Ricardo Martinho
School of Technology and Management, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria
Morro do Lena, Alto do Vieiro - 2411-901 Leiria, Portugal
Dulce Domingos
Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon
Campo Grande, Edif
ıcio CS - 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal
onio Rito-Silva
INESC-ID Software Engineering Group, Technical University of Lisbon
Rua Alves Redol 9, 6.
- 1000-029 Lisboa, Portugal
Workflow authentication requirements, authorization constraints, Role-based access control.
Workflow technology represents nowadays significant added value to organizations that use information sys-
tems to support their business processes. By their nature, workflows support the integration of different in-
formation systems. As organizations use workflows increasingly, workflows manipulate more valuable and
sensitive data. Either by interoperability issues or by the value of data manipulated, a workflow may present
several and distinct authentication requirements. Typically, information systems deal with their authentication
requirements once, within their authentication process. This strategy cannot be easily applied to workflows
since each workflow activity may present its own authentication requirements. In this paper we identify au-
thentication requirements that workflows present and we propose to meet these requirements by incorporating
authentication constraints into workflow authorization definitions. With this purpose, we extend a generic
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) model and we define an access control algorithm that supports and en-
forces authorization decisions constrained by authentication information.
Due to the increasing need of being digitally enabled,
organizations often adopt workflows and Workflow
Management Systems (WfMSs) to model and exe-
cute their main business processes. Digital workflows
have reduced the cost of operations in many compa-
nies by displacing paper and related manual routines.
By using workflow technology many corporations not
only cut costs significantly but also improve customer
In (Workflow Management Coalition, 1999) the
WfMC defines workflow as a concept that is usu-
ally associated with the automation of a business
process where documents, information and activities
are passed among participants according to some set
of rules. The business process is modeled under a
process definition, also called a workflow definition.
A workflow definition may be composed of other
sub-workflow definitions, activities (manual or auto-
mated), rules and control data.
A WfMS is an information system that interprets
workflow definitions and creates and manages work-
flow instances as they are executed. The enactment
of a workflow definition may derive in one or more
workflow instances, which in turn include one or
more activity instances. Activity instances are the
runtime representation of the activities identified in
the workflow definition, and may include work items
(activitiesallocated to a workflow user) or invoked ap-
plications (information systems used to support activ-
ity execution). A workflow user is a resource which
performs the work represented by a workflow activity
instance. This user is usually associated with a human
being, but it may also be a group of human beings, an
automated process or a computer system.
Typically, authentication is the initial security step
for users who want to interact with information sys-
tems, in general, as well as WfMSs and their work-
flow activities. The goal of authentication is to con-
firm a user’s asserted principal identity with a spec-
ified, or understood, level of confidence. Different
Martinho R., Domingos D. and Rito-Silva A. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 181-188
DOI: 10.5220/0002465701810188
authentication mechanisms provide different levels of
confidence. For instance, an authentication mecha-
nism that uses fingerprints provides typically a higher
level of confidence than another one that uses a pass-
word (Kent and Millett, 2003).
However, for some workflow scenarios, users need
to have several principal identities with different lev-
els of confidence and/or authenticated by different
means. Indeed, workflow activities may present dif-
ferent levels of confidence requirements depending on
their functionality and/or the sensitiveness of the data
they manipulate.
On the other hand, a workflow may model within
its activities the invocation of different information
systems (Hung and Karlapalem, 2003) and those sys-
tems may require distinct authentication mechanisms
and protocols. For example, a workflow activity may
invoke a web service that requires a user principal to
be authenticated under the WSSecurity protocol.
Additionally, if authentication requires workflow
history information, this information cannot yet ex-
ist when the initial authentication process occurs. For
instance, if a workflow has an activity that requires
a user principal to have a higher level of confidence
than the user principal that has executed a previous
activity, this constraint can only be evaluated if the
previous activity has already been executed.
In this paper we firstly systematize authentica-
tion requirements that workflows present: workflows
present authentication requirements involving user
principals’ context authentication; information that is
already used for authorization purposes; and work-
flow history authentication information. To meet
these authentication requirements, we propose to in-
clude authentication constraints into the definition of
workflow authorizations. As WfMSs often use a
Role-based Access Control (RBAC) model to protect
workflow activities, we extend it to support authoriza-
tions with authentication-based constraints. Finally,
to evaluate authorizations with authentication-based
constraints, we also propose an algorithm for an ac-
cess decision function. By implementing this algo-
rithm, the access decision function is capable of in-
forming the WfMS that it needs additional informa-
tion to support an authorization decision, upon a re-
quest made to a workflow activity with authentication
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows:
in section 2 we present related work. In section 3 we
describe a workflow example with authentication re-
quirements. In section 4 we systematize workflow au-
thentication requirements, we define an RBAC exten-
sion that supports authorizations with authentication-
based constraints and an algorithm to enforce these
authorizations. Finally, in section 5 we present some
conclusions and future work.
The idea of meeting authentication requirements
within access control models is not new. In (Wang
et al., 2004), the authors propose an RBAC model that
includes authentication information in order to dy-
namically assign users to roles in an operating system
environment. Access rights are determined through
the concept of a user’s authentication trustworthiness,
which is bounded to the strength of the authentica-
tion mechanism used. In (Moodahi et al., 2004) the
authors present a workflow access control model that
also uses authentication information to constrain the
assignment of users to roles (UA relationship). These
approaches handle authentication information in the
initial authentication process, not solving the prob-
lem of meeting various workflow authentication re-
quirements that may emerge as workflows are loaded
and instantiated after that initial process. Another
disadvantage is that constraining the UA relationship
based on authentication information may lead to role
proliferation (like having “password manager” and
“certificate-based manager” roles).
In (Tzelepi and Pangalos, 2001) the authors pro-
pose an extension to the RBAC model to protect med-
ical imaging files stored on a database. They sup-
port the definition of authorizations that include con-
straints with domain and location authentication at-
tributes. In our work we go one step forward by
supporting generic authentication attributes as well as
workflow specific authentication information (the his-
tory information).
As RBAC models are widely used in WfMSs, our
purpose is to incorporate authentication-based con-
straints into the definition of RBAC authorizations.
In the following, we overview the RBAC model and
how some authors have extended this model to sup-
port constraints.
The basic notion of RBAC is controlling access to
resources accounting for the roles that users under-
take, rather than on an individual user basis. This way
complexity is reduced because roles are usually less
than users in an organization. Furthermore, revoking
and re-granting authorizations are avoided when users
change their roles within the organization.
Important contributions to standardize a generic
RBAC model may be found in (Ferraiolo et al., 2001).
The generic architecture of this model is presented in
Figure 1.
The main components depicted are users, ses-
sions, roles, roles hierarchy (RH), permissions, user-
assignment (UA) relationships and permission assign-
ment (PA) relationships. It also comprises separation
of duty constraints, either being static (SSD) between
users and roles, or dynamic (DSD) between sessions
and roles.
In general, to increase authorizations’ expressive-
User Role
Operation Resource
Figure 1: Generic RBAC model.
ness, access control models support the definition of
authorizations with constraints to restrict their valid-
ity (Samarati and di Vimercati, 2000). Constraints
may refer to different kinds of information, such as
(Beznosov, 1998):
User attributes, like age or nationality;
Object attributes (content-based access control);
External conditions like access time and location
(context-based access control);
Access history (history-based access control); and
Component relationships.
In (Kandala and Sandhu, 2002) the authors extend
the RBAC model to WfMSs. They interpret the per-
mission concept by identifying the objects of the sys-
tem that need protection (activities and activity in-
stances) and the operations that can be executed on
them. The main purpose of workflow access con-
trol models is to increase authorization expressive-
ness with constraints that are workflow specific: con-
straints that support dynamic separation and junction
of duty policies. These constraints define security
policies that prevent or force a certain user to execute
two or more correlated activities (Casati et al., 1998;
Bertino et al., 1999; Casati et al., 2001). However,
these approaches do not address authentication-based
constraints inferred from workflow authentication re-
In this section we exemplify different types of au-
thentication requirements that may be presented by a
workflow and related activities, by using a simplified
Loan Approval workflow (Figure 2).
Authorizations are defined taking into account the
roles that users play in the bank. Each role has the fol-
lowing authorizations: Branch clerks may a
) receive
Loan Approval
Branch Manager General ManagerBranch Clerk
<<work item>>
Calculate Total
<<work item>>
Evaluate Loan
<<work item>>
Receive Loan
<<work item>>
Inform Client
<<work item>>
Submit for
<<invoked app>>
Get indexed
<<work item>>
Perform Final
Credit Analysis
<<invoked app>>
Get Client Data
from other Banks
<<work item>>
Perform Preliminary
Credit Analysis
<<invoked app>>
Get Client
<<work item>>
Register answer
Figure 2: Loan Approval workflow example.
loan requests from clients and check the correspond-
ing data; and a
) inform clients about the result of
their loan requests. Branch managers may a
) per-
form preliminary credit analysis; launch invoked ap-
plications to a
) retrieve data from clients and a
) get
indexed international rates; a
) calculate the total loan
rate; a
) submit loans for approval; and a
) register
loan approval answers. General managers may a
perform final credit analysis on clients; a
) invoke an
application to retrieve data from other financial insti-
tutions; and a
) evaluate the loan viability.
Now lets consider the following authentication re-
quirements for the workflow shown in Figure 2:
- All workflow activities require that users pos-
sess an authenticated principal identity belonging
to a domain;
- Activity a
requires a user princi-
pal identity authenticated by an identity
provider iDP, with an authentication service
at, and with a
stronger mechanism than the one of the user
principal identity which executed activity a
- Activity a
requires a user principal iden-
tity authenticated with a password over an Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) protected session;
- If the loan value involved in the workflow in-
stance is higher than $100,000 then activity a
quires a user principal identity authenticated under
a two-factor authentication mechanism, being com-
posed by a smartcard and an activation PIN;
- Activity a
requires the same user principal
identity on which behalf was granted access to ac-
tivity a
As illustrated by this example, workflows may
present authentication requirements based on differ-
ent types of information. In the next section we sys-
tematize workflow authentication requirements and
propose an access control model that supports the
definition of authorizations with authentication-based
constraints. We also present an access control algo-
rithm that is capable of identifying additional needed
information, in order to evaluate authorization deci-
sions that include authentication requirements.
Our approach to support workflow authentication re-
quirements includes three correlated issues:
1. Systematizing workflow authentication require-
ments - this includes identifying and categorizing
requirements by the type of information that they
can use;
2. Defining an extended RBAC model to support au-
thorizations that include authentication-based con-
straints; and
3. Enforcing authorization decisions that include
authentication-based constraints.
In the next sections we expand and propose solutions
for each of these items.
4.1 Systematizing Workflow
Authentication Requirements
To systematize workflow authentication requirements
we take the following approach:
1. We identify generic authentication context in-
formation - this refers to pure technical authen-
tication context information that a user principal
identity must meet in order to access a workflow
activity. This information may expand on (OASIS,
User principal information - information about
the principal identifier (e.g. foo), domain (e.g. and group membership from where a
user’s digital entity is registered (e.g. an LDAP-
enabled identity provider). Examples include a
workflow activity a
with an authentication re-
quirement stating that authorization permissions
are only granted to a principal with the identi-
fier; or a workflow w
that requires
users to possess principal identities from domain (like the R
requirement defined in sec-
tion 3);
Identity provider information - information
about the identity provider and corresponding
authentication services that are supposed to have
authenticated the user’s principal identity. This
can include the identity provider’s name, loca-
tion (e.g. an URL), and authentication service
bindings and locations;
Authentication context information - character-
istics about the processes, procedures and mech-
anisms by which a principal identity must have
been authenticated by the identity provider, in
order to access a workflow activity. These char-
acteristics may be categorized as follows:
Identification mechanism - characteristics of
the processes and mechanisms used by the
identity provider to initially create an associa-
tion between a user and the identity by which
he will be known. Examples include face-to-
face, online and shared secret identification;
Credential protection - characteristics that de-
scribe how the “secret” (the knowledge or pos-
session of which allows the user to authenticate
to the authentication authority) is kept secure;
Authentication method - characteristics that de-
fine the mechanisms by which the user authen-
ticates to the authentication authority (for ex-
ample, a password versus a smartcard, or even
multifactor authentication, requiring more than
one mechanism). The R
requirement defined
in section 3 is an example of an authentication
method requirement.
2. We identify access control context information -
this includes information that can be derived from
the access request context, and that is already used
to constrain authorizations to workflow activities,
Generic access control information:
User attributes, like age or nationality;
Object attributes (content-based access con-
External conditions like access time and loca-
tion (context-based access control);
Access history (history-based access control);
Component relationships.
For example, an authentication requirement
may be defined stating that, if a workflow ac-
tivity is accessed from a workstation in a public
location, then users are required to present an
extra authenticator (for example, a Social Se-
curity Number identifier);
Workflow access control information - this refers
to information used to define an authentication
requirement that may be based on:
Workflow history, i.e., information about activ-
ity instances already executed;
Values of their input data - the R
defined in section 3 defines a condition for the
authentication mechanism to use if the loan re-
quest to approve surpasses a determined value.
3. We identify workflow specific authentication in-
formation - this refers to authentication informa-
tion used in the execution of workflow activities.
The R
and R
requirements defined in section 3
are examples of authentication requirements that
refer to authentication contexts used on previous
activities. The R
requirement presents also a kind
of a junction of duty constraint, as it forces the
same user principal identity to be used in access-
ing both a
and a
workflow activities.
4.2 Defining RBAC Authorizations
with Authentication Constraints
Defining an authentication requirement for a work-
flow activity may be accomplished by extending
corresponding authorization definitions in the work-
flow definition, adding it authentication-specific con-
WfMSs have limited advance planning, i.e., work-
flows can be loaded and instantiated at any moment,
and users cannot foresee with which activities are they
supposed to interact. Thus, in an RBAC model, pre-
vious authorizations are given by assigning roles to
users, based on principal identities authenticated in
a reference domain (like the domain in our
workflow example described in section 3). For ex-
ample, even if a user u
does not possess a principal
identity that satisfies a workflow activity authentica-
tion requirement, the roles associated with his refer-
ence domain principal identity may allow him to see
and begin an interaction with his role-based assigned
activities. This can be accomplished by manipulating
visibility properties of workflow activities (Muehlen,
2004). After picking up an activity for interaction, the
access control manager may then evaluate if that user
has principals that can satisfy a pre-defined activity
authentication requirement.
This is a kind of lazy authorization decision-
making evaluation that complies with most WfMSs’
poor advanced planning. Therefore, we present in
Figure 3 our proposed extended workflow RBAC
User Role
Figure 3: An extended RBAC workflow model for support-
ing authentication constraints.
model for supporting authentication requirements as
authorization decision constraints that restrict the per-
mission assignment (PA) relationship.
Differences between this model and the generic one
referred in Figure 1 include:
Principal - represents information about a user
principal identity. Users may have several princi-
pals in order to interact with workflow activities,
and authentication constraints may refer to specific
principals or principal authentication contexts;
Constraint - represents constraints that restricts
a role-permission (PA) relationship and can also in-
clude authentication information.
An authentication constraint may be modeled into
a workflow RBAC authorization rule as a tuple (r, a,
execute, cn) that states that a user principal u playing
role r can execute activity a if the constraint cn is met.
We present in Appendix A an XML
definition for
the workflow example of Figure 2, including formal
definitions of the authentication requirements identi-
fied. Activity definition details were omitted. We in-
clude access control rules to specify role-permission
assignments (XML <actACRule> elements), and
authorization constraints for those assignments (XML
<actACConstraint> elements). We define au-
thentication requirements as authorization constraints
under the child XML <authConstraint> ele-
ment. For size reasons, only activities with authen-
tication constraints are defined.
4.3 Enforcing Authorization
Decisions that Include
Authentication Constraints
Enforcing authorization decisions that include au-
thentication constraints present two correlated chal-
We use the XML language to enhance reading and
comprehension. The specification or adoption of a stan-
dard schema to define authentication requirements is rec-
ommendable, yet out of the scope of this paper.
1. What to do when authentication requirements
are not met by lack of information - we con-
sider that authorization decision results may have
three different values: REJECT , ACCEP T and
means that the access control decision function
could not resolve the authentication constraints,
and needs more information to do so. How to han-
dle this ADDI T I ONAL result is somehow a par-
ticular security policy decision that can be solved
by the WfMS opting from:
Rejecting or accepting the access request; or
Getting the additional information required to
support the authorization decision.
2. How to request for additional authentication infor-
mation to support authorization decisions - when a
user requests access to a workflow activity with au-
thentication requirements, the context information
available in the request might not be sufficient to
make an authorization decision. Regarding a user’s
authentication context, the WfMS must identify the
required additional information and communicate
it to the requesting user agent (e.g. a web-based
application). For the specific workflow history in-
formation, the WfMS must save the authentication
context with which each workflow activity is ex-
ecuted, in order to consult and compare that in-
formation when evaluating an authentication con-
straint for a subsequent workflow activity access
In Algorithm 1 we present an algorithm for an ac-
cess decision function that processes an access re-
quest made on behalf of a user u with a role r to up-
hold permission p on a given workflow activity a with
a list of authentication constraints cntList.
We consider the ADDI T I ONAL return state as
a set of attribute identifiers gathered along the evalua-
tion of each authentication constraint, corresponding
to additional information needed to evaluate the
access request. For example, when a user’s principal
identity u, authenticated with a password authen-
ticator through a web-based client application and
authorized to play the Branch manager role, wants
to execute activity a
from our workflow scenario,
the WfMS receives an access request containing the
user’s principal authentication context information.
That information is then compared with the authenti-
cation constraint defined for activity a
(see element
<authConstraint> for a
in Appendix A). If the
user’s principal authentication context information
does not refer the authenticator’s transport proto-
col used in the authentication process, the access
control decision function returns ADDI T IONAL.
This ADDI T I ONAL state refers to a set of
attribute identifiers containing, in this case, the
Algorithm: Access control decision function
Input: an access request from user u with role r
to uphold permission p over activity a
with a list of constraints cntList
Output: [1] REJECT , [2] ACCEP T ,
[3] ADDIT IONAL - Set of attribute identifiers
if userRole(u,r) and
rolePermission(r,a,p) then
foreach cnt in cntList do
result evalCnt(u,cnt)
switch result do
case 0 return RE JECT
case 1 continue
put result in
if ADDI T IONAL is empty then
return ACCEP T
else return ADDIT I ONAL
else return RE JECT
userRole(u,r) returns TRUE if a user u is
authorized to play role r, else returns FALSE
rolePermission(r,a,p) returns TRUE if
role r has permission p over activity a, else
returns FALSE
evalCnt(u,cnt) returns 0 if the constraint was
not satisfied, 1 if the constraint was satisfied, and
an attribute identifier if an additional user
attribute is needed to evaluate the constraint.
Algorithm 1: Algorithm for processing a constrained ac-
cess decision on a workflow activity.
identifier, as the constraint demands for the use of
the SSL protocol and there is no way for the access
control decision function to know which one was
used to obtain the user’s principal identity. Other-
wise, the access control decision function returns
REJECT on the first constraint not met by the
user’s authentication context, or ACCEP T if all
constraints are met.
As organizations use workflow technology increas-
ingly, many problems cannot be ignored anymore nei-
ther solved with ad-hoc solutions. In this paper we
identify and systematize workflow authentication re-
quirements. We propose to meet these requirements
by supporting authorizations with authentication-
based constraints. With this purpose we define an
extension to the RBAC model and propose an algo-
rithm that enforces these authorizations. With our ap-
proach, users do not need to satisfy, in the initial au-
thentication process, all workflow authentication re-
quirements, since they are only evaluated when they
request access to activities. Moreover, when a user
does not possess all the required authentication infor-
mation, the access control decision function notifies
the WfMS, that can choose how to proceed.
We are implementing workflow authentication re-
quirements in a WfMS called WorkSCo (Workflow
with Separation of Concerns) (INESC Lisboa Soft-
ware Engineering Group, 2004). WorkSCo already
uses an RBAC model that needs to be extended in
order to provide evaluation and enforcement of au-
thentication constraints. As to communications be-
tween WorkSCo and exterior identity providers, we
intend to adopt a standard called Security Assertion
Markup Language (SAML)(OASIS, 2005). SAML
is an XML-based framework for communicating user
authentication, entitlement and attribute information.
SAML-enabled systems may exchange authentication
information on users, independently of their hetero-
geneous software and hardware environments. Mes-
sages exchanged must obey to SAML defined XML
schemas and protocols that will enable the WorkSCo
WfMS to query different identity providers and con-
sume produced SAML authentication assertions, in
order to produce and enforce authorization decisions
that include authentication constraints.
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An XML Workflow Definition Example with Authentication Constraints
<wfDefinition workflowID="w1" name="Loan Approval">...
<actDefinition activityID="a3" type="invoked app" name="Get Client Data">...
<actRole>Branch manager</actRole>
<authMethod comparison="stronger">
<reference type="activityID">a1</reference>
<actDefinition activityID="a4" type="invoked app" name="Get Indexed Rates">...
<actRole>Branch manager</actRole>
<actDefinition activityID="a9" type="work item" name="Evaluate Loan">...
<actRole>General manager</actRole>
<authnConstraint comparison="greater">
<reference type="actInputValue">100000</reference>
<keyStorage medium="smartcard"/>
<actDefinition activityID="a11" type="work item" name="Inform Client">...
<actRole>Branch clerk</actRole>
<reference type="activityID">a1</reference>