the membership degree according to his point of view.
In the second row he can choose the apposite value by
a list. The selected element in the list will be referred
to an a-priori defined numerical value as explained in
Section 2.1. In the definition phase of the ontology
the number of the updates is zero. This value will
be changed during the queries in accordance with the
functions defined in previous sections.
KAON’s ontology language is based on RDFS
(RDFS, 2004) with proprietary extensions for al-
gebraic property characteristics (symmetric, transi-
tive and inverse), cardinality, modularization, meta-
modelling and explicit representation of lexical infor-
In literature, all the limits about the RDFS are
well-known. Thus, it has been developed KAON2
(KAON2, 2005) that is a successor of the KAON
project. The main difference as to previous KAON
version is the supported ontology language, namely
KAON used a proprietary extension of RDFS,
whereas KAON2 is based on OWL DL (OWL, 2005).
OWL DL is a sublanguage of OWL (OWL, 2005)
and it supports those users who want the maximum
expressiveness without losing computational com-
pleteness (all conclusions are guaranteed to be com-
puted) and decidability of reasoning systems (all com-
putations will finish in finite time).
In more details, KAON2’s language is based on a
combination of the OWL DL and OWL Lite sublan-
guages (KAON2, 2005) of the OWL Web Ontology
Language (OWL, 2005).
Recently, some proposals to integrate fuzzy logic
in OWL have been presented (Straccia, 2005; Stoilos
et al., 2005; Pan et al., 2005).
The more complete and suitable to our study
seems to be the extension of SHOIN (D) presented
in (Straccia, 2005).
Thus, the next and last step to the integration of
fuzzy ontology in KAON2 is a deeper analysis of all
these approaches and the adaptation of one of them to
our situation. This is out of the scope of the present
paper and will be proposed in a forthcoming work.
In this paper, we have introduced fuzzy logic directly
in the ontology during the domain definition, enrich-
ing the actual features proposed by other ontology ed-
itors. The proposed solution allows to represent and
to reason with uncertain information. This is a deli-
cate problem for all those areas where the applications
are based on ontology.
The domain expert has two possibilities to add a
membership value in an ontology domain: through a
pair ({concept,instance},property) or through an en-
tity {concept, instance}. In both solutions, he/she can
assign this degree through a precise value v ∈ [0, 1]
or choosing a label in the predefined set L.
We have also proposed a method, based on con-
cept modifiers, to automatically update the member-
ship degree during queries, useful, as example, for the
extraction of more relevant documents.
Furthermore, we have presented two possible ex-
amples of application: to extend a query and to over-
come the problem of overloading.
KAON has been the ontology editor chosen to in-
troduce fuzzy logic during the ontology definition.
We have integrated fuzzy logic in KAON, developing
a suitable Fuzzy Inspector Panel.
In the future, it is necessary to develop fuzzy-OWL
in KAON2 and to test all the proposed framework.
Furthermore, we plan to enrich our theory considering
linguistic negation. This is another crucial topic in
order to handle all the uncertainty situations proposed
by natural languages within the ontological domain.
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