(6.57, in a ramp 0..10), even if more stressing and a
little more difficult than real driving.
However, some concerns come from the steering
wheel, which resulted too much direct in its action,
being different from the real one. This is due to the
economical input device, which is more game-
oriented. Indeed, its excursion is limited to about
200° from full left deflection to full right deflection.
In real car this value is comprised from 360° and
720°. We are currently searching for more realistic
steering wheels. Telemetry data analysis and survey
result are omitted for sake of brevity, but are
available upon request.
Safety on the roads is one of the main goals for
everyone involved in the automotive field. The
advent of VTSs can distract user from the main task
of driving the car, with potentially fatal effects.
Nevertheless, it has been estimated that these
systems will become commonplace in the last few
years. Thus, it is a short term priority to investigate
solutions to enhance usability of VTSs and then
limit driver distraction. Nevertheless, the evaluation
of UIs for automotive systems is a challenging and
expensive task, requiring specific methodologies and
tools. To address this issue, we realized a framework
specifically conceived for the indoor evaluation of
VTSs usability. In this paper we reported on some
improvements we developed, aimed at enhancing the
effectiveness of that test-bed. In particular, we
developed some instruments to offer the possibility
to assess also the navigation assistance provided by
VTS in the indoor facilities, thanks to the automatic
generation of realistic simulator tracks starting from
a VTS cartography.
Moreover, to support researchers in an easy
collection of valuable information on driver’s
behaviors (and thus on his/her mental workload), we
developed a specifically suited application, aimed at
providing a graphical representation of the main
driving parameters and subject behaviors. Finally,
we validated the framework in measuring on-road
driving performances, by employing a set of sixteen
subjects, with positive results.
About future work, we are working to add
further realism to the generated scenario, in order to
recreate the surrounding environment, since SDAL
contains further information about the kind of area
(country, national park, urban, etc…). For instance,
for urban zones, we are working to generate
scenarios with buildings, semaphores, etc…
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