repeatedly (as long as the water level is considered
as critical). Obviously the concentration of this type
of molecule in the environment is significant. Since
the environment’s state is represented by a multiset
the concentration can be represented by the molecules
cardinality. The degree to which a certain an agent
is susceptible to systemic stress can be modeled by
a constant τ which defines a threshold for the stress
] → [need-to-act], p >τ
When a certain concentration of stress is reached
agents are urged to act. This alertness is represented
my a molecule need-to-act which may operate as a
catalyzator for further actions. When the situation has
stabilized the stress indicator is metabolized by the
environment (e.g. using rules like serious-event →
Λ). Note that the molecule serious-event represent
only very general and vague information w.r.t. the
systems global state. This usage of vague information
is typical for robust coordination in critical situations.
In this paper we focused on the diffusion of knowl-
edge in complex system and pervasive settings as a
major factor shaping global behavior. We argued that
a sensitive handling of this floating of information en-
ables new possibilities concerning the understanding
and creation of novel kinds of behavior. We intro-
duced concepts from description logics for the rep-
resentation of knowledge and demonstrated the treat-
ment of highly abstract and incomplete behavioral de-
scriptions. For the formulation of the related algo-
rithms we introduced concepts from membrane com-
puting. Finally we argued that the transfer of sophisti-
cated interactions and coordination mechanisms from
fields like biology or sociology is possible on the ba-
sis of this paradigm. As direct benefits of such an
approach we emphasize increased abilities to provide
meaningful behaviors in dynamic environments and
pervasive settings. Especially features like context-
awareness and autonomic behavior are supported by
this knowledge-based approach. Although we think
that the concepts from membrane computing are a
good foundation for modeling and simulation their
full computational power could solely exploited on
non-conventional hardware. We plan to extend our
research in this direction in the future.
We are indebted to the anonymous reviewers for
their lucid comments on an earlier versions of this pa-
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