identify and systematize workflow authentication re-
quirements. We propose to meet these requirements
by supporting authorizations with authentication-
based constraints. With this purpose we define an
extension to the RBAC model and propose an algo-
rithm that enforces these authorizations. With our ap-
proach, users do not need to satisfy, in the initial au-
thentication process, all workflow authentication re-
quirements, since they are only evaluated when they
request access to activities. Moreover, when a user
does not possess all the required authentication infor-
mation, the access control decision function notifies
the WfMS, that can choose how to proceed.
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quirements in a WfMS called WorkSCo (Workflow
with Separation of Concerns) (INESC Lisboa Soft-
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uses an RBAC model that needs to be extended in
order to provide evaluation and enforcement of au-
thentication constraints. As to communications be-
tween WorkSCo and exterior identity providers, we
intend to adopt a standard called Security Assertion
Markup Language (SAML)(OASIS, 2005). SAML
is an XML-based framework for communicating user
authentication, entitlement and attribute information.
SAML-enabled systems may exchange authentication
information on users, independently of their hetero-
geneous software and hardware environments. Mes-
sages exchanged must obey to SAML defined XML
schemas and protocols that will enable the WorkSCo
WfMS to query different identity providers and con-
sume produced SAML authentication assertions, in
order to produce and enforce authorization decisions
that include authentication constraints.
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