· The process is complete, since considers all the
required aspects to develop a good MAS; starting
with requirements elicitation until defining the
communication protocols and agent instances.
The selected case of study to test the AOPOA
methodology, was a based on the construction of a
restaurant simulation. The case of study also
provided a way to test the methodology’s
organizational, intra-agent and intra-organizational
scalability. Organizational scalability implies that a
system can be designed to be part of a greater
system, i.e. a restaurant can be part of a food chain.
Intra-agent scalability, means that new objectives
can be added to an already existent agent role.
Finally, intra-organizational scalability allows to
aggregate new roles to different organization’s
levels, over an already existent system. A detailed
explanation of the case of study is out of the scope
of this paper.
In order to implement the case of study, the BESA
agent framework was used (González E. 2003). The
AOPOA model transformation into a BESA
implementation was direct and fast. The AOPOA
model allows a rapid and robust event and action
implementation of the MAS. A detailed presentation
of the restaurant simulator design using AOPOA and
implementation using BESA can be found in the
work of Ahogado and Reinemer (Ahogado D. 2003).
Actual work to extend the AOPOA methodology
The use of dynamic roles, as a mechanism for
agents to perform different roles accordingly to its
own objectives and situation.
Agents mobility, applied for dynamic agents who
can migrate through different machines in a
distributed system.
Taking into account the obtained results, it can be
concluded that AOPOA is a good choice for
constructing complex agent based systems. In fact,
the obtained advantages are derived from the
cooperative rational agent concepts used, allowing a
higher semantic level of the system and its
conforming entities.
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