Massimo Ruffolo
Exeura s.r.l. - ICAR-CNR
University of Calabria, 87036 Rende (CS), Italy
Marco Manna
Department of Matematics
University of Calabria, 87036 Rende (CS), Italy
Information Extraction, Knowledge Representation, Logic Programming, Two-Dimensional Grammars,
Knowledge Management.
Recognizing and extracting meaningful information from unstructured documents, taking into account their
semantics, is an important problem in the field of information and knowledge management. In this paper we
describe a novel logic-based approach to semantic information extraction, from both HTML pages and flat text
documents, implemented in the HıLεX system. The approach is founded on a new two-dimensional represen-
tation of documents, and heavily exploits DLP
- an extension of disjunctive logic programming for ontology
representation and reasoning, which has been recently implemented on top of the DLV system. Ontologies,
representing the semantics of information to be extracted, are encoded in DLP
, while the extraction patterns
are expressed using regular expressions and an ad hoc two-dimensional grammar. The execution of DLP
reasoning modules, encoding the HıLεX grammar expressions, yields the actual extraction of information from
the input document. Unlike previous systems, which are merely syntactic, HıLεX combines both semantic and
syntactic knowledge for a powerful information extraction.
Existing systems for storing unstructured information
such as document repositories, digital libraries, and
Web sites, consist mainly of a huge amount of HTML
pages or flat text documents, organized according to
syntactic, semantic and presentation rules, recogniz-
able only by human readers. Such repositories tend to
be practically useless both for the vastness of the in-
formation they hold and the lack of machine readabil-
ity. Moreover, they are unable to manage the actual
knowledge that the information sources convey.
Recognizing and extracting relevant information
automatically from these rapidly changing sources,
according to their semantics, is an important problem
in the information and knowledge management area.
In the recent literature a number of approaches for
information extraction from unstructured documents
have been proposed. An overview of the large body
of existing literature and systems is given in (Eikvil,
1999; Feldman et al., 2002; Kuhlins and Tredwell,
2003; Laender et al., 2002; Rosenfeld et al., 2004).
The currently developed systems are purely syntactic,
and they are not aware of the semantics of the infor-
mation they are able to extract.
In this work we present a logic-based approach,
implemented in the HıLεX system, which combines
both syntactic and semantic knowledge for a powerful
and expressive information extraction from unstruc-
tured documents. Logic-based approaches to the in-
formation extraction problem are not new (Baumgart-
ner et al., 2001a; Baumgartner et al., 2001b), how-
ever, the approach we propose is original. Its novelty
is due to:
The two-dimensional representation of an unstruc-
tured document. A document is viewed as a carte-
sian plan composed by a set of nested rectangular
regions called portions. Each portion, univocally
identified through the cartesian coordinates of two
opposite vertices, contains a piece of the input doc-
ument (element) annotated into an ontology.
The exploitation of a logic-based knowledge repre-
sentation language called DLP
, extending DLP
(Gelfond and Lifschitz, 1991) with object-oriented
features, including classes, (multiple) inheritance,
complex objects, types, which is well-suited for
representation and powerful reasoning on ontolo-
gies. This language is supported by the DLV
system (Ricca et al., 2005), implemented on top of
Ruffolo M. and Manna M. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 115-123
DOI: 10.5220/0002458601150123
DLV (Eiter et al., 2000; Eiter et al., 1997; Faber
and Pfeifer, 1996; Leone et al., 2004).
The use of an ontology, encoded in DLP
, de-
scribing the domain of the input document. A
concept of the domain is represented by a DLP
class; each class instance is a pattern representing
a possible way of writing the concept and is used
to recognize and annotate an element contained in
a portion.
The employment of a new grammar, named HıLεX
grammar, for specifying the (above mentioned) pat-
terns. HıLεX grammar extends regular expressions
for the representation of two-dimensional patterns
(like tables, item lists, etc.), which often occur in
web pages and textual tabular data. The patterns
are specified through DLP
rules, whose execu-
tion yields the semantic information extraction, by
associating (the part of the document embraced by)
each portion to an element of the domain ontology.
It is worthwhile noting that, besides the domain
ontologies, HıLεX system uses also a core ontol-
ogy, containing (patterns for the extraction of) gen-
eral linguistic elements (like, e.g., date, time, num-
bers, email, words, etc.); presentation elements (like,
e.g., font colors, font styles, background colors, etc.);
structural elements (like, e.g., table cell, item lists,
paragraphs, etc.) which are not bounded to a specific
domain but occur generally.
The advantages of the HıLεX system over other exist-
ing approaches are mainly the following:
The extraction of information according to their se-
mantics and not only on the basis of their syntactic
structure (as in the previous approaches).
The possibility to extract information in the same
way from documents in different formats. The
same extraction pattern can be used to extract data
from both flat text and HTML documents. Im-
portantly, this is not obtained by a preliminary
HTML-to-text translation; but it comes automati-
cally thanks to higher abstraction due to the view
of the input document as a set of logical portions.
The possibility to obtain a “semantic” classification
of the input documents, which is much more accu-
rate and meaningful than the syntactic classifica-
tions provided by existing systems (mainly based
on counting the number of occurrences of some
keywords), and opens the door to many relevant
applications (e.g., emails classification and filter-
ing, skills classification from curricula, extraction
of relevant information from medical records, etc.).
Distinctive features of the novel semantic approach
to information extraction implemented in the HıLεX
system, summarized above, allows a better digital
contents management and fruition in different ap-
Figure 1: Financial Yahoo Page.
plication field such as: e-health, e-entertainment, e-
commerce, e-government, e-business.
The remainder of this work is organized as a
by example explanation of the proposed approach.
In particular: section 2 shows the two-dimensional
document representation idea; section 3 describes
the DLP
knowledge representation language and
how ontologies are used to represent the semantics
of information to be extracted and to give a logic
two-dimensional representation of unstructured doc-
uments; section 4 describes the syntax and the se-
mantics of the two-dimensional pattern specifica-
tion grammar and the logic-based pattern recognition
method exploiting it; finally, section 5 shows the ar-
chitecture of the HıLεX system.
The two-dimensional representation of an unstruc-
tured document is the main notion, which the seman-
tic information extraction approach, presented in this
work, is based on. This notion is founded on the idea
that an unstructured document can be considered as
a cartesian plan composed by a set of nested rectan-
gular regions called portions. Each region, univocally
identified through the cartesian coordinates of two op-
posite vertices, contains a piece of the input docu-
ment including an element of the information to be
extracted. Information elements, organized accord-
ing to syntactic, presentation and semantic rules of
a language recognizable by a human reader, can be
simple or complex. simple elements are characters,
table cells, words (classified using its part-of-speech
tag recognized using natural language techniques);
complex elements are phrases, item lists, tables, para-
graphs, text boxes obtained as composition of other
Figure 2: Example of portions.
simple or complex elements.
To better explain the idea of portion consider the
web page depicted in Figure 1 (obtained from the
Italian Yahoo financial portal) containing information
about the stock exchange market. Suppose we would
like to acquire, from this page, the table containing the
stock index values and their variation (surrounded by
a smooth etched box in Figure 1). A two-dimensional
representation of data contained in the highlighted
document region we are interested on (Figure 2), can
be obtained by drawing on it an hypothetical cartesian
plan. Each element of the table can be identified, in
that plan, by suitable rectangular regions (portions).
For instance, in Figure 2, the stock index name
“Mib 30” is a simple element which is contained in
the portion identified by [(x
, y
, y
)]. In the
same way, the signed float number representing the
absolute variation of the “Mib 30” is contained in
the portion [(x
, y
, y
)]. Since portions can be
nested, the portion containing the complex element
representing the concept of “stock index row” can be
identified by the points [(x
, y
, y
)] and so on.
The semantic information extraction approach
implemented in the HıLεX system is based on the
(Ricca et al., 2005) ontology representation
is a powerful logic-based language which
extends Disjunctive Logic Programming (DLP) (Eiter
et al., 2000) by object-oriented features. In par-
ticular, the language includes, besides the concept
of relations, the object-oriented notions of classes,
objects (class instances), object-identity, complex-
objects, (multiple) inheritance, and the concept of
modular programming by means of reasoning mod-
ules. This makes DLP
a complete ontology rep-
resentation language supporting sophisticated reason-
ing capabilities.
Moreover, the DLP
ontology representation lan-
guage is implemented on the DLV
system, a cross-
platform development environment for knowledge
modeling and advanced knowledge-based reasoning.
system (Ricca et al., 2005) permits to
easily develop real world complex applications and
allows to perform advanced reasoning tasks in a user
friendly visual environment. DLV
seamlessly inte-
grates the DLV (Eiter et al., 2000) system exploiting
the power of a stable and efficient ASP solver (for fur-
ther background on DLV and DLP
see (Ricca et al.,
2005; Eiter et al., 2000)).
In the HıLεX system the DLP
language is heav-
ily exploited for the formal representation of the se-
mantics of information to be extracted (employing
suitable ontologies). Furthermore, DLP
allows the
encoding of the logic two-dimensional representation
of unstructured documents. Finally, DLP
ing modules (which are specialized DLP
logic pro-
grams) are exploited for the implementation of the
logic-based pattern recognition method allowing the
actual semantic information extraction.
More in detail, the elements of information to be
extracted are modeled by using the DLP
class ele-
ment which is defined as follows:
class element (type: expression
expression: string, label: string ).
The three attributes have the following meaning:
expression: holds a string representing the pat-
tern specified by regular expressions or by the
HıLεX two-dimensional grammar (described in de-
tail in the following section), according to the
type property. Patterns contained in these at-
tributes are used to recognize the elements in a doc-
type: defines the type of the expression (i.e. re-
gexp type, hilex type).
label: contains a description of the element in
natural language.
As pointed out in section 2, elements are located in-
side rectangular region of the input document called
portions. Document portions and the enclosed el-
ements are represented in DLP
by using the class
point and the relation portion
class point (x: integer, y: integer).
relation portion (p: point, q: point, elem:
Each instance of the relation portion represents the
relative rectangular document region. It relates the
two points identifying the region, expressed as in-
stances of the class point, and an ontology element,
expressed as instance of the class element. The set
of instances of the portion relation constitute the
logic two-dimensional representation of an unstruc-
tured document.
This DLP
encoding allows to exploit the two-
dimensional document representation on which the seman-
tic information extraction approach proposed in this paper
is based on.
The element class is the common root of two
kind of ontologies, the core ontology and the
domain ontologies. Every pattern encoding in-
formation to be extracted is represented by an instance
of a class belonging to these ontologies.
In the following the structure of core and domain
ontologies are described in details.
3.1 The Core Ontology
The core ontology is composed of three parts. The
first part represents general simple elements describ-
ing a language (like, e.g., alphabet symbols, lemmas,
Part-of-Speech, regular forms such as date, e-mail,
etc.). The second part represents elements describing
presentation styles (like, e.g., font types, font styles,
font colors, background colors, etc.). The third part
represents structural elements describing tabular and
textual structures (e.g. table cells, table columns, ta-
ble rows, paragraphs, item lists, texture images, text
lines, etc.). The core ontology is organized in the class
hierarchy shown below:
class linguistic
element isa {element}.
class character isa {linguistic element}.
class number character isa {character}.
class regular form isa {linguistic element}.
class float number isa {regular form}.
class italian lexical element isa
{linguistic element}.
class english lexical element isa
{linguistic element}.
class english lemma isa
{english lexical element}.
class spanish lexical element isa
{linguistic element}.
class presentation element isa {element}.
class font type isa
{presentation element}.
class structural element isa {element}.
class table cell isa
{structural element}.
class separator isa
{structural element}.
Examples of instances of the float number class
unsigned_float_number: float_number (type: regexp_type,
label: "RegExp for unsigned float number").
signed_float_number: float_number (type: regexp_type,
label: "RegExp for signed float number").
percentage: float_number (type: regexp_type,
label: "RegExp for percentage").
When in a document the regular expression char-
acterizing a particular kind of float number is recog-
nized, a document portion is generated and annotated
w.r.t. the corresponding class instance.
3.2 Domain Ontologies
Domain ontologies contain simple and complex el-
ements of a specific knowledge domain. The dis-
tinction between core and domain ontologies allows
to describe knowledge in a modular way. When a
user need to extract data from a document regarding a
specific domain, he can use only the corresponding
domain ontology. The modularization improve the
extraction process in terms of precision and overall
performances. Referring to the example of previous
section, elements representing concepts related to the
stock index market domain can be organized as fol-
class stock market domain isa {element}.
class stock index isa
{stock market domain,
linguistic element}.
class stock index cell isa
{stock market domain,
structural element}
class stock index row isa
{stock market domain,
structural element}.
class stock index table isa
{stock market domain,
structural element}.
class index value isa
{stock market domain, regular form}.
Examples of instances of the stock index class
mibtel: stock index (type: regexp type,
expression: ‘‘Mibtel’’).
mib30: stock index (type: regexp type,
expression: ‘‘Mib30’’).
dowJones: stock index (type: regexp type,
expression: ‘‘Dow Jones’’).
When a regular expression characterizing a stock in-
dex is recognized in a document, a portion is gener-
ated and annotated w.r.t. the corresponding class in-
The internal representation of extraction patterns, in
the HıLεX system, is obtained by means of a two-
dimensional grammar, founded on picture languages
(Chang, 1970; Giammarresi and Restivo, 1997), and
allowing the definition of very expressive target pat-
terns. Each pattern represents a two-dimensional
composition of portions annotated w.r.t. the elements
defined in the ontology. The syntax of the HıLεX two-
dimensional grammar is presented in the following.
GEN1 generalizationOf (arg: ARG1)
GEN2 orContain generalizationOf (arg: ARG1,
inArg: ARG1, condition: CND)
GEN3 andContain generalizationOf (arg: ARG1,
inArg: ARG1, condition: CND)
CND coincident | notCoincident | null
RECURRENCE recurrenceOf (arg: ARG3,
range: RANGE, dir: DIR)
CHAIN CHAIN1 (arg: ARG2, dir: DIR, sep: SEP)
CHAIN1 sequenceOf | permutationOf
TABLE TAB1 (arg: ARG2, range: RANGE,
dir: DIR, sep: SEP)
TAB1 sequenceTableOf | permutationTableOf
LIST1 , ARG3 LIST1 | ε
RANGE < NUM , NUM > | NUM | + |
DIR vertical | horizontal | both
SEP ARG3 | null
According to the HıLεX grammar, a portion annotated
w.r.t. a NEW ELEMENT can be obtained by applying
the composition language constructs to portions an-
notated w.r.t. basic ontology elements (BASE ELEM).
The semantics of each construct, together with some
examples of usage, are presented in the following
GENERALIZATION: A portion annotated to basic
ontology element (BASE ELEM) can be re-annotated
to the new ontology element (NEW ELEMENT), by us-
ing the generalizationOf operator. The effect
of this operator is a semantic rewriting generalizing
the portion annotation.
Example 1 Consider the HTML document presented
in section 2 whose elements are properly mod-
elled in the core and domain ontologies. Let
float number be an instance of the
float number class defined in the core ontology.
A portion annotated as unsigned float number
can be re-annotated as a absolute index value
by using the following expression:
absolute_index_value: index_value (type:hilex_type,
expression:"generalizationOf (
arg: unsigned_float_number)",
label:"Absolute value of a stock index" ).
The HıLεX grammar constructs orContain gene-
ralizationOf and andContain generali-
zationOf allow to define new annotations of ex-
isting portion on the basis of the semantics of con-
tained portions. The generalization operators exploit
the spatial (strict) containments of portions.
RECURRENCE: A portion annotated w.r.t. a
NEW ELEMENT, obtained by means of the
recurrenceOf operator, consists in the con-
catenation, along a given direction, of a fixed number
of portions annotated w.r.t. the same BASE ELEM.
Example 2 Using the HıLεX recurrenceOf con-
struct, a separator between two elements, contained
in a document, can be defined as an instance of the
separator class, constituted by a null portion (i.e.
a portion without annotation having overlapped vertex
along a coordinate) or the concatenation, in the hori-
zontal direction, of an undefined number of portions
annotated w.r.t. the blank char element, defined as
an instance of the core ontology character class.
sep 01: separator (type: hilex type,
expression : ‘‘recurrenceOf (
arg: blank char,
, dir: horizontal)’’,
label: "Blank characters separator").
Figure 3: Example of recurrence.
CHAIN: A portion annotated w.r.t. a NEW ELEMENT
by using the sequenceOf and permutationOf
operators, constitutes a chain of portions annotated
w.r.t. BASE ELEMs. In particular, a portion obtained
by the application of the sequenceOf operator is a
concatenation of at least two portions annotated w.r.t.
BASE ELEMs in a given direction and a fixed order,
whereas, a portion obtained by using the permuta-
tionOf operator is a concatenation of at least two
portions annotated w.r.t. BASE ELEMs in a given di-
rection, without an established order.
Example 3 A table row containing stock index vari-
ations can be represented using the HıLεX construct
sequenceOf in the following way:
stock_index_row_01: stock_index_row( type:hilex_type,
expression:"sequenceOf( arg: [stock_index,
absolute_index_value, absolute_index_variation,
dir:horizontal, sep:sep_01 )",
label:"Row containing stock index variations" ).
The figure 4 shows the portion annotated w.r.t an
instance of the the stock
index row class. It is
constituted by an ordered sequence, in the horizontal
direction, of portions annotated w.r.t. instances of the
stock index class, and the unsigned float,
signed float and percentage instances of the
float number class. Between each couple of por-
tions could be present a portion annotated w.r.t the
element sep 01, an instance of the separator
class, defined in the example 2. This expression
considers only the semantics of the portions and
their spatial positioning. Any reference to the doc-
ument structure is required to recognize the concept
of stock index row.
Figure 4: Example of chain.
TABLE: A portion annotated w.r.t. a NEW ELEMENT
can be defined by using the sequenceTableOf or
permutationTableOf HıLεX operators, as a ta-
ble of portions annotated w.r.t. BASE ELEMs.
A portion, obtained from the sequenceTableOf
operator, is composed by portions having a fixed com-
position along a direction, repeated a certain number
of times along the other direction, whereas, a por-
tion obtained from the permutationTableOf op-
erator is composed by portions having an unordered
composition along a direction, repeated with the same
structure a fixed number of times along the other di-
rection. This construct allows to recognize table in
both HTML and text documents. In fact, portions pro-
vide an abstract representation of unstructured docu-
ments independent from the document format.
Example 4 The figure 5 depicts a portion annotated
w.r.t. an instance of the stock index table class
obtained by using the sequenceTableOf HıLεX
grammar construct as shown in the following:
stock_index_table_01:stock_index_table( type: hilex_type,
expression:"sequenceTableOf( arg: [stock_index,
adsolute_index_value, absolute_index_variation,
range:<2,5>, dir:vertical, sep:sep_01 )",
label:"table containing stock_index_row" ).
The instance stock index table 01 repre-
sents a table of stock index variations composed
Figure 5: Example of table.
by a vertical sequence of at least 2 and at most 5
rows. Each row is a sequence of other portions an-
notated w.r.t. instances of the class stock index,
and the unsigned float, signed float and
a percentage (i.e. a stock index row) in-
stances of the float number class.
4.1 Logic-Based Pattern Recognition
Extraction patterns expressed by means of the HıLεX
two-dimensional grammar allow the actual semantic
information extraction from unstructured documents.
The pattern recognition mechanism is implemented
encoding the HıLεX grammar expressions in DLP
In particular, each pattern is rewritten in a DLP
soning module as a set of rules exploiting the follow-
ing basic operators able to manipulate points and por-
relation strictFollow(p1: point, q1: point,
elem1: element, p2: point, q2: point, elem2: element).
relation strictBelow(p1: point, q1: point,
elem1: element, p2: point, q2: point, elem2: element).
relation minContain (p1: point, q1: point,
elem1: element, p2: point, q2: point, elem2: element).
relation min_max_horizontalRecurrence(p: point,
q: point, elem: element, min: integer, max: integer).
relation min_max_verticalRecurrence(p: point,
q: point, elem: element, min: integer, max: integer).
The strictFollow operator, for example, is im-
plemented by means of the DLP
rule presented in
strictFollow (P1, Q1, E1, P2, Q2, E2) :-
portion (p: P1, q: Q1, elem: E1),
portion (p: P2, q: Q2, elem: E2),
P1: point (y: YP),
Q1: point (x: X, y: YQ),
P2: point (x: X, y: YP),
Q2: point (y: YQ).
The semantics of the five basic operators is intu-
itively given in Figure 6.
The table containing the stock index variations, in-
corporated in the page presented in section 2, can be
Figure 6: Basic operators.
extracted using the pattern presented in the example 4.
The corresponding DLP
rewriting is shown below.
portion(p:P1, q:Q7, elem:row_of_stock_index_table_01):-
strictFollow(p1:P1, q1:Q1,
p2:P2, q2:Q2,
strictFollow(p1:P2, q1:Q2,
p2:P3, q2:Q3,
strictFollow(p1:P3, q1:Q3,
p2:P4, q2:Q4,
strictFollow(p1:P4, q1:Q4,
p2:P5, q2:Q5,
strictFollow(p1:P5, q1:Q5,
p2:P6, q2:Q6,
strictFollow(p1:P6, q1:Q6,
p2:P7, q2:Q7,
portion(p:P, q:Q, elem:stock_index_table_01):-
min_max_VerticalRecurrence(p:P, q:Q,
min:2, max:5).
The new portion, which structure satisfies the ex-
traction pattern, is recognized by applying rules con-
tained in the reasoning module shown above. These
rules exploit the logic two-dimensional representation
of unstructured document. The row of stock in-
dex table 01 is a temporary instance of the
class stock index row, having the same structure
shown in the example 3. After the module execution
such an instance is deleted.
The result of the extraction process is graphically
shown in Figure 7. Figure 7 (a) depicts portions iden-
tified using patterns represented by regular expres-
sions. Regular expressions are recognized by a docu-
ment preprocessor based on a pattern matching mech-
anism. Figure 7 (b) and (c) show portions identified
by the pattern recognizer exploiting the logic repre-
sentation of the HıLεX grammar expressions.
Figure 7: Portions Extracted from the Yahoo Page.
It is worthwhile noting that patterns are very syn-
thetic and expressive. Moreover, patterns are general
in the sense that they are independent from the doc-
ument format. This last peculiarity implies that the
extraction patterns, presented above, are more robust
w.r.t. variations of the page structure than extraction
patterns defined in the previous approaches. For ex-
ample, the table containing the stock index variations
could appear wherever in the page. Furthermore, the
same extraction patterns can also be used to extract in-
formation from flat text having the structure depicted
in figure 8. The result of the extraction process on
flat text is depicted in Figure 8 (a), (b), (c) having the
same structure of Figure 7.
The architecture of the HıLεX system, implement-
ing the semantic information extraction approach de-
scribed in the previous sections, is represented in fig-
ure 9. The Knowledge Base (KB) of HıLεX stores the
core and domain ontologies by means of the DLV
system persistency layer. The information extraction
process is executed in three main steps: document
pre-processing, pattern recognition, and pattern ex-
traction. Each step is performed by a suitable archi-
tectural module.
In the first step a Document Pre-Processor takes in
input an unstructured document and a query, contain-
ing the class instances names, representing the infor-
mation that the user needs to extract. After the ex-
ecution, the document preprocessor returns the two-
dimensional logic document representation and a set
of reasoning modules, constituting the input for the
pattern recognizer. In particular, the Document Pre-
Processor is composed of three sub-modules: Query
analyzer, Document Analyzer, and HıLεX Rewriter.
The Query analyzer takes in input the user query
and explores the ontologies to identify the patterns
to use for the extraction process. Patterns repre-
Figure 8: Flat Text Version of the Yahoo Page.
Figure 9: The Architecture of the HıLεX System.
sented through regular expressions (simple elements),
together with the corresponding ontology instance
names (named O
in Figure 9) are the input of the
Document Analyzer module. Patterns expressed us-
ing the HıLεX pattern representation grammar (com-
plex elements) together with the corresponding ontol-
ogy instance names (named O
in Figure 9) are the
input of the HıLεX Rewriter. The Document Analyzer
applies pattern matching mechanisms to detect sim-
ple elements constituting the document and, for each
of them, generates the relative portion. At the end
of the analysis the two-dimensional logic document
representation L
is returned. The HıLεX Rewriter
translates each pattern represented by the HıLεX two-
dimensional grammar in a reasoning module contain-
ing logic rules suitable for pattern recognition. The
output of the HıLεX Rewriter is a set of Reasoning
Modules (RM) executable by the DLV
system. The
translation is based on the operators able to manipu-
late portions described in Section 4.
The HıLεX Rewriter output (L
) together with the
Document Analyzer output (RM) is the input of the
second step of the information extraction process,
which is performed by the Pattern Recognizer mod-
The Pattern Recognizer is founded on the DLV
system. It takes in input the logic document represen-
tation (L
) and the set of reasoning modules (RM)
containing the translation of the HıLεX patterns in
terms of logic rules and recognize new complex ele-
ments. The output of this step is the augmented logic
representation (L
) of a unstructured document in
which new document regions, containing more com-
plex elements (e.g table having a certain structure and
containing certain concepts, phrases having a particu-
lar mining, etc.), are identified exploiting the semantic
knowledge represented in the ontologies. The pattern
recognition is completely independent from the doc-
ument format.
Finally, a Pattern Extractor takes in input the aug-
mented logic representation of a document (L
) and
allows the acquisition of element instances (seman-
tic wrapping) and/or the document classification w.r.t.
the ontologies classes. Acquired instances can be
stored in DLP
ontologies, relational and XML
databases. Thus, extracted information can be used
in other applications, and more powerful queries and
reasoning tasks are possible on them. For example,
the classification of the documents w.r.t. the ontology
can be exploited for document management purpose.
This work presents a novel, concrete, powerful and
expressive approach to information extraction from
unstructured documents. The approach, implemented
in the HıLεX system, is grounded on two main ideas:
The semantic representation of the information to
extract by means of the DLP
ontology repre-
sentation language, having solid theoretical foun-
The logic two-dimensional representation of docu-
ments allowing the definition of extraction patterns
expressed by the HıLεX two-dimensional grammar.
Thanks to these ideas, the approach constitutes a
decisive enhancement in this field. Unlike previous
approach, the same extraction patterns can be used
to extract information, according to their semantics,
form both HTML and flat text documents. Further-
more, the HıLεX system can be used to implement a
new generation of semantic wrappers. Many func-
tions that will be available in the future ”semantic
web” technologies are turning into reality today with
the HıLεX system.
Currently the approach is under consolidation and
its theoretical foundations are under investigation and
improvement. Future work will be focused on the
consolidation and extension of the HıLεX two-dimen-
sional grammar, the investigation of computational
complexity issues from a theoretical point of view,
the extension of the approach to pdf and other doc-
ument formats, the exploitation of natural language
processing techniques aimed to improve information
extraction from documents with only textual contents.
Tina Dell’Armi. Exeura s.r.l. University of Cal-
abria, 87036 Rende (CS), Italy dellarmi@exeura.it
Lorenzo Gallucci. Exeura s.r.l. Exeura s.r.l.
University of Calabria, 87036 Rende (CS), Italy
Nicola Leone. Department of Matematics; Exeura
s.r.l. University of Calabria, 87036 Rende (CS),
Italy, leone@mat.unical.it
Francesco Ricca. Department of Matematics,
University of Calabria, 87036 Rende (CS), Italy,
Domenico Sacc
a. Exeura s.r.l.; DEIS; ICAR-CNR,
University of Calabria, 87036 Rende (CS), Italy,
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