Grid Authorization Based on Existing AAA
Manuel Sánchez
, Gabriel López
, Óscar Cánovas
and Antonio F. Gómez-Skarmeta
Department of Information Engineering and Communications
Department of Computer Engineering
University of Murcia, Spain
Abstract. Grid computing has appeared as a new paradigm to cover the needs of
modern scientific applications. A lot of research has been done in this field, but
several issues are still open. One of them, the Grid authorization, is probably one
of the most important topics regarding to resource providers, because they need
to control the users accessing their resources. Several authorization architectures
have been proposed, including in some cases new elements which introduce re-
dundant components to the system. In this paper, we propose a new scheme which
takes advantage of a previously existing underlying authorization infrastructure
among the involved organizations, the NAS-SAML system, to build a Grid envi-
ronment with an advanced and extensible authorization mechanism.
1 Introduction
In the last years, the computing and storage capacity required in scientific environments
has exceeded the capacity offered by traditional computers. This problem has motivated
the developmentof a new computer paradigm called Grid Computing [9], which defines
the resource sharing among different organizations in a flexible, secure and coordinated
way, conforming the so called Virtual Organizations (VO).
Nowadays, some aspects of the Grid computing such as resource sharing or discov-
ery have been solved by projects as the Globus Toolkit [1]. However, other Grid aspects
generally related to the security of the VO are still open, and one of the most important
open issues in the Grid research field is user authorization. Indeed, authorization is a
critical feature in Grid computing because when an organization offers its resources to
users belonging to other domains, it wants to be sure that only authorized users are able
to perform the set of allowed actions over each protected resource.
Authorization mechanisms in the Grid have evolved from a simple authorization
file, listing the users who can access to each resource, to more complex schemes based
on the use of authorization servers, access control policies or identity certificates. Sev-
eral solutions, such as CAS [14] or VOMS [7], have been proposed, and some exist-
ing authorization mechanisms, as for example PERMIS [2], Akenti [16] or Shibboleth
(GridShib) [18] have been adapted to provide authorization decisions to the Grid. How-
ever, these authorization systems introduce new elements in spite of the authorization
process in the Grid environment could take advantage of existing ones.
anchez M., L
opez G., C
O. and F. G
omez-Skarmeta A. (2006).
Grid Authorization Based on Existing AAA Architectures.
In Proceedings of the 4th Inter national Workshop on Security in Information Systems, pages 3-12
Although authorization is a key feature in Grid environments, this is not an exclu-
sive topic of this field. Traditionally, organizations have protected critical resources,
for example the communications network. In fact, the AAA architecture [5] was de-
signed to solve this problem using different mechanisms to identify end users, such
as login/password or identity certificates. Therefore, one of the most common network
access control mechanism used by network providers is the one based on the AAA ar-
chitecture. An example of them is the architecture Network Access Service based on the
AAA architecture and SAML authorization attributes, NAS-SAML, described in [11].
Due to the fact that there are organizations using these kinds of architectures to
control the network access, it would be desirable that this authorization information
could be reused by other applications which also need to perform access control, for
example the Grid. This paper proposes a new authorization mechanism for those Grid
systems which takes advantage of an existing AAA infrastructure among two or more
organizations to provide authorization decisions, and which makes use of XML-based
standards such as SAML [13] and XACML [6] to manage the authorization data and
access control policies in an extensible and distributed way.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, an overview about Grid
authorization is given. Next, Section 3 presents NAS-SAML. Section 4 describes the
proposed architecture to provide authorization in a Grid environment, and the different
design alternatives are shown in Section 5. In Section 6 other authorization proposals
for Grid computing are described, specifying the main differences with the approach
presented in this paper. Finally, conclusions and future work are presented in Section 7.
2 Authorization in the Grid
Grid computing is the response to a higher computer power and storage capacity de-
mand. This technology tries to make use of the resources provided by several organiza-
tions to offer the sum of all of them to the users belonging to these organizations. This
resource sharing implies several authorization issues, since an organization offering its
resources wants to be sure that only allowed users perform the allowed operations over
the protected resources.
Nowadays, there are several Grid implementations available, such as UNICORE
[15] or Globus Toolkit (GT), being GT the most common one. In 2002, a Grid spec-
ification called OGSA [8] appeared in order to define a standard way to create Grid
implementations. In OGSA, resources are offered by means of Grid services, which are
web services with specific interfaces to address service discovery, dynamic creation,
lifetime management and other features. This specification was redesigned in 2004 as
WSRF [4], but the main idea remains unaltered.
In the early Grid implementations, authorization was performed by means of a file,
called grid-mapfile, with a mapping between user’s subject names and local account
names. Only if the subject name appeared in this file, the user was allowed to access
to the resource. This solution was not very scalable and several alternatives, such as
CAS or VOMS appeared to address this problem. The requirements that a Grid security
model must address are described in [20]. This document shows that an authorization
service have to evaluate policy rules to take authorization decisions based on informa-
tion about the requestor and the target service, and must be transparent to the user and
to the target service. Using this approach, once the user is authenticated, the hosting
environment has to contact with this authorization service in order to obtain a deci-
sion about the user request. The Global Grid Forum (GGF), through one of its working
groups, OGSA-Authz WG, defined an OGSA authorization service based on SAML for
requesting and expressing authorization assertions, OGSA-SAML [19].
As Figure 1 shows, OGSA-SAML defines new SAML statements to carry the
needed information between a Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) and a Policy Decision
Point (PDP), those new introduced statements are the ExtendedAuthorizationDecision-
Query and SimpleAuthorizationDecisionStatement sentences. The first one includes a
parameter to notify the PDP whether the PEP only needs a simple boolean authorization
decision instead of a list of allowed rights. It also adds a mechanism to pass information
about the requestor. The second statement contains a decision response to the first one
as a whole, without enumeration of rights.
Fig.1. OGSA-SAML Authorization Service.
This specification has been included in GT, providing a Grid service interface called
SAMLRequest port type. In this way, the Grid service container, acting as PEP, can be
configured to check the user’s permissions from the PDP. Consequently, the PDP has
to be a grid service which implements the interface SAMLRequest. In this proposal, as
explained below, the authorization service used by the Grid system takes advantage of
an underlying NAS-SAML infrastructure in order to manage the authorization process
in a multi-domain scenario, which includes the retrieval of user attributes from his home
domain and the authorization decision processes.
3 SAML-Based Network Access Control Architecture
During the last years, how to control the users that are making use of computer networks
has become an increasing concern for network administrators. As a direct consequence,
several security technologies have appeared in order to provide access control mecha-
nisms based on the authentication of users. Traditionally, network access systems have
been based on login/password mechanism. Other systems following a more advanced
approach for mutual authentication are based on X.509 identity certificates. These sys-
tems are especially useful for organizations concerned about the real identity of the
requestor. There are other organizations where the different users are classified accord-
ing to their administrative tasks, the type of service obtained, or some others internal
requirements. In those scenarios, the identity could not be enough to grant the access to
the resource being controlled, since we should know the role being played by the user in
order to offer the right service. Therefore, a system able to assign to the different users
the set of attributes specifying those privileges or roles is needed. This kind of systems
is usually designed following the Role Based Access Control (RBAC) model.
In [11], a network access control approach based on X.509 identity certificates
and authorization attributes is presented. This proposal is based on the SAML and the
XACML standards, which will be used for expressing access control policies based
on attributes, authorization statements, and authorization protocols. Authorization is
mainly based on the definition of access control policies [10] including the sets of users
pertaining to different subject domains which will be able to be assigned to different
roles in order to gain access to the network of a service provider, under specific cir-
cumstances. The starting point is a network scenario based on the 802.1X standard and
the AAA (Authentication, Authorization and Accounting) architecture, where processes
related to authentication, authorization, and accounting are centralized.
The system operates as follows. Every end user belongs to a home domain, where
he was given a set of attributes stating the roles he plays. When the user requests a
network connection in a particular domain by means of an 802.1X connection, the re-
quest is captured by the AAA server located in the target domain, and it makes a query
to obtain the attributes linked to the user from an authority responsible for managing
them, located in the user’s home domain. Alternatively, following a push approach, the
user itself can present its attributes instead of letting the AAA server to recover them.
Finally, the AAA server sends an authorization decision query to a local PDP entity, and
that element provides an answer indicating whether the attributes satisfy the resource
access control policy. Furthermore, that policy can also establish the set of obligations
derived from that decision, for example some QoS parameters, security options, etc.
This general scheme works both in single and inter-domain scenarios.
This scenario, although is focused on network access control, can be used as a basis
to provide authorization services to higher level applications, such as the Grid. More-
over, due to NAS-SAML has been integrated [12] with other authorization systems,
such as PERMIS [3], the Grid environment could be extended to those domains easily.
4 Architecture
This section describes the elements needed in the proposed solution to take advantage
of the NAS-SAML infrastructure, an already implemented and tested system that can
provide an authorization mechanism to organizations willing to collaborate by means
of a Grid, specifically using the Globus Toolkit middleware.
As Figure 2 shows, this architecture might be used when two or more organizations
share an AAA infrastructure with NAS-SAML support. One one hand, each organiza-
tion has its own AAA server, the key element in this scenario since it is responsible
for performing the authorization process in every domain. Two modules help the AAA
server, the Source Authority (SA), which produces the authorization attributes, and the
Policy Decision Point (PDP) entitled to obtain authorization decisions. When the AAA
server needs some information about a foreign user, it will ask the home AAA server,
located in the user’s home domain, in order to obtain this information. The communica-
tion between AAA servers is made through the DIAMETER protocol, specifically the
DIAMETER-SAML extension [11]. The authorization process is guided by access con-
trol policies, represented in XACML, provided to the PDP. In this way, by adding the
suitable service policies, the infrastructure can be extended to support other application-
level services willing to obtain authorization decisions about users.
Fig.2. Architecture elements.
On the other hand, an authorization system in a Grid environment needs the set of
elements shown in Figure 2. In this scenario, when an end user wants to access to a
Target Service, the GT3 server may check the user’s rights to perform the requested
action asking an Authorization Service. To take the right decision, this service may use
the information about the user contained in the authorization request or, if necessary, it
can contact with external entities.
Trying to integrate those two scenarios, the main aim of this work is to provide
to those organizations a way to cooperate using a Grid infrastructure by means of an
advanced and extensible authorization model, trying to reuse already existing authoriza-
tion data and elements whenever is possible. This goal can be achieved taking advantage
of the extensibility of the OGSA-Authz authorization interface and the flexibility of the
NAS-SAML infrastructure to process Grid authorization requests.
It is necessary to define how those two architectures can be integrated, that is, to
define the communication interfaces between the Grid and NAS-SAML entities, and
the different design alternatives depending on the user requirements and the application
scenarios. Therefore, we need to define how the Authorization Service will interact
with the local AAA server, in order to follow the authorization process as explained in
Section 3.
5 Design Alternatives
Four different scenarios are possible in NAS-SAML, depending on the use of the pull
or push approach to access to the network, and whether the user is accessing from his
home domain or from a foreign one. In this section we are going to focus on inter-
domain scenarios since a Virtual Organization only makes sense among several institu-
tions. Therefore, this section describes two scenarios based on the pull and push models
involving, at least, two administrative domains. In the first one, the user gains access to
the Grid resources in the traditional way since every authorization task is performed by
the authorization service. In the second one, the user preselects the set of attributes he
wants to use, and then he presents them to the authorization service.
5.1 Pull Model
In this model the authorization process is transparent to the user, so the Globus client
software needs no modification. As Figure 3 shows, when the user wants to access to
the Target Service, the GT3 server sends an ExtendedAuthorizationDecisionQuery to
the Authorization Service, following the OGSA proposal. This message contains the
user’s identity, the target resource and the action to be performed on that resource. In
this scenario, the resource is the Grid Service invoked by the user, and the action is the
service method to be executed. Once the Authorization Service gets this information,
builds a standard SAML AuthorizationDecisionQuery and sends it to the local AAA
server, using the DIAMETER-SAML protocol, as described in NAS-SAML [11].
Fig.3. Pull Model.
Once the local AAA server receives the AuthorizationDecisionQuery message, it
sends an AttributeQuery request to the user’s home AAA server, asking for the user’s
attributes. The local AAA server is able to discover the home AAA server location from
the user’s subject, as described in [11]. The home AAA server gets those attributes
from its local SA and responds with an AttributeStatement sentence, containing those
attributes. When the local AAA server receives this message, it uses the attributes and
the information received from the Authorization Service to obtain an authorization de-
cision consulting the local PDP. The AAA server sends an AuthorizationDecisionQuery
message to the PDP, and the AuthorizationDecisionStatement sentence received is sent
to the Authorization Service, which forwards the decision to the GT3 server as a Sim-
pleAuthorizationDecisionStatement sentence.
The advantage of this alternative is that a Virtual Organization making use of
the NAS-SAML scenario can make use of the authorization mechanism without user
knowledge. In this way, users continue accessing to GT3 in the traditional way, and or-
ganizations can manage attributes and its mapping to permissions in a transparent way.
The drawback is that the user cannot control the parameters related to the authorization
process, such as the set of attributes used to obtain the decision.
Fig.4. Attribute Recovery.
5.2 Push Model
In the push model, the user selects in his home domain the attributes he wants to present
to the target domain when requesting access to the Grid service. As Figure 4 shows, this
process is done by means of a secure web server (WS), located in the user home domain,
which returns the attributes to the user. First, the user and the WS authenticate mutually,
using X.509 certificates. Then, the WS requests the user attributes to the home SA using
the underlaying AAA infrastructure. It sends an AttributeQuery request to the AAA
server asking for all the user attributes and this server obtains the requested information
from the SA. The attributes are returned to the WS also through the AAA server in an
AttributeStatement response message. Finally the user selects the attributes he wants to
disclose and the WS provides them to the user as digitally signed SAML Assertions.
Once the user has obtained the desired attributes, the X.509 Proxy Certificate [17]
used to identify the user in GT, can be used to carry and present them to the GT3
server. The reason for using a X.509 Proxy Certificate instead of using a X.509 Attribute
Certificate, is that the proxy is a short lived certificate created by the user from its own
certificate, such as a ticket, which is currently supported by the Globus Toolkit since
it is the mechanism used to identify users. In this way we do not need to incorporate
additional functionality related to X.509 ACs. These attributes are added to the X.509
Proxy as non critical extensions which can be recovered from the GT3 server. Then,
they can be used to obtain the authorization decision, as Figure 5 shows.
Fig.5. Push Model.
When the GT3 server receives the user’s request, it extracts the attributes and adds
them as evidences to the ExtendedAuthorizationDecisionQuery message sent to the Au-
thorization Service. Using the received data, this service builds an AuthorizationDeci-
sionQuery which is sent to the local AAA server. From the user identity, the resource,
the service method, and the evidences, the PDP responds to the AAA server using an
AuthorizationDecisionStatement sentence, indicating the authorization decision.
6 Related Work
As we previously mentioned, several Grid authorization mechanisms have been pro-
posed during the last years. In this section we analyze ve of the most important solu-
tions, outlining the main advantages and drawbacks related to each one of them.
Two authorization systems specifically designed for Grid environments are
CAS [14] and VOMS [7]. They try to solve the problems of scalable and flexible rep-
resentation and enforcement of access policies in a Virtual Organization using a server
which maintains the community policies. Both systems only supports the push access
mode, and in CAS the element which enforces authorization is the own target service.
In the Virtual Organization Membership Service (VOMS) the enforcement of the au-
thorization is made by a gatekeeper, eliminating the need for modifying every service.
PERMIS and Akenti are two existing authorization systems which have been
adapted to the Grid. PERMIS is a RBAC mechanism based on the use of X.509 Attribute
Certificates and its own XML-based policy language. This system has been integrated
into GT3 as authorization method by means of the PERMIS Authorization Service [2].
On the other hand, Akenti represents the resource access policy as a set of distributed
signed certificates which are gathered up when necessary to take an authorization deci-
sion. In this system, resources are accessed via a resource gateway which contacts the
Akenti server. The use of a plug-in to handle the interface between the job manager in
GT2 and the Akenti server is described in [16], but a solution to integrate Akenti into
OGSA Grids is not implemented. These two authorization systems have been designed
to work in single organizations, so they are not suitable to be used in multi-domain en-
vironments, such as the grid. For example, they have not defined a protocol to exchange
authorization information between the different organizations. Besides, they only per-
mit the pull access mode in the Grid.
GridShib [18] is a project which main goal is the integration of Shibboleth and
Globus to provide identity federation and attribute-based policy enforcement for Grids.
Furthermore, Shibboleth offers pseudonymous interaction with the resources, which
GridShib expects to incorporate into the Grid. This system also offers the possibility to
access to the Grid using the push and pull models. GridShib allows a similar result that
our proposal. The main differences between both alternatives are due to the underlying
architectures, NAS-SAML and Shibboleth. In NAS-SAML the involved organizations
take advantage of an already existing AAA infrastructure which had been previously
deployed for other purposes, in this case, the network access control. On the other hand,
Shibboleth is a more recent architecture mainly focused on web applications.
7 Conclusions and Future Work
This paper demonstrates that when two or more organizations wants to collaborate by
means of a Grid, they have to introduce new authorization elements to manage their
user’s rights and the resource access control. Besides, in some cases the elements intro-
duced are redundant because each organization has its own authorization mechanism,
or collaborating organizations share a previous authorization infrastructure deployed
with another intention. This paper proposes to take advantage of the underlying AAA
infrastructure to provide an extensible and scalable authorization mechanism based on
the use of SAML statements to represent the authorization data.
Due to NAS-SAML allows both pull and push access modes, this authorization
mechanism offers these two kind of access to the Grid.
As a statement of direction we are integrating NAS-SAML in other high level ap-
plications, such as an admission control infrastructure for multimedia systems.
Partially supported by IST-2004-026600 project and TIC2003-08154-C06-03 project.
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