Leveraging Knowledge-in-the-head at Design Time
George Christou
Department of Computer Science, Cyprus College, Nicosia, Cyprus
Robert J. K. Jacob
Department of ComputerScience, Tufts University, Medford, MA, USA
Pericles Leng Cheng
Department of ComputerScience, Cyprus College, Nicosia, Cyprus
Keywords: Human Computer Interaction, Design modeling, Mental model, Interaction Design, Evaluation framework.
Abstract: A key problem in Human Computer Interaction is the evaluation and comparison of tasks that are designed
in different interaction styles. A closely related problem is how to create a model of the task that allows this
comparison. This paper tries to tackle these two questions. It initially presents a structure (Specific User
Knowledge Representation) that allows the creation of task models which allow direct comparisons between
different interaction styles. The model allows the researcher or the designer to evaluate an interaction design
very early in the design process.
The revolution that is witnessed in interface design
today, brings an impressive and diverse set of
interaction styles, like Tangible User Interfaces
(TUI) (Ishii & Ullmer, 1997), and many others. All
these new interaction styles are becoming more
varied and much less unified than previous
generations, seemingly without cohesion on which
to allow any modeling These Reality Based
Interaction (RBI) (Jacob, 2004) styles are trying to
mimic real-world manipulations, and draw from the
skills that users already possess in the real world to
allow the user to interact with the computer.
Because of this disparity, it is very difficult to
characterize them and understand their underlying
principles, like it was done for Direct Manipulation
(Hutchins, Hollan & Norman, 1986). We believe
though, that under this seeming disparity, there are
many similarities both in the theoretical bases and
the design approaches of RBIs.
This paper presents a descriptive structure for the
knowledge that RBIs leverage, and for their
specification. The theoretical structure is called
Specific User Knowledge Representation (SUKR)
and it allows the modeling of user “knowledge-in-
the-head” and interface “knowledge-in-the-world.
2.1 Theoretical Basis
The work presented in this paper is based on many
different theoretical approaches. The basis of the
research for the creation of the model though, is
Task Analysis (TA), and more specifically,
Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA). Diaper (2004)
defines TA as “the collective noun used in the field
of ergonomics, which includes HCI, for all the
methods of collecting, classifying and interpreting
Christou G., J. K. Jacob R. and Leng Cheng P. (2006).
MODELING THE TASK - Leveraging Knowledge-in-the-head at Design Time.
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - HCI, pages 131-134
DOI: 10.5220/0002492301310134
(a) (b)
Figure 1: Task Diagram of creating a blue-filled rectangle in MS Paint™ (a) and TUIDraw (b).
data on the performance of systems that include at
least one person as a system component” (Diaper,
2004, p.14). CTA is defined by Chipman, Schraagen
and Shalin (2000) as “the extension of traditional
task analysis techniques to yield information about
the knowledge, thought processes and goal
structures that underlie observable task
performance” (Chipman, Schraagen & Shalin, 2000,
p. 3). CTA theories provide specific methodologies
for gathering and analyzing the appropriate data.
They begin with a study of the jobs involved in
order to determine which tasks should be analyzed
(Chipman et al., 2000). The second step in CTA is to
identify the knowledge representations that need to
be used (Chipman et al., 2000). The final step is to
use knowledge elicitation techniques that apply,
based on the CTA theory of choice, since there exist
many (Diaper & Stanton, 2004)
2.2 Task Knowledge Structures
Task Knowledge Structures (TKS) (Johnson &
Johnson, 1991) is a theoretical and methodological
approach to modeling tasks. It is a method of CTA
that assumes that when people learn declarative and
procedural facts that pertain to the same topic, the
knowledge is not stored as stand-alone facts. Rather
knowledge is grouped in coherent wholes, so that it
can be recalled and used as a unit. TKS includes not
only knowledge about actions, but also about objects
used to perform those actions. In this way it falls
under the external cognition theory proposed
Norman (1988) and later by Scaife and Rogers
(1996) which is discussed in section 3. TKS were
designed to be a tool for design generation. By
modeling user knowledge a designer can use the
theory to generate design solutions for interactive
systems (Hamilton, Johnson and Johnson, 1998).
The presented model is based on the same
assumption of Johnson and Johnson (1991)
Hamilton, Johnson and Johnson (1998) talk
about objects in TKS and hint at the affordances
(Norman, 1988) of objects, the object roles are not
explicitly defined in terms of a user interface, nor
are the affordances and constraints of these objects
included in TKS. The proposed structure extends
TKS with the addition of this information as shown
in section 3.
2.3 Terms
The model uses terminology that was first presented
by Christou and Jacob (2005). The terminology was
created to allow researchers and designers to refer to
various parts of an interface without resorting to
interaction style specific terms. The three parts that
were identified in a user interface are the following:
1. The artifacts that represent the data that
can be manipulated. We call these the Data
Objects (DOs). The DOs are not the actual data
in the system. They are the interface’s
representation of data in groups that are
understandable and identifiable by a user.
2. The artifacts which are perceived by the
user to be the means of interacting with the DOs.
We call these Interaction Objects (IOs). The IOs
are many times, the means by which the
interaction occurs between the user and the
3. The actual artifacts that are manipulated
by the user in order to manipulate the IOs. We
call these the Intermediary Objects (INs). The
intermediary objects are, most of the time,
coupled with an IO, and this relationship is
usually constant.
2.4 Bindings
Bindings are the places where the IO and the DO
become connected, in order to carry out an action by
the user. When an IO touches or in some other way
comes connects with the DO, we say that the IO is
bound to the DO.
Bindings reveal the places where interaction is
possible between the user and the DOs. These places
show where interaction is possible between the tools
and the data of the interface. Since these are the
major places where actions take place, it would be
sensible to single them out for study.
Two types of bindings are identified. Static
bindings, where the relationship between two objects
is always there and never changes, and dynamic
bindings, where the binding exists only for a limited
time, usually until the user finishes an action or a
For example, the binding between the mouse and
pointer is static, because it never changes, no matter
what the application does. The binding between an
icon and the pointer during a drag-and-drop action
however, is dynamic, because it only exists during
the time of the action.
The model that results from the analysis of the
interface is the Specific User Knowledge
Representation (SUKR). SUKRs are a form of CTA,
and are based on the theory of external cognition
(Scaife & Rogers, 1996). Scaife & Rogers (1996)
postulate that humans do not only use mental models
and mental representations to interact with the
world. They argue that artifacts in the real world are
very much part of reflective behavior. When humans
perform any cognitive task, they use artifacts that
become part of the problem representation, and the
correct user model of the artifact allows for better
solutions to the pertinent tasks.
The model presented here is a task model and not
a user model, thus it does not require any goal driven
behavior. The model describes the task based on
some interaction style, using the interaction style’s
actions, rather than the user’s or researcher’s model
of how the task should be performed. The model
tries to capture the knowledge needed for each task
that can be performed in the interface under some
interaction style.
SUKRs are comprised of two parts, each with a
specific goal:
Marker use.
Task Performance
1. Place marker on color
a. Marker-to-color Dynamic Binding
2. Place marker on Filled Shape
a. Marker-to-Filled Shape Dynamic
3. Place sha
e on drawin
Figure 3: Rectangle Drawing Task in Tangible Use
1. Mouse-to-Pointer Static Binding
2. Single Click Action
3. Drag-and-Drop Action
Task Performance
1. Single-click on Rectangle Button
a. Rectangle-to-Mouse
Dynamic Binding
b. Drag-and-Drop in drawing
area to draw shape
2. Single-click on Fill Tool
a. Fill Tool-to-Mouse Dynamic
3. Single-click on Fill Color
a. Fill Tool-to-Color Dynamic
4. Single-click inside Rectangle
Figure 2: The Rectangle-Drawing Task in WIMP.
MODELING THE TASK - Leveraging Knowledge-in-the-head at Design Time
1. The pre-conditions section, which aims to
capture the minimum amount of procedural
and declarative (but not domain) knowledge
needed by the user to perform the task in
the given interface. The model supposes
that domain knowledge is constant over all
interaction styles, and
2. The task performance section, which
describes the way the user should perform
the action in terms of the DOs, IOs, and
INs, and by including the necessary
Domain knowledge is considered constant
throughout interaction styles and that is why it is not
considered in the SUKR.
The task used to show the modeling procedure is
drawing a filled rectangle in MS Paint™ and in
TUIDraw, a Tangible User Interface Drawing
program, bult by the authors. Fig. 1 shows an
example of a task in two interaction styles. From the
task diagram, the SUKR may be created in the
following way. The diagram is created by breaking
the task up in its constituent actions and each action
is represented by a circle. Any actions that may be
performed in any order are signified by placing their
circles in the same level of the diagram. For each
action the knowledge needed to perform it is
The common knowledge for all tasks, such as the
static binding of the mouse to the pointer and that
left-clicking on buttons changes the function of the
pointer is put in the preconditions section of the
SUKR, and knowledge specific to the execution of
the action, and dynamic bindings that occur during
the execution of the actions of the task are put in the
task performance section. The full SUKRs can be
seen in figs. 2 and 3.
In this paper the concept of Specific User
Knowledge Representations was presented, along
with the relevant specification method.
Future work that needs to be done is to clarify
and specify the procedure for knowledge elicitation,
and more experiments need to be performed, mainly
with experienced users, to show that the measure
holds not only for novice performance, but also for
intermediate and expert users.
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