Alexandra Pomares Q.
Systems Engineer Department, Javeriana University,Cra 7 No 40-62, Bogotá D.C, Colombia
José Abásolo P.
Systems Engineer Departments, Los Andes University, Carrera 1 N° 18A 10, Bogotá D.C, Colombia
Keywords: Data warehouse, ontologies, dimensional model, data integration, data warehouse design.
Abstract: Although dimensional design for data warehouses has been used in a considerable amount of projects, it
does have limitations of expressiveness, particularly with respect to what can be said about relations and
attributes properties and restrictions. We present a new way to design data warehouses, based on ontologies,
that overcomes many of these limitations. In the proposed architecture descriptive ontologies are used to
build the data warehouse and taxonomic ontologies are used during data preparation phase. We discuss the
expressive power of Ontology approach showing a semantic comparison with dimensional model both
applied to a case study.
The complexity of data warehouse models based on
the e-r model was one of the biggest driving forces
behind dimensional modeling, which was created so
that the designed models where easily understood by
a business expert and easily analyzed by the final
user. Nevertheless, the evolution of the dimensional
paradigm has showed that the representation of the
business world is so complex that it is necessary to
introduce new concepts to the models like bridge
tables, heterogeneous dimensions, factless fact table,
etc. (according to Kimball & Ross (2002)) to allow
a greater level of representation. As a result, the
designed model lacks the desired simplicity and does
not yet guarantee the representation of all the
semantics of the domain.
This article explores an alternative to the design
of data warehouses that allows the creation of a
model that reflects in a greater proportion the
semantic of the business world and that can be
exploited by the final user through different analysis
tools. The alternative, based on ontologies, is shown
through a comparison with dimensional model with
regards to the level of semantic representation,
exploring all the limitations and ease of use derived
from the standard language for ontologies known as
OWL (Web Ontology Language).
The objective is to make a comparison between
the dimensional and the ontology design, stressing
out the semantic richness of each of the approaches.
In order to do so, the article will explore briefly, in
Section 2, the applied ontologies in data integration;
then, in Section 3, it will show the proposed
architecture that will be applied in a real case study
in Section 4; and finally it will make a comparative
analysis of both approaches in Section 5.
2.1 Ontologies General Concepts
In 1993 Tom Gruber defined an ontology is “a
formal and explicit specification of a
conceptualization” (cited in Antoniou & van
Harmelen 2004). Its objective, according to Heflin
(2004), is “to be used by persons, data bases and
software applications that need to share the
information of a domain” and produce knowledge
from it.
One of the biggest advances in the area of
ontologies was the creation of design language,
known as the Web Ontology Language (OWL) by
the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The
elements that OWL uses to represent a domain
creates a powerful semantic that allows representing
a knowledge domain more accurately than other
Pomares Q. A. and Abásolo P. J. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 187-192
DOI: 10.5220/0002460601870192
languages created to model ontologies like the RDF
Schema, DAML or OIL.
2.2 Data Integration
Data integration is concerned with unifying data that
shares common semantics but originates from
heterogeneous sources. The level of unification
depends on the type of heterogeneity: structural,
when the source data models are different; syntactic,
when the source data models use different
languages; or semantic, when there are different
concepts with similar meaning or similar concepts
with different meanings.
Most of the problems related to syntactic and
semantic heterogeneity have been solved with
ontologies that are used for mapping concepts
between different data models. In these cases, the
ontologies allow the translation between different
sources so that they arrive unified to the destined
data model. An example of this type of integration is
showed in Kedad, & Métais (2002) where a domain
ontology was defined to unify data from sources
with different syntactic terminology but semantically
related. In this type of problems the use of the
ontology is not to conceptualize the entire domain,
but only those zones that have syntactic or semantic
For the problem of structural heterogeneity the
ontology is used not as a translator but as a reference
data model in which all sources must stay within.
One of the areas that has used a lot this type of
ontologies to integrate knowledge is bio-informatics in
which the semantic and structural
heterogeneity is
solved as shown in Clusters & Smith Fielding,
(2004) through a case study.
In this context, data warehouses been task
independent and defining a reference model that
allows to integrate multiple sources can be seen like
an ontology that solves the problem of structural
integrity of organizational databases. The
compatibility between data warehouses and
ontologies is so close, that the concept of data
warehouse can be materialized through an ontology.
The principle of the architecture is that the design of
a data warehouse must be done looking to reflect the
domain of the world most close to reality,
independently of the complexity of the resultant
model, because for presentation purposes this can be
reduced to the level of simplicity required by the
final user.
In the proposed architecture (shown in figure 1)
the data warehouse is filled with data from operating
systems and data obtained from external ontologies
that are treated in an intermediate preparation layer.
The objective of this layer is to transform and
generate the correct structures so that they can be
loaded to the warehouse. It is in this layer that the
taxonomic ontologies, that allows the integration of
semantic and syntactic heterogeneity, are located.
The data warehouse is built upon ontologies that
allow representing the world through structures of
great semantic power, obtaining as a result a model
much closer to reality than the dimensional model.
The warehouse is accessed through a mediator
which generates the correct views (virtual or
materialized) based on the level of comprehension
and detail required by each type of user. Depending
on the type of tool that each of them uses, the data
warehouse will be accessed directly or using the
The data warehouse is constituted by a descriptive
ontology (a kind of ontology that according to
Kedad & Métais 2002 contains instances of their
classes that are stored in a database or other semi-
structured store media) that represents the world
domain. This ontology is administered by an
Ontology Management System (OMS) which
according to Cullot & Parent et al (2003) offers four
functionalities: allow data modeling, provide
efficient store services and instance management,
provide tools of reasoning, and allow queries over
the model and its instances. The OMS provides
inference engines that enrich the model even more,
because from facts originated in the sources they can
infer additional facts called derived facts Lee &
Goodwin et al (2003).
The warehouse can be built incrementally adding
more classes, properties and restrictions to the
ontology in accordance to the business process that
is been modeled. The data integration of the
different business processes is guaranteed by the
preparation layer and the equivalence properties
provided by OWL-like equivalentClass,
equivalentProperty and class consructors like
unionOf and intersectionOf, among others.
Figure 1: Proposed Architecture.
Figure 2: Dimensional model – Admittance.
To test the ontology approach and compare it at the
same time with the dimensional approach, both of
them were applied to a University domain, to
analyze their semantic representation power.
One of the requirements of the data warehouse is
to represent the admittance and number of applicants
of an academic program for a period, including
administrative, teaching and student positions. In the
section 4.1 and 4.2 we show this requirement using
both models.
4.1 Dimensional Model
Figure 2 shows the dimensional diagram of
admittance. In the formalism used in the figure, the
arrow symbol was used to represent 1 to n relations,
pointing to the 1 side of the relation; in
heterogeneous dimensions, inheritance symbol is
used. During the design, there were various
difficulties that, even though resolved, made the
final data model very complex. Some of them were:,
Each position has a set of requirements
with a defined weight. These requirements
could not be modeled inside the dimension
AspiredPosition because the grain of the
dimensions would be violated. Neither
could they be related directly with the table
of facts, because they where related to a
position. The only alternative was to create
a bridge table to relate Requirement with
For the model to be flexible, the table of
facts of admittance must support the record
of admittance for every type of person;
nevertheless, depending on the type, the
attributes will be different. For this reason,
it was necessary to use heterogeneous
dimensions, in which a table is added for
each type of person to extend the dimension
depending on the case.
Another complex issue was that the table
Person has attributes with multiple values
(e.g. Publications) so another bridge table
had to be included to take account of the
The semantic limitations were identified when
attempting to represent the following restrictions of
the domain:
Depending on the aspired position, it is
necessary to restrict the possible related
records of the entity dimension. For
example, if the aspired position is
Undergraduate Student, it is only possible
to relate it to the Entity dimension where
the field entityType is equal to
All types of persons can record
publications, nevertheless, only those that
come from Person type Teacher will have a
At the model level, it is not possible to limit
the record of publications in accordance
with the type of person. For example,
publications can be assigned to the type of
person Administrative Worker.
It is not possible to represent that every
position should have at least one
requirement of Academic type.
It is not possible to make distinctions
between the type of students or teachers in
accordance of their characteristics.
4.2 Ontology Model
The first issue raised when using the ontology
approach to model data warehouses was how to join
time to object type properties and data type
properties. The following alternatives can be used:
1. 3-nary relation: When a property exists between
two classes, an intermediate class is created to
join both classes with Date.
2. Date as a subclass: Through the creation of a
class named Date that is a subclass of all classes
(equal to the Nothing class). This approach
seeks to include the date between the range of
any property and then define for all the
properties the following two restrictions:
The range of the property must have some
value from the Date class; and
All ranges of the property must have a
minimum cardinality of 2: one of the
elements is the direct range of the relation
and the other is the relation with the Date
3. Range modifications: The range of all properties
is defined as the join of the date with the class,
that was originally the only range, and the
cardinality of 1 is established as the minimum
related to the Date class.
The form of time representation in the model is
a choice of each designer, but is subject to the
chosen “flavor” of OWL. If the designer
chooses OWL Lite, for example, the only choice
to use is the 3-nary relation.
The designed ontology to support the need of the
case study is partially shown in Figure 3. It was
created following OWL recommendation (Dean &
Schreiber 2004).
In this ontology, restriction of range and
cardinality was defined to describe the business
world more accurately. Some of the defined
restrictions that allow representing the limitation of
the dimensional model are:
The property inSelection of the Person class has
a cardinality of 1.
In the Position class over the property
hasRequirement a restriction was defined to have
some values from the AcademicRequirement class,
which is defined as the union between
Requirement class and the condition hasType
equals to Academic.
Different types of students where defined
through new classes (like undergraduateStudent)
form the union of Students and the property
OrganizationRelated that has some valued from
Undergraduate class.
The class academicApplicant was created from
the union of Position class and the property
positionType equals to student. For this new class,
the values for the property isPartOfOrganization
must be in Program class.
Figure 3: Ontology model – Admittance.
Table 1: Approaches Comparison.
Characteristic Dimensional Approach Ontology Approach
World elements representation Fact tables, dimensions, attributes Classes, properties, restrictions, axioms.
Representation of simple
relations between elements
Relations 1 to N. - Binary relations.
- Domain restrictions, range and cardinality for
- Relation between properties.
Representation of complex
relations between elements
- The heterogeneous dimensions use the
generalization – specification concept.
- Relations of union, difference and complement
between the elements of the world and the
- Inheritance relations between classes and between
Representation of internal
restrictions of the elements
The integrity restrictions are at preparation
level, not in the model itself.
- Restriction in the data preparation layer and the
model itself.
Representation of restriction
within the relation between
The referential integrity is a product of the
foreign keys.
- Restriction of the possible values or range of value
within a any level of specialization.
- Restriction to establish the number of individuals
related to a property.
- It’s not possible to define a property as the union
or intersection of others
Time inclusion Time dimension is included and the
management of the changes to each
attribute is defined.
There is liberty to establish the inclusion of Time in
the model.
Data integration The integration is defined by the
methodology used in the project.
Uses concepts like equals to, different from and
disjunction of classes and properties.
Complexity of final design The representation of a real domain is
more complex than a star diagram.
The model is complex to the final user
Conditionals Inside the model, it’s not possible to
define conditions to establish relations
between elements. For example, it’s not
possible to define that an Admittance of
one type of Person should only have one
kind of Aspired Position.
Each class can have conditions that defined
characteristics of the individuals that contains.
Conditions can be established as necessary or
necessary and sufficient. It is not possible to define
conditions like:
If element hasValue X then property Y is applicable.
Knowledge generation The inference of facts is a responsibility of
the final users.
Derived facts can be inferred of original facts
Paradigm evolution The dimensional model is not a standard. OWL is a recommendation of w3c which
encourages its upgrade and evolution.
To look more clearly the semantic differences of
both approaches for data warehouse design, a
comparison of the core characteristics of each one is
presented in Table 1.The semantic analysis was
made using the OWL specification (Dean &
Schreiber 2004.).
The domain representation through ontologies
provides more flexible mechanisms to represent the
complexity, relations and restrictions of the business
World than those offered by the dimensional model.
Nevertheless, the approach has nowadays limitations
related to the creation of properties and restriction
Although the dimensional model offers
additional mechanisms, different from the
dimensions and the facts, to represent most of the
elements of the world, they are not enough to model
the complexity, relations and restrictions of the
business world.
The proposed architecture for the construction of
data warehouses, based on ontologies generates
more semantically rich models which are easier to
integrate them than the traditional architecture.
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