Thomas Bopp, Thorsten Hampel, Robert Hinn
University of Paderborn
Fuerstenallee 11, D-33102 Paderborn, Germany
Jan Pawlowski, Christian Prpitsch
University of Duisburg-Essen
Universitaetsstr. 9, D-45141 Essen, Germany
Multiple sources, digital library, federated search, web service.
Digital documents are widely spread around the web in information systems of all kinds. The approach
described in this paper is to unify the access to documents and connect applications to share, search and publish
documents in a standardised way. The sample implementation uses web services to integrate knowledge
management, a learning management system, and a digital library. We propose a procedure to access resources
in heterogenous repositories by negotiating capabilities before sending queries. The result is a unified service
model for accessing resources, which can easily be supported by different repositories and clients.
Every scientist or teacher at a university usually dis-
tributes some resources to colleagues or students.
Teachers usually provide learning materials in a wide
range: From single sheets of paper to books. These
resources can be published in two different ways: As
printed paper collections or by electronic systems. In
former times, the process of getting a book has been
straight forward. Entering a library, looking for the
right book, and searching for a specific chapter. Ob-
viously, this is a quite time consuming task: Students
need to visit a library far away only to read one single
article. This is partially solved by the internet and
electronic libraries, but up to now different system
classes, from digital libraries, or applications support-
ing the structuring of courses, to cooperative knowl-
edge management are not coupled in any way.
The goal of our research project ”‘Mistel”’ is
to unify the access to materials and bring together
knowledge organization, learning environments, li-
braries, and planning systems. To accomplish this
task, three applications (one from each system class)
are interconnected: The sTeam system (Hampel and
Keil-Slawik, 2002) provides a platform for knowl-
edge organization and serves as a learning environ-
ment for the students. For planning of lectures, ELM
(Pawlowski, 2001) has been selected. Miless (Gol-
lan et al., 1999) represents an electronic library. Be-
side the systems functionality, these particular sys-
tems have been chosen as they are all available on
an open-source basis. The goal of the project is on
one hand to demonstrate the interoperability of vari-
ous systems on a webservice basis and on the other
hand to find transferable webservice infrastructures.
Hence, the defined webservice infrastructures are not
limited to these systems.
In this article, the term resource is used as a collec-
tion of every kind of electronic output an author pro-
duces. Even though the term resource is mainly used
to describe scientific articles and learning materials,
it is not restricted to any format (MIME-type) nor to
a special subject. Therefore, even video streams and
audio files are called resources. The system providing
and storing those resources is called a repository.
Our approach combines planning system with
knowledge organization and digital library. In order
to identify the required services, we created one sce-
nario for each of the system classes:
The planning system is used to plan, design and
create new courses/lectures. A digital library is use-
ful to search for resources, which can be included in
the course (for example as a link). If a new course
is created, it can be published into the library as a
SCORM (Dodds, 2004) file or uploaded to the knowl-
edge management system and conducted there. Exist-
ing courses within the knowledge management sys-
tem can be reviewed. Comments by the learners can
be subsequently used to improve the course.
From the knowledge management point of view,
users can find resources in the digital library and
include them into their work spaces. They can be
arranged with existing resources, annotated and ex-
changed with other learners. New resources, which
Bopp T., Hampel T., Hinn R., Pawlowski J. and Prpitsch C. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 319-322
DOI: 10.5220/0002456203190322
have been cooperatively created previously and dis-
cussed with other users, are published into the library.
Apart from that, the knowledge management serves as
a platform to conduct the courses and lectures created
by the planning system.
In this paper, we describe the process of searching
and retrieving resources from digital repositories.
The very first step to get information about some sub-
ject is to describe it. The simplest way to do this
is to choose a few keywords and assign them to a
resource. More complex metadata is used by the
project ARIADNE GLOBE to access repositories (Si-
mon et al., 2005a). Unfortunately, the set of meta-
data has to match between all participants and there
are just too many standards. Two well known specifi-
cations are Learning Object Metadata (LOM) (IEEE,
2002) and Dublin Core (DC) (DCMI, 2005). Both are
widely used by two different groups of systems: Digi-
tal libraries use DC and Learning Object Repositories
(LORs) use LOM. There are other projects connect-
ing just one group of systems like LORs (Simon et al.,
2005b) or connecting some systems in a peer-to-peer
way (Nejdl et al., 2002). The Open Archives Intiative
(Agnew, 2003) provides a widely used standard to ac-
cess libraries, but it is also restricted to the metadata
set DC and therefore cannot to be used in connection
with E-Learning and LOM.
Our goal is to access different repositories with uni-
fied interfaces based on web services. A client’s ar-
chitecture needs to be independent from a repository’s
way of organizing resources. Since it is not intended
to change the internals of a system, these standards
have to be implemented in addition to existing in-
terfaces. Moreover, we believe it is essential to cre-
ate simple solutions which are easy to implement. It
should be appealing to developers to implement the
interfaces and gain access to other repositories.
Web services can be published in parallel to exist-
ing sites and services over http(s). The technology
web service with its standard SOAP protocol (Gud-
gin et al., 2003) is a good basis to develop unified
services, because it is a generally accepted standard,
which is independent from programming languages
and operating systems.
Technically, the whole communication of a query
is made within the web service by XML fragments.
Communication is grouped into three parts: The first
one is the agreement-part, like a web-browser and
server checking the presence of common encryption
standards. Second, the query is build based upon
the selected repositories’ capabilities. This has been
adopted from the http-protocol. The last step is to
start the request and retrieve the resources’ descrip-
tions. After this step, the query is done and the user
can select resources to either download or get a link
of as described below.
First, the client queries some basic parameters
(supported MIME-types, protocols to transfer data,
possible permissions with description). Then, the
client can check for at least one matching item in the
first and second category. If this fails, no further com-
munication is possible. After this check, other basic
parameters are queried. They describe the server’s
method to store resources (hierarchical or flat). A
server can use catalogues like the common Dewey
Decimal classification
in libraries for assigning re-
sources to catalogue entries. It is also possible to as-
sign one resource to multiple catalogue entries and/or
catalogues. A client is able to retrieve these classifica-
tions and metadata sets from the server. With respect
to slow connections and large classifications it is also
possible not to retrieve a whole classification at once
but to navigate through it. At this point, a classifi-
cation is treated like a hierarchical organization in a
repository. Both arrangements contain a tree with re-
sources connected to the nodes. Figure 1 illustrates
Import Resources
Client Repository
Selection of
Figure 1: Importing Resources.
the communication steps between client and reposi-
tory. Before any query can be submitted the two par-
ties need to negotiate about the metadata, catalogues
and supported protocols. Then the query is submitted
and processed by the repository. Finally, resources
are selected and imported from the repository to the
Our initial motivation is the connection of different
system classes via a web service infrastructure. This
infrastructure consists of different web services al-
lowing the retrieval (search) and storage of different
resources between connected applications. The re-
trieval of resources is either based on a hierarchical
structure or on metadata sets. Every repository uses
at least one set of metadata. In a very simple case this
set consists of the fields author and resource title.
In the prior step, there were queries on supported
metadata sets. This information is necessary to the
client to generate a set of search fields. If several
repositories are to be queried at the same time, they
have to support an intersection of metadata sets or at
least some common fields. The retrieval via meta-
data sets is done by putting a value to a field and
adding a compare operator, e.g. title = "How
to create a query". This creates one search
item. The connection of several items is done by
AND, OR and NOT.
Hierarchical structures are used if resources are or-
ganized in a file-system or attached to classifications.
Navigation in the context of this approach is done by
moving from one node to a subnode and looking for
attached resources and subnodes. In our approach,
this is done by just one method returning the node’s
inventory. In case of querying many repositories at
the same time, it is necessary to use the same tree
in all repositories, e.g. common classifications. The
client has to distinguish the resources by repository as
described later.
After this step, a query consisting of query-items
and connected by operators AND, OR and NOT is
created. It is very simple to transform a query into
SQL using XSL-transformation because many repos-
itories use relational databases and their mathemati-
cal set theory. A similar solution of creating a query
is used by SRU/SRW, a standard for encapsulating
Z39.50 into XML
with the specification of web ser-
vices. It does not consist of pure XML but expresses
queries in a non XML language. This is not trans-
formable by XSLT and therefore not part of our ap-
proach. The SQI approach defines negotiation on a
common query language. It does not support several
hetereogenous repositories in one query.
The created query is sent to different repositories and
they return a subset of metadata defined by the user.
The problem of disjunctive sets of metadata will not
be discussed in this article. The client collects all re-
sponses and presents them to the user.
One very important field is the ID of a found re-
source. If many repositories are queried at the same
time, the client has to keep the assignment to his
server. This problem can be solved by adding the
system’s identifier (e.g. URL) to the resource’s ID.
There are two ways to do so: The first is to put the
system’s ID into the metadata (e.g. <providedby>
www.someurl.org </providedby>). The
second is to tell the repository to produce a unique
ID (e.g. <ID>www.someurl.org?1234</ID>).
The second solution conforms with metadata stan-
dards using an alphanumeric string as identifier. It is
also easy to implement on the side of the repository,
because it just adds the own system-ID to the ID.
The first idea of fetching the results was only to
fetch resource-IDs and get the metadata in the next
step. However, this solution proved to be quite slow,
because of the protocol’s overhead (XML, SOAP en-
velope, HTTP connection) and the parsing steps for
XML. Too much time and bandwidth is wasted when
fetching a number of resource metadata sequentially.
However, fetching all metadata of all resources at the
same time accelerated the query a little, but still wast-
ing lots of bandwidth and repository resources. In-
specting the log files of a repository, we found that
most users tend to select only a small subset of the
result anyway. Therefore, the best solution in many
cases is to fetch a small set of metadata for all re-
After the query has been executed and the result
has been received, the user chooses a subset from the
resources of the result set. To be able to select the
appropriate resources the common metadata is dis-
played for each resource. As described above this
is already part of the result. Additional information
(more detailed metadata) can be retrieved by another
call for each resource separately.
There are several solutions to access a resource. One
is to directly transfer the complete resource to the
client. This could be done by putting the resource’s
content and metadata into the web service response.
By using BASE64-encoding it is also possible to
transfer binary data. However, this solution has
two disadvantages: A SOAP-message (Gudgin et al.,
2003) being an XML-resource has to be completely
transferred and then unpacked before any action can
be taken (there is no streaming). This leads to mem-
ory problems with large resources on the client side
and on the repository side while creating the message.
The second disadvantage concerns the MIME-type of
the resource. If the client for some reason cannot han-
dle the resource, it has to be saved on disk and an
external application has to be called. Those disadvan-
tages are solved by not transferring the content within
a SOAP message. There are many suitable protocols
on the internet like http(s), ftp or rsync. Those proto-
cols are well known, generally approved, and do not
include much overhead. Our approach is not to send
resources through SOAP, but to submit a link where
the resource can be retrieved.
To create a flexible solution the client and the
repository negotiate on the protocols to use (see fig-
ure 1). Usually http(s) covers all needs, but in special
cases this approach is flexible enough to arrange con-
nections using unknown protocols. This negotiation
can only be done after transferring the metadata be-
cause it depends on the MIME-type. If the resource is
a streaming source, it makes no sense to download it.
If a web browser has to handle streaming sources, the
browser detects the MIME-type and uses a dedicated
application to handle it. This workflow can be done
with our approach as well: The client has to select an
application and pass the link to it. Links are necessary
in the context of E-Learning. A link can be put into a
learning resource, shipped to learners and are always
needed, if a result set of resources is to be stored. The
only problem is that links can change over time (link
consistence). This has to be solved by the reposito-
ries. For example, in libraries new resources can be
added, but not exchanged or modified. The link has
to be created carefully because future versions of the
repository (e.g. new software version, other technol-
ogy) must not change the link.
The described approach shows one solution for ac-
cessing different repositories. It does not matter
what kind of organisation a repository uses nor what
MIME-type the resources are. At the same time, the
client’s architecture is independent from the composi-
tion of the repository. This approach can also be used
to access any system providing metadata or hierarchi-
cal structures.
With the establishment of web services as open
and standardised interfaces, our architecture repre-
sents the key technology to offer unified access to dif-
ferent repositories. The interfaces need to be as sim-
ple as possible in order to bring together as many sys-
tems as possible. At the same time, some sort of nego-
tiation is required, because different systems support
varying protocols.
In a service oriented architecture (SOA) there is
the idea of sharing services, found in centralized reg-
istries. Transferred to our approach it is possible to
use indexing services of a foreign system. Systems
can be reduced to their core features and therefore
kept small in quantity but with huge quality.
The project is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsge-
meinschaft (DFG).
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