MDA Approach for the Development of Embeddable
Applications on Communicating Devices
Eyob Alemu
, Dawit Bekele
, Jean-Philippe Babau
MicroLink Information Technology College, P.O.Box 5/1030, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Department of Computer Science, Addis Ababa University,
P.O.Box 3479, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
CITI Laboratory INSA, LION, France. 20, avenue Albert Einstein, 69621 Villeurbanne cedex
Abstract. Focusing on the communications subsystem of embedded platforms,
this paper introduces an MDA based approach for the development of embed-
dable communicable applications. A QoS aware and resource oriented ap-
proach, which exhibits the runtime interaction between applications and plat-
forms, is proposed. Reservation based (typically connection oriented) networks
are specifically considered.
1 Introduction
Recent technological advances are making possible the embedding of both processing
and communication functions in highly integrated, low-cost devices such as PDA’s
and mobile phones. This is promoting the use of a distributed approach in many ap-
plication fields including embedded systems, which is now leading to the current and
future realm of pervasive computing [1]. As communication is extensively used as an
interaction medium for such devices, it makes up the most important platform service
in such distributed systems. Today, a large variety of networks are currently available
to build distributed embedded systems. Moreover, most of them are competing in the
same domain of application. For example, CAN [10] and I2C [11] are used in auto-
motive and industrial systems, whereas Bluetooth [8] and IrDA [9] are used for inter-
connecting peripherals and portable devices. The middleware platforms considered so
far in the MDA such as CORBA are heavyweight and do not generally fit the domain
of embedded systems. Moreover, resource limitation is a typical characteristic of this
domain, which makes the issue of Quality of Service (QoS) a major concern. In this
paper, we propose a QoS aware MDA approach for the development of embeddable
communicable applications focusing on the communication subsystem. The approach
shows an adaptation of the enterprise MDA towards addressing platform variability in
the development of applications for embedded devices.
Alemu E., Bekele D. and Babau J. (2006).
MDA Approach for the Development of Embeddable Applications on Communicating Devices.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Model-Driven Enterpr ise Information Systems, pages 88-97
DOI: 10.5220/0002478300880097
2 MDA and Embedded Systems
With the general MDA specification, systems are first modeled using Platform Inde-
pendent Models (PIMs). The next step transforms the PIMs to Platform Specific
Models (PSMs) through a systematic transformation process. In recent years, the
capability of the hardware devices is enhanced to provide extensive interfaces and the
possibility of hosting applications of different types. Programmable interfaces and
software abstraction layers are becoming possible to support flexible system devel-
opments [5]. This evolutionary enhancement of embedded systems from their specific
purpose functionality to a more general, multipurpose and more intelligent capability
is making the devices not only capable of hosting embedded applications but also
communicate with each other to share resources and to transfer information. The
current and future vision of pervasive computing can benefit from this advancement
since it makes extensive use of embedded devices. Besides the software development
complexity of this domain, platform variation is a very critical problem. Moreover,
resource limitation has made the development to focus on QoS and platform level
2.1 The Embedded System Platforms
In [4], a definition for an embedded platform is presented as a “family of Micro-
Architectures possibly oriented towards a particular class of problems”. A recent
initiative in this domain is the platform-based approach proposed in [5] and further
improved in [4]. Using Platform Based Design approach, the platforms for embedded
systems are modeled at different abstraction levels so that developers could choose
the appropriate abstraction level that can avoid their concern about the details of the
platforms. A typical layered architecture of an embedded platform is shown below
(Fig 1) [4].
Application Domain specific Services
(Functions, User Interfaces)
Proc and
Fig. 1. Platform descriptions at different levels.
As shown in Fig 1, the ARC Layer includes a specific family of micro-architectures
(physical hardware). The API Layer is a software abstraction layer wrapping ARC
implementation details. API presents what kinds of logical services are provided and
how they are grouped together and represented as interfaces. ASP (Application Spe-
cific Programmable) provides a group of application domain-specific services directly
available to users. The API layer is the most useful layer among the three levels
providing programmable and interactive interface for upper layer clients and applica-
tions [5][6].
2.2 QoS Offered By Embedded Platforms and Networks
QoS requirements specify not what the system does (provides services), but how the
system satisfies its client requests while doing what it does [20]. The QoS relationship
between the requester and the provider can be viewed from two aspects [3]:
From Client/Server (horizontal) relationship: in which case a client specifies the
required QoS and the server specifies the offered QoS for a negotiated contract.
From an abstract/concrete (vertical) relationship: in which case the relationship is
seen in a layered architecture . The MDA approach that we propose is related
with this second aspect.
Considering the embedded networks, the two major categories of QoS mechanisms in
Link Layer networks are Reservation and Priority. In reservation, network resources
are allocated based on signaled requests originating from applications. Several pa-
rameters are used to define the reservation requirement and provision. Signaling mes-
sages are used to exchange such parameters. In prioritization (CAN, I2C), exchanged
packets or frames are usually associated with a priority value that defines the han-
dling in relation to other priorities. Several mechanisms for providing QoS exist in
both categories. For example Bluetooth and IrDA use different reservation mecha-
nisms. This work specifically focuses on the reservation and connection oriented
category of the networks.
3 The Proposed MDA Approach
In enterprise MDA, the major focus is on modeling and transformation of functional
elements and interfaces of applications from a more abstract to a more refined form,
which does not consider the QoS aspects. We argue that such an MDA process is not
generally suitable in the current and future embeddable communicable applications.
Most of the application models must identify the behavior of their execution envi-
ronment specially concerning QoS. More specifically, platform models in the embed-
ded system development methodology greatly influence application models. The
major concern is how to model the applications in order to use specific environments
efficiently. Therefore, the model of the applications usually follows the model of the
execution environment or is made along with the design of that specific environment
(Co-design). Hence, unlike enterprise systems, the MDA approach for embedded
systems in general should be based on the models of the platforms and their abstrac-
tion instead of application models and their refinement. The notion of “Abstract plat-
form” [19], tailored with the MDA methodology will leverage the current challenges
and visions in the embeddable communicable applications development.
Therefore what we propose is a model driven platform based (resource oriented) and
QoS aware approach for embeddable communicable applications. This way the PIM
of the platforms will be an abstract model that can be used within the model of the
applications. Upon implementation the abstract platform will be mapped with a spe-
cific platform through a mapping layer. The mapping layer can target a number of
different concrete platforms as shown in Fig 2.
3.1 Analysis of the Embedded Networks
Based on the analysis we have made on the reservation-based networks, the modeling
elements are identified to be similar except the QoS expression and mechanism.
Therefore, we present here the general model elements.
The objects (entities) identified are:
Channel/Connection: this refers to the channel identified with two endpoints on
Event: every message exchange is produced as an event, which invokes a corre-
sponding operation. It has four types: Request, Indication, Response and
QoS_Spec: this represents the QoS constraint (Offered QoS) of the link layers.
Service Interface: represents the service entity through which clients interact with
the layer.
Classes will be used to represent these four entities. Using the terminology and mod-
eling artifacts in the UML profiles defined in [2] and [3], Channel/Connection is
considered as a Resource and QoS_Spec is a QoSConstranit. The other elements are
modeled using the standard UML concepts.
3.2 The Platform Independent Model (PIM)
With the MDA standard, the PIM should be semantically similar to the platform
models [7]. Hence, it has to reflect the connection oriented and the reservation based
nature of the networks. The applications implemented in this network domain are
aware of the reservation based and connection oriented nature of the networks. But
their design and implementation will be independent of a specific network interface.
Therefore the PIM concepts are based on abstract representations of platform specific
characteristics. The essential model elements that the PIM must include in an abstract
manner are the same as those of the specific platforms, except the QoS expression for
which we propose a generic expression named Flow_Spec that can represent a reser-
vation request. The Flow_Spec is an entity for the QoS as a generic reservation re-
quest specification taken from the flow specification proposed in [14] which is a
Token Bucket based specification. It has been enhanced in [22] and further by Inter-
net Engineering Task Force (IETF) for use in Internet reservation services [22][23].
For the QoS specification at the PIM level, the flow-based approach is selected for a
number of reasons: First it is a closer approach to networks and in particular it is
more appropriate for the connection oriented and reservation based networks consid-
ered in this work. Initially it was proposed for the Internet community. It is also a
widely used model to quantitatively specify application requirements on a network.
Second, it is more declarative than showing more technical details, which makes it
appropriate for a PIM level specification according to the MDA standard . Third, its
specification does not target a specific network protocol and reservation mechanism
[12]21. This opens the possibility of mapping to many different specific implementa-
tions. Fourth, we believe that it is the most appropriate specification that can satisfy
both requirements of a PIM stated in [15], i.e. platform independence and mappablity
towards concrete platforms. We argue that this type of PIM specification can be
transformed to Bluetooth, IrDA and other reservation based networks.
3.3 The Mapping Model
This section presents the detailed version of the proposed MDA approach as shown in
Fig 2. The transformation between the PIM and the target network model (PM) is
made through the intermediate mapping layer forming a PSM. This will meet the
objective of MDA in that communicable embedded applications can be designed and
implemented without the concern of the peculiar characteristics of the used network.
For simplifying the model, the two concepts, i.e., the Functional Service and the QoS
are separated into two groups (packages) as shown in Fig 2.
Fig. 2. The proposed MDA approach in UML.
PISL evel
PI Evne t
Flow S pe c
<<QoSRequi red>>
PSLev el
PQo SSpec
Se rvic eM ap
PSMEv ent
Map/ Verify
3.5 The Mapping Strategy
The mapping layer will have two parts namely ServiceMap, responsible for mapping
the functional service interface of the PIM with the PM and QoSMap, responsible for
transforming the QoS modeling elements. It has two subtypes related to Throughput
mappings (Th_Map) and latency mappings (De_Map).
Since the functional service mapping is relatively easier and is not our major focus
area, we present here the most important part of the mapping layer, i.e., the QoS
mapping. For the QoS mapping, the predictability nature of the specifications is con-
sidered. We have divided the QoS mapping strategy into three categories:
1. Service Level Mapping: This is done by using the semantics of the three levels at
the PIM QoS. (Guaranteed, Controlled Load and Best Effort). Appropriate in-
terpretations of the meanings in each specific network will be identified.
2. Service Level Mapping: This is done by using the semantics of the three levels at
the PIM QoS. (Guaranteed, Controlled Load and Best Effort). Appropriate in-
terpretations of the meanings in each specific network will be identified.
Throughput Related Mapping: for this case, we used a concept of Maximum
Transmission Boundary (MTB) to determine the maximum amount of data bytes
transferred within a period of time, based on the parameters for both PIM and PM.
Hence, we must have:
<= MTB
= min( B + r*T, M + P*T)
where B=Bucket size, r = Token rate, T = a time interval for the flow, p =
peak rate, and M = Maximum Transmission Unit [16][25]. Similarly, the corre-
sponding value for the PM can be calculated from appropriate parameters.
A. Latency Related Mapping: this is done using the explicit specification at the
PIM level and estimated from appropriate parameters at the PM level with the
following relationship:
3.6 Procedures Used by the Mapping Layer
The mapping layer uses two procedures to link application requests with the underly-
ing network level provisions. The Map/Transform procedure transforms and maps
parameters from PIM to PM or vise versa. The Verification procedure verifies the
Required/Offered relationship holds. Based on the requested service level appropriate
action will be taken. If Guaranteed, requirements must be satisfied. If Controlled
Load, requirements are flexible (negotiable), and if Best Effort, any value offered is
4 Applicability of the Approach
In this section, we present the applicability of our approach for the IrDA specific
platform. We are forced to limit to the case of IrDA only due to page restrictions.
IrDA Platform Model: the IrDA link layer services are presented through the Link
Management Protocol (IrLMP) layer which has a relatively similar purpose but
slightly different functional services as the Bluetooth L2CAP layer. It also provides a
connection-oriented service with a set of parameters for the level of QoS it provides
to its clients.
Data Size
BoudRat e
WindowSi ze
MinTurnArroundTim e
LinkThreshol d
qos : QoS_Spec
<< Interface>>
Fig. 3. The IrDA link layer Platform Model.
Since there is a difference in the parameters used to define the QoS provision, an
indirect procedure is performed for mapping the PIM with the IrDA PM. The IrDA
QoS parameters are defined in [24]. The mapping relationship is shown in Fig 4.
Fig. 4. Mapping the QoS parameters of the PIM and IrDA.
4.1 Mapping the Service Level
In the IrDA specification, there is no distinct expression for service levels. The most
common scenario is that for the communication to begin between two application
ends, both must agree on the exchanged QoS parameters. The negotiation values are
distinct enumerated values. Furthermore, the two ends must honor the agreed upon
values throughout the lifetime of the link. However, the PIM level specification takes
the three service levels. Hence, the most appropriate accommodation in the link layer
would be as follows.
If Guaranteed service level is requested, then strict parameters must be calculated and
negotiated with the target IrDA link. The mapping layer then verifies the two values
and decides on the success or failure. If “Best Effort” or “Controlled Load” service
Token rate ( r )
Token Bucket Size ( B )
Peak Rate ( p )
Max Transmission Unit ( MTU )
Service Level
Baud Rate ( Br )
Maximum Turn Around Time ( MTt)
Minimum Turn Around Time ( mtt)
Data Size (DS)
Window Size (WS)
Maps to
levels are requested, there will be a possibility that the Offered values can override
the required values if they do not agree.
4.2 Throughput Related Mapping
As an example we show Throughput related mapping. The major parameters that
determine the MTB limit for IrDA are the Br and MTt. However, the actual limit is
set from DS and WS within the MTB limit. Hence, we take: MTB
<= Br * MTt
Since MTB
<= MTB
, must hold and MTB
= Min (B + r* MTt, MTU + p*
MTt) , (Taking MTB
= B + MTt * R and MTB
= MTt * Br), we have:
B+ MTt * R <= MTt * Br, then
We used the MTt (Maximum Turn Around Time) of IrDA as an interval, because its
value determines the brief break intervals the sender makes between each continuous
burst of data flow, handing the link to the other device.
If Guaranteed level is requested by application (PIM), then the expression Br>= r,
should be verified.
If Best Eeffort or Controlled Load, then the provided (Br) can override the required (r
or p) and used for reverse calculation, and we have:
, and p >=r
Similarly, the mapping and the verification mechanism can be made for the latency
related mapping.
5 Related Works
5.1 MDA for SoC
An MDA approach for System on Chip Design (SoC) methodology of embedded
systems development has been addressed by the work in [15]. This approach is more
appropriate for systems dedicated to specific tasks such as signal processing so that
the functionality can be modeled for both the hardware and the software with the co-
design methodology. Moreover, it does not consider interconnection between remote
entities and how communication protocols and their variability are handled. In addi-
tion, it takes the hardware architecture as only the machine elements such as buses
and chips and not the API level abstractions.
5.2 Network Protocol Modeling with UML
A first attempt has been made by Sekaran [16] for modeling a data link layer protocol
specifically the L2CAP layer of Bluetooth. However, the major drawback of this
work is that it does not consider the QoS provided at the link layer. It has only con-
sidered the functional services of the layer. Another similar work is that made by
Thramboulidis and Mikiroyannidis [17] for modeling the TCP. However, the QoS
issues have not been included in the model. These two works have shown that object
oriented modeling and implementation of communication protocols is possible with
its inherent benefits although slight performance penalty is expected.
5.3 Quality of Service Modeling Approaches
Quality of Service modeling is among the important issues addressed by different
researches works recently. Several approaches for modeling QoS have been proposed
[18],[19]. However, they do not address specific domains that are closely associated
with QoS such as networks and embedded systems. Moreover, most of the concepts
they have introduced are incorporated with the UML profiles discussed previously. In
[20], Aagedal presents the concept of orthogonal separation between the QoS specifi-
cation and the functionality specification of a system. Furthermore, it has shown how
to link QoS aspect models with functional elements of models called computational
elements such as Actor, Component, Interface, Node, Object, Subsystem, Use case,
and Use case instance. But it does not use the MDA concepts such as Platform Inde-
pendent Modeling, Platform Specific Modeling and Transformations.
6 Conclusion
In this paper, we have shown a possible adaptation of the MDA towards a QoS aware
and resource oriented application development for the embedded systems domain.
The major focus has been the communication subsystem of embedded platforms
where the variability in the reservation based networks can be handled in a formal
model based process. The Required/Provided relationship between applications and
networks has been represented with the PIM and PM perspectives of the MDA and a
possible mapping layer that can transform the application level requests to network
level provisions. The applicability case study for IrDA has also shown that the PIM
QoS can be transformed and also verified with specific network QoS. We believe that
this way the concerns of application level modeling and implementation could be
separated from the platform level service specification as two different concerns of
development in this domain. In addition, we believe that the applicability of the map-
ping can work for other reservation based networks such as HiPERLAN2 even if it is
not initially intended for embedded systems. In our work, we used only parameters
that are used to define the performance requirements and provisions. In the real case,
other factors such as the overhead imposed by the mapping layer should be consid-
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