Nishant Kumar and Jan Vanthienen
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven Institute for Research on Information Systems
Naamsestraat 69, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
Jan De Beer and Marie-Francine Moens
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Legal Informatics and Information Retrieval
ICRI, Tiensestraat 41, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
information retrieval, text mining, decision support systems, knowledge representation.
We propose a generic methodology for the evaluation of Text Mining/Search and Information Retrieval tools
based on their functional conformity to a predefined set of functional requirements prioritized by distinguish-
able user profiles. The methodology is worked out and applied within the context of a research project con-
cerning the assessment of intelligent exploitation tools for unstructured information sources in the police
domain. We present the general setting of our work, give an overview of our evaluation approach, and discuss
our methodology for testing in greater detail. These kinds of evaluations are particularly useful for both (po-
tential)purchasers of exploitation tools, given the high investments in time and money required in becoming
proficient in their use, and developers who aim at producing better quality software products.
The invent of various text and data mining algo-
rithms and their continuous improvements in terms of
accuracy, performance, scalability,...paired with an
ever expanding market of software producers turning
the algorithms into general-purpose, versatile, fully
fledged and easy-to-use software products, driven by
an ever growing interest and desire for such tools
in various domains, strengthens the need to develop
solid and sound evaluation procedures to test tools’
absolute competence and relative competitiveness for
their application and integration in live environments.
As software vendors tend to proclaim superiority
and supreme adequacy of their products, it is yet to
be studied and verified through objective and sound
means whether these claims hold true in practice. In
our project this is achieved through the definition of
various evaluation criteria, which will be used in a
subsequent benchmarking stage.
Defining objective and adequate criteria is surely
not a trivial task. First, the concept of relevance as the
perceived quality or usability of any generated results,
is by itself very subjective in nature, depending partly
on the context of the task, the user, the anticipated
outcome, the objective, etc. As a consequence, evalu-
ation usually entails and is founded on human interac-
tion and judgment, severely constraining the amount
of testing and effort that can be spend. Lastly, a great
number of heterogeneous and seemingly incompara-
ble factors and criteria take part in a cognitive human
judgment process, which is hard to reveal and formal-
With their vast amounts of interconnected struc-
tured and unstructured data files, police forces
throughout the world are gaining interests in powerful
and reliable automated tools that turn data into useful,
concise, accurate, and timely information and knowl-
edge, to improve or assist in information sharing and
criminal intelligence analysis. For police forces, in-
formation and knowledge make vital elements for
the efficient and effective practicing of their opera-
tions. This widely known and well understood fact is
translated into the concept of Intelligence Led Polic-
ing (ILP), as opposed to the more traditional, labor-
intensive and less efficient strategy of crime fighting.
Section 2 briefly describes the project
the context of and as a case study for the development
and application of our generic evaluation methodol-
ogy. One facet of the evaluation spectrum, which
consists of assessing the functional support of tools,
termed conformity testing, will be covered in depth in
Sect. 3. After a discussion of the evaluation model,
we conclude in Sect. 4 with related work and refer-
ences for further reading.
Kumar N., Vanthienen J., De Beer J. and Moens M. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 150-155
DOI: 10.5220/0002463601500155
2.1 Overview
The INFO-NS research project is an initiative of the
Belgian Science Policy Office in collaboration with
the Belgian police, and is carried out by the research
groups pertaining to the authors of this paper. The
aim of the project is to provide an objective study
to the applicability of exploitation tools for unstruc-
tured information sources of the Belgian police. More
specifically, it is studied how information retrieval, in-
formation extraction and information processing tools
might leverage intelligence and decision support by
exploiting, linking, and contextualizing the unstruc-
tured information that is contained in vast amounts of
available free text material.
The project will achieve its objective through a
thorough evaluation of existing (off-the-shelf) re-
trieval and text mining products of some of the lead-
ing and most promising software producers in the
field on a workbench of test cases and evaluation cri-
teria worked out in collaboration with police depart-
2.2 Evaluation Approach
We identified three major groups of evaluation crite-
ria, capturing the applicability, the competence, and
the practicality of the tools under evaluation.
Applicability The extent to which each of the pres-
elected tools (an initial market selection) answers
the identified functional needs of the various user
Competence The extent to which each of the tools
performs at quality measures like capability, accu-
racy, flexibility, scalability, etc. For this purpose,
task-specific evaluation procedures and criteria are
Practicality Includes performance, as the extent to
which system resources (memory, disk space, net-
work band width,...) are efficiently utilised,
considering extensive document collections and a
large potential number of concurrent users, next
to various, more subjective criteria, such as user-
friendliness, user-system interaction, the quality of
documentation, etc.
For the remaining of this paper, we restrict our-
selves to the application of the first of these groups,
coined conformity evaluation.
In this section we present our methodology for the
evaluation of tools solely on the basis of their support
(provision) regarding any functional needs and asso-
ciated priorities for a number of distinct user profiles
that are identified in the early stages of the project
the requirements analysis phase. The methodology is
sufficiently generic, so that it be readily adoptable in
other projects, and is quite broad in scope, so as to
be readily portable to other situations in which some
sort of multi-criteria evaluation or analysis is to be
After we present our methodology, we illustrate
how we used this in the context of our project to pur-
sue part of its objective. Given space and confidential-
ity constraints, we will however not go into too much
detail. We end this section with a discussion of our
proposed evaluation model.
3.1 Methodology
Our evaluation model assumes the following informa-
tion is available.
A set of tools to be evaluated T = {T
A set of relevant functionalities F = {F
fixed semantics and identifying labels.
A hierarchy H defined over the functionalities in
F according to the inclusion relation (read: sub-
sumes); H = {(i, j) | F
∧¬k = i, j : F
Although not mandatory for our evaluation model,
H puts an order upon a potentially large set F
through the identification of atomic (indivisible)
functionalities and their grouping to more general
functionalities. As will become clearer further in
this text, H allows us to proceed in a more method-
ical and systematic manner.
For each tool T
a support tree ST
. This concept
is worked out in definition 1 (see below).
A set of use cases U = {U
. Formally, every
use case represents a logical grouping of related
functionalities U
= {F
In practice, a use case represents some particu-
lar task which comprises several functional com-
ponents, in turn consisting out of logically related
functionalities. Common components pertain to
data preprocessing, the support for accomplish-
ing the task, visualisation and interaction, import-
export capabilities, etc.
We refer to the application of these and similar tech-
niques in police domain for e.g. the prioritization of crim-
inal investigations and the assessment of threats based on
offender (group) profiles or environmental conditions.
The provision of multiple use cases allows the cov-
erage of as many of the functionalities in F with
a selection of any number of tools, given the faint
likelihood of having one supertool; a tool that sup-
ports most tasks for everyone the best.
A set of user profiles P = {P
with identified
priorities regarding each functionality in F.
For each use case U
and user profile P
a require-
ments tree RT
. This concept is worked out in
definition 2.
Definition 1 (support tree) The support tree of tool
, noted ST
, is a tree structure corresponding H,
wherein the node representing F
carries as attributes
the label of F
for identification, as well as an indica-
tion of the degree to which the tool supports F
Definition 2 (requirements tree) The requirements
tree of use case U
for user profile P
, noted RT
is a tree structure corresponding H restrained to
. In this structure, the node representing
carries as attributes the label of F
for iden-
tification, as well as an indication of the degree to
which F
is desired by users of profile P
Given this information, we now aim to evaluate
how well each tool conforms to every use case in U,
and this for every user profile in P individually. As
every combination of use case and user profile is re-
flected in a unique requirements tree, we thus want
to compute the conformity between every tool and re-
quirements tree. For this, we define an abstract oper-
ator τ that evaluates the “degree of support” of defi-
nition 1 with respect to the “degree of desire” of de-
finition 2, given a particular support tree ST and a
requirements tree RT .
τ : ST × RT R
The repeated operation of τ for each tool on all re-
quirement trees then produces an array of conformity
scores, which can optionally be combined (through
weighing e.g.) to global scores, or used to filter away
dominated tools. This latter option can be achieved
by retaining only those tools in T for which there is
at least one requirements tree for which they give the
best result (among the other tools in T). The selec-
tion of non-dominated tools is given by the following
| τ (ST
In the formula, the union is taken of all best tools for
every requirements tree.
In the workout, we show how we defined the operator
τ .
3.2 Workout
3.2.1 User Profiles
In association with the Belgian police, we first identi-
fied four user profiles for the tools being sought af-
ter. These profiles are quite general in nature and
are equally found in other police organisations, even
though they may go by different names.
Administrator Collects, manages, structures, and
sometimes already relates facts described in official
documents (case reports e.g.), dispatching the gath-
ered or derived information to other services upon
request or as part of the information flow.
Investigator Conducts criminal investigations. Her
task is to compile a comprehensive report (a legal
case file) describing all acts and elements part of
the investigation, which will be the main source of
evidence used by judicial authorities for prosecu-
Operational analyst Examines, supports and assists
criminal investigations, especially more complex
ones. New hypotheses, alternatives, links, contex-
tualisations, schematisations, etc. can be suggested
or provided.
Strategic analyst Analyze safety problems; their
tendencies, trends, patterns, processes, novelties,
etc. Such analysis serve as the basis for strategic
(long-term) decision making, pinpointing the main
security problems and giving insights into their na-
ture and characteristics. This allows allocating lim-
ited police resources for top efficacy.
3.2.2 Functionalities and Priorities
We compiled an extensive list of functional require-
ments, partly technical requirements of a more pre-
requisite nature that we as technical researchers were
able to identify ourselves, and partly functional needs
of the user group, which we gathered through ques-
tionnaires, meetings and work sessions held through-
out the different police departments. A topical, high-
level overview follows.
Tool Configuration
Document content indexing process
Security and access control
Support for multiple languages and document
A prerequisite is the support for the three official lan-
guages in Belgium, namely Dutch, French, and German,
along with English for open sources. Given the emerging
threat of terrorism and the organised crime wave coming
from the East, interest in Arabic and Asiatic languages is
Inclusion of metadata
Automatic clustering or classification
Search & Retrieve
Metadata search: document id, url, title, type,
language, origin,...
Free text search: crosslingual, fuzzy, conceptual
Entity search: crosslingual, phonetic, morpho-
logical search,...
Similarity search: crosslingual search-by-
Taxonomy search: category or cluster selection
Multi-modal search
Monitoring: automated signaling of relevant,
new or updated information, e.g. through user
profiling and proactive search agents
User-System interaction
Assisted formulation of search queries
Filtering of search results through successive
formulation of queries
Relevance feedback and query refinement
Repeated search and search history
Visualisation, exportation, manipulation, and
browsing of search results
Automated clustering or classification of the
search result
Qualitative Analysis
Discovery of relations between terms, concepts,
entities, or any combination
Assisted annotation of documents, also known as
text coding
Support for creation of graphical schemes
Automated recognition and classification of en-
Visualisation and exportation of analysis results
Functionalities were hierarchically ordered and
presented in clear language to police officers of the
identified user profiles. By having them score the
functionalities to their active needs, we were able to
associate real-valued priority values to F for each pro-
3.2.3 Use Cases and Requirement Trees
Out of F we were able to distinguish ten distinct use
cases. As an example, consider the use case “free text
search”. As all others, this use case is made up of
several functional components, including tool config-
uration, document indexing, text search, and various
interaction functions. Given the hierarchical ordering
of our functionalities we set up the corresponding re-
quirements tree.
3.2.4 Tools and Support Trees
For each of the tools considered for evaluation, we
will construct their corresponding support tree.
implementation is done through the specification of
support values for each of the functionalities in F.
Concrete, the support value of tool T
for F
, noted
), is a real number in unit interval giving ex-
pression to the “degree of support” of definition 1. A
value of 0 indicates no support, 1 indicates full sup-
port, and partial support might be mapped along the
σ : T × F [0, 1]
3.2.5 Conformity Matching
In order to match a requirements tree with the sup-
port tree of a tool, we implement the matching op-
erator τ through the specification of objective func-
tions at every single node in the requirements tree.
These functions take as arguments the support values
of the tool, the requirement priorities of a user pro-
file, and some extra, profile-independent parameters.
Each objective function produces as a result a real-
valued conformity score with respect to the function-
ality associated to the node having the function at-
tached. Through repeated and systematic evaluation
of these functions - starting at the leaf nodes, trac-
ing intermediate nodes, and ending at the root node -
one obtains a global conformity score for each tool on
every use case and for every user profile.
In addition, next to the detailed intermediate re-
sults, which can give useful insight as to why and
at which points some tools fail, we build two clear
and concise contracted tables which we can easily de-
rive through priority composition. One table gives the
conformity of each tool for each use case (combined
over all profiles), whereas the other table gives the
conformity of each tool for every user profile (com-
bined over all use cases).
3.3 Discussion
3.3.1 Considerations
To safeguard the proper application of the proposed
evaluation model with a sound interpretation and use
of the produced results, a few conditions and remarks
should be made.
To prevent any market influence and to safeguard the
confidentiality of our research, we choose not to make the
tools publicly known, at least not at this stage.
Whenever no (reliable) information can be obtained
about the degree of support, we safely assume support is
missing; σ =0.
First of all, support values should be obtained by
confident means so as to resemble the tools’ true sup-
port, otherwise results are deemed to be meaning-
less and therefore useless. Through own experience,
we found that software vendors have a tendency to
badge their products as being extremely versatile and
applicable to the specific task at hand.
As a re-
searcher, one should therefore strive to establish these
values through objective and motivated means, pos-
sibly skimming any documentation that describes the
tools’ capabilities and features, attending demo pre-
sentations, installing evaluation versions, looking for
related studies conducted by trustworthy third-parties,
through personal use or prior knowledge, etc.
Second, it is the nested objective functions which
serve to produce the absolute conformity scoring val-
ues. As these functions capture the very semantics
of the evaluation (matching) taking place, they should
be deviced with great care and precision. Judicious
use of mathematical operators (additive, multiplica-
tive, fuzzy logical,...) andoverall consistency in de-
sign are primal points of attention.
Third, interpretation of results should primarily be
based on a relative comparison of tools by identifying
any significant differences in conformity scores, as
the absolute scores may depend heavily on the some-
what arbitrary structuring of the tree, composition of
objective functions, and parameter settings.
As a last remark, we observed a marked differ-
ence in prioritizing functionalities among different
user profiles. Whereas some profiles cautiously dis-
tributed priorities as if they were given some fixed
amount of priority points, others rated the majority
of functionalities equally and sufficiently high. Judi-
cious use of normalizing operators in objective func-
tions at different levels in the requirements tree pre-
vents the model from being biased by these differ-
ent prioritizing behaviors. The successive application
of small-scale normalization will give the desired ef-
fect of conformity scores being somewhat more tai-
lored for profiles having defined more balanced pri-
ority schemes, provided those scheme reflect actual
gradations in desirability of functional needs.
3.3.2 Possible Uses
Given accurate support values and priorities, one
could use this procedure to make a selection of tools
on the basis of functional conformity, as suggested
by (1). Such selection would allow to identify tools
that are promising and suitable candidates for further,
more thorough testing. Since the number of tools on
As an example, tools claiming certain functional ca-
pabilities merely by the provision of some general-purpose
macro language or Application Programming Interface
(API) cannot be considered meeting our interest in directly
applicable, off-the-shelf tools.
the market is usually quite large, and time is limited in
research projects, this early kind of preliminary eval-
uation may turn out to be an interesting, efficient and
effective exercise.
As we had little prior knowledge about the tools
under study and too little time to perform a full-scale
support analysis of the tools, we decided to make a
preselection motivated through early conformity im-
pressions drawn from tool documentation, demo pre-
sentations and personal contacting, and retaining the
conformity evaluation procedure until a later stage of
our project.
In the past decade, many IT implementation projects
have been conducted in collaboration with police
forces throughout the world. Most of these projects
revolve around the centralisation and consolidation of
various digitized information sources, for the purpose
of information fusion, information sharing, improved
availability (ubiquitousness) of information, and ad-
vanced exploitation for criminal analysis. Among the
more renowned (pilot) projects we mention the trend-
setting and since 1997 vigorously growing
project of Chen et al. ((Hauck et al., 2001; Atabakhsh
et al., 2001; Chen et al., 2002; Chen et al., 2003; Chen
et al., 2004)) in the state of Arizona, US, the
(Citizen Law Enforcement Analysis and Reporting)
project in Chicaco, the
FLINTS (Forensic Led Intelli-
gence System) project developed since 1999 by West
Midlands police under the auspices of R. M. Leary
((Leary, )), the
OVER project of Oatley, Ewart en
Zeleznikow ((Oatley et al., 2004)), in association with
West Midlands police since 2000, and the expanding
KDD-PN (Knowledge Discovery from Databases Po-
lice Netherlands) project including the DataDetective
tool since 2001.
We found that the majority of projects are quite
similar in scope and nature, involving the applica-
tion of data mining and subsequent visualisation tech-
niques on information that is implicitly assumed to
be electronically available in structured, clean, pre-
processed, and unprotected (readily accessible) form.
Among the more inspiring technologies are deci-
sion tree building, offender profiling, social network
analysis, spatio-temporal statistics and visualisation
techniques including hot spot analysis. Applications
and numerous case studies can be found in a re-
cent book of J. Mena on the subject matter ((Mena,
2003)). Kumar ((Kumar et al., 2006)) & De Beer
((De Beer et al., 2006)) has discussed in detail on the
quality of commercial information retrieval and text
mining tools. Rijsbergen ((Van Rijsbergen, 1979))
has discussed evaluation techniques for measuring
the performance of information retrieval tools. Re-
lated studies can be found from Lancaster ((Lancaster,
1968)), Cooper ((Cooper, 1973)), and Ingwersen ((In-
gwersen, 1992)) on functional use assessment, rele-
vance assessment, and quality evaluation, while the
evaluation methodologies suggested by Elder and Ab-
bot ((Elder and Abbott, 1998)), Nakhaeizadeh, and
Schnabl ((Nakhaeizadeh and Schnabl, 1997)), Collier
et al. ((Collier et al., 1999)) are notable.
Through our research project with the Belgian police,
we encountered many interesting aspects that are not
readily found or touched upon in literature on the sub-
ject, most noticeably on the issues of privacy, security,
legal aspects such as the evidential value of generated
results, data preprocessing and cleaning, integration,
flexibility, adaptability, and performance of exploita-
tion tools in practical settings. In this paper we pre-
sented our proposed evaluation methodology for con-
formity testing of software tools, which fits in a larger
framework of tool evaluation. We hope our work may
prove useful, inspire or ponder other field workers on
these topics, as we believe the success and promising
future of these tools heavily depends on their careful
The authors would like to thank the Belgian police
for their interest and active collaboration, in particu-
lar Kris D’Hoore, Martine Pattyn and Paul Wouters.
This work was supported by the Belgian Science Pol-
icy Office through their
AGORA research programme.
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