An Approach to Query-based Adaptation of
Semi-structured Documents
Corinne Amel Zayani
and Florence Sèdes
IRIT, 118 route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse cedex 4, France
LGC, 129 A, avenue de Rangueil B.P 67701, 31077 Toulouse cedex 4, France
Abstract Semi-structured documents are characterized by flexible and hetero-
geneous structure and content. So querying this type of documents is required
to deliver easily relevant results. Despite the differences between users charac-
teristics (interests, preferences, etc), they receive the same results delivered by
the same query. So, in this paper we propose to integrate adaptation process in
upstream of the querying step that consists in enriching user’s queries by user’s
characteristics. The adaptation process aims to optimize the pertinence of re-
sults according to user requirements and offer users different results for his
same query.
1 Introduction
Semi-structured documents have flexible and heterogeneous structure and content.
The querying of these semi-structured documents is required to deliver easily relevant
documentary units [1], [2]. Several approaches for querying semi-structured
documents have been already proposed with the unique characteristics of relevance
[2], [3]. Thus, users receive the same results delivered by the same query, despite the
differences between their characteristics (interests, preferences, etc).
Thus, we suggest taking into account user’s history according to his queries. This
history that represents user’s characteristics must be introduced in the user profile. On
the other hand, we propose to enrich the user’s queries by his histories in order to
optimize the results according to the user’s characteristics (interests, preferences,
etc.). We consider that query enrichment introduces the adaptation process in the
upstream of the query. The goal of this paper is to present how adaptation process can
contribute relevant results delivered by querying process.
This paper is organized into four sections. In section two we present the architec-
ture that combines the relevance and adaptation processes. On the other hand, we
present respectively the querying process for semi-structured documents and user
profile that plays a significant role in querying. In section three, we explain the up-
stream adaptation process by an example. We conclude with a discussion of related
Amel Zayani C. and Sèdes F. (2006).
An Approach to Query-based Adaptation of Semi-structured Documents.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Cognitive Science, pages 156-161
DOI: 10.5220/0002503801560161
Application domain layer
Pertinence la
2 Our Architecture
In figure 1 we illustrate our view of the architecture that is extended from a previous
proposal in [4] encompasses two levels of research works:
Works that offer more relevant documentary units, following the mechanisms of
querying of semi-structured documents, such as [2]. But the authors don’t take into
account the user’s history.
Works that focus on the adaptation of full documents, while taking into account
the user’s history.
Therefore our contribution via this architecture consists in gathering these two
complementary research works, in order to find the better relevant documentary units
and to adapt them to the user.
Fig. 1. Architecture gathers relevant and adaptation research works.
In our case we distinguish two adaptation processes:
Upstream consists in enriching the query, firstly, and update the user profile,
secondly. The aim of the adaptation process in upstream is to optimize the results
relevance according to the user’s requirements. It enables to offer users different
results when they query semi-structured documents with same query.
Downstream consists in applying adaptation techniques (e.g. stretchtext, link
sorting, etc.) according to user profile [5]. This adaptation process enables to decrease
cognitive overload and solve the lost in hyperspace problem.
In this paper we concentrate on the first adaptation process i.e. the "upstream" one.
So, we present respectively the querying process and user profile in following sec-
2.1 Querying Process of Semi-structured Documents
The semi-structured documents adopt flexible markup language for describing data,
such as HTML, XML, WML, etc. So they have flexible and heterogeneous structure.
On the other hand, there are different languages of querying semi-structured docu-
ment. In this paper we are interested in XQuery [6] that is used for querying XML
documents. The query result is usually a part of the full document structure, i.e. docu-
mentary units.
In figure 2 we show a query in version 0, i.e. query that offers some documentary
units according to conditions defined in query. This query doesn’t take into account
the user’s characteristics (interest, preference, etc). Therefore, our contribution via
this process consists in enriching query in version 0 by the user’s characteristics in
order to offer most relevant documentary units and, secondly, enriching the query
consists in delivering different documentary units for users that queries same query in
version 0. Therefore enhancing query in version 0 leads to generate a version 1 of the
Fig. 2. Querying process.
We also define that user profile stores characteristics about each individual user.
This profile is update by each user’s query of version "0". After the restitution of
results downstream adaptation process [5] can be applied.
2.2 User Profile
We have shown that upstream adaptation depends on user profile. This later contains
characteristics that can be distinguished into two types [5], [7]:
- Permanent characteristics which can be constant over time. This type of character-
istics introduces the identity of user (name, etc), demographic data (age, etc.), as
- Changing characteristics which can evolve over time. The changing characteristics
are different from permanent characteristics because they evolve over time. Gener-
ally, changing characteristics are initialized and updated implicitly by observing the
user’s browsing behavior.
In our research, the user has a browsing behavior while querying the semi-
structured documents. So, we suggest that the changing characteristics of user profile
can be updated implicitly according to user queries. Thus we define a set of records in
the profile. In each record, we define the following attributes: key, value, condition,
Updating user profile
Enriching query
query ver.0
Profile ver.0
query ver.1
result. The condition attribute accepts the value "yes" when the attribute "value" has a
value. The result attribute has the value "yes" when the user wants to restore the at-
tribute "key".
3 Example
In this section we propose an example which includes both semi-structured document
and user profile. In this example we show how to apply the adaptation process in the
upstream of user’s query. We show an example of semi-structured document for
application mailbox in following XML document.
<mailbox login="XX">
… <mailReceived id_mailReceived="1">
<date>04/01/06 </date>
<sender>AA </sender>
<address><nom> YY</nom><nom> ZZ</nom></address>
<object>call for paper </object> …
<mailSend id_mailSend="1">
<type>reply</type> <date> 14/01/06 </date>
<sender> XX </sender>
<address><nom> YY</nom><nom> ZZ</nom></address>
<object>RE: </object>…
On the other hand, the user’s profile is described in the following XML document.
<UserProfil Id="1AA1" login="ZZ" password="hh">
</Record> </UserProfil>
We suppose that user asks the following query: "retrieve the object of mails received
by "XX" ". This query is in a version "0" represented as follow:
for $b in doc ("mailbox.xml") //mailReceived
where sender="XX"
return <mail> $b/object </mail>
Query 1. Query in version 0.
In this case we follow the querying process of semi-structured documents.
The user’s profile can be updated by query 1 that is in version "0" as follows:
<UserProfil Id="1AA1" login="ZZ" password="hh">
<Record >
<condition>yes</condition><result>yes </result>
<Record >
…<value> multimedia </value>…
On the other hand, the following query in version "1" represents the combination of
query in version "0" and user’s profile.
for $b in doc ("mailbox.xml") //mailReceived
where sender="XX" and object contains "multimedia"
return <mail> $b/object </mail>
Query 2. Query in version 1.
This query 2 only returns to the user the objects of mails about "multimedia" received
by "XX". But, it is insufficient to release this combination in this case. So, we pro-
pose to define two generic functions:
Function named adaptToProfile_1 that takes into account the conditions defined
in the profile and its key is specified in query. The aim of this function is to show
firstly these keys,
Function named adaptToProfile_2 aims to show the others keys and conditions
don’t take into account by precedent function.
Therefore we propose to enhance query 2 by including functions as follows:
define function adaptToProfile_1 (element $X)
returns element{
for $y in ($X)
where $y contains "multimedia"
return $y/object}
define function adaptToProfile_2 (element $X )
returns element{
for $y in ($X)
where $y not contains "multimedia"
return $y/object}
for $b in doc ("mailbox.xml") //mailReceived
where sender="XX"
return <mail>adaptToProfile_1($b), adaptToProfile_2($b ) </mail>
Query 3. Rewrite query in version 1.
In this case, the result is delivered by the query in version 1 which will be ordered
accordingly to results returned by function adaptToProfile_1, firstly, and function
adaptToProfile_2, secondly.
4 Conclusion
In this paper, we propose to complete the research area in semi-structured documents
- that is the main interest of our research group - by the adaptation research area via
an architecture extended from a previous proposal. The architecture aims at gathering
relevant and adaptation research works [2] [5] through which, we have distinguished
two adaptation processes: upstream of user’s query and downstream from user’s
query. In order to validate our proposition, a perspective of our work is to develop
respectively an algorithm for both adaptation processes: (i) to enrich the user’s que-
ries by the user profile that is initialized by permanent characteristics and updated by
changing user’s characteristics, (ii) to adapt the results according to query enrich-
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