the ubiquitous ones, is not clear (Toms et al., 2001).
Indeed, we adopted the cluster analysis technique in
the context of automotive info-telematics systems,
but the data we gathered leaded us to initial
inaccurate results. In particular, we recruited a set of
14 intended end-users to define a meaningful menu
arrangement for the navigator, phone, SMS and
entertainment sections of a next-generation
telematics system. We noticed that some subjects do
not own a significant mental model on the specific
features, thus distorting the results in the gathered
empirical data.
Starting from this experience, we felt the need
for a formal tool able to support the menu designer
in identifying the outliers, i.e. the subjects with a
mental model too weak for significant results in
these experiments. To address this issue, in this
paper we introduce a notion of distance, to measure
how far is the mental model of a subject with respect
of all others, when dealing with frequency-based
menu organizations. In particular, we propose a
“fuzzy-based” distance function, aimed at measuring
the closeness between different arrangements of
menu items proposed by the subjects. This measure
allows menu designers to define a threshold to
clearly identify the outliers. The threshold can be
easily calculated by using a tool (freely
downloadable) we developed, which is able to
highlight subjects’ data too far from the others. So,
the defined distance allows menu designers to filter
empirical data on the basis of a formal tool rather
than on his/her sensibility, which can be highly
subjective. Thus, higher quality and repeatable
results can be obtained from the datasets, leading
towards menu clustering less biased by outliers.
The remainder of the paper is structured as
follows. In section 2 we describe the experiment we
conducted, and the related contrasting results, which
motivated us in working for the definition of a
distance. In section 3 we present the fuzzy-based
distance function, and how to calculate it, while in
section 4 we report on the application of this
distance on our dataset, also by exploiting a tool we
specifically developed to assist menu designer.
Finally, a discussion on final remarks and future
work will conclude the paper.
In 2004 we were involved in the definition of the UI
for a next-generation automotive telematics system,
together with the research centre of a well-known
automotive car manufacturer. We had about 90
system features to arrange within menus.
Accordingly to the standard literature guidelines (for
instance (Lee, MacGregor, 1985)) we adopted the
following methodology to arrange these items:
1. cluster together items sharing some inherent
relationships, and
2. within each cluster, sort items basing on
selection frequency, placing most frequently
used on top of hierarchy.
Since we were dealing with many novel features,
such as remote diagnosis, or interaction with PAN
wireless devices, we had no previous data about
their frequency of use. To define an organizational
menu structure reflecting a “typical” end-user
mental model, many previous researches (such as
(Toms et al., 2001)) suggest to use empirical
methods involving a number of intended users,
external from the development team. Following
these suggestions, we recruited for the experiment a
total of 14 participants, 9 males and 5 females. Their
age ranged form 23 to 59, with a mean of 31. To
gain insight about their backgrounds, we collected
information about their experiences on Personal
Computers, Cell Phones, Car Stereo and Mobile
Navigators. Moreover, we asked subjects if they
own a Car Stereo and/or a Car Navigator. The
results were that all subjects but one reported to be
familiar with personal computers and phone cells.
All the 14 subjects stated to have experience with a
car stereo, and only three of them do not own it.
Finally, 8 subjects reported some previous
experiences with car navigators, and only 3 have a
telematics system in their vehicles. Thus, almost half
of the samples does not have familiarity with
advanced automotive infotainment applications.
The stimuli for the analysis consisted of 90 strips
of paper (8 x 2.5 cm), each of them with a system
feature description, corresponding to a generic task
that one might perform when using a next generation
telematics system. Slips were subdivided according
to six modules of the system, namely the Navigator,
Audio – OFF, Audio – Tuner, Audio – CD Changer,
Cell Phone and Short Message System (SMS).
Obviously, careful consideration was given
wording of each task description, to allow subjects
to base their assessments more on the semantic
rather than the syntactic attributes of the task. Some
examples of these strips are provided in Table 1.
Each strip was accompanied by a number (not
shown to subjects), used by the team for task
identification. Subjects were asked to:
1. Sort slips, placing at the top positions the
feature they suppose to be the most frequently
selected, according to their mental model.
2. Arrange slips into stacks of related functions,
based on their own criteria for similarity. They
could make as many separate stacks as they
cared to, as long as each stack contained at most
four task items.