David C. C. Ong, Rytis Sileika, Souheil Khaddaj
Faculty of Computing, Information Systems and Mathematics, Kingston University, Kingston upon Thames KT1 2EE, UK.
Radouane Oudrhiri
Systonomy Ltd, 2nd Floor , Berkeley Square House, Berkeley Square, London W1J 6BD, UK
Keywords: Database management systems, Database reliability, Mobile communication.
Abstract: A mobile messaging revolution for the mobile phone industry started with the introduction of the Short
Messaging Service (SMS), which is limited to 160 characters of conventional text. This revolution has
become more significant with the additional improvements in mobile devices. They have become relatively
powerful with extra resources such as additional memory capacity and innovative features such as colour
screen, photo camera, etc. Now Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) takes full advantage of these
capabilities by providing longer messages with embedded sound, image and video streaming. This service
presents a new challenge to mobile platform architects particularly in the data management area where the
size of each MMS message could be up to 100,000 bytes long. This combined with a high volume of
requests managed by these platforms which may well exceeded 250,000 requests per second, means that the
need to evaluate competing data management systems has become essential. This paper presents an
evaluation of SMS and MMS platforms using different data management systems and recommends the best
data management strategies for these platforms.
Defining and creating a high performance mobile
messaging platform is the main mission for today’s
mobile application architects. Designing a more
efficient messaging protocol or platform code often
has improved the overall performance of the
platform, but major problems relating to the
efficiency of use of those data management systems
still remain. Although, there are various benchmarks
and test results available (Bourke, 2005) (Sleepycat
Software, 2005) (Dyck, 2002), more investigation is
still required in order to produce a convincing and
precise evaluation model in terms of consistency and
throughput of data over a given period of time. Also,
there is both a lack of accurate representation of
distributions in the actual system operations and
credible assessment of those non-complex data
structures, which resemble mobile messaging data
structures, as most of them tend to concentrates on
the performance of the large database where the life
span of the data store is long and huge compare with
the mobile data. There is also tendency toward
popular areas such as On-Line Transaction
Processing and Web Database Application (Vieira,
2003), Extreme Database Test (Ercegovac, 2005)
(Bourke, 2005) (Dyck, 2002), etc., which do not
satisfy the criteria required for the mobile data
management systems.
Recently Sleepycat Software Inc. has published a
white paper entitled “Managing Data within Billing,
Mediation and Rating System” (Sleepycat Software,
2005), this database performance model deals only
with a small test sample, thus there were no
statistically acceptable results to support the claim of
the superiority of the chosen database.
The data structure of the mobile messaging
platforms is simple, consisting of one or two tables
with an estimated three columns each. It is
considered unproductive and expensive to recreate a
custom designed data management system, as
current available data management systems have
reached maturity in terms of their robustness and
C. C. Ong D., Sileika R., Khaddaj S. and Oudrhiri R. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 226-231
DOI: 10.5220/0002490402260231
efficiency in handling and storing data. In view of
this, most of the mobile messaging platforms use a
data management system such as a DBMS to handle
data manipulation and storage of the platform.
This paper aims to investigate and evaluate
several database management systems that are
commonly used for mobile messaging services. In
the quest to find the best data management strategies
for mobile messaging platforms, a critical evaluation
was carried out to assess current available data
management systems. This evaluation focused on
the SMS and MMS platforms by observing
performance and quality of service in the message
handling under minimum and maximum workload,
where data size remains consistent throughout the
evaluation period.
In this work we started by considering a number
of data management systems together with the
software and hardware environment. Then, an
evaluation framework was constructed together with
some initial evaluation of the various platforms.
Several real time experiments using SMS and MMS
data structures were then conducted. Finally, we
present some conclusions and suggestions for future
2.1 Classification
It was considered unproductive to evaluate all of the
data management systems available, as this would
require huge resources and time, so data
management systems were categorised into three
main classes based on the storage engine provided.
There are Main Memory based DBMS, Disk based
DBMS and Disk based data store without DBMS.
DBMS products such as Oracle, MySQL, TimesTen,
Microsoft SQL Server, MaxDB, etc. have offered
various data management solutions under these
Main Memory based DBMS manages, caches
and stores data in the main memory (Altýnel, 2003).
It is the fastest in transaction management and
storage but the data stored will be completely lost in
the event of a system failure. DBMS products such
as TimesTen or MySQL also utilise a main memory
engine for their data store engine.
Disk based DBMS provides a persistent storage
to disk. It uses data cached in a memory buffer to
handle transaction before storage to disk (Altýnel,
2003). It is considered safe because data that have
been successfully stored to the disk will not be lost
in case of system failure. Disk based DBMS like
Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle incorporates
persistent data storage engines to provide a
persistent storage solution. Unlike other established
DBMS products, MySQL utilises third party data
storage engines besides its own (e.g. InnoDB and
BerkeleyDB) for the persistent storage solution.
Functionalities provided in DBMS are often
considered a waste of resources if the data structures
like mobile message services are simple and small.
In Disk based DBMSs, data storage engines (e.g.
InnoDB, BerkeleyDB, etc) are used to store and
retrieve data from the disk. Hence, Disk based data
store without DBMS could be considered a solution
for managing a simple mobile messaging data
2.2 Database Selection
For each classification, the database that was
considered the best for this evaluation was selected
based on cost, efficiency, performance, reliability,
popularity and their general availability.
In the mobile messaging industry, operators
cannot afford data loss in the event of system failure.
TimesTen was selected to represent a Main Memory
based DBMS (Team, 2002) because it provides an
automatic secondary persistent data management
disk solution. In the event of system failure, data
loss will be minimal.
There are various Disk based DBMS products on
the market. These products have gained popularity
due to their high reliability and integrity, as there is a
very small amount of data loss in the event of
system failure. Popularity of MySQL in the data
management solutions has grown recently (Red
Herring, 2005) (Jupitermedia, 2005) because it
offers a cheaper alternative to the established Disk
based DBMS product such as Oracle and Sybase.
MySQL with MyISAM engine was therefore
recommended to represent the Disk based DBMS
BerkeleyDB is a transaction safe storage engine
with a page locking facility. It is viewed as safest as
a data storage solution, as it only requires minimal
processing overhead before data is safely stored. It
was therefore chosen in the Disk based DBMS (i.e.
MySQL) to provide a transaction safe solution to
meet the data management requirement. It is
considered easy to fit onto practically any data
management system and efficient in handling simple
data structures. Recently several of the established
IT corporations such as, Cisco
Systems, Google, Teligent, Mitel, Motorola and Sun
Microsystems have looked into BerkeleyDB for
their data management solutions (Hedlund, 2003)
(Okmianski, 2003) (Anzarouth, 2003). For these
reasons, BerkeleyDB has been chosen to represent
the Disk based data store without DBMS class.
3.1 Hardware and Software
Performance may depend on the server and database
environment configuration and specification.
Evaluation was conducted in a fixed server
environment, where databases involved in the
evaluation were installed. A cluster with 2 x 2.4GHz
(Intel Xeon HT) processor, 1.5GB of RAM, 36GB
U-SCSI 10k internal HDD and a disk array (3 x 4
disk volumes (RAID 1+0)) 10k for the shared HDD,
which housed Linux RedHat ES 3 with the 2.4
kernel as the operating system was used as the base
evaluation platform. Java 2 Platform, Standard
Edition (J2SE) 1.5 was adopted to execute the
evaluation model.
It is acknowledged that the performance of the
Main Memory based DBMS or Disk based DBMS
may improve dramatically simply by the installation
of more memory or faster HDD in the server. For the
purpose of this evaluation, basic hardware and
software specifications had to be fixed to ensure that
an even assessment could be performed.
Optimisation of individual databases was done to the
best of our knowledge and experience.
3.2 Data Structure
The data structure for SMS consists of a single table,
which has 10 bytes of index and 1,200 bytes for
data. This platform gives a simple and easy way to
handle and store conventional short messages. In
order to handle long messages embedded with audio,
graphics, video and data, MMS was devised. MMS
has two tables, one of which is designed for the
index and metadata of the message and the other was
created for storing the actual data of the message.
The index table consisted of 10 bytes of index and
1,200 bytes of metadata. The data table for the MMS
has 10 bytes of index and 100,000 bytes of message
The mixture of tasks is based on the proportional
distribution of tasks in the actual system observed in
the SMS and MMS platforms. The evaluation model
would replicate the actual distribution of these tasks.
This is to ensure the model is able to mimic the
processes in the actual platform environment.
Each process in the SMS evaluation model
consists of a number of tasks; typically, it has 4
insertion, 12 selection, 1 updating and 4 deletion
tasks of the SMS data. The index table for the MMS
has a similar proportion of tasks as described in the
SMS. The proportion of tasks for the data table
consisting of 4 insertion, 8 selection and 4 deletion
tasks was adopted. Distribution tasks for SMS and
MMS platforms presented above were based on the
functional requirements described in the ETSI
Standard titled “Technical realization of the Short
Message Service” for the GSM 3.40 (ETSI, 2003).
3.3 Evaluation Framework
The purpose of this evaluation was not to test the
system under extreme conditions, to breaking point,
but rather to evaluate an optimal level of
performance for the system when it reaches a
consistent level. The challenge was to control the
state of the database during testing and to order the
test runs in such a way that a measurable figure
could be observed at the same time maintaining an
optimal operation state (Haftmann, 2005). Thus, the
evaluation framework must achieve three identified
aims to fulfil this purpose. These are: to define and
achieve a consistent level in the system before any
measurement is taken; to reach and maintain
maximum data throughput to the database; and
finally to maintain the same mixture of tasks
executed and at the same time ensuring randomness
of the tasks.
A single test framework was not considered a
justifiable evaluation, as a maximum throughput of
the database and true randomness in the mixture of
the tasks could not thus be achieved. Multi-threading
therefore was introduced to the evaluation system to
ensure maximum throughput of the database and to
ensure that randomness was achieved. Four threads
were therefore introduced to the framework. Without
such multi-threading, measurements taken from
repeated evaluations would be invariable.
Conversely, introducing the threading in the system
meant that there could be only slight variation in the
measurements taken should the same evaluation be
repeated. Variation would exist mainly due to the
randomness of multiple task requests created by the
threading. There is a difference in time of the
transitional period from one task to another. The
difference in task combinations in this random
environment contributes to the overall differences in
the measurement. Observations could be based on
these variations, when performance of the database
might be considered inconsistent and unstable if
huge differences among these variations were to be
The examination of the evaluation result is based
on the ten tests carried out for each of the test
categories. The speed of the database to execute
requested tasks is measured based on the average
time it takes to complete the 10 tests. The sequence
of tasks executed in each of the 10 tests is different
due to the randomness introduced into the
framework by the multi-threading. The standard
deviation is taken for the 10 tests conducted to
measure the level of variation of the performance of
the database under different sequences of the tasks
to check for the database consistency. If the standard
deviation is high, we may conclude that consistency
and reliability of the database is low, as the
performance will have varied over the different
mixture of tasks. Conversely, if the standard
deviation is low, we may conclude that consistency
and reliability of the database is high.
Table 1: Low Volume SMS Test, Summary of 10 Test
Table 2: Medium Volume SMS Test, Summary of 10 Test
Table 3: High Volume SMS Test, Summary of 10 Test
Each experiment was divided into three critical
areas, based on the different volume of traffic. There
are; Low volume test to observe performance of the
databases in low levels of data intensity and
database size; Medium volume test to examine
performance of the databases when it handles
medium volumes of data intensity and database size;
and High volume test to study databases
performance under high data intensity and database
size. These experiments are based on a proportion of
distribution of tasks described in section 3.2.
4.1 Evaluation of the SMS Platform
Throughout this evaluation, data sizes inserted into
the database were the maximum allowed by the
length of each column. Tables 1, 2 and 3 show the
summary results of 10 concurrent tests conducted for
each database under different classifications of data
intensity. 1,050,000 task requests were sent to
databases for the low volume test, 2,100,000 tasks
for the medium volume test and 4,200,000 requests
were executed for the high volume test.
SMS Performance Evaluation
No of Test
Tasks / Second
Figure 1: Performance evaluation for Low Volume SMS
SM S Pe rf orman ce Ev aluation
No of Test
Tasks / Second
Figure 2: Performance evaluation for Medium Volume
SMS Test.
SM S Pe rf orman ce Ev aluation
No of Test
Tasks / Second
Figure 3: Performance evaluation for High Volume SMS
Based on the result shown in figures 1, 2 and 3,
performance of BerkeleyDB degraded dramatically
as the volume of tasks increased. There is a
reliability issue for BerkeleyDB and TimesTen as
the standard deviation for each test is high. But,
TimesTen has overcome this problem by delivering
a far superior service compared with other
databases. Going on this evidence, Main Memory
based DBMS is considered the most desirable choice
as the data management strategy for SMS services,
provided it has a third party or its own plug-in
secondary persistent storage.
It is acknowledged that the standard deviation
score is insignificant in relation to the high number
of tasks executed by databases but it is enough to
carry some weight when the time taken to complete
the tasks among the different databases is
4.2 Evaluation of the MMS Platform
The MMS platform consists of two tables, the
index and the data tables. It is considered a good
strategy to find various database combinations in
search of the best solution to manage index and data
tables for the MMS platform, rather than just stick to
one type of the database for both tables. The SMS
evaluation observations from section 4.1 are
considered essential in this selection process.
Table 4: Low Volume MMS Test, Summary of 10 Test
Table 5: Medium Volume MMS Test, Summary of 10
Test Results.
Table 6: High Volume MMS Test, Summary of 10 Test
Main Memory based DBMS is considered
unsuitable for the data table, owing to the limitation
of the hardware (i.e. RAM) to store such a huge
amount of data. Main Memory based DBMS or Disk
based DBMS for index table will be combined with
Disk based DBMS or Disk based data store without
MMS Performance Evaluation
No of Test
Tasks / Second
Times Ten:My SQL
Figure 4: Performance evaluation for Low Volume MMS
MMS Performance Evaluation
No of Test
Tasks / Second
Times Ten:My SQL
Figure 5: Performance evaluation for Medium Volume
MMS Test.
MMS Performance Evaluation
No of Test
Tasks / Second
Times Ten:My SQL
Figure 6: Performance evaluation for High Volume MMS
There are four viable combinations to consider,
which are; MySQL for both index and data tables;
TimesTen for the index table with MySQL for the
data table; MySQL for the index table with
BerkeleyDB for the data table; and finally TimesTen
for the index table with BerkeleyDB for the data
As the message size (i.e. 100,000 bytes) to be
inserted was not viable for the evaluation platform,
data size inserted into the database for this table was
reduced to 30,000 bytes.
A table 4, 5 and 6 shows the summary of 10
concurrent tests with the results conducted for each
database under different classifications of data
intensity. 370,000 tasks request were sent to
databases for the low volume test, 1,100,000 tasks
for the medium volume test and 1,850,000 requests
were executed for the high volume test.
Based on the results shown in figures 4, 5 and 6,
the implementation of MySQL as a data table is seen
as faster than using BerkeleyDB. Although both
MySQL and TimesTen managed to execute almost
the same number of tasks as an index table,
TimesTen is the fastest in executing all the tasks
both using MySQL and BerkeleyDB as the data
table, when compared with MySQL. Thus, using
Main Memory based DBMS as an index table and
Disk based DBMS as a data table is the most
desirable combination data management strategy for
MMS services, but it must be kept in mind that using
two different databases as a solution is not always a
wise choice.
It is acknowledged that the standard deviation
score is insignificant in relation to the high number
of tasks executed by databases but it is enough to
carry some weight when the time taken to complete
the tasks among the different databases is
It is the intention of this paper to provide various
viable data management strategies for mobile
messaging platforms. The observations produced
from the various tests could be viewed as a guideline
in selecting the best data management strategies that
meet this design requirement. Recommendations
given in this paper are aimed at high performance
systems, which may not be valid in other
circumstances. New proposals therefore should be
made based on the result of these evaluations in
order to meet any new system design requirement.
Selection of the data management platform often
depends on the customer. For the customer, cost is
often a top priority in the selection process. Main
Memory based DBMS are best in term of
performance but not pricing, it is expensive to
upgrade the memory in the system and license fee
costs are high. At the other end of the scale,
BerkeleyDB license fees cost less compared with
those of other database licenses. Upgrading the disk
to a high specification HDD is a cheap option that
may solve the performance issue with BerkeleyDB
and Disk based DBMS. The customer may not
always need a high performance data management
system and may be more concerned with the
consistency, reliability and integrity of the system.
Disk based DBMS seen to present the best choice
for this requirement.
Regarding the prospect of advancing mobile
technologies, further review of the data management
strategies should be conducted with consideration
given to live video streaming for the mobile devices
and clustering solutions for data management
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