Wagner Francisco Castilho
Federal Savings Bank and Catholic University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil
Gentil José de Lucena Filho
Catholic University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil
Hércules Antonio do Prado
Embrapa Food Technology and Catholic University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil
Edilson Ferneda
Catholic University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil
Keywords: Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Data Mining, Clustering Analysis, Ontology of Language.
Abstract. The clusters’ analysis process comprises two broad activities: generation of a clusters set and extracting
meaning from these clusters. The first one refers to the application of algorithms to estimate high density ar-
eas separated by lower density areas from the observed space. In the second one the analyst goes inside the
clusters trying to figure out some sense from them. The whole activity requires previous knowledge and a
considerable burden of subjectivity. In previous works, some alternatives were proposed to take into ac-
count the background knowledge when creating the clusters. However, the subjectivity of the interpretation
activity continues to be a challenge. Beyond soundness domain knowledge from specialists, a consensual in-
terpretation depends on conversational competences for which no support has been provided. We propose a
method for cluster interpretation based on the categories existing in the Ontology of Language, aiming to
reduce the gap between a cluster configuration and the effective extraction of meaning from them.
The clusters' analysis process can be seen as the
search for a model on unlabeled data for which no
class structure is known. To accomplish it, first it is
generated a configuration of clusters on the basis of
the object dimensions, in which high density groups
of objects are separated from other by low density
areas. So, the clusters’ interpretation (CI), a typical
human activity, takes place. Such a subjective activ-
ity is, usually, carried out with no reasoning order to
guide the use of the ontological categories that could
express this subjectivity. Such a mental ordering
could be helpful as a way to make explicit (yet sub-
jective) the rationale that justify the conclusions.
The start point for this work is the acknowledgment
that CI, as any human phenomena, occurs in the
Language domain. Under such a premise, it is
worthwhile the aphorism “Everything said is said by
someone”, by Maturana (1988). In other terms,
Everything said is said by an observer”. In CI, it
means that it is not possible to talk about interpreta-
tion, nor even about the object of this interpretation
(the clusters), without considering the analyst, or the
subject who performs the analysis (the observer).
This fact has, at least, two immediate consequences.
The first is that, by bringing to the scene the ob-
server as a fundamental player to CI, his/her mental
models are also brought (Senge, 1994; Kofman,
2002). These models represent the way s/he ob-
serves and analyses the world, his/her distinctions,
Francisco Castilho W., José de Lucena Filho G., Antonio do Prado H. and Ferneda E. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 365-368
DOI: 10.5220/0002470003650368
positions, narratives, concerns, life experiences, or,
for short, his/her complete self. While sharing a way
of (a human) being with others, s/he is distinguished
from them by the set of characteristics that makes
him/her the particular being that s/he is (Echeverria,
1997, 1999). And this defines how s/he aggregates
semantic value during CI.
The other consequence refers to the necessity to
consider the linguistic dimension, as proposed by the
Ontology of Language (OL). OL considers that
language permeates the whole process, including the
interaction between the analyst and the domain ex-
pert when searching for new knowledge, the data
structure, and the previous domain knowledge. In
this dimension, it can be considered the fundamental
linguistic acts, presented by Echeverria (1997), em-
phasizing the importance of judgments.
To this ontological perspective, it can be added
the epistemological one, also fundamental to aggre-
gate semantic value to CI. In the epistemological
perspective, the focus is shifted not only from the
analysis object (the clusters) and the analysis itself,
but also from the analyst (the observer), coming up
with the domain meta-knowledge.
In this paper, we present briefly a proposal to ap-
ply OL on CI activity, describe a case study, report
some results, and point out some future works.
For Echeverria (1997), the central assumptions of
the OL may be summarized as follows: (a) Human
beings are linguistics beings. As an assumption, it is
important to understand that this is also an interpre-
tation. According to the main thesis of the OL, [we
don’t know how things are. We only know how we
observe them or how we interpret them to be.] we
live in a world of interpretations (Echeverria,
1997b). So, we can never say how things really are;
we just can say how we assume, interpret or take
them to be; when we say that human beings are
linguistic beings, what we are really saying is that
we interpret human beings to be linguistic beings.
Then, it is the language that makes human beings the
particular kind of beings we are. (b) Language has a
generative nature. Again, what is meant here is that
we interpret language to be generative”. As such,
language not only describes reality – the way we, in
our community, observe ourselves and the world
around us – but also creates such realities. Language
is action, what makes it able to build future, to gen-
erate identities and the world in which one lives.
Language generates being. (c) Human beings build
themselves in the dynamics of language. To be hu-
man is not, then, to have pre-determined nor perma-
nent ways of being; to be human is, above all, to
create and recreate spaces of possibilities, through
But what are the implications of these assump-
tions on the CI process? The answer has to do with
the way of implementing the space of possibilities.
Obviously, it happens by means of Language and, in
particular, of conversations!
In the conversations there are two classes of ba-
sic linguistic acts (Echeverria, 1997): the assertions
and the declarations. In the class of declarations
there are the assessments, which are central for the
sake of the interpretation method we are introducing
in this work, and the promises (the commitments),
that initiate or derive from petitions or offers (both,
types of declaration) followed by a typical accept
declaration, such as a “yes”, for example.
Assertions are descriptions of the state of the
world through which one describes what observes
according to the distinction that s/he possesses. In
other terms, we say that assertions are statements
intended to be facts. We use to say that the word
follows the world, as if this world already existed.
Declarations change the state of the world. To
declare something is to establish as the world may
become, adjusting itself to what has been said and,
thus, creating new contexts, new spaces of possibili-
ties. In this case, we say, the world follows the word;
after a declaration new choices become possible.
Assessments, like verdicts, are judgments and
inherit from declarations the power to establish
changes in the world, in particular, for all those
actors involved in the assessment: the one who
makes the assessment, the one who/which is as-
sessed and all those who assigns or recognizes au-
thority and acceptance to the assessment. Assess-
ments constitute a new reality, a reality that inhabits
in the intrinsic interpretations which support them.
Besides, assessments live in the person who makes
it, not on the “object” which is being assessed. As-
sessments are formulated almost every moment and
each time we face something new; in these occa-
sions they are formulated almost automatically.
As with all declarations, assessments can be
valid or invalid, depending on the authority of whom
that has formulated them. Moreover, they can be
founded (or not) according to their adherence to a set
of related aspects.
In general, the process of founding assessments
is crucial for people coordination of actions in living
together. This is also true when the living process
has to do with people interactions within the CI
context as it happens, for example, in the conversa-
tions between the analyst and the domain specialist.
The steps for founding assessments are (Echever-
ria, 1997): (1) Identify the future projected action
(i.e. the purpose) that you have in mind when issu-
ing the assessment. There is always a purpose when
one issues a judgment. (2) Identify the standards
under which the assessment is being made, with
relation to the future projected action. (3) Identify
the particular domain of observation under which the
assessment is being made. (4) Identify the assertions
(facts and events) related to the chosen standards,
that you can offer to support the assessment. (5) As a
counterpoint (refutation), verify that the opposite
assessment cannot be founded.
Actually, there are at least two other good rea-
sons for inclusion of a sixth step in the previous
process for founding assessments. First reason is
derived from the central thesis of the OL stated be-
fore, when we say that “we don’t know how things
are; we only know how we observe them or how we
interpret them to be” (Echeverria, 1997b). So, it
becomes very natural a compelling need for us for
willing to share the founding process with other
people. The other reason has to do with an epistemo-
logical dimension (Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995) of
knowledge creation, through which the additional
step contributes to establish an spiral expansion,
from individual to groups and organizational levels,
and thus contributing to expanding the CI process
from mere individual views to a more collective
fashioned way (Castilho et al, 2004). The sixth step
is: (6) To share the founding process with other
people, by opening the previous cycle in an enlarged
spiral whose specific effect (as a byproduct) is an
expanding consensual space of knowledge construc-
tion. Figure 1 presents the founding assessments
procedure, encompassing activities from the indi-
vidual to the group and organizational level.
For Echeverria (1997), assessments that do not
resist to the first five steps can be considered not
founded. To share the founding process with other
people (the step 6), besides contributing to reveal
one’s possible cognitive blindness, serves also to
reinforce the outcome of the founding procedure. It
is interesting to notice that the more collective,
grounded, and sound are the processes of decision
making embedded in it, the more trustful the result
of CI. From the founding procedure, its collective,
ground and sound aspects depend on a disciplined
way of giving and receiving (well founded) assess-
ments and on the schema or protocols for coordinat-
ing actions.
Figure 1: Procedure for justifying judgements: from indi-
vidual to organizational level
The AA process was feed by data extracted from the
Brazilian National System of Sanitation Information
(SNIS). Complementary data regarding to the Eco-
nomic Value Added (EVA) were extracted from the
financial reports issued by each State Company of
Basic Sanitation (CESB). This data set refers to the
CESB performance w.r.t. economic, financial, and
operational results.
The phase of objectives definition was carried
out during the interaction between the expert and the
analyst. The objectives, defined by agreement, are:
(1) create three clusters of CESB using data related
to their economic, financial, and operational per-
formance; (2) verify the effects of different level of
variables weighting on the clusters configuration;
(3) aggregate domain and data structure knowledge.
Three experiments were performed in two stages,
two in the first stage and one in the second. Experi-
ment E
took nine performance indexes with no
weighting, while EXP
used the same indexes with a
weighting factor. Three clusters were created and the
results compared. In the second stage, E
used an
aggregation of performance indexes, including six
economic, financial, and operational performance
and three indexes that compound the EVA. The
results in the third experiment were compared
against the two previous ones. The purpose of E
was to serve as a reference to issue a judgment re-
garding to the best cluster configuration. Since the
indexes used in E
reflect mathematically the
performance indexes, we consider this result as the
reference for the better configuration.
To generate the clusters it was used the informed
version of K-means that considers an information
matrix. This matrix takes into account the correla-
tion metrics and the graduation of interest and rele-
vance among the attributes. The interest and rele-
vance information was provided by the expert, ac-
cording to the weighting model proposed by Cas-
tilho et al (2003, 2004, 2005). To assure the sensibil-
ity control of the algorithm w.r.t. the initial condi-
tions, the same seeds were used for all experiments.
These seeds were previously defined at random. We
let no limit for data items allocation, allowing the
algorithm to converge to the maximum performance
criterion. To facilitate the results evaluation, a set of
graphical views were provided to the expert.
As in almost all human activity, the knowledge
discovering process is a social construction that
emerges from the interaction among people (Berger
& Luckmann, 2001). By this way, conversation
inside the conceptual frame of OL is vital to carrying
out the CI activity. So, it is important to consider
that the linguistic dimension is where the conversa-
tions take place and the overall knowledge discover-
ing process occurs. The results evaluation is perme-
ated by conversations between the expert and the
analyst and consists of building shared judgements
on the basis of the clustering configuration pre-
sented. In this sense, the expert and the analyst con-
cluded that E
were more coherent with the objec-
tives. After some conversations, the judgement justi-
fication process was carried out adopting as refer-
ence the results of Exp
. Some support statements
were proposed by the expert and the justification of
the contrary judgments were presented by the ana-
lyst. At first, the best clusters configuration, were
achieved by E
. However, after performing a
conversation cycle including a second expert, the
clusters configuration in Exp
were taken as the
more adequate for the application objectives.
The main advantage of our methodology is the mod-
elling of the subjective problem of CI, with the con-
scious handling of the ontological categories in-
volved. The domain experts declared satisfied with
the accomplished results and the quality and effec-
tiveness of the conversations and relationships de-
veloped during the CI activity. It is not usual in the
KDD realm to consider explicitly the mental proc-
esses involved when performing cluster analysis.
Rather, some data miners emphasize the importance
of the algorithms to generate the clustering model. It
seems that, once the clustering model is delivered,
their work is finished. They do not devote the neces-
sary importance to CI activity as a social knowledge
creation process. We suggest a coordination of ac-
tion cycle in clusters’ analysis that involves the
analyst and the expert in a creation process, based in
the distinctions of the linguistic acts and the con-
scious handling of the conversation dynamics.
On the application side, our experiments suggest
that management performance keeps in pace with
economic performance, i.e., a good management
aggregates wealth, while a bad one destroy it.
Our next targets are (1) deepen the studies in OL
aiming to improve the evaluation results and
(2) propose alternatives to represent and process
previous knowledge to have more semantic clusters.
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