aspects is the fact that this proposal integrates other approaches, such as SIREN [19],
UMLSec [17], security use cases [6] or misuse cases [18]. And it is also compatible
with WSSecReq (Web Services Security Requirements) stage of the PWSSec (Web
Services Security Development Process) process [7], as well as SREP might incorpo-
rate into its SRR the catalogue of security requirements template for web services
based on SIREN, which Gutierrez et al. propose in [8].
Further work is also needed to provide a CARE (Computer-Aided Requirements
Engineering) tool which supports the process, as well as a refinement of the theoreti-
cal approach by proving it with a real case study.
This paper has been produced in the context of the DIMENSIONS (PBC-05-012-2)
Project of the Consejería de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Junta de Comunidades de
Castilla- La Mancha along with FEDER and the CALIPO (TIC2003-07804-CO5-03)
and RETISTIC (TIC2002-12487-E) projects of the Dirección General de
Investigación del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología.
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