in Figure 2. Otherwise, if the difference is
computed during a slide transition, as depicted in
Figure 3, the result of the comparison shows both
the teacher movements and slide differences.
Figure 3: Two frame with different slides and their
Mask Threshold
. The slide detection has to be
performed by considering the transitions occurring
only in the slide area. To be able to retail the slide
from the remaining of the scene it is necessary to
analyze the image pixel values. Figure 4(a) shows
the result of the intensity analysis on the frame in
Figure 4(b). In particular, we take the value of the
pixels corresponding to the lines r
and r
in Figure
4(b) and analyze their brightness. The circled
regions in Figure 4(a) correspond to the screen area
and have the highest intensity values. As a
consequence, to detect the portion of the image
containing the slide we introduce a threshold τ on
the minimum brightness value of pixels.
During the testing of the method we noticed that the
application of the threshold τ had, as drawback, the
exclusion of many pixels representing words,
pointed out by local minimum in the circled area of
Figure 4(a). This could cause to miss the detection
of transitions. Thus, to avoid to loose interesting
information, before applying the threshold τ to
highlight the slide area, we have to blur the image.
To this aim, we cut off letters by a low pass
averaging filter (Gonzales et al., 2002).
For every pixel p(x,y) let blur(p(x,y)) be the mean of
the pixels values in the square centred on it. If the
pixel p is on the border line, the square is padded
with value 127. At this point, we apply the threshold
τ to the blurred frame and create a binary mask,
hiding the pixels whose brightness value is lower
than τ. As a result, the teacher and his movement are
masked, while the other dark details, often
representing text information on slides, are not
masked. In particular, the pixel mask is defined as
Mask (x,y)=
(a) (b)
Figure 4: Frame brightness analysis.
Figure 5 shows some examples of results obtained
by masking the same slide in different frames,
characterized by a different teacher position.
Figure 5: Examples of frame masking.
Time window. Examining video materials in our
lecture archive, we noticed that some teachers prefer
to adopt animated slide transitions, as Figure 6
shows. In this case a slide change takes up to fifty
frames to occur, and, as a consequence, a slide
transition spends about two seconds to occur.
Figure 6: Animated slide transition.
In this case, if we consider only adjacent shots we
risk to loose some slide changes because the
transition occurs in a gradual way. As a
consequence, according to the duration of a slide
transition, we set the time window distance w to
select subsequent frames to be compared.
3.1.2 Slide Detections
Analyses and tests performed on learning materials
show that some slide detection parameters have to
be iteratively tuned to obtain the best results
depending on the type of video shot or slide model.
To this aim, we combine masking and user
interaction in such a way to allow the operator to
select the right execution parameters on the base of
feedbacks he/she receives. These parameters clearly
impact on both precision and recall, two well known
metrics of the information retrieval and reverse
engineering fields. In our case, the recall is the ratio
between the number of slide transitions correctly
identified by the tool and the total number of slide.
The precision is the ratio between the number of
slide transitions correctly identified by the tool and
the total number of retrieved slide transitions.
The first goal is to train the process in order to
maximize recall while reaching a good precision. In
this phase the user starts setting thresholds with high
values and analyzing a short video sample. He/she
interactively examines the obtained results and
greedily reduces the threshold values until all correct
slide transitions are still detected. In this way the
user tunes the working parameters to reach more
restrictive values, still maintaining the 100% of
recall. The slide detection sub-process produces a
list of detected transitions validated by the user in
the interactive final phase.
Several parameters are needed to reach the required
results. Particularly useful is the Detecting Ratio ρ,
representing the minimum amount of changed pixels
with respect to the amount of unmasked ones to
detect a slide transition.
pixels unmasked of #
pixels changed detected of #
By using the
difference metric, a slide transition is
detected as follows: first we examine the differences
between homologous pixels composing two frames
with distance
w. Next, we determine σ, the number
of different pixels, and
f, the number of unmasked
pixels. A slide change is detected if:
We also consider that the great part of video
materials provided by our case studies is realized
with a mobile camera. As a consequence, a
difference metrics could induce false positive
detections (Yeo
et al., 1995). To overcome this
problem, we decided to combine it with the
statistical metric χ
(Ford et al., 1997 and Sethi et
, 1995). This metrics enables to represent for each
frame an histogram depicting the number of pixels
having a brightness value
x, x
[0,255]. The
obtained histograms are used to better establish the
variations between two frames, independently from
the camera motion.
An erroneous slide detection can occur in two cases:
false positive detection is generated when we
detect a transition which does not occur; a
slide detection occurs if a slide transition is jumped.
The slide detection sub-process includes an
interactive final phase in which the user, starting
from a preview of the slide and the associated frame
corrects the erroneous transitions. In particular, if a
false positive is detected the transition is discarded,
while if the user identifies a missing transition the
process is run again on the portion of video
containing the transition.
3.2 The Information Extraction
The input materials, a video lecture in MPEG format
and the corresponding PowerPoint presentation,
have to be manipulated to obtain the required
Learning Objects. To this extent, we translate the
educational contents into an XML based document.
From this document we generate a representation
compliant with a highly accepted standard, the
Learning Object Metadata (Singh
et al. 2004 and
In particular, the video lecture, audio and video
tracks, have to be rearranged to obtain an efficient
transmission in streaming modality. To this aim we
need to obtain a low resolution video and high
quality audio. Thus, we de-multiplex the lecture to
separate the video and audio tracks. In particular, we
extract the following information:
teacher voice, describing the content of the
timing of the lecture, for synchronizing table
of content with voice and slide;
teacher video, for reducing the loneliness
sensation of a remote student. We decide to
resize the video and to show it in a little
window, even if it has not a direct contribute
to the understanding of the lecture. As a
matter of fact, communications involves
several aspects and one of them is the body
It is worth noting that the PowerPoint presentation is
a source of descriptive information about the
learning contents we are generating. In particular, to
be able to create the navigation schema we extract
the table of content from it. Other information like
author name, title, date of creation, etc., can also be
derived. Moreover, we get a snapshot of each slide
in jpeg format, thus we are able to re-write the slides
in a cross platform fashion. To obtain this
information we exploited the Component Object
Model framework (COM), defining how objects
interact within a single Microsoft application or
between applications.
3.3 Learning Object Generation
The standard SCORM (ADL) requires that, when a
Learning Object is defined, additional descriptions
called metadata should be provided. Metadata allows
educators to find, reuse and evaluate learning
resources matching their specific needs. The process
of manually entering Metadata to describe a
Learning Object is time-consuming. It also requires
the Metadata administrator/author to be familiar
with the Learning Object content. Thus, a semi-
automated process which extracts information from
the data sources can alleviate the difficulties
associated with this time-consuming process. The
information collected in the previous phase is used
to partially fill in these descriptions.
By default, we assume that a single learning object
is created. In any case, the user can access the
extracted table of content and indicate the entries in
this list he/she wants to include in each produced
learning object.
Ge ne r a l
Lear ning
Ar g1
Ar g2
Ar gn
LO Generation
Ar g2
Ar gn
Use r
Figure 7: The Learning Object generation process.
The learning object is generated as follows: a video
is produced by associating the audio and the teacher
video to each slide snapshot. A slide change occurs
depending on the time where the slide transition has
been detected in the previous phase. A table of
contents provides an easy way to navigate between
the slides. Figure 8 shows the Web site
automatically associated to the System Testing
Learning Object extracted from a video lecture of
the Software Engineering course.
The method presented in this paper has been
validated on the video lectures of the Software
Engineering (SE) and Operating Systems (OS)
courses of the Computer Science Program at the
University of Salerno.
Figure 8: The generated Web Site.
To explain the adopted methodology and evaluate
the results we examined a lecture of each course we
processed. In particular, we received as input a
lecture and the corresponding PowerPoint
presentation consisting of
24 slides for the SE
lecture and
21 slides for the OS lecture. The number
of slides corresponds to the
Number of
in Table 1. As output, the tool
provides, for the SE lecture, two Learning Objects
which last
17 and 19 minutes, and three Learning
Objects of
16, 17 and 10 minutes for the OS one.
The results obtained from the slide change detection
algorithms have been evaluated in terms of
precision, recall, and the number of user corrections
required at the end of the automatic detection. For
each lecture we experimented our approach using
different threshold values for τ,
w, δ and ρ. Table 1
shows the results achieved with the initial thresholds
and the best ones. In both the cases, the slide
detection process has been first applied to a short
portion of the video containing a few transitions, as
described in the column labelled “sample”. The
results obtained with the initial values of the
parameters executed on the lecture of Software
Engineering course, reached
1 as recall, but revealed
an inadequate precision
0.5. The reduction of the
thresholds ρ and τ to
0.12 and 135, respectively,
produced best results on the sample, as reported in
Table 1. Processing the complete lecture required a
correction of the time window
w to 5 to cope with
the gradualism of some slide transition. The user
intervention was finally required to correct five false
positives due to unintentional vibrations of the
Table 1: Slide detection results.
Software Engineering
Operating Systems
Sample Final
Sample Final
140 135 135 140 140 140
7 7 7 7 10 10
w 2 2 5 2 1 1
0,16 0,12 0,12 0,14 0,1 0,12
Number 4720 51771 4815 71272
2 23 2 20
of Slide
detected 4 2 28 2 3 19
of right
2 2 23 1 2 19
of false
positive 2 0 5 1 1 0
Precision 0,5 1 0,82 0,5 0,6 1
Recall 1 1 1 0,5 1 0,95
of user
2 0 5 2 1 1
In the Operating Systems lecture we trained the
slide detection tool to reduce the overall number of
user interventions on the results, exploring the recall
values in a suboptimal region of the domain. As
Table 1 shows, the analysis of the sample with the
initial parameters results in detecting a false positive
and missing a transition. With the aim to exclude
from the result set the false positive, we rised the
Sensitivity Threshold δ to the value of 10, and
exploiting the absence of animated slide changes, we
reduced the
Time window w to 1. Next, we observed
the detection execution on the sample of about
of the total length of lecture with the previous
parameter and a
Detecting Ratio ρ set to 0.1. The
detection of a false positive is still obtained Thus,
we increased the value of ρ up to
0.12. We decided
to accept a reduction in recall performance, which is
balanced by a smaller number of user interventions
on the final result set. When we run the tool on the
complete lecture with the selected parameters, as it
is shown in Table 1, we reached
1 and 0.95 as
precision and recall, respectively. It is worth nothing
that this setting required only one correction on the
result set.
In this paper we have presented an approach to
migrate legacy video lectures into multimedia
learning objects.
The method concurrently detects slide transitions
and extracts information from a PowerPoint
presentation both to get the slides images and to fill
the Learning Object Metadata, as table of contents of
the presentation.
The proposed solution is mainly based on the
detection of slide transitions. To this aim, it first
masks the frames of the video lecture to select the
slide area. Two frames represent a slide transition if
their similarity, deduced by some metrics applied to
unmasked pixels, is lower then a given threshold.
Parameters are tuned on a small portion of the video
until reaching the best results. The detection is then
applied to the remaining part of the lecture. The
approach has been assessed in two case studies. The
execution time required to process a lecture is
linearly proportional to the length of the video, very
good if compared to approaches based on OCR
Concerning the parameters tuning, the case
studies showed that, after a brief training, low effort
is required to achieve good values of precision and
recall. This low effort is immediately compensated
by the tool simplicity and the achieved results.
A final phase involves the user in the validation
of the detected slide transitions. This is necessary to
reach the maximum value for both precision and
recall. In fact, a wrong slide transition produces the
loss of the correspondence between the slide, the
audio and video.
At the present we are refining the tool with
several features contributing to obtain a better
quality in terms of the synchronization of the audio
track with the associated slide. The operator will
interactively adjust the editing by anticipating (or
delaying) the cut with respect to a slide transition to
provide to student a complete phrase at the
beginning and at the end of each slide. Moreover, to
reduce the user involvement we will plan to
investigate how the thresholds can be automatically
tuned depending on the user interactions. Like in
(LOMGen), we aim at automating the Metadata
extraction. In addition to the Table of Content and
the general information we are already able to
extract, we will detect metadata information directly
from the learning content by using semantic Web
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