Secure Deployment of Applications to Fielded Devices
and Smart Cards
William G. Sirett, John A. MacDonald, Keith Mayes and Konstantinos Markantonakis
Smart Card Centre – Information Security Group
Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Abstract. This work presents a process of deploying applications securely to
fielded devices with smart cards whilst taking into consideration the possibility
that the client device could be malicious. Advantages of the proposed process in-
clude; caching functionality upon the device, optimal use of resources, employ-
ment of nested security contexts whilst addressing fielded infrastructures and a
homogeneous solution. This work outlines a targeted scenario, details existing
malicious device activity and defines an attacker profile. Assumptions and re-
quirements are drawn and analysis of the proposal and attack scenarios is con-
ducted. Advantages and deployment scenarios are presented with an implemen-
tation the process using Java and specific standards.
1 Introduction
Consider the situation of having a large field base of equipment which interact with
secure elements such as smart cards. Examples of these infrastructures are 3GPP mo-
bile network [1] and satellite TV Set-Top-Boxs (STB) [2, 3]. Functionality can be split
across two applications; fielded host device (referred to as device) application and smart
card application. This can effectively use the resources available. For example, the de-
vice’s greater storage capacity and processing power or the smart card’s tamper resistant
qualities [4,5]. New applications sometimes need to be distributed in response to emerg-
ing security problems or the deployment of new functionality. The field base could be
recalled or new smart cards issued but the costs could be prohibitive. Replacing the circa
260m GSM cellular phones in Western Europe and accompanying Subscriber Identity
Module (SIM) cards would be an expensive undertaking.
New device and smart card applications need to be securely deployed to remotely
fielded devices whilst maintaining integrity, confidentiality and authenticity. This work
demonstrates, using specific technologies, how to securely deploy a device application
that is capable of securely installing a smart card application in the field. The device and
smart card applications are separated and each maintains individual security contexts
maintaining integrity and confidentiality. As device functionality increases so does the
scope for user modification and subversion of security measures, therefore, the device
can be considered less trusted than the smart card [6]. The approach uses a homoge-
neous solution to utilise the device as a high capacity cache whilst protecting the smart
card. Our solution considers resource use in a constrained environment by maintaining
G. Sirett W., A. MacDonald J., Mayes K. and Markantonakis K. (2006).
Secure Deployment of Applications to Fielded Devices and Smart Cards.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems, pages 195-206
two security contexts to separate device from smart cards and not only provides a se-
cure method of deploying smart card applications but couples of device and smart card
The structure of the work is as follows; the architecture of the problem area is in-
troduced and assumptions and requirements drawn against it. Existing approaches are
presented and evaluation is conducted concerning their suitability to the problem area.
Our own solution is introduced; including architecture, overview and detailed explo-
ration of process. The advantages of this solution are presented followed by examples
of industrial implementation and possible scenarios of deployment. Finally, concluding
remarks are provided on the work conducted and future research direction.
2 Scenario Specification
In this section we graphically represent the targeted scenario, explore the possible mali-
cious behaviour of the user device and outline an attacker profile alongside assumptions
and requirements for a solution.
2.1 Targeted Scenario
Fig 1 shows the entities involved; server, device and smart card. Although this paper
focuses upon smart card technology the smart card entity could be replaced by other
technologies that offer tamper resistant abilities and a programmable operating system
such as a USB token or dongle. Each entity in Fig 1 is shown holding one application
but are capable of storing multiple applications.
Fig.1. Scenario Architecture.
The presence of the secure entity, or smart card, in this system implies the need for a
tamper resistant device at the client site – this is due to the possible malicious or subver-
sive activities of the remote user. In this targeted scenario the remote user is consuming
some type of service. The network provider must provide legitimate clients across a
hostile network to a user that cannot be assumed to be trusted [7]. The network/service
provider must place trust in the security mechanisms present at the client site to protect
its interests. However, the user has full control and access to both hardware and soft-
ware on the remote device and that unlimited amount of time and resources to attack the
system [7]. The identified attacker is capable of reading, modifying, creating or deleting
any communication between the device and smart card.
The most typical attacker considered by this work is the malicious user, educated
by Internet communities, that is seeking a simple method of circumnavigating security
measures on their mobile device. It is common for remote users of a system to attempt to
break security measures; common examples demonstrated in the satellite television [8],
digital music and mobile telecommunication industries [9]. Smart card are susceptible
to side channel attacks but this attack is beyond the scope of the standard user and is
often only a plausible option for security labs or highly funded organisations. However,
it is worth noting the falling costs and increased automation of side channel attacks and
this will make them a more frequently employed tool [10–14].
2.2 Assumptions
The definition of assumptions allow us to eliminate issues that have been addressed else-
where and to focus upon key problems. The first assumption (A1) states that the smart
card or security entity employed is tamper resistant. No element is tamper proof [4]
but a degree of tamper resistance can be attributed to a smart card. It is assumed that a
secret securely placed into a smart card remains private. Assumption 2 (A2) refers to an
existing shared secret between card and server; this not only infers a shared symmetric
key but also any equivalent Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) mechanisms. Assumption 3
(A3) states that the server is capable of placing a key or certificate upon the device. This
is possible in some existing architectures; for example the Satellite TV industry has the
ability to alter fielded smart cards [15] and the mobile industry has similar functionality
via the GSM standard and the 03.48 mechanism [16]. These mechanisms are looked
at in Section 3 and have some limiting features. Assumption 4 (A4) states that all en-
tities can handle multiple applications; this is fairly straightforward but addresses any
ambiguity in the capability of the smart card entity. This assumption allows the consid-
eration of handling multiple device and smart card applications within the architecture
and validates the aims of this work. Assumption 5 (A5) assumes the smart card is ca-
pable but unprepared, this is to define that the card is compatible with all standards that
the solution may require. In practice not all smart cards in the field will have the stor-
age, processing or adherence to industry standards required. The final assumption (A6)
declares that the device is open to malicious interference and considered less trusted
than the smart card:
(A1) Smart card is tamper resistant,
(A2) Secret exists between smart card and server,
(A3) Server can place certificate and keys onto smart card securely,
(A4) All entities can handle multiple applications,
(A5) Smart card is considered capable but unprepared,
(A6) Device could be malicious and considered less trusted than smart card.
2.3 Requirements
The first requirement (R1) demands that the secure deployment of device and accompa-
nying smart card applications is possible with a solution. R2 takes this further in stating
that the solution arrived at must be applicable to fielded equipment. Fielded equipment
refers to a remote host device and smart card in the hands of the user. The server is
inclined to place a greater degree of trust in the smart card than the device; as the smart
card has tamper resistant qualities (A1) and was issued by a trusted source. The level
of trust that exists between the smart card and server must not be afforded to the device
(R3). The literature [17, 8] has examples of the possible malicious nature of devices in
the field and it is a reasonable requirement to keep it one step removed from the server
smart card security context. The smart card applications must be kept confidential and
arrive on-card with integrity intact (R4, R5). The smart card is a secure environment
and anything arriving in it must be handled securely prior to and during installation.
These requirements also place constraints on what the device can do whilst handling
the smart card application and must be cryptographically enforced. A successful solu-
tion will minimise demands on the resources of the system where possible (R6) and
be homogeneous (R7) in nature. This will simplify the solution as procedures will be
optimised for the constrained environment of a smart card [9] and the mechanisms used
will interact in a uniform manner:
(R1) Secure deployment of device and smart card applications,
(R2) Applicability to fielded equipment,
(R3) Device not to be afforded level of trust that exists between smart card and server,
(R4) Confidentiality assured of smart card applications,
(R5) Integrity assured of smart card applications,
(R6) Optimised resource usage,
(R7) Homogeneous solution.
3 Existing Approaches
Several industries address individual problems and these are discussed in this section.
The ETSI TS03.48 [16] provides end to end security for any Short Message Service
(SMS) going to and from a SIM to network operator [18, 19]. However, the payload
and performance are limited and applications are restricted [20]. It also only addresses
the mobile industry needs and a broader solution is required. A secure device appli-
cation installation procedure is defined using J2ME [21, 22] with the MIDP2.0 profile
[23]. The GlobalPlatform Card Specification [24] defines a card application installation
protocol and the GlobalPlatform Device API V2.0 [25] could be used to implement a
bespoke solution.
Finally, a pragmatic approach remains; equipment could be recalled and updated in
a trusted environment or new equipment deployed. Applying this to large field bases
of devices could prove prohibitively expensive in terms of time and costs in compari-
son to a deployable software solution. No overall homogeneous solution is defined for
our targeted scenario (section 2.1) but some individual aspects are provided for. The
standards or protocols that exist to securely deploy applications to fielded devices are
limited; either in industry applicability, bandwidth or performance. However, some of
the specifications will prove useful in an implementation or proof of concept model but
further enhancements are required.
4 Proposed Solution
This section introduces the solution architecture and fully explores both the process and
1 Server
2 Device
3 Smart Card
4 Secret Key or equivalent PKI
5 Device Application
6 Smart Card Application
7 Communication channel:
Server Device
8 Communication channel:
Device Smart Card
Fig.2. Architecture of Solution definition.
4.1 Architecture
Fig 2 shows the architectural solution
. The system shows multiple applications running
on each entity and an overall residing secret between server and smart card. The device
is the only entity that can communicate with the card in the field and has been shown to
be susceptible to malicious modification.
4.2 Process
(P1) Preparation of Smart Card Application:
The server prepares the smart card application using the shared secret between the
card and server. It encrypts and hashes the application code knowing that the smart
card can confirm origin and confidentiality. The server must know the smart card’s
unique identifier to be able to ascertain the corresponding secret to be used. This
is achieved either through an initial authentication of the card or the knowledge is
already known via another means.
(P2) Preparation of Device Application:
The server prepares the device application; the first stage is to embed the secure
smart card application into the body of the device application. The encrypted smart
card byte code becomes an integral part of the device application. The server then,
using whatever security context that exists between itself and the device, signs the
prepared device application.
(P3) Server to Device Transfer:
The Server uploads the device application with its embedded encrypted smart card
application to the device. This process can be initiated by the device or the server
can request the upload or a whole host of prepared device applications could be pre-
installed on the device before deployment. However, this third option is in violation
of R2 as it does not addressed the fielded device scenario.
(P4) Device Application Installation:
The device runtime environment, using the security context between itself and the
server, authenticates the device application before installation. This confirms a le-
gitimate server sent the application and that the code has its integrity intact. As a
byproduct the embedded bytes of the smart card application are also verified as it
is an integral part of the device application code. The device does not have pos-
session of the secret used to protect the smart card application and therefore can
Please note that the label MAC refers to Message Authentication Code.
only securely store the encrypted information for later use. It stores the smart card
application whilst having its own access rights restricted.
(P5) Smart Card Installation Initiation:
As it stands the device has an application installed and the protected smart card
application stored locally. The card has not installed anything up to this point. When
required either by the server or user direction the device can initiate smart card
application installation.
(P6) Server Authentication
As the smart card is a secure entity and only trusts the server, the server’s authenti-
cation must first be received before any installation can take place. Only once this
is received will the card continue the process.
(P7) Checking of Smart Card Application:
The shared secret between smart card and device allows for the on-card verification
of the smart card application. Once confirmed the encrypted bytes are decoded on-
card and installed successfully. The architecture now has new device and smart card
applications installed whilst maintaining given security requirements.
4.3 Advantages
This solution provides a caching function which allows smart card applications to be
installed, when required, from the device without downloading from the server. For ex-
ample, a device could have multiple applications available for use by the user and the
smart card element is only installed when required. It could be that the application is
seldom used or that storage constraints upon the smart card are called into play. Addi-
tionally, communication from the server is optimised as only one download is required
to deliver two applications to the client side. To install a new smart card application
from the device, the server need only perform one authentication. The device has much
greater capacity compared to the smart card in terms of storage and could hold many
device applications (and therefore the embedded smart card applications). This allows
the device and smart card to provide a greater amount of functionality as not all appli-
cations will need to be on the card at any given time. The storage strengths of the device
are used to fully exploit the capacity of the smart card.
The device becomes a secure holding area as the smart card application is protected
using a shared secret known only to smart card and server or PKI mechanism. Two com-
bined layers of security allow the compartmentalisation of the security requirements of
the different entities. The device is trusted to store and deliver the smart card applica-
tion but does not install its own applications or read/modify the smart card applications.
The card can independently confirm the integrity of any application before installation.
Furthermore, this solution can be implemented on fielded devices and negates the need
for device recall or replacement.
Finally, the combination of applications into one entity provides a much simpler so-
lution than some alternatives that use separate download events and, sometimes, mech-
anisms. For example, the mobile network may employ GSM 03.48 to securely install a
It should be noted that the necessity of this stage is not ideal and off-line authentication would
present greater value. This could not be achieved with the available standards at present.
smart card application onto a SIM using SMS messages whilst downloading the device
application via a higher bandwidth channel. The server is under additional pressure in
terms of communication overheads and complexity.
5 Implementation
This section proposes an industrial implementation that utilises a range of technologies,
standards and practises to demonstrate the functionality of the proposed solution. This
section introduces the technologies involved and then goes onto discuss the implemen-
tation of the process detailed previously.
5.1 Platform
The platform chosen was the Java, which is pervasive in the marketplace [26] and the
technology and tools are widely available. The smart card used supports the Java Card
standards [27, 28] and GlobalPlatform 2.1.1 [24]. The device has a J2ME Java Run-
time Environment (JRE) and supports two enabling specifications; JSR-118: Mobile
Information Device Profile 2.0 [23] and JSR-177: Security and Trust Services API for
J2ME [29]. JSR-118 extends the device profile and provides key security functionality
[30]. Whereas, the JSR-177 provides J2ME applications with additional APIs which
includes the provision of cryptographic functionality and the ability to communicate
with a security element using the ISO standards [31,32].
5.2 Process Implementation
This section shows how to realise the proposed solution in Section 4 (S=Server, D=Device
and C=Smart Card).
(P1) Preparation of Smart Card Application
The GlobalPlatform standard defines a secure smart card application (Applet) in-
stallation protocol that allows for an encrypted and hashed Applet to be installed
onto a smart card. The Applet is then decrypted and verified on-card before instal-
lation. At this stage the server generates a Message Authentication Code (M AC)
and encrypts (E) the CAP file (format used to distribute Applets [33]) using the
shared secret between server and smart card (K
(Applet) (1)
(P2) Preparation of Device Application
This step of the process represents two actions; Applet injection and device ap-
plication (MIDlet) security preparation. The Applet injection involves taking the
byte code of the protected Applet and embedding the code into the body of the
MIDlet (2). This could, for example, be done by inserting an array of byte arrays
where each row represents a smart card (APDU) command. The MIDlet function-
ality when delivering the Applet would be to blindly send the APDUs in order. As
the Applet is encrypted and hashed the confidentiality and integrity of the item is
S : JAR = M IDletkCAP (2)
The MIDlet must be prepared for the secure MIDlet installation procedure defined
by J2ME MIDP2.0 and implements the second security context between server and
device. The server generates a RSA X.509(v3) certificate or requests one from a
Certificate Authority (CA). The certificate (Cert(M IDlet)) is inserted into the
application descriptor of the MIDlet application (3). The path of the descriptor
holds all certificates necessary to validate the application except the root certificate.
The Domain Protection Root Certificate (Cert(DP RC)) resides on the smart card
and is called into play during MIDlet installation (P4). Finally, the signature of the
file used to distribute MIDlets (JAR) (S
(JAR)) is generated with the private key
(K) of the RSA certificate, Cert(MIDlet), according to the EMSA-PKCS-v1
encoding method of PCKS#1 version 2.0 standard. This signature is then inserted
into the application descriptor (3) and the MIDlet is considered prepared.
S : JAR = JARkCert(MIDlet)kS
(JAR) (3)
(P3) Server to Device Transfer
The server can communicate to the device in a number of ways, the chosen method
was to use HTTP supported by MIDP2.0.
(P4) Device Application Installation
This phase of the process continues to use the security context between server
and device as defined in the MIDP2.0 profile. The J2ME JRE must authenticate
the MIDlet application for installation into a secure domain. First the certificate
(Cert(MIDlet)) is retrieved from the application descriptor and validated (V )
against the Cert(DP RC) held upon the smart card (4). The JRE then verifies the
MIDlet JAR file; by taking the public key (P K) from the verified signer certifi-
cate along with a fresh SHA-1 digest (Hash) of the JAR file and comparing it to
signature defined in the application descriptor (5). The JRE can install the MIDlet
into the security domain defined by the access control model once verification is
D : V(Cert(M IDlet), Cert(DP RC)) (4)
D : V(S
(JAR), Hash(JAR), P K
Cert(MI Dlet)
) (5)
(P5) Smart Card Installation Initiation
The device now has a MIDlet installed in a secure domain and can communicate
with the smart card. When required the Applet needs installing the device initiates
communication using commands defined by the ISO 7816 specification. The device
needs to authenticate itself to the card before installation can take place and the first
stage is to send an APDU that issues a GET CHALLENGE command (6). Which
returns a random challenge (r
) from the smart card (7) [9]. The random challenge
is sent to the server (8) as the response requires knowledge of the security context
between server and card (K
C D : r
D S : r
(P6) Server Authentication
The server encrypts K
and r
with K
and returns the byte string to the device
(9) who sends it to the card (10) to complete a ISO7816 EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE (EA)
command. Once the Server Authentication as required by the GlobalPlatform has
been completed the card can continue with a secure installation.
S D : E
) (9)
D C : EA(E
)) (10)
(P7) Checking of Smart Card Application
The device has no knowledge of K
but does have an array of encrypted byte code
representing the Applet protected by K
. The device simply sends of the APDU
commands defined in this array to the smart card (11). From the smart card’s per-
spective, a trusted card terminal has successful authenticated itself and is now, in
accordance with the GlobalPlatform installation protocol, receiving an application.
The on-card manager (Card Manager) receives the byte code and verifies its in-
tegrity using the Data Authentication Pattern (DAP) specified in GlobalPlatform.
The verified CAP file is decrypted and installed.
(Applet) (11)
6 Analysis
This section will examine the success of the proposed solutions in meeting the require-
ments defined in Section 2.3. In addition we present two scenarios that this solution
could be applied to.
6.1 Requirement Analysis
All requirements defined were met by the proposed solution and industrial implemen-
tation. The first requirement was the secure deployment of device and smart card appli-
cations (R1), this has been attained. Security concerns were addressed as each element
was securely transferred and installed via an individual security context. The solution is
applicable to fielded devices (R2) although some configurations could be made to ap-
ply the same technology to non-fielded devices; such as pre-loading a number of device
applications before devices are issued. Requirement 3 is adhered to by not affording the
device the level of trust maintained between the server and smart card. The device is
ignorant of the protecting secret throughout the procedure. The smart card application
is encrypted at the server, decrypted on-card and it is stored as encrypted byte code
whilst in the device. The confidentiality and integrity of the smart card application is
maintained (R4, R5) and further opportunities exist to take advantage of this benefit.
For example, the smart card application could be used as a key distribution mechanism
by the server embedding encrypted keys when preparing the smart card application for
The industrial implementation is based upon one programming language and nests
existing specifications inside one another. The device application flows once to the de-
vice and once to the smart card and authenticates both entities simultaneously, when
possible, by treating them as a one element. This provides a homogeneous solution
(R7) and optimises resource use (R6).
6.2 Usage/Deployment Scenarios
Addressing Emerging Security Problems. Addressing an emerging security problem
in the field is one usage scenario. For example, some sources [34] state that in Australia
approximately 4-5% of all satellite TV subscriptions are illegal resulting in an estimated
cost of $50m. The marginal increase of malicious activity [17] results in considerable
financial loss for the satellite TV provider. The provider could update the security mech-
anisms and deploy new STB and/or smart card equipment to close the security hole but
prohibitive in terms of cost and time. It would be a better option to employ the solu-
tion presented in this work to deploy a software based solution [8]. The costs involved
would be lower in contrast to replacing millions of devices and the solution could be
deployed at a far greater rate. The revenue streams would be secured quicker and the
problem addressed. The implications of having the ability to remotely deploy complex
functionality, comprising of both device and smart card applications to the field, are
wide ranging.
Enhancing System Functionality. The second example exploits our solution’s ad-
vantage of secure caching. A smart card is a capable entity but storage and processing
power are limited. The hardware continues to improve but most cards are able to support
only a limited number of third party applications and a mechanism to help manage these
restricted resources would be valuable. The device can store substantially more applica-
tions depending on its storage capacity. New phones can store gigabytes compared with
smart cards offering kilobytes. There is no requirement for applications that are seldom
used to have its smart card application installed. When the user tries to access the unin-
stalled functionality, the device could install the smart card application and remove it
afterwards. The server’s involvement is minimal and the apparent functionality capacity
of the smart card would be greatly increased. Meanwhile, the smart card application in
the device cache it is protected by a higher level security context that is not available to
the device or malicious attacker. Therefore, an architecture provider could roll out new
functionality as the market demands and cultivate new revenue streams (m-commerce
7 Conclusions
The work conducted resulted in a proposed solution that met all of the requirements
defined. The method could be used for the deployment of smart card and device ap-
plications or the device element could be reduced to work purely as a deployment
mechanism for smart card applications across high bandwidth channels. Advantages
and deployment scenarios were presented and it is concluded that this work has posed
some interesting questions for future research. For example, the concept of remotely
deploying security countermeasures to fielded equipment is intriguing and could have
serious application in addressing problems that may rise in the satellite TV and 3GPP
mobile network in the future. This should be further explored by implementing and as-
sessing how applicable the proposed solution is to these existing infrastructures. From
an academic perspective the cryptographic processes should be fully distilled and the
definition of an abstract protocol for remote application deployment outlined.
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