Jan Vran
Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague
a 2, Prague 6, 160 00
ek Struska, Vojt
ech Merunka
Department of Information Engineering, Faculty of Economics and Management, Czech University of Agriculture in Prague
a 129, Prague 6 - Suchdol, 165 21
Data normalization, object data model (ODM), relational data model (RDM), first object normal form (1ONF),
second object normal form (2ONF), third object normal form (3ONF).
In the article there is described an overview of current status in the area of formal technique of object database
design. It is discussed there, why relational design techniques as normalization, decomposition and synthesis
are not able to be easy used in object databases. The article informs with various proposals of object normal
forms and it brings own authors evaluation and an example of object normalization.
Nowadays many various object databases are used
practically. (Authors of this paper have the most of
experience with Gemstone system). The program-
mers and experts have many implicit knowledge and
experience concerning an effective application devel-
opment. Unfortunately the knowledge is expressed
very few in a form of formal rules and procedures,
which would be accepted in the programming com-
munity. Therefore in the practice, we can see wrong
usage of relations and hierarchies among objects,
breakneck tricks in code, etc. The problem of these
applications is not that they do not work. Unfortu-
nately really monstrous constructions work thanks to
modern components and development environments.
The discussion with designer is all the more worse
that he has to rebuild his running system, because he
is not disposed to listen the arguments about difficult
maintenance, extensibility, reliability, risk of data in-
consistency and redundancy.
This is why we decided to discuss the formal tech-
niques of object databases design. Database is the
fundamental of practically all software applications
and object databases are technology, which will grad-
ually attain the importance. Many myths exist in the
community of software producers. For example very
popular is the myth that we need not complete any
normalization, because object databases allow opera-
tions with objects in any form in contrast to the rela-
Some various papers arised in the turn of 1980s and
1990s (for example (Wai, Yiu-Kai, Embley, 1992)).
First papers applied to the enlargement of relational
techniques, but we can meet the original papers in last
2.1 Nootenboom’s OONF
First three normal forms for relational and object
databases are universally valid according to Dutch au-
thor Henk Nootenboom (Nootenboom, 2002). As a
substitute for the fourth and fifth relational normal
form (and probably BCNF) he sets up the concept
of only one object normal form, which has following
A collection of objects is in OONF if it is in 3NF
and contains meaningful data elements only.
Universal validity of 1NF, 2NF and 3NF is abso-
lutely right idea that we can agree with, but we leave
without comment the OONF definition.
Vraný J., Struska Z. and Merunka V. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 471-474
DOI: 10.5220/0002489304710474
2.2 Khodorkovsky’s ONF, 4ONF,
5ONF and 6ONF
The paper (Khodorkovsky, 2003) sets up the idea
of object normal form (ONF), which concerns the
“right” relation among data of object and methods
of object. Khodorkovsky’s rule is added to classi-
cal “relational” definitions 4NF, 5NF (and to the 6NF,
which is author’s enhancement of the 5NF). The au-
thor calls these additions to classical definitions as
4ONF, 5ONF and 6ONF.
The paper is considered to more qualified formula-
tion of similar ideas as the example above. It is valid
according to the author that 1NF, 2NF and 3NF are
common for relational and object databases.
2.3 “Chinese” ONF
The paper (Yonghui, Zhou, 2001) set up one object
normal form as substitute for all relational normal
forms. It considers the object data model to be simi-
lar to the tree-like data hierarchy in the way of XML.
We suppose that this approach does not concern with
object databases design, as we understand it.
2.4 “Australian-Swiss” ONF
The authors (Tari, Stokes, Spaccapietra, 1997) set up
one ONF by the help of more types of functional
dependences among objects. Concrete ”path depen-
dency” concerns composition of objects and naviga-
bility among objects, ”local dependency” concerns re-
lations of internal object components and ”global de-
pendency” concerns requirements on application. Ob-
jects structure is in ONF then, if users’ requirements
on applications are retrospectively deducible from the
relations among objects. In agreement with our opin-
ion it concerns very interesting contribution to prob-
lem of testing the accordance of suggested object ori-
ented application model with its requirements. We
think, that this problem is related to the other issues
of databases development, but it not solves the prob-
lem we are concetrated on.
2.5 Three Ambler–Beck’s Object
Normal Forms
Three object Ambler–Beck’s normal forms for object
oriented applications are set up in internet (Ambler,
2004) and in the book (Beck, 2003). These normal
forms are analogical with first, second and third rela-
tional normal form. The authors define these normal
forms 1-ONF, 2-ONF and 3-ONF themselves and talk
about them as a tool for objects classes’ normalization
complementary with technique of design patterns.
All works mentioned here are very important contri-
bution into discussed area. When we resume, what
probably the community of analysts and designers ex-
pect from the technique of object normalization, we
can define the following conclusion:
1. It has to be very simple, clear, and understandable
and it should work with minimum of concepts sim-
ilarly as it is with ”classical” normalization. We
suppose that implementation of difficult definitions
distinctively exceeding the range of classical nor-
mal forms, a lot of types of concepts and relations,
is not the right way.
2. It should be focused only on database design, e.g.
on the structure of objects, which will serve as data
storage and manipulation in database systems. It
does not need to work with objects, which are re-
sponsible for ”operation” of applications. There are
design patterns for them and there is no need to sub-
stitute this technique.
3. It is possible, that in the future the object approach
will become universal approach to information sys-
tem analysis, and relational technology will limit it-
self to be only one of possible implementation vari-
ant. So present conditions can be turned to the op-
posite. It would be smart to have the new theory
analogical with entity-relation modelling concept
and relational normalization. In the best case, the
relational normalization (as a tool of the relational
technology) should be deducible from new theory
as its special kind.
We have to define first, what we understand by
database object. Because it “only” serves for data sav-
ing and manipulation. It is not object, which ensures
some behavioural aspects of the software application.
This is why we propose to not work with data and
with methods separately and define one concept of
“attribute”. We will not distinct, if the particular at-
tribute is implemented into object by its data or if it is
the result value of some method.
There is a question, if this simplification is not
large. For example Ambler-Beck’s approach works
directly with data and methods and uses them in its
definitions. But we think that we can afford this sim-
plification for the data objects.
We think that the modified form of Ambler-Beck’s
approach fulfils best all above described requests.
This version was already used in our lessons and prac-
tically in Czech companies, and we shall work on it
further. We suppose that this method should precede
during modelling all possible next thoughts about us-
ing of inheritance, composition and other relations
among objects.
A class is in first object normal form (1-ONF)
when its objects do not contain group of repeti-
tive attributes. Repetitive attributes must be ex-
tracted into objects of the new class. The group
of repetitive attributes is then replaced by the
link at the collection of new objects. An object
schema is in 1-ONF when all of its classes are in
Figure 1: Example of non-normalized form.
In the figure 1 there is the example in non-
normalized form and in the figure 2 there is the same
example in 1-ONF. In contrast to the original ap-
proach, we do not assume, that designers recognize
automatically groups of repetitive attributes and have
them extracted out into independent classes. This rule
is really necessary according to our experience from
school and practice. The problem is not always triv-
ial as in mentioned example. Repetitive attributes can
exist under under various names and they are not al-
ways easy visible for the first sight.
Figure 2: 1-ONF.
A class is in second object normal form (2-
ONF) when it is in 1-ONF and when its objects
do not contain attribute or group of attributes,
which are shared with another object. Shared
attributes must be extracted into the new ob-
jects of new class, and in all objects, where they
appeared, must be replaced by the link at the
shared object of new class. An object schema
is in 2-ONF when all of its classes are in 2-ONF.
It concerns the attributes - supplier’s first name,
supplier’s surname and his address and client’s first
Figure 3: 2-ONF.
name, client’s surname, his address and method of
payment in our example. These attributes were shared
for concrete order and concrete supply. Hence it was
necessary to establish new object class Contract.
A class is in third object normal form (3-ONF)
when it is in 2-ONF and when its objects do not
contain attribute or group of attributes, which
have the independent interpretation in the mod-
elled system. These independent attributes must
be extracted into objects of new class and in ob-
jects, where they appeared must be replaced by
the link at this new object. An object schema is
in 3-ONF when all of its classes are in 3-ONF.
Figure 4: 3-ONF.
It concerns the data about suppliers and client in
the objects of class Contract. These attributes have
independent interpretation without contracts, because
they represent particular persons. And we can declare
the same about the addresses.
Our approach mentioned here brings many ques-
tions and themes to next thought. One of them is a
question, how the inheritance and other used relations
among objects can be included into this approach.
The consideration offers, that right use of inheritance
would be interested next fourth object normal form.
When we focus on the process of object normaliza-
tion, we can see its practical analogy with technique
of applying design patterns and primarily with refac-
toring technique. Our future research will focus on
this direction, where we will try to define the rules of
object normal forms as a formulation of refactoring
requirements of object database scheme.
Moreover, usage of object database calculus would
be the most suitable for exact description of required
approach. Unfortunately we are still in start of this
area, because one and the only accepted standard is
ODMG-3.0 (Catell, 2000). This model is burdened by
an attempt of convergence with SQL-like object rela-
tional databases and extensively it is oriented on im-
plementation. The authentic formal tool for descrip-
tion of object database scheme is still missing.
It is a pity, that so perspective and practical used
database technology has not yet comprehensible and
universally accepted theoretical foundation and for-
mal techniques of design. It is unquestionable, that
many research centres are interested in this theme, but
coherent and universally accepted results were not yet
published. Absence of common formal tool and tech-
nique makes the large incompatibility of present ob-
ject database systems, even if they are very good prac-
tically used product themselves. Therefore we sup-
pose that near future brings maybe a few alternative
Authors would like to acknowledge the support of
the research project MSM6046070904 on knowledge
management information system design of the Czech
Ministry of Education.
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