Management block follows the exception block and aims at fixing the conflict that
is associated with an exception, i.e., running exception handling. Management adopts a
centralized or distributed form of coordination according to the exception type and the
active step of composition. In the management block, we identify the following actions:
(1) management initiation that begins the coordination work by selecting the appropri-
ate conflict solving strategy according to details obtained out of the exception block.(2)
management tracking that aims at overseeing the performance of the selected solving
strategy in terms of executed actions, fixed conflicts, exchanges messages, etc; manage-
ment outcome validation that permits to finalize the solving strategy by confirming its
success or failure and to give back the control to the conflict block.
We stated earlier that the proposed coordination model (Figure 2) runs along the
discovery, engagement, and performance steps that make up Web services composi-
tion. During Web services discovery, three requirements of type language, function,
and architecture need to be satisfied [2]. If this does not happen, conflicts will arise.
Language requirements concern expressing the capabilities of Web services and goals
of requestors. A potential conflict could be lack of understanding of these capabili-
ties or goals. Functional requirements concern the actions that providers, requestors,
and matchmakers will perform. A potential conflict could be the non-performance of
the expected actions or the non-compliance with the actions each entity is supposed
to perform. Finally, architectural requirements define the advertisements and discovery
protocols to be used by Web services providers and requestors, respectively. A potential
conflict could be the use of an unknown advertisement or discovery protocol.
During Web services engagement, interactions between Web services providers and
requestors take place and result in agreements [2]. Similar to Web services discov-
ery’s requirements, the engagement step is featured with functional and architectural
requirements. If these requirements are not satisfied, conflicts will arise. Functional
requirements concern Web services request formulation, contract preliminaries, con-
tract negotiation, and negotiation. A potential conflict could be differing expectations
between service requestor and provider regarding terms of the contract. Architectural
requirements concern negotiation protocols, negotiation services, and auditing services.
A conflict could be the non-compliance with the commitments made in a contract.
During Web services performance, a.k.a enactment and management in [2], require-
ments are of types function and architecture. If these requirements are not satisfied,
conflicts will arise. Functional requirements concern multiple aspects like choreogra-
phy interpretation and execution, service-failure handling and compensation, and non-
repudiation. A potential conflict could be differing compensation strategies among par-
ticipating Web services. Architectural requirements concern also multiple aspects like
process-scheduling and composition services and policy-monitoring services. A poten-
tial conflict could be non-compliance with agreed upon QoS requirements.
3.2 Interleaving Interaction and Coordination
In a Web services composition scenario, the flow of interaction happens in a vertical
(between a composite Web service and its component Web services) and horizontal
(between component Web services of the same composite Web service) way. Through
an interaction, the initiator aims at conveying some information to the recipient, so this