precedent. But the last stages of system designing showed the nature of the require-
ment selection uncertainty. Regardless the accuracy and consecutive performance
there was identified one more precedent: division of plots into sub-plots (Fig. 1).
Since the general division precedent of model had been already developed the situa-
tion was dealt with the following way: the general division precedent was defined
more precisely with a new precedent “Division of a plot into sub-plots”.
3 Stock Volume and the Scenarios of Its Determination
Forest stand is, according to its structure, a continuous forest plot, which covers cer-
tain territory and differs significantly from the next situated areas. Any stand is
formed by the totality of trees, bushes and live land covering, and the main compo-
nent of it is a timber stand. Nowadays, depending on the accuracy degree, there are
two main precedents used for the forest inventory: continuous and group measuring.
In their turn, every main precedent, depending on the approach applied, is divided
into two types of measuring: visual and measuring using instruments. When measur-
ing, the diameter (D), height (H), age (A) and type of species (S) of trees are deter-
In the process of the continuous measuring of stock volume there is measured every
tree of forest stand. This type of measuring is used, if the territory is not large or there
is a necessity to obtain very precise data as final results. The implementation of con-
tinuous measuring precedent step by step is shown in the activity model. The cruiser
– user, who applies this scenario, defines the attributes of every tree, examining every
tree in the certain territory on a cyclic basis. The values of attributes are given in
absolute value: diameter – in centimeters, height – in meters, age – in years. All
measuring results are registered and become the data base of given theory.
In the process of the group measuring of stock volume there is measured the totality
of the group of trees of every type of species, as a result of which there are obtained
average values of trees. This type of measuring is used, if the territory is large and
there is no necessity to obtain very precise data. The implementation of group meas-
uring precedent step by step is shown in the activity model. The cruiser – user, who
applies this scenario, first of all, groups visually all trees by species and, examining
the group of trees of every type of species, instead of defining the attribute of every
tree, defines the average values of attributes for every group of species. The values of
attributes are given in average value: average diameter in centimeters, average height
in meters, average age in years. All measuring results are registered and become the
data base of given theory.
Having analyzed two precedents we can conclude that the cruiser’s task is to evaluate
the same totality of attributes – diameter, height and age, but in different interpreta-
tions. Firstly, attributes are interpreted according absolute value: every tree has its
particular diameter, height and age, secondly, attributes are interpreted in terms of
average value: every group of tree species has its average diameter, height and age
(Fig. 2).