Table 2. Payoff matrix of PSH_NET-G.
Attack Normal
Attack 35,10 25,10
Normal 15,10 -5,0
In more detail, when both operators have compromised nodes, we have an Attack-
Attack condition, where MO1 receives all gains of Table 1, protecting its internal
nodes, preventing attacks to other mobile operators, gaining knowledge and also
paying the Honeynet cost. MO2, who does not implement the honeynet, receives only
gain G2, while being protected from the compromised node of MO1 (blocked by the
Honeynet), revealing a network gain for all players. In an Attack-Normal condition,
MO1, does not receive the G2 gain since MO2 is not attacking, but receives the rest
of the gains as in the previous condition. MO2, receives gain G2, like in the previous
condition. In a Normal-Attack condition, MO1 receives gains G2,G4 and G5, while
MO2 receives gain G3, since MO1 is protected by the Honeynet. In a Normal-Normal
condition there is no positive gain for the players, while MO1 pays the cost of the
The payoff matrix reveals two Nash Equilibria. A Nash equilibrium is identified,
by marking the best responses of a player, taking as constant the response the other
player. For example if MO2 lies in an attack mode, the attack mode of MO1 is the one
with the greatest payoff for MO1. By marking in bold these payoffs, we identify two
Nash equilibria, Attack-Attack and Attack-Normal, which are the conditions that lead
both players to a mutual best advantage.
Analyzing the results of the game we conclude to the following:
• There is a net benefit for all players due to the implementation of the Honeynet,
shown in the Attack-Attack situation, since security depends on the security of
others. This net benefit could be increased by the proliferation of knowledge
gained by MO1.
• There are two Nash equilibria, Attack-Attack and Attack-Normal, revealing that
the implementation of a Honeynet is most useful for both players in these
• In the case that MO2 is compromised and forced to attack, there is a clear benefit
for the MO1, who implements the Honeynet.
• The highest payoffs are received by MO1, who implements the Honeynet, except
from the case that there is no security incident.
The possibilities, however, for the realization of no security incident are proven to
be very small, which when combined with the low cost of implementing open source
solutions, like Honeynets, reveal the cost effectiveness of Honeynets in 3G. In order
to prove more formally this expression, we use a concept of economics and finance
theory, called risk aversion [12]. An entity is risk averse, when it is willing to accept a
lower expected payoff if it means that it could have a more predictable outcome.
Mobile operators are a very good example of risk averse entities, in contradiction to
risk seeking entities, due to the increased business impact from the realization of a
threat in the PS, especially when the cost of a security solution is very low.
The following equation, represents the gain in security, as a function of the
monetary value that the entity is willing to invest in security: y=f(x). The f function is