Towards Model Checking C Code with OPEN/CÆSAR
ıa del Mar Gallardo, Pedro Merino and David San
Dpto. de Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computaci
University of M
29071 M
alaga, Spain
Abstract. Verification technologies, like model checking, have obtained great
success in the context of formal description techniques (FDTs), however there
is still a lack of tools for applying the same approach to real programming
languages. One promising approach in this second scenario is the reuse of
well known and stable software architectures originally designed for FDTs, like
OPEN/CÆSAR. OPEN/CÆSAR is based on a core notation for Labeled Transi-
tions Systems and contains several modules that can help users to implement
tasks such as reachability analysis, bisimulation, and test generation. All these
functions are accessible with a standard API that makes it possible the generation
of specific model checkers for new languages. In this paper, we discuss how to
construct a model checker for C distributed applications using OPEN/CÆSAR.
1 Introduction
The difficulty of constructing reliable complex software is well known, especially
when developing distributed communication systems. Formal techniques such as model
checking help us to improve the quality of these systems, assuring the satisfaction of
certain critical properties (typically temporal properties). Traditional model checking
tools (SPIN[5], CAESAR[6]) have been oriented towards analyzing system models de-
scribed in a particular high level language also known as formal description technique
(FDT). For instance, the modelling language PROMELA is the input for SPIN, while
process algebras are valid inputs for CAESAR. However, currently, many academic and
commercial projects are focused on extending the techniques and algorithms developed
for FDTs to the usual and more complex implementation languages. This is the case of
Bandera and JPF [4] for JAVA and CMC and SOCKETMC [2] for C.
There exist two main approaches to attack the problem of software verification. On
the one hand, Feaver, Bandera and SOCKETMC, translate the original system, written in
a programming language, into a particular FDT that is the standard input of an existing
model checker. This method, that is called “model-extraction”, allows us to reuse the
target tool, but having into account the additional effort of constructing a high level
model from the original system.
The second approach to verify software consists in implementing new “language-
specific tools”. Clearly, this method may involve a considerable amount of development
Work partially supported by projects TIN2004-7943-C04-01 and TIC2005-09405-C02-01.
del Mar Gallardo M., Merino P. and Sanán D. (2006).
Towards Model Checking C Code with OPEN/CÆSAR.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002499401980201
// Client process
int main() {
struct hostent *ptrh;
struct protoent *ptrp;
struct sockaddr_in sad;
int sd;
int port;
char *host;
memset((char *)&sad,0,sizeof(sad));
sad.sin_family= AF_INET;
sad.sin_port = htons((u_short)port);
socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, ptrp->p_proto);
n = write(sd,cadena,strlen(cadena));
n = read(sd, buf, sizeof(buf));
// Client process
int main() {
// Server process
int main() {
Operating System Support
Memory management,
Files, ...
normalization, ..)
Model generator
C, C++
Socket based software
Fig.1. Schema for verifying systems with well-defined APIs.
work. Fortunately, some frameworks may assist in this task. For instance, the toolset
OPEN/CÆSAR[3] permits the construction of specific model checkers, having as input
models described using a labeled transition system (LTS). The tool also provides an
application programmer interface (API) which facilitates the construction of LTSs and
diverse libraries which, for instance, provide structures to store the states or compute
hashing functions.
In this paper, we propose to extend the range of input languages for the
OPEN/CÆSAR framework, adding the possibility of verifying the popular C language.
Moreover, and following the idea of SOCKETMC, the tool will be able to verify
server applications that make an extensive use of an API, e.g. the Socket API.
Figure 1 gives an overview of the process followed to verify systems that use well-
defined API. As an initial step in the construction of a specific model checker, this paper
describes how to translate client
server applications into the data structures employed
by OPEN/CÆSAR. The new representation obtained will allow us to have more control
over the algorithms and data structures which play a crucial role in the model checking
process. For instance, we may add new features to the model checker such as variable
compression, hashing, abstraction, and the localization of errors in the original code.
2 Integrating C into OPEN/CÆSAR
In this section, we describe the process of constructing LTS representations from C
programs. This transformation will allow us to reuse the OPEN/CÆSAR environment
and all the programs developed in CADP such as BISIMULATOR, ALDEBARAN, etc. We
may structure the process of verifying C code in OPEN/CÆSAR in four phases:
2.1 Analyzing the C Code
The translation of the original system must start with an analysis phase. This phase is
not trivial due to the complexity of the C language. In order to simplify this task, we
first translate the C code into an intermediate XML-based language named PIXL.
Once the code is written in the mark up language, we perform an analysis focussing
on two main issues. First, we need to extract every system call and control sentence for
the creation of the process graph, described in the following section. Second, we need
to analyze every variable in the program to determine whether it should be inserted in
the state vector. In this case, the code has to be modified to reference the field of the
state vector associated to the variable.
2.2 Creating the Process Graph
As mentioned above, our goal is to generate an implicit LTS from a C application con-
taining external calls. In order to build the successor function needed to specify the
LTS, we need a suitable representation of the different processes of the system to be
analyzed. To this end, all these processes are converted into a graph before creating the
implicit LTS.
We consider two types of labels. On the one hand, a label may represent a sequence
of C statements (a block) that do not include any system call and, on the other, a label
may represent a single system call.
Non determinism is an important aspect when representing system calls. Non deter-
minism is implicit in communications, e.g. a broken connection, or failures in the calls
to OS due to the impossibility of assigning a descriptor in a socket system call. There-
fore, every system call with a nondeterministic behavior must be expressed by means
of various transitions showing every possible behavior of the function.
Another point that must be taken into account is the translation of certain control
sentences in the original C code. If the selection or iteration statements (if, case, while)
contain API calls, we explicitly translate the structure of these sentences into the process
graph. We express each selection sentence as the condition, the selection body, and the
else branch. Similarly, each iteration sentence is defined as the condition and the body.
2.3 Generating the Implicit LTS
In the OPEN/CÆSAR environment, the generation of an LTS model from a C system
involves the representation of states and labels of the system, and the implementation
of the interface provided by CAESARGraph.h. This interface gives us the necessary
primitives to manipulate states and labels that will be part of the final LTS.
Therefore, every global state, usually called state vector in model checking, con-
tains the global data that may be accessed by all system processes as well as the local
data corresponding to particular process instances. Global data include, for instance,
channels in sockets or OS buffers. Local process variables are clearly local data. The
global space also contains relevant data about the total number of processes running in
the system. In addition, every process in execution keeps information about the actual
state of the process, its pid, and the process type.
Besides the state representation, we must provide the label representatio. Labels
represent actions to be carried out in order to evolve from one state to the following one.
The label concept of CAESAR that have been inherited from LOTOS does not exists in C.
In CAESAR a label is considered as a LOTOS gate and a number of experiments offered
by the gate. However, in the socket case, we can find a direct relationship between
the notions of gate and socket. Thus, the transition for a system call, e.g. a read call,
generates a label similar to read(5), where the number represents the socket identifier
used for this communication.
Moreover, the generation of this interface requires two special primitives for con-
structing the transition relation of the LTS. One primitive is responsible for generating
the initial state, and the other generates the successor states for any given state. The
algorithm works in two phases. In the first one, for every system process, it explores all
the transitions from its actual state. These transitions are obtained from the automaton
associated to the process. The second phase of the algorithm executes each transition
generated, appropriately updating the state vector variables and producing the corre-
sponding LTS label. In order to execute the transition in the LTS, we need to execute the
associated code in the process graph. Recall that this code is the result of the previous
analysis described in Section 2.1. Thus, the successor state is generated automatically
while executing the transition. It is worth noting that the transformed code works di-
rectly with the variables in the vector state.
The graph interface includes an initialization primitive CAESAR INIT GRAPH,
which has to be called before using any operation with the graph. This method in-
volves the allocation in memory of the process graphs (described in Section 2.2) of the
different processes forming the system to be analyzed.
3 Conclusions and Future Work
Originally, OPEN/CÆSAR were designed as an open environment extending the func-
tionality of CAESAR that is used for verifying a LOTOS specification. In this paper, we
propose to use this framework for analyzing C programs that make use of well defined
APIs. Most existing software model checkers are well suited to verifying distributed
systems. Some of them, such as JPF or Bandera, analyze systems described in JAVA.
Others are designed to analyze specific kinds of software. For instance, SLAM [1] ver-
ifies whether the behavior of a driver is secure wrt the uses of the API that it offers.
Actually, this proposal is its final stage of implementation, and the final version
will be available in . Future work could follow
several lines. On the one hand, we could compare the results provided by our previous
tool SOCKETMC, and by the current proposal. This comparison should take into ac-
count not only the numerical results, but also the easiness for obtaining the models. On
the other, we also propose to extend our approach by considering different APIs or by
implementing abstraction techniques.
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