the performance of information retrieval tools. Re-
lated studies can be found from Lancaster ((Lancaster,
1968)), Cooper ((Cooper, 1973)), and Ingwersen ((In-
gwersen, 1992)) on functional use assessment, rele-
vance assessment, and quality evaluation, while the
evaluation methodologies suggested by Elder and Ab-
bot ((Elder and Abbott, 1998)), Nakhaeizadeh, and
Schnabl ((Nakhaeizadeh and Schnabl, 1997)), Collier
et al. ((Collier et al., 1999)) are notable.
Through our research project with the Belgian police,
we encountered many interesting aspects that are not
readily found or touched upon in literature on the sub-
ject, most noticeably on the issues of privacy, security,
legal aspects such as the evidential value of generated
results, data preprocessing and cleaning, integration,
flexibility, adaptability, and performance of exploita-
tion tools in practical settings. In this paper we pre-
sented our proposed evaluation methodology for con-
formity testing of software tools, which fits in a larger
framework of tool evaluation. We hope our work may
prove useful, inspire or ponder other field workers on
these topics, as we believe the success and promising
future of these tools heavily depends on their careful
The authors would like to thank the Belgian police
for their interest and active collaboration, in particu-
lar Kris D’Hoore, Martine Pattyn and Paul Wouters.
This work was supported by the Belgian Science Pol-
icy Office through their
AGORA research programme.
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