A concepts instantiation is presented in order to
evaluate the application of the previous ontology.
: the software domain studied in this case
includes a wide set of groupware supporting the
cooperative and collaborative work, which impose
diverse technical, socio-cultural, and organizational
restrictions. In AMENITIES this concept is
represented by the Requirement and Cooperative
Model. They comprise the system requirements and
the interactions between users. Cooperative Model
include: Organizational, Interaction, Information,
and Cognitive view.
: this discipline is present in AMENITIES as
an activity that is related to Cooperative Model.
Software Architecture and Architectural Models
AMENITIES comprise a set of models developed
since earliest phases, such as Use-Case Model,
Formal Model, Cooperative Model, and Software
Development Model. In this case, all of them could
be considered for Evaluation. Software
Development Model is specially related to software
Architectural views
: AMENITIES includes a set of
views in its Software Development Model, such as:
Component, Functional, Dynamic, and Development
view. Each view include packages or layer which
represent architectural mechanisms, such as:
Identification, Meta-information, Group Conscience,
and Application Package.
Quality Requirement
: this concept is represented in
our case study by different non-functional
requirements and socio-cultural restrictions. First
ones include Efficiency, Portability, Maintainability
and Evolution, Reliability, and -specially- Usability.
Second ones is concerned with social and behaviour
patterns in individual or groups. These requirements
are not specified explicitly in AMENITIES;
however, they could be collect and organized
through a model, for example, ISO 9126 standard-
Functional Requirement
: there are wide set of
functional requirements for Collaboration Systems
but we can identify that mostly they are related to
cooperation, coordination, and communication. In
addition, Interoperability and Security can be
associated to this kind of software. Functional
Requirements are represented in AMENITIES by
the Use-Case, Cooperative, and Formal Models.
These models also implicitly specified Business
Rules, Needs and Characteristics, and establish the
Vision of Collaboration System development.
Evaluation Techniques
: this concept is not directly
represented by any element in AMENITIES. It is
incorporated in order to carry out the evaluation. In
this sense, it is possible to apply a wide set of
techniques depending on the evaluation objective
and the available resources. Bellow, some
techniques appropriate to evaluate Collaboration
Systems Architectures, relating them to architectural
models and quality attributes, as observed in our
– Objective: Validating the requirements
identification based on Cooperative Model.
: Semantic analysis, traceability
analysis, metrics. Quality Attributes:
Functionality (structure, coordination and other
collaborative process, accessibility of data-
information and knowledge).
– Objective: Validating the Requirements
identification based on Formal Model.
: Semantic analysis, simulation based
on formal models, metrics, traceability analysis.
Attributes: Functionality (vivacity,
feasibility, and persistence), Reliability
(deadlocks), and Efficiency.
– Objectives: Estimating software quality
characteristics based on Software Development
Model. Selecting between different architectural
decisions. Identifying sensitivity points of
architecture, and identifying quality
characteristics trade-offs. Technique
: Scenarios
(utility tree or profile), metrics, traceability
analysis. Quality
Attributes: Internal quality
characteristics: Functionality, Reliability,
Maintainability, Efficiency, Portability.
Once these concepts were instantiated, a
dynamic representation proposing the evaluation
incorporation in the process is reached. Figure 2
shows a dynamic view of the evaluation into
AMENITIES process. Notice that needs and rules
can be used in the whole process to validate
requirements and architectural models. In addition,
Use Case model collects functional requisites to be
supported by software architecture. These elements
are the main outputs of earliest phase, and they
become inputs for architectural evaluation. At the
same time, the outputs of design phase represent the
bridge between analysis and construction phases.
Figure 2, also shows the traceability between
different artefacts in the whole development process,
which implies an attention point to architectural
evaluation. It can be observed, a feedback loop
provided by architectural evaluation that promotes
decisions making about next activities or artefacts