Christophe Gravier
DIOM laboratory
23 rue du docteur Paul Michelon, 42000 Saint-Etienne, France
Jacques Fayolle
DIOM laboratory
23 rue du docteur Paul Michelon, 42000 Saint-Etienne, France
e-laboratories, HCI adaptation, CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning), SDTP (Same Time,
Different Place).
What is being discussed here is a Computer Supported Collaborative Learning System. The learning system
aims at providing a distant, collaborative and adaptative access to high technological devices. Some strong
points in the fields of HCI are to be stressed : the user is expected to access the device while being in a group
of users, that is to say ”group awareness” must be supported by some mechanisms. In order to get a generic
platform, being ”instrument-independant”, tools are expected to be provided for the graphic user interface
to be easily (and without too much user skills) built. Moreover, the notion of sequence of utilization of a
device could possibly be a tool enabling new models of evaluation of graphic user interface (consequently
HCI) and/or user behaviors.
Many Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
systems had put the stress on the need of a correct
modeling of devices. Mainly, issues already dis-
cussed are display models of an existing (complex)
device and the modeling of interactions between hu-
man and computers. The ”eInstrumentation” platform
offers the possibility to remote control devices such
as microwave analyzers, hypermetric ellipsometers,
antenna bench or even optic-fiber stretchers (for the
time being). A distant user (formattor as example) can
manipulate an instrument on the Internet, meanwhile
users (learners as example) can watch and manipulate
the the same distant device too. All users are being
able to watch what another user is doing for the cur-
rent manipulation.
Regarding the wide range of instruments being ad-
dressed by the platform, issues listed above were
things we had to take into account. Challenges ahead
were collaborative work, study of usability reflexes
(cognitive factors), standard and non-standard use
of instruments (Human-Computer Interaction (hence-
forth HCI) usage validators).
In order to response to all those problems, each issue
will be exposed, with potential solutions and, even-
tually, a possible implementation suggested. At first,
custom HCI tools used will be presented. Then, ad-
vanced HCI features are to be explained. This will
help in introducing the notion of composite actions
within devices’ HCI. Next, group awareness support
will be presented as a ”collaborative service” (just
the same way ”security service” or ”data-access ser-
vice” are widely accepted services that exist in ap-
plications). Finally, a use case will be presented to
illustrate the past thoughts.
It is a matter of facts: the Graphical User Interface
(henceforth GUI) representing such heterogeneous
devices could not be generic.
2.1 Facts
A trivial example: thinking about a single GUI
which would allow both the representation of elec-
tronic devices (mainly buttons) and mechanical de-
vices (mainly things that move) is not something one
can achieve without too much ”special case” within
the ontology of the instruments. Moreover, all fields
Gravier C. and Fayolle J. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - HCI, pages 87-94
DOI: 10.5220/0002495100870094
of instrumentation could not be addressed in the on-
tology: some could be forgotten, others may not exist
In the end, it can hardly be said that a single XML
file could possibly cover all the descriptions of all the
amount of instrument that exists. That is the reason
why tools have be developed in order to let one de-
vice’s administrator draw the GUI representing the
instrument he wants to share.
Instead of classifying with excess, help must be
provided in order to generate a custom GUI. That is
the idea here. Hence, severals ways of device’s repre-
sentation build have been studied. Finally, two prin-
cipals methods have been point out:
create a GUI drawer, which would integrate collab-
orative components and an ”actions ordonancor”
(see section 3)
use image processing algorithm in order to create
the virtual representation of the instrument from a
picture performed by a camera.
2.2 GUI Drawer Helper
The drawer have the advantage to let the user build
the entire representation of the device. He picks ”col-
laborative aware” components up from a toolbox and
drag them into the representation build in progress.
Moreover, one can supply the list of functionalities
of the instrument (i.e. name of the function to call
instrument-side), the ”builder” (the user that builds
the representation) could possibly map widget to the
corresponding function. All the values of those prop-
erties are stored within a XML file. A DTD
is pro-
vided to validate the XML. In those conditions, the
representation of a instrument is fast, reliable, normal-
ized and do not needs special technical needs (except
one already require: the knowledge regarding the in-
strument’s usage).
2.3 Image Processing to Reinforce
It has already been discussed that HCI ”lies at the
crossroads of many scientific areas” (Sebe1 et al.,
2004). As for eInstrumentation’s HCI, it is already
at the crossroads of (just to quote few) : collabora-
tive work, middleware or pedagogics. Nevertheless,
another (unsuspected!) area can be added: this is
image processing. Regarding the construction of the
device’s representation, a simple idea come up. One
can take a picture of an instrument, then tag widgets
that are ”actionable” with an image manipulation tool
(such a TheGimp (http://www.gimp.org/, 2005)). A
eXtensible Markup Language
Document Type Definition
widget that is colored in the picture is thus an active
widget. Hence, image processing enables to analyze
the picture taken, thus retrieving widgets composing
the instrument (and their characteristics such as po-
sition or shape). As said earlier, the ”drawer” pro-
duce a XML file which is validate by a DTD gram-
mar. This image processing treatment also produce
the same structured file. This allow to load within the
drawer the result of the image processing algorithms
and thus modify eventually the representation of the
instrument (the image processing may not be perfect:
sometimes it can hardly decide whether the widget
is a state button (on/off as example) or simple circle
push button). In other words, some adjustments can
possibly be made in the drawer, as well as the map-
ping between widgets and functionalities.
The integration of the tools is illustrated in figure 1.
It has to be noticed that Java technologies are being
employed. Moreover, it is important to understand
that there is only one DTD document and only one
XML file. In fact, only the XML file is related to a
specific instrument, all other files are generic.
It is obvious that the use of a computer is introducing
a new intermediary. Nevertheless, those drawbacks
are to be fought. That is to say ”felt-life” (McCarthy
and Wright, 2004) has also to be translate within the
platform, for the computer link to be as transparent as
possible. This is the purpose of this section.
 !
Figure 1: Integration of tools in a single GUI building ar-
3.1 One Need to Feel
”Felt-life” refers to actions or reactions about what
one had seen, heard or touched before. This is some-
thing very important in an project that relies on hand-
on approaches. It sounds clear that feelings are part
of the memory mechanism: one remembers the shape
of an object, the smell of a device, the noise made
by an instrument or even the touching of a device.
These are all being stored in our memories in order to
help us to remember previous the actions. In HCI, re-
producing those feelings helps a lot in improving our
capacities to develop memory reflexes and can even
facilitate cognitive walkthrough processes (Wharton
et al., 1994). In hand-on approaches, it is clear that
reproducing the environment of manipulation of the
devices could greatly improve the settle of memory
mechanism. For eInstrumentation platform, this is
done by playing sound (ex: an antenna that is moved
on a bench makes a sound that can be reproduced).
For an optic fiber stretcher or any device where me-
chanical constraints appear, widgets reproduce the
mechanical resistance associated when actioning it.
This example of mechanical resistance can be clas-
sified as interface metaphors and their need have al-
ready been discussed (Guss, 2003).
On the implementation part, this is quite widget-
centered approach. It surely needs to become more
generic. in addition and unfortunately, ”smelling fac-
tors” are not being discussed nowadays.
3.2 Collaborative Widgets: Widgets
that Work for Collaborative
It is obvious that collaborative learning means sev-
erals users learning together, in the same time, us-
ing the device, inside the same group (”Same-Time-
Different-Place” (Jr. et al., 2005)). This is gener-
ally spoken as ”group awareness” (M.Roseman and
Greenberg, 1996). It is really important to present
collaborative requirement as a service, just like se-
curity, transactions or persistence are (Dery-Pinna
et al., 2003). The group awareness is excepted to
provide learners to possibility to be aware that they
are working within a group and that they are working
for a common task (here and henceforth: basically to
learn). Still, it is not easy to support group aware-
ness (Lukosch and Roth, 2001). It is interesting to see
how developers maintain it (Gutwin et al., 2004). In-
deed, some basic approaches usually result in using
one cursor for all users or one cursor for each user.
This usually leads to whether a ”scrollwar” (Stefik,
1987) in case of a single cursor, or a loss of legibil-
ity. Regarding the case study eInstrumentation, it has
been chosen that the group awareness will not be im-
plemented using cursors but components notifications
(change of behavior of widgets). Even if this is a lit-
tle more important regarding implementation, it still
offers more accurate and proper interactions inside a
3.3 Possible Implementation Using
For example, if several users are using a common de-
vice, when one performs a command, it is fired to
all users in group and will make the widget blink for
a short period of time. This way, all users will be
”friendly-notified” of an event concerning the group.
In order to achieve this, basic Java widgets imple-
menting this collaborative behavior had been pro-
duced. Those are widgets inheriting Java Swing com-
ponents, implementing the use of an Asynchronous
Middleware in its Publish/Subscribe model (see fig-
ure 2).
 
 ""#$%#
& 
Figure 2: Using an Asynchronous Middleware in order to
supply group awareness.
In fact, all client instances subscribe a common
topic of interest. Then, when an action is performed
by a single user, the actioned widget, which imple-
ment group awareness, relies the event on the asyn-
chronous middleware. This way, all the users, who
subscribed the topic, receive the message and the ap-
plication automagically fires the corresponding event
to the concerned widget(s). At the end, concerned
widget(s) blinks and changes its color for a short
period of time. The Asynchronous Middleware im-
plementation is JORAM (http://joram.objectweb.org/,
2005) and the J2EE application server is
JONAS (http://jonas.objectweb.org/, 2005). The
widgets are a library that has been created for such a
use in our laboratory. They are implementing basic
collaborative widgets and are being enriched each
time a new widget has to be created for a new device
integration within the platform. One could think
about what is achieved when several groups of users
want to access the same instrument(s). An innovating
mechanism is being developed in eInstrumentation :
if the middleware is able to save/load the state of an
instrument (value of all revelant inputs and outputs),
at a given time, then there could be a state associated
to every group of users. This way, if two groups are
using the same instrument, the middleware could
switch the instrument from one state to another
depending on the group being active. Of course,
the more the groups tend to reach to same loads of
utilization of the instrument, the less the platform
will be reactive, since it will loose too much time
in switching instruments’ states. However, if there
are severals instruments and severals groups, all the
amount of devices could be used as a single device
and being viewed by users as a generic device. This
way, all commands entering the device will be reori-
ented to an instrument of the group of instruments,
it will load the corresponding state, compute the
command, and the send back the result using the
asynchronous middleware. This leads to parallelism
for the computing of the commands. It is just the
same interpretation that the one with processor and
”time slot” where instruments split their available
computing times into parts for a (short) given period
of time. Some dynamic load balancing can also be
created in order to set strong priorities to devices
geographically nearer to users using the ”virtual”
device. It would help too in transferring states from
one instrument to another in case an instrument
breaks down. This would result in localization
transparency for the instruments within the platform:
users will not be able to tell which instrument the
command was sent to. Another idea would be to
duplicate commands to severals instruments in order
to insure HA (high availability) of the service.
3.4 Classifying Widgets for the
Leverage of Pedagogical
Away from the support of the memory mechanisms,
one can be helped regarding its teaching by being
introduced new notions step by step. That would
imply for a eLaboratory to let the user discover ad-
vanced functionalities one by one after having been
explained the basis. This approach implies technicals
and process problems: who and how should decide of
the level of usage to associate to a widget ? The point
in this paper is to keep a user centric resolution. This
means this would be users (in fact the users that man-
age the instruments) who will decide whether a wid-
get is ”level 1”, ”level 2” or more advanced. ELab
must realize an easy widgets classification. In eIn-
strumentation, the choice has been made to use the
”GUI drawer” (see 2.2). It has been said that the GUI
drawer could eventually use an image processing al-
gorithm in order to identify widgets (one has to color
widgets first). The proposition (see 2.3) is to use col-
ors in order to identify widgets but because the im-
age processing algorithm cannot be perfect (in a two-
dimensions representation), it is hard to differentiate
a push button from a two state button. Consequently,
a possibility is to associate one color to one kind of
widget (the user could paste an orange polygon on
each push buttons and a blue polygon on every two
states button). This would result in the identification
of all the widgets and all their nature (without any
doubt). Then, it is easy to go on the building of the
corresponding XML file validated by the DTD docu-
ment presented above. Nevertheless, this may not be
enough to ensure the differentiation between widgets’
level of utilization. The proposition made by eInstru-
mentation is to use range of the same color to express
the level of utilization. For example, stating that push
button would be tagged in ”pure red” (RGB would be
255,0,0). Then every push button requiring an upper
level of utilization would still be tagged in red, but a
slightly clearer one. This way, the lighter the red used
is, the higher the level of usage associated is. Finally,
the image processing algorithm is able to determine
the number of level used (the number of color sued in
the red color range). This method had to be applied
for all the different kind of widget present in the pic-
ture of the device. The XML file is still easy to build
since, basing on a picture tagged by an user, all the
information required are present. Of course, there is
still the possibility to change the level of utilization of
a widget in the GUI drawer, by opening the XML file
produced by the image processing algorithm.
Nevertheless, this solution, as it is, could not be im-
planted since it does not representing a real usage of
the eLaboratory. Indeed, one should not think about a
representation of a device by composing widgets but
by composing valid sequences that aggregates wid-
gets. Sequence of widgets is the purpose of the fol-
lowing section.
4.1 Aggregating Widgets and Setting
up Sequence
Still in order to perform a significant advance in the
pedagogic field, using HCI capacities, one could ex-
cept from the platform to make suggestions about the
widgets to action, depending on the previous widgets
actioned. This lead the user to a valid sequence of or-
ders aiming at a specific action. This implies to think
about the HCI (is this HDI, for Human-Device Inter-
actions ?) in terms of sequences of actions. For deliv-
ering more powerful HCI features, sequences are to
be extracted from a HDI study. One could possibility
list all the valid sequences of utilization of a device
in order to show the possible widgets depending on
the previous widgets entered. The implementation re-
sult in checking, at each widget interaction, the pos-
sible sequence the user is up to realize. It is to be
noticed that the opposite is still a pedagogical issue:
if a user entered an invalid sequence (one that is not
in the valid sequences), the platform has to react, ex-
plaining what the user has done wrong and eventually
(if informed) why. Guidelines for such issues have
already been covered previously (Fong et al., 2004).
Next, the application provides shortcuts to potential
sequences the user may have wanted to enter. This
very user-centric approach helps in providing cogni-
tive support (Soloway et al., 1994). On the program-
ming part, the main point is to formalize those se-
quences for the generic (common for all devices) Java
patform client that interprets the sequences associated
to a device. In fact, since there is a XML document
for widgets list, with its DTD associated, the list of the
sequences that are expected with the use of an instru-
ment are being wrapped in the same document. Of
course this implies a cooperation between designers
and developers (Borchers, 2001).
4.2 Using Boole’s Algebra to Solve
Sequence Normalization
Nevertheless, the major issue in the ontology of se-
quences is to represent all the chronological possibil-
ities. That is true that a sequence (and so an action !)
could be validated by actioning different widgets, in a
different order. For example : λ
is a sequence com-
posed by widgets w
, w
, w
and w
and assuming
that λ
can be written like:
= w
The sequence λ
must be read like follow : λ
is val-
idate when widget w
is actioned, then w
or w
used, and finally w
used. In this description language
for sequences:
& is coordination without order (A&Biswidget
A then widget B as well as B then A).
&& is causal ordering (A && B is widget A then
widget B and not B then A, which would be B &&
•|is OR (inclusive OR). (A | B is widget A or B, or
both of them but not none of them).
•⊕is XOR (exclusive OR). (A B is widget A or
B, but not both of them, not none of them).
In this condition, it is obvious that sequence λ
strictly equals sequence λ
or even λ
, as:
Of course, there is still the possibility to introduce
some other operators (for theory use for now). For ex-
ample the negation of order (based on previous decla-
= w
) (4)
= w
Other possibility could be the negation of widget. If
W is all the amount of widgets presents in the repre-
sentation of the device, (sum of w
) then
= W −{w
} (6)
Another issue is to say that λ
is included in λ
, λ
since it would inheriting the property to equal
sequences), where
= w
) λ
= λ
Inclusion helps in stating about the difference be-
tween a sequence and an action in HCI. In fact, an
action is the result of an operation (|,&,&&, as ex-
ample) on severals sequences. This is kind of a meta-
sequence (it can even be fully qualified by a widget
based expression).
This is not the point in this paper to list all the pos-
sibility of Boole’s algebra applied to sequences com-
posed by widgets in HCI. Nevertheless, those exam-
ples are to stress out the complexity that can result
from a simple widgets activation sequence. This is
due to the fact that a sequence can possibly be writ-
ten as numerous different variations and that all those
variations are to be understood by the generic client,
when it will come to read the XML document con-
taining all the valid sequences of use of an instru-
ment. Moreover, it is expected that widgets sequence
normalization, as it had been described here, is not
limited to device interactions integration into HCI but
also to common fields of HCI.
4.3 Why Attempting to Normalize
Widgets Sequences
It is true that the settlement of sequences would help
in improving the normalization of utilization of a
GUI, and thus enables to get concrete informations
on the real use of a GUI towards the use that have
been designed originally. For example, about cogni-
tive walkthrough, developers could list expected se-
quences using the normalized way within a XML doc-
ument, still respecting the DTD grammar associated.
On the other hand, widgets could integrate a behavior
that would allow to keep the history of entered se-
quences during a cognitive walkthrough (whether the
sequences is valid or not). In the end, a basic sta-
tistic would be the ratio of right sequences entered
to invalid sequences used. This ratio represents an
estimation of the usability of the device. This way,
usability measurement would no longer be subjective
but also a value associated to it (that is still proper to
each user indeed). The drawback is that users tend to
find new utilizations of a tool that was not foreseeable
(but that actually works). This is because users tends
to adapt themselves to a new tool by diverting it from
original functionalities. That would means that the
list of the allowed sequences would hardly never be
complete before a cognitive walkthrough. This may
implies whether iterations (insert the sequences dis-
covered during cognitive walkthrough and then make
another cognitive walkthrough) until getting a stable
value of the ratio, or finding an average value by ex-
perimentation on how far are usually developers from
foreseeable usages to real usage of HCI.
Nevertheless, this observation is far outside from the
scope of this paper. Regarding eLaboratories, being
able to normalize expected sequences would mean
that a graph could be built on those sequences. Then,
graph theory could possibly offer a lot. As example,
since it is possible to store sequences it allows to re-
play that sequence later. Replaying a HCI sequence
in eLaboratories (and surely in most others learning
systems) is really something enhancing every steps of
the learning mechanism. At first, this could be used
to play demonstration sequences to show what the de-
vice is able to do. That is to say a remote device can
be controlled by a pre-defined sequence (automation
of processes). This avoid needing too much quali-
fied person for demonstration and avoid mistakes and
lapse of memory. Moreover, this can be used in tutori-
als: students would be able to reproduce HCI, watch
for them over times without the need of the teacher
to make the manipulation every time (please under-
stand this is complementary to widely accepted teach-
ing methods, not replacing them). Next, being able to
identify invalid sequence would result in two bene-
fits: prevent damage to devices (for example mechan-
ical devices that move objects) and helps the user in
understanding what he has done wrong. The system
could possibly notice the user that the sequence he
entered is a non-sense, explain why and may propose
other sequences that he may had wanted to operate.
In the end, for evaluation purpose, the teacher would
be able to compare sequences entered to sequence(s)
expected for the questions he ask. This should be a
very significant value helping evaluation in hand-on
approaches using HCI, where the final value/solution
is not always the only criteria of notation (this may be
too much all or nothing).
In the end, we can say that mapping of levels is no
more relevant if it stays to the level of widgets. It is
true that some widgets could not have a meaning with-
out the presence of others. This compose group of
widgets. However, this notion of group of widgets is
not to be confused with the notion of sequence, that is
why it will not be discussed here. Anyway, the reader
should only be aware that widgets are actually listed
by group in the XML file representing a device.
It is clear that this new kind of platform enables
services that the laboratory is able to propose to all
of these users. Moreover, this help in the acquisition
of the device: it had been bought by several public
laboratory in order to divide the (high) cost of such
4.4 Illustration with a Very Simple
Figure 3: A simple instrument for the illustration of widgets
and sequences.
Let’s assume an instrument as described in figure 3.
The legend associated presents basic functionalities:
a chart widget displays data using view one or view
two regarding the widgets being activated. A wid-
get is held responsible for the action of validating the
choice of a view. In those condition, the list of valid
sequences is, assuming Γ
is the sum of sequences
for the instrument, each noted γ
= w
(display using view 1)
= w
(display using view 2)
(two curves displayed)
= w
(zoom the chart)
Of course, the system (8) is equal to the system:
(1st view or/and 2nd view)
= w
(zoom the chart)
4.5 Possible Implementation of a
Sevice’s Ontology
From those sequences, it is easy to build the corre-
sponding XML files
, which includes widgets and se-
quences (based on 9) (and is a preliminary version of
the ontology of devices for the platform):
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>
<!– widget w2 cut, same as w1
<!– widget w3 cut, same as w1,w2 >
<!– widget w4 cut, (nearly) same as w1,w2,3
Present work aims at using Ontology Web Language
(OWL) to get a standard compliant ontology, thus not
present in this paper.
4.6 A Device Case Study: A
Microwave Analyzer
Engineers in industry (distant industrial processes),
Students in schools (hand-on approaches on instru-
Researchers in laboratories (research purpose),
Researchers in industrial laboratories (private sup-
ported research purpose)
Indeed, a Hyperfrequency Analyser helps in charac-
terization in the field of high frequency for telecom-
munication meterials. The deployment of the generic
client that load XML files is deployed via Java Web
Start, which allows the automatic deployment of ap-
plications and manages versions automagically. This
way, researchers are able to launch a distant applica-
tion that represent their instrument, and are able to in-
teract with the distant device. Of course, as described
earlier, each command is relied on the asynchronous
middleware (to implement ”group awareness”). This
way, all researchers are evolving in a group of ma-
nipulations, inside which they enter/leave when they
launch/close their client application. For the time be-
ing, the sequence language have been used for the
menu navigation. When a user enter a menu, it load
the corresponding submenu using sequences. Other
sequences descriptions are in progress in order to sup-
ply a full sequenced HCI of the microwave analyzer.
What had been presented here is a generic approach
regarding the studying and the construction of dis-
tant, collaborative and ”sequenced” HCI. The con-
struction of the HCI in the presented eLaboratory
management platform called eInstrumentation and is
being supplied by several tools, specially a drawer
and an image processing algorithm. Those two tools
produced the same XML file (validated by a com-
mon DTD). Whereas each XML file are specific to
each instrument, the DTD and the client interpret-
ing the XML is a single generic application written
in Java and using J2EE architectures (JonAs Applica-
tion Server and JORAM Asynchronous Middleware).
The application server and the asynchronous middle-
ware connectors are supplied by the plateform wid-
gets, implementing group awareness behavior. In the
end, all the actions entered by users are compared in
real time to valid sequences of usage of the instru-
ment. That is to say users are guided to a correct
usage of the device, mostly for learning and device
protection purpose. It is highly possible that future
works will consist in building an entire case study
with its sequences and thus make experimentation on
real hands-on courses. This would help in testing the
robustness of the sequence abstraction and measuring
the profit made by users when using such advanced
HCI implementation. In addition, some design ques-
tions can be put and would need methods and exper-
imentation interpretations (Reed, 2005). Others re-
flexions could also raise from GUI plasticity (which
does not appear to be a real problem for asynchronous
middleware in Java (Yoneki, 2003), and platform ac-
cessibility. There is also the study of the possibility to
couple ”felt-life” ( 3.1) with sequences (for now these
are two different things implemented). Its sound pos-
sible that a mapping should exist between ”felt-life”
and sequences regarding the timing on which felt-life
should be based on (it shall not play a multimedia
content widget-centric, but when users reach a certain
advance in a (sub)sequence). This way the multime-
dia content would not be played each time the widget
is being actioned but only in a certain ”sequence con-
text” of utilization.
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