A table 4, 5 and 6 shows the summary of 10
concurrent tests with the results conducted for each
database under different classifications of data
intensity. 370,000 tasks request were sent to
databases for the low volume test, 1,100,000 tasks
for the medium volume test and 1,850,000 requests
were executed for the high volume test.
Based on the results shown in figures 4, 5 and 6,
the implementation of MySQL as a data table is seen
as faster than using BerkeleyDB. Although both
MySQL and TimesTen managed to execute almost
the same number of tasks as an index table,
TimesTen is the fastest in executing all the tasks
both using MySQL and BerkeleyDB as the data
table, when compared with MySQL. Thus, using
Main Memory based DBMS as an index table and
Disk based DBMS as a data table is the most
desirable combination data management strategy for
MMS services, but it must be kept in mind that using
two different databases as a solution is not always a
wise choice.
It is acknowledged that the standard deviation
score is insignificant in relation to the high number
of tasks executed by databases but it is enough to
carry some weight when the time taken to complete
the tasks among the different databases is
It is the intention of this paper to provide various
viable data management strategies for mobile
messaging platforms. The observations produced
from the various tests could be viewed as a guideline
in selecting the best data management strategies that
meet this design requirement. Recommendations
given in this paper are aimed at high performance
systems, which may not be valid in other
circumstances. New proposals therefore should be
made based on the result of these evaluations in
order to meet any new system design requirement.
Selection of the data management platform often
depends on the customer. For the customer, cost is
often a top priority in the selection process. Main
Memory based DBMS are best in term of
performance but not pricing, it is expensive to
upgrade the memory in the system and license fee
costs are high. At the other end of the scale,
BerkeleyDB license fees cost less compared with
those of other database licenses. Upgrading the disk
to a high specification HDD is a cheap option that
may solve the performance issue with BerkeleyDB
and Disk based DBMS. The customer may not
always need a high performance data management
system and may be more concerned with the
consistency, reliability and integrity of the system.
Disk based DBMS seen to present the best choice
for this requirement.
Regarding the prospect of advancing mobile
technologies, further review of the data management
strategies should be conducted with consideration
given to live video streaming for the mobile devices
and clustering solutions for data management
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