Activity Checklist for Visual Data Mining
Edwige Fangseu Badjio, François Poulet
ESIEA Pôle ECD, 38 Rue des Docteurs Calmette et Guerin, 53000 Laval France
Keywords: Visual data mining, activity theory, context of use, requirements.
Abstract: In this paper, emphasis is placed on understanding how human behaviour interacts with visual data mining
(VDM) tools in order to improve their design and usefulness. Computer tools that are more useful assist
users in achieving desired goals. Our objective is to highlight quality in context of use problems with
existing VDM systems that need to be addressed in the design of new VDM systems. For this purpose, we
defined a checklist based on activity theory. The responses provided by 15 potential users are summarised
as design insights. The users respond to questions selected from the activity checklist. This paper describes
the evaluation method and shares lessons learned from its application.
Computer capabilities offer means to store very
large databases. All these databases are not useful if
at least a part of information they contain is not
extracted. It is the goal of Knowledge Discovery in
Databases (KDD) process. According to (Fayyad et
al., 1996), KDD is the non-trivial process of
identifying valid, novel, potentially useful, and
ultimately understandable patterns in data. Several
KDD packages offer means to visualize data and
KDD results.
In this paper, emphasis is placed on
understanding how human behaviour interacts with
visual data mining (VDM) tools. A considerable
effort has been done to enhance KDD tasks
performance. High performance algorithms have
been created (Grossman and Yike, 2002), (Freitas
and Lavington, 1998). A considerable effort has
been done to enhance KDD tasks performance. Also,
decision support systems for the appropriate
selection and parameterization of such techniques
have been provided (Michie et al., 1994), (Fangseu
Badjio and Poulet, 2004a). In spite of good results
obtained by VDM tools, there is less interest on
human factors. Few investigations have been done
about for example what would occur when these
powerful systems will be transferred from the
research laboratories to a real use and on a large
scale? What think the end users to who are intended
the data mining tools? (Whiteside et al., 1988) and
(Wolf, 1989) found that although many products
performed well in their laboratory experiments, they
did not work when transferred to the real work. They
put this down to the fact that the research often
overlooked something crucial to the context in
which the product would be used (Maguire, 2001).
Recommendations for more usable VDM tools
and methods allowing the evaluation of this type of
tools using a combination of human-centred, task,
environment oriented approaches, and general
knowledge of Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
design have been proposed (Fangseu Badjio and
Poulet, 2004b, 2005a, 2005b). In this contribution,
we address the VDM context of use analysis for
usability evaluation. Taking human factors into
account in software evaluation involves considering
not only users but also tasks and context of use.
Consequently, the evaluation of VDM tools requires
the analysis of the context of use to understand the
impact of the artefact.
The objective here is to improve the quality of
VDM tools in the design step, increase user
productivity and decrease user errors. For this
purpose, we use a social science theory named
activity theory (AT) which is a philosophical
framework used to analyse and model human
activity. Activity theory provides a robust analytical
framework and a common vocabulary for describing
human activity in context (Nardi, 1996). Context of
use analysis is a technique that assists software
engineering. It is performed in order to resolve
Fangseu Badjio E. and Poulet F. (2006).
CONTEXT OF USE ANALYSIS - Activity Checklist for Visual Data Mining.
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - HCI, pages 45-50
DOI: 10.5220/0002456100450050
problems in the software development process.
VDM tools design could benefit from activity theory
approach to analyse the transformative relationship
between users of a computer system and the activity
in which there are engaged. For this purpose, we
have to establish the means by which the concepts
presented in activity theory can be incorporated in
VDM tools design.
The responses provided by 15 potential users are
summarised as design insights. The users answer
questions selected from the activity checklist.
The overview of this paper is the following:
firstly, we present the VDM domain and the means
allowing an overall analysis of such software and the
activity checklist. Lastly, there is a case study before
conclusion and future works.
The first research works treating VDM appear at the
end of 1990s (Cox et al., 1997), (Inselberg, 1998).
VDM relates to the use of visualisation as
communication channel for the discovery of
correlations in data. Being given the increasing
quantity of the data available in the world, a point of
interest of the field consists in the development of
visual representation techniques for massive data
sets and innovative computing techniques. For
example, (Keim, 1996) has proposed a pixel based
method from which an interactive method for
decision trees construction is derived (Ankerst et al.,
1999). Other visualisation methods (self organizing
map (Deboeck and Kohonen, 1998), 2D matrices
(Witten and Eibe, 2000), and parallel co-ordinates
(Yujin et al., 2004)) have been used for VDM.
Except some few works, the VDM field first
results relate much more to technical aspects
development. (Grinstein et al., 1997) for example
was interested in the technical quality of visual
representations used in data mining field. Recently,
an interest was carried towards VDM tools usability
(quality of use). Indeed, in spite of their necessity,
VDM tools have utility only if the end-users accept
to use them. In general, the software acceptability is
related to its quality. In the process of determining
the software quality, the end-user is the most
indicated. The utility of a VDM tool relates to the
adequacy existing between the functions provided
by the system and those necessary to the user in
order to achieve the VDM tasks assigned to him.
There are many design guides ensuring the
quality of software, we have for example HCI
standards (ISO, 1998), and a set of ergonomic
criteria (Nielsen and Landauer, 1993), (Bastien et
al., 1999). Software quality assessment is done by
evaluation which should be considered at all life
cycle stages (design techniques, prototyping and
implementation techniques). The evaluation can be
completed by an expert, the end user or can be
model or task based.
We study the qualitative analysis of a VDM
system for which there could be several approaches:
visual representation oriented approach, data
oriented approach, task oriented approach, interface
oriented approach and then context (activity, event,
regulation) oriented approach. We are interested in
the last one. According to (Suchman, 1987), context
can be seen as a resource upon which users can
draw. It is important to evaluate computer systems in
context. Contextual analysis helps explain the
reasons for an outcome, clarifies a situation, make a
situation more specific. Many authors recommended
representative evaluations in context; we have for
example (Bevan and Macleod, 1994), (Beyer and
Holtzblatt, 1999).
3.1 Definition
Activity theory is a theoretical framework that
provides concepts and a vocabulary to analyse and
understand human activity in context. Activity
theory provides an alternative formulation to
information processing as to how people learn and
society evolves, from a material perspective, based
on the concept of human activity as the fundamental
unit of analysis. According to (Nardi, 1996), activity
theory is a powerful and clarifying descriptive tool
rather than a strongly predictive theory. The
pioneers of activity theory are Vygotsky and
Leont’ev (Leont'ev, 1978), further development have
been done by Engeström (Engeström, 1987). Two
basic ideas animate activity theory: (1) the human
mind emerges, exists, and can only be understood
within the context of human interaction with the
world; and (2) this interaction, that is, activity, is
socially and culturally determined (Kaptelinin et al.,
There are six main principles within activity
Unity of consciousness and activity (state that
human learn by doing and the human consciousness
is formed by interaction with external world),
Object-orientedness (every activity has an object
(purpose) and is performed in order to achieve a
Mediation (the principle of mediation states that
in any activity there will be tools involved, both
physical and psychological),
Internalisation/Externalisation (Internalisation
is the process by which mental representations are
formed by carrying out external actions.
Externalisation is the opposite: where mental
representations are manifested in external actions),
Hierarchical structure (each activity can be
decomposed into actions and operations),
Development (this principle explains that activity
can only be understood through analysis of its
developmental transformations).
3.2 Activity Theory and VDM
VDM tools cannot be introduced in KDD domain as
a powerful decision support tool without analyzing
the impact from the users’ point of view. Activity
theory is concerned with understanding the
relationship between consciousness and activity
(Nardi, 1996). We must understand how visual data
miners can perceive the VDM tool and their impact
on the work to be achieved. The activity theory is a
general framework for studying different forms of
human activity as development processes (Kuutti,
1996). Within our context, the activity theory is
particularly interesting in that it postulates that an
activity has to be analyzed both as an individual
process and a social process. Activity theory has the
potential to provide a shared vocabulary for
designers and to resolve some of the problems
facing the VDM field. More precisely, activity
theory offers tools for defining user needs and
evaluating usability. Current trends in VDM can
then be understood by: identifying the structure of
activities that undergo transformations, revealing the
most important contradictions typical of the current
stage of development of the above activities,
analyzing the ways technological affordances and
limitations can influence the above contradictions,
considering possible scenarios of resolving the
contradictions with the help of technology, and
anticipating further contradictions.
Figure 1: Structure of the activity (Visual Data Mining).
The Figure 1 presents the application of the basic
activity theory framework to VDM domain. The
subject of the activity would be the data miner, the
mediation tool would be VDM, the object to be
transformed would be a dataset and the result would
be data models ready for usage.
In order to understand the VDM system’s
context of use, we focus on the triad described by
Figure 1. We analyse the impact of VDM
(considered as tool) on Data Miner and specify in a
systematic way the characteristics of the users, the
tasks there will carry out, and the circumstances of
use. First steps are description of the VDM software
and characterisation of its context of use. The Figure
1 shows also that the treatments of datasets will have
an impact on Data Miners. The activity theory helps
to capture the context of software. Features of
activity theory that have implications for visual data
mining tools include recognition of actions,
mediator, historicity, constructivism, dynamics and
others. Finally, Activity Theory offers a promising
avenue for providing a framework and theories to
deal with the developmental and dynamic features of
human practices.
The features and benefits of the activity theory
are: identify the stakeholders in the process; ensure
that technology is designed to benefit the user; work
toward alignment between users’ rewards and
business needs; work toward alignment between the
rewards of the designers of the device and the
business needs.
By using activity theory conceptual framework,
we ensure that quality studies reflect the context of
Usually for context of use analysis, a range of
people who have a stake in the development bought
together at the context meeting. Instead of
contextual meeting, our proposition suggests the
analysis of existing tools in order to find out if the
current user needs are satisfied. For this purpose, a
contextual analysis checklist has been defined. It is a
kind of requirement elicitation process. A
requirement is a criterion that a system must meet; a
desired feature, property, or behaviour of a system.
There are functional and non-functional
requirements. Functional requirements describe the
a Model
a se
CONTEXT OF USE ANALYSIS - Activity Checklist for Visual Data Mining
interactions between the system and its environment
independent from implementation. Non-functional
requirements are the user visible aspects of the
system not directly related to functional behaviour.
For recommendations elicitation, we analyze
existing software usefulness and usability. Our
objective is to highlight quality of use problems with
existing systems that need to be addressed in the
design of new systems. The goals are: minimizing
human information processing, minimizing
cognitive demand on the users and avoiding errors
or poor performance. We performed post evaluation
of existing VDM tools which objectives are:
assessing whether stated development goals have
been met and suggesting strategies for future design
The next section presents the context of use
analysis approach.
The proposed analysis approach based on activity
theory is a checklist which helps to ask meaningful
questions about context of use analysis in VDM
field. The following paragraphs present the main
topics of the activity checklist knowing that context
of use analysis aims at identifying and addressing
user needs that may not be obvious. For this
purpose, during the task, we are interested in the
following subjects concerning the users: understand
task and purpose, choose appropriate strategy,
attention, anticipation and prediction,
comprehension assistance, hesitation, confusion,
new method integration. After the task, we are
interesting in user assimilation and competent
Object examination: Every visual data mining
session has an objective and is performed in order to
achieve a goal. In this part, we examine if there are
tasks that users will want to perform that are not
currently supported by visual data mining tools.
Support for Internalisation/Externalisation
and Learning: Internalisation is the process by
which mental representations are formed by carrying
out external actions. Externalisation is the opposite:
where mental representations are manifested in
external actions. The sub-topics of this topic are:
user training for software usage, contain of
documentation, documentation and software
coverage, user background requirement.
Support for Actions and Operations: in this
topic, we are interested in how the user associates
the correct action with the effect to be achieved, how
the user notice the correct action is available. Other
points of interest concern on-line help, paper based
user guide, tool installation (network, floppy or CD)
without assistance.
Support for Mediation: the principle of
mediation states that in any activity there will be
tools involved, both physical and psychological.
Development: users activities can only be
understand through analysis of its development
5.1 Users
The evaluation is based upon the use of VDM
software by 15 master degree students in computer
science and business administration, there are
volunteers. During the recruitment process, these
volunteers were asked to specify the following
details: experience and training with data mining and
VDM, experience and training with WEKA (Witten
and Eibe, 2000). They were also asked to specify
experience and training with graphical
representation and interaction with visualisations,
attitude to task and product.
The selected volunteers have no experience with
the product and basic knowledge about data mining,
VDM, graphical representations and visual
5.2 Task
The evaluation consisted of a single task: interactive
construction of a decision tree starting from
representations of the datasets described in table 2
from the UCI (Blake and Merz, 1998). Data sets for
this kind of evaluation can also be found in other
repositories (Jinyan and Huiqing, 2002). The
decision trees allow partitioning a great quantity of
data in small groups or parts by application of a
series of decision rules.
Table 1: Datasets characterisation.
Dataset name Nb of
Nb of
Nb of
Ionosphere 351 32 2
Vehicle 846 18 4
Segmentation 2310 11 7
SatImage 6435 36 6
Letters 20000 16 26
The purpose of this context of use study was to
assess through a set of interviews the design of a
WEKA module for VDM named UserClassifier and
to identify areas for improvement. The volunteers
answer questions whether they were satisfied with
UserClassifier or not and they stated some
improvements directions. Interviews were conducted
following a semi-structured guide extracted from the
activity checklist. Some examples of the semi-
structured guide questions are:
Describe your use of UserClassifier for VDM.
What information and functions of the
UserClassifier module do you find most useful?
What information needs are not currently being
met by the UserClassifier module?
How could any of these unmet information need
be met by the UserClassifier module?
5.3 Environment
Every user worked alone and assistance is provided
about the operating system if requested, although, no
assistance is given about WEKA.
5.4 Evaluation Results
According to the volunteers, more than 40% of their
needs are not obvious in UserClassifier module.
Object examination: tasks needed by the end
users are not currently provided by the tool. For
example, only one algorithm and only one
visualisation method are implemented in
UserClassifier module for VDM. The users can not
assess preferred analysis methods or visualisation
tools. It is not possible to access various data set
formats, only the arff format is supported by the
Support for Actions and Operations: The
users are not oriented (guided), it misses the on line
help, the contextual menus (focus, overview, detail
on demand), the user manual.
Support for Mediation: the elements disposal
on the screen is very good; graphics and colours are
well used but it is not possible to reuse training data
sets. The users’ workload is high for the treatment of
very large data sets. Only one 2D matrix
(representing 2 attributes and the class) can be
displayed at the same time on the screen, it is
impossible to have the overall contextual
information in the data sets in the same visualisation.
It is impossible to obtain the correlations between
the attributes in the data set without a lot of data
Development: the system ease of use and ease
of learning is recognised by the evaluators. The most
difficult for the volunteers was to achieve the
construction of the decision tree with very large data
sets and to obtain an appropriate tree.
The results of this evaluation enable the
designers of UserClassifier module to improve the
aspects related to the context of use usability
(assistance modules, user manual, several
alternatives possible with regard to data analysis
methods and data visualisation, cognitive aspects of
visualisation for data mining, user preferences).
We have proposed an innovative approach: an
activity checklist based on activity theory for context
of use in VDM field. As stated by (Maguire, 2001),
there are several benefits of context of use in
software design: it provides an understanding of the
circumstances in which a product will be used, it
helps to identify user requirements for a product, it
helps address issues associated with product
usability and provides contextual validity of
evaluation findings.
Visual data mining tools are useful and
necessary. In KDD domain, it is innovative and
stimulating to be able to treat data sets with millions
of observations. The available algorithms that aim at
performing this kind of treatments are developed in
laboratories. Generally, the final end users of those
algorithms are not the designers. In our works, we
are interested in all the things which could happen
after passing VDM tools from laboratories context to
a real context of use, in the absence of the tool
designer who is able for example to modify the
program in order to take account of new
functionalities. It is then necessary to develop a set
of standards for the development of these tools, by
taking account of user, task, activity, and context of
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