Formal Specification of Real-Time Systems by Transformation of UML-RT Design Models
K. Benghazi Akhlaki, M. I. Capel Tuñon, J. A. Holgado Terriza, L. E. Mendoza Morales
We are motivated to complement our methodology by integrating collaboration diagrams to facilitate the specification of capsules in UML-RT design models. An improved systematic transformation method to derive a correct and complete formal system specification of real-time systems is established. This article aims at integrating temporal requirements in the design stage of the life cycle of a real-time system, so that scheduling and dependability analysis can be performed at this stage. The application of CSP+T process algebra to carry out a systematic transformation from a UML-RT model of a well known manufacturing-industry paradigmatic case, the “Production-Cell”, is also presented.
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Paper Citation
in Harvard Style
Benghazi Akhlaki K., I. Capel Tuñon M., A. Holgado Terriza J. and E. Mendoza Morales L. (2006). Formal Specification of Real-Time Systems by Transformation of UML-RT Design Models . In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 1: MSVVEIS, (ICEIS 2006) ISBN 978-972-8865-49-8, pages 16-25. DOI: 10.5220/0002503200160025
in Bibtex Style
author={K. Benghazi Akhlaki and M. I. Capel Tuñon and J. A. Holgado Terriza and L. E. Mendoza Morales},
title={Formal Specification of Real-Time Systems by Transformation of UML-RT Design Models},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 1: MSVVEIS, (ICEIS 2006)},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 1: MSVVEIS, (ICEIS 2006)
TI - Formal Specification of Real-Time Systems by Transformation of UML-RT Design Models
SN - 978-972-8865-49-8
AU - Benghazi Akhlaki K.
AU - I. Capel Tuñon M.
AU - A. Holgado Terriza J.
AU - E. Mendoza Morales L.
PY - 2006
SP - 16
EP - 25
DO - 10.5220/0002503200160025