strained indexing and query indexing (Q-index) has
been proposed for efficient evaluation of stationary
continuous range queries. According to the pro-
posed method in-memory data structures and algo-
rithms are developed and presented in (Kalashnikov
et al., 2004). By indexing queries, and not mobile ob-
jects, the Q-index method avoids frequent updates of
the index structure and thus expensive maintenance of
this structure.
The MQM method presented in (Cai et al., 2004)
focuses on stationary continuous range queries. It is
based on the partitioning the query space into rectan-
gular sub-domains, and the assignment of the resident
domain to each mobile object. A mobile object is
aware only of the range queries intersecting its res-
ident domain, and reports its current location to the
server only if it crosses the boundary of any of these
Gedik and Liu in (Gedik and Liu, 2004) propose
a method and a system for distributed query process-
ing, called Mobieyes. Mobieyes ships some part of
the query processing to the mobile clients while the
server mainly acts as a mediator between mobile ob-
jects. The method tries to reduce the load on the
server and save communication costs between mobile
objects and the server. In the paper (Gedik et al.,
2004) the authors propose a scheme called Motion
Adaptive Indexing (MAI) which enables optimization
of continuous query evaluation according to the dy-
namic motion behavior of the objects. They use the
concept of motion sensitive bounding boxes (MSB)
to model and index both moving objects and moving
Mokbel et al. in (Mokbel et al., 2004) present
SINA, a server-side method based on shared execu-
tion and incremental evaluation of continuous queries.
Shared execution is achieved by implementing query
evaluation as a spatial join between the mobile objects
and the queries. Incremental evaluation means that
the query processing system produce only the posi-
tive or negative updates of the previously reported an-
swer, not the complete answer for every evaluation of
the query. Both the object and query indexes are im-
plemented as disk based regular grids.
Hu et al. (Hu et al., 2005) propose a generic frame-
work for monitoring continuous spatial queries over
moving objects, both range and k-NN queries. Two
index structures for indexing the past trajectories of
mobile objects in networks have been proposed.
The Fixed Network R-tree (FNR-tree) (Frentzos,
2003) consists of a top level 2D R-tree to index
the edges of the network, whose leaf nodes contains
pointers to 1D R-trees indexing the time interval of
each objects movement within the line segments of
the network. Almeida and Guting in (de Almeida and
Guting, 2005) propose the MON-tree, to manage ob-
jects moving in a spatial network. They describe two
network models (edge and route oriented) that can be
indexed by the MON-tree. Both approaches deal with
past positions of objects.
In this work, we propose a framework for continu-
ous range query processing for objects moving on net-
work paths. The framework introduces the methodol-
ogy, the data structures and the query processing algo-
rithms for processing continuous range queries over
mobile objects, when queries may be both stationary
and mobile. Our methodology is based on an exten-
sion of R
-tree index, that indexes network data in
main memory. It introduces an additional step in tra-
ditional spatiotemporal query processing strategy (fil-
ter refinement), namely, the pre-refinement step. The
filter step selects the candidate objects according to
fulfillment of the spatial query condition using an ex-
tended R
-tree index on the spatial network. The pre-
refinement step is performed after the filter step, to
further refine the mobile objects obtained by the filter
step and to build the main memory data structures to
support periodical and incremental refinement steps.
The filter and pre-refinement steps are performed only
once, unless the reference query object changes its
underlying network segment. The refinement step is
performed periodically by processing in-memory data
structures generated by the pre-refinement step. To
the best of our knowledge, there is no reported work
on query processing of continuous range queries over
mobile objects whose motion is constrained by a spa-
tial network.
The methodology for processing continuous range
queries in a mobile environment is developed as a
part of ARGONAUT, a service framework for mo-
bile object data management (Predic and Stojanovic,
2005). We base our approach on the application sce-
nario appropriate in LBS for monitoring and tracking
mobile objects. In this scenario, users have wireless
devices (e.g., mobile phones or PDAs) that are online
via some form of wireless communication network.
We assume that users can obtain their positions using
Global Positioning System (GPS) technology. A set-
ting is assumed in which a central database at the LBS
server stores a representation of each mobile object’s
current position. Each mobile object stores locally
its position assumed by the server. Then, an object
updates the database whenever the deviation between
its actual position (as obtained from a GPS device)
and the local copy of the position that the server as-
sumes exceeds the uncertainty threshold. The mobile
objects move along the paths in an underlaying spa-
tial network. In order to perform tracking with as few
updates as possible, the LBS server matches the po-