Senay Kafkas, Zeki Bayram, Huseyin Yaratan



We describe the implementation strategies of an intelligent algebra tutor, the “Equation Guru” (EG), which is designed to help students learn the concepts of equation solving with one unknown. EG provides a highly interactive and entertaining learning environment through the use of Microsoft Agents. It consists of two main parts. The first is the “Tutorial” part where students are guided through the steps of solving equations with one unknown. The second, “Drill and Practice” part gives them a chance to practice their skills in equation solving. In this part, equations are automatically generated by EG, and presented to the student. EG monitors the student’s performance and adjusts the difficulty level of the equations accordingly.


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  14. (13x+10)/5=(9x+ 6)/20
  15. ((-8x+12)/10=(10x-15)/-2
  16. (-8x-17)/3=(17x-11)/-10
  17. (ax+b)/c=(a2x+b2)/d
  18. (ax+b)/c=(a2x-b2)/d
  19. (ax-b)/c=(a2x-b2)/d
  20. (-13x+19)/-4+(4x+10)/2=-9
  21. (ax+b)/c + (a2x+b2)/d = f
  22. (-4x+11)/-3-(15x+8)/4=-1
  23. (ax+b)/c - (a2x+b2)/d = f
  24. (2x-8)/-10+(15x- 8)/10= 5
  25. (ax-b)/c + (a2x-b2)/d = f
  26. (-4x-16)/4-(5x-9)/8= 3
  27. (ax-b)/c - (a2x-b2)/d = f
  28. a <b,0 <a,b <10
  29. a <b,10 <=a,b <=20
  30. a >b,0 <a,b <10
  31. a >b,10 <=a,b <=20
  32. a <b,0 <a,b <10
  33. a <b,10 <=a,b <=20
  34. a >b,0 <a,b <10
  35. a >b,10 <=a,b <=20
  36. 1 <a <=20,0 <b,c <=20
  37. 1 <a <=20,0 <b,c <=20
  38. 1 <a <=20,0 <b,c <=20
  39. 1 <a <=20,0 <b,c <=20
  40. -20 <=a <-1,-20 <=b,c <=20
  41. -20 <=a <-1,-20 <=b,c <=20
  42. -20 <=a <-1,-20 <=b,c <=20
  43. -20 <=a <-1,-20 <=b,c <=20
  44. -20 <=a,b,c <=20
  45. -20 <=a,b,c,d <=20
  46. -20 <=a,b,c,d <=20
  47. -20 <=a,b,c,d <=20
  48. -20 <=a,b,c,d <=20
  49. -20 <=a,b,c,d <=20
  50. 0 <c,d <10, 1 <=a,b <=20
  51. 0 <c,d <10, -20 <=b <-1, 1 <=a <=20
  52. -10 <c,d <10, -20 <=a <=20, 1 <=b <=20
  53. -10 <c,d <10,
  54. -20 <=b <-1, -20 <=a <=20
  55. -10 <c<10, -20 <=d,
  56. 1 <=b <=20 , a <=20
  57. -10 <c<10,
  58. -20 <=b <=-1,-20 <=a,d <=20
  59. -10 <=c<=10,
  60. -20 <=a,a2,d <=20, 1 <=b,b2 <=20
  61. -10 <=c<=10, <=a,a2,d <=20,
  62. -20 <= b2 <=-1,1 <=b,b2 <=20
  63. -10 <=c<=10,
  64. -20 <=a,a2,d <=20, -20 <=b,b2 <=-1
  65. -10 <=c<=10,
  66. -20 <=a,a2,d,f <=20, 1 <=b,b2 <=20
  67. -10 <=c<=10,1 <=b,
  68. -20 <=a,d,f <=20,b2 <=20, -20 <= a2 <-1
  69. -10 <=c<=10, -20 <=d,f <=20,
  70. -20 <=b,b2 <=-1, 0 <= a,a2 <20
  71. -10 <=c<=10, -20 <=d,f <=20,
  72. b2 <=-1 ,-20 <=b, -20 <= a,a2 <-1

Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Kafkas S., Bayram Z. and Yaratan H. (2006). IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES FOR “EQUATION GURU” - A User Friendly Intelligent Algebra Tutor . In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 2: ICEIS, ISBN 978-972-8865-42-9, pages 58-65. DOI: 10.5220/0002488500580065

in Bibtex Style

author={Senay Kafkas and Zeki Bayram and Huseyin Yaratan},
title={IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES FOR “EQUATION GURU” - A User Friendly Intelligent Algebra Tutor},
booktitle={Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 2: ICEIS,},

in EndNote Style

JO - Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 2: ICEIS,
TI - IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES FOR “EQUATION GURU” - A User Friendly Intelligent Algebra Tutor
SN - 978-972-8865-42-9
AU - Kafkas S.
AU - Bayram Z.
AU - Yaratan H.
PY - 2006
SP - 58
EP - 65
DO - 10.5220/0002488500580065