An Approach for Applications Suitability
on Pervasive Environments
Andres Flores
and Macario Polo
GIISCo Research Group
Departamento de Ciencias de la Computaci
on, Universidad Nacional del Comahue,
Buenos Aires 1400, 8300, Neuquen, Argentina
Alarcos Research Group
Escuela Superior de Inform
atica, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha,
Paseo de la Universidad 4, 13071, Ciudad Real, Spain
Abstract. This work is related to the area of Component-based Software Devel-
opment, particularly to largely distributed systems as Pervasive Computing Envi-
ronments. We are focused on the automation of a Component Integration Process
as a support for run-time adjustments of applications when the environment in-
volves highly dynamic changes of requirements. Such integration implies to eval-
uate whether components may or may not satisfy a given model. The Assessment
procedure is based on syntactic and semantic aspects, where the latter involves
assertions, and usage protocols. We have implemented on the .Net technology
the current state of our approach to gain understanding about the complexity and
effectiveness of our approach.
1 Introduction
Pervasive Computing Environments (PvCEnv’s) should support the ’continuity’ of users’
daily tasks across dynamic changes of operative contexts. However functionality is usu-
ally shaped as a set of aggregated components which are distributed among different
computing devices. On changes of availability of a given device the involved component
behaviour still needs to be accessible in the appropriate form according to the updated
technical situation. This generally makes users to be involved on a dependency with the
underlying environment and increases the complexity of its internal mechanisms [1].
Applications composed of dynamically replaceable components imply the need of
an appropriate Integration Process according to Component-based Software Develop-
ment (CBSD) [2, 3]. For this an Application Model may provide the specification of a
required functionality in the form of the aggregation of Component Models A Compo-
nent Model provides a definition to instantiate a component and its composition aspects
through standard interactions and unambiguous interfaces [4, 5]. In order to assure the
adequacy of a given component with respect to an Application Model there is a need
This work is supported by the projects: CyTED-CompetiSoft, UNCo-MPDSbC (04-E059) and
UCLM-MAS (TIC 2003-02737-C02-02)
Flores A. and Polo M. (2006).
An Approach for Applications Suitability on Pervasive Environments.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing, pages 71-78
DOI: 10.5220/0002504000710078
to evaluate its Component Model. Hence we present an Assessment procedure which
can be applied both on a development stage and also at run-time. We compare func-
tional aspects from components against the specification provided by the Application
Model, which is component-oriented. Besides analysing component services at a syn-
tactic level, its behaviour is also inspected thus embracing semantic aspects. The latter is
done by abstracting out the black box functionality hidden on components in the form of
assertions, and also exposing its likely interactions by means of the usage protocol [6]
– also called choreography [7].
We illustrate with a simple example both the way a functionality is composed from
distributed disparate components and how the Assessment procedure helps to assure the
suitability of a certain involved component. We have implemented on the .Net technol-
ogy the current state of our approach. The use of certain built-in mechanisms of .Net
allow us to retrieve component interfaces and also to incorporate information for eval-
uation. Though being simple, this prototype give us a rewarding data on possibilities
to make concrete our proposals. All the applied techniques are selected according to
our goal of achieving consistent mechanisms to assure a fair component integration. As
we proceed with our work, reliability is mainly considered, since we focus the whole
integration process for those challenging systems as PvCEnv’s.
This paper continues by presenting the proposal for an integration process on Sec-
tion 2. Section 3 illustrates the approach with a simple case study. Section 4 presents
the .Net prototype. Conclusions and future work are presented afterwards.
2 Component Assessment for Application Integration
In previous works [8,9] we have described a preliminary model for the assessment pro-
cedure. In this paper we extend the model by adding more aspects concerning semantic
information in the form of the abstract behaviour for a component as well as the proto-
col of use. We assume that a component under evaluation should satisfy a certain degree
of compatibility with respect to a given requirement specification. Such specification is
assumed as being part of an Application Model which contains the components and
describing the required functionality in a component-oriented form by including the
following aspects:
1. Expected Interface. Signatures of expected services.
2. Abstract Behaviour. Assertions for the component and its services.
3. Usage Protocol. The expected order of use for its services.
Based on this we make the following consideration upon similarity between com-
ponents. A component B offers similar functionalities to the expected ones (A) when
the three following conditions are properly satisfied:
Condition 1. Component B offers, at least, the same or equivalent services as those offered by A.
Interface(A) Interface(B)
Condition 2. Abstract behaviour of component B is similar or equivalent to component A.
Behaviour(A) Behaviour(B)
We use to denotes “equivalence”, which depends on the element to be compared and the
applied technique
Condition 3. The protocol of use for services on both components is equivalent.
UsageProtocol(A) UsageProtocol(B)
Condition 1 is true when there exists equivalence on corresponding services from
both interfaces. This is fulfilled when the five next conditions are satisfied:
Condition 1.1. The amount of services on B is at least the same as in A.
Condition 1.2. The return type of a pair of services sa of A and sb of B is equivalent
Condition 1.3. The number of parameters on services sa of A and sb of B is the same.
Condition 1.4. Parameter types on a pair of services sa of A and sb of B are equivalent.
Condition 1.5. Parameters inside the list of parameters on a pair of services sa of A and sb of B
are in the same order.
Condition 2 is true when there exists equivalence on the pre- and post-conditions
for corresponding services from both components. Assertions are boolean functions
composed of expressions connected by operators and [10]. A service sa of A is
equivalent to a service sbof a component Bwhen the three next conditions are satisfied:
Condition 2.1. Data types included on expressions of assertions of sa and sb are similar.
Condition 2.2. Pre-condition of sb is at most as restricted as pre-condition of sa:
Pre-cond. of sbmay have less expressions than in sa. At least one expression on sbs pre-cond.
must be equivalent to a corresponding one on sa. pre(sb) pre(sa)
Condition 2.3. Post-condition of sb is at least as restricted as post-condition of sa:
Post-cond. of sb may include more expressions than in sa. All expressions on sas post-cond.
must be equivalent to the corresponding ones on sb. post(sb) post(sa)
Condition 3 is true when the usage protocol on both components express a similar
order for services. We describe usage protocols by means of regular expressions where
the operators are concatenation (), alternative (+) and iteration () the order is ac-
tually described by the concatenation operation. The similarity, then, is based on the
following conditions:
Condition 3.1. An expression (+) on Bmust be at least as smaller as the corresponding expression
(+) for A – e.g. (a+b+c) from B and (a’+b’) from A.
Do not affect equivalence if an extra service from B is described inside an expression (+).
Condition 3.2. For all subexpressions into an expression () on Athere are equivalent counterparts
in the same order into the corresponding expression () for B e.g. (a(b+c)) from B and
(a’b’) from A.
Condition 3.3. For all subexpressions composed of just one service into a expression () on B,
there are equivalent counterparts in the same order into the corresponding expression () for A
e.g. (abc) from B and (a’c’) from A are not equivalent.
In order to understand the way these conditions are used to distinguish compatibili-
tiy we present in the next section a simple example where the assessment procedure is
For built-in types, types on sb must have at least as much precision as types on sa have – e.g.
compare double w.r.t. integer.
3 Case Study
Suppose we represent a PvCEnv for a Museum, where there could be for example a Tour
Guide application to propose different paths according to the user’s dynamic choices.
When the user enters the museum may carry a computing device (a PDA or a smart
phone) and through an automatic detection the device is identified and connected to the
environment. Upon each visited art piece (e.g. painting or sculpture) descriptions and
information of particular interest to the user is displayed on the PDA or spoken through
the phone. Figure 1 shows a likely scenario of the presented case study.
Fig.1. Likely scenario of a PvCEnv for a Museum.
A related application could allow creating albums with images of the art pieces vis-
ited by the user. The Album Organizer application maybe downloaded into a user’s
notebook recognized by the environment – may allow creating a sort of document with
images and some notes written by the user. Notes could be stored on separated text files
and bind to the document by means of hypertext links. Thus every time the user needs
to write or edit a note, a proper editor is provided. The user may also be allowed to
print a selection of pages of the document, or even send the created album by e-mail to
easy carrying those files. We focus on this last application and we analyse its potential
required components. There could be an Album
Organizer component to represent
the main logic of the application, which could have an ad-hoc sophisticated album vi-
sual editor or a web-style editor in which is additionally required a generic web browser
the visual editor also depends on the actual used device. For making notes, different
components could be used as a simple sort of NotePad, WordPad, etc accord-
ing to the underlying software platform. To send e-mails applications like Outlook,
Eudora, etc, could be used, and to provide a printer service different kind of printers
and ad-hoc wireless sensors should be available. Other component is concerned with
the data base for images and descriptions of art pieces. Figure 2 shows a diagram with
the likely comprised components and devices for the Album Organizer application.
Suppose a user needs to write a note by using a notebook which runs a Linux plat-
form. One available text editor is KEdit. The environment then evaluates this com-
ponent so to ensure it is appropriate to fulfill the task. Following can be seen the
interfaces of both the KEdit component and the required component model named
Fig.2. Components for the Album Organizer application.
TextEditor. The Assessment Procedure which may provide a degree of compatibil-
ity must verify that Condition 1, 2 and 3 are satisfied – as we pointed out on Section 2.
We begin analysing Condition 1.
component TextEditor {
void new(string fileName);
void open(string fileName);
void save(string fileName);
void print(string fileName); }
component KEdit {
void new(string fName);
void open(string fName);
void save(string fName);
void print(string fName); }
3.1 Interface Equivalence
For Condition 1 to be true we verify the five sub-conditions which are related to syntac-
tic aspects. As can be seen both KEdit and TextEditor include the same amount
of services (Cond.1.1), with the same return type (Cond.1.2), the same amount of pa-
rameters (Cond.1.3), the same types (Cond.1.4) and in the same order (Cond.1.5). This
implies that Condition 1 is satisfied, though it does not give a meaningful evaluation
result yet. Every pair of services from both components give an equivalent result. We
do not rely on the name of services which could give a difference here. Whether we
want to be sure about the utility of the KEdit component, a more accurate procedure
is still needed. Thus we continue exploring for Condition 2.
3.2 Behaviour Equivalence
Condition 2 is related to the pre and post-conditions from corresponding services. For
brevity reasons we describe this procedure only for the print service from both com-
ponents. Assertions are specified by using OCL as follows.
: fileName <> BLANK and
not printer.queue.Full()
post: printer.print(fileName)
pre: not printer.queue.Full()
and BLANK <> fName
: printer.print(fName)
Condition 2.1 is analysed first inspecting data types besides those from the parame-
ter list which have already analysed on Conditions 1.2 and 1.4. In the assertions above
can be seen that for the print service Condition 2.1 is satisfied. For Conditions 2.2 and
2.3 we derive from assertions Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs) which we have extended
with the addition of specific features. On each node in the tree we also save a ‘type’
that is used to operate with its sub-trees: Interchangeable Operator (IO) type for values
like or, and, =, <> etc, meaning that being a and b two sub-trees, (a and b) is the
same that (b and a); Non-Interchangeable Operator (NIO) type for values like >,
<, etc; Unary Operator (UO) type for values like not, etc a tree with just one child;
Text (TXT) type for values being numbers or variable names. Expressions with boolean
operators and and or are transformed into a normalized and extended form. For exam-
ple, (a and (b or c)) is equivalent to ((a and b) or (a and c)) but not
immediately comparable. Then, the first one is normalized without loosing its seman-
tic. In case of >= and <=, they are expanded into two subtrees connected by an or
operator – e.g. (a>=b) becomes ((a>b)or(a=b)). Figure 3 shows the ASTs for
pre-conditions of print from both components, from which we start the evaluation
procedure. For this, the root node of both trees are compared and, if they are equal, the
respective left and right subtrees are recursively compared. In our example, both trees
present IO root nodes. Thus, we can compare the left sub-tree of one pre-condition with
the right sub-tree of the other, and vice versa. This allows to detect the equivalence on
both trees. Values on leave TXT nodes are equivalent with respect to their data types
(Cond.2.1). Since one tree may have more sub-trees than the other, the extra sub-trees
expose that a pre-condition is bigger than the other as it is described by Condition
2.2. This is not the case for trees on Figure 3, and all the sub-trees are equivalent mak-
ing pre-conditions being equivalent as well. Similar procedures are followed up for
each candidate pair of services in relation to Conditions 2.2 and 2.3. This makes clear
the real correspondence on the services from KEdit with respect to the expected ones
TextEditor KEdit
printer.queue.Full() fNameBLANK
Fig.3. ASTs for prints assertions.
3.3 Usage Protocol Equivalence
The next step is to check equivalence on the regular expressions describing the protocol
of use for a component. The usage protocols for TextEditor (1), and KEdit com-
ponent (2) are given below. Usage protocols comparison is also made deriving ASTs
as can be seen on Figure 4. The set of operators to set the node types differs based on
regular expressions. Concatenation () is a NIO type. Alternative (+) is an IO type.
Iteration () is a UO type. TXT nodes correspond to services in the leaves of the tree,
and the equivalence is based on Condition 1 and 2. Thus, as the nodes labelled with
and + correspond to IO operators, the trees can be found equivalent. Therefore, as both
Condition 1 and 2 are fulfilled, we can infer that FinancialAccount offers similar
functionalities to those of BankingAccount.
(1) (new+open) (save+print)* (2) (open+new) (print+save)*
TextEditor KEdit
save print
print save
Fig.4. ASTs for Usage Protocols.
4 Preliminary Implementation
We have developed a first prototype to check the feasibility of our proposal. The pro-
totype is based on Microsoft .NET technology and it includes simple but effective im-
plementations of different elements and algorithms described in the previous section.
In order to representing Assertions and Usage Protocol .NET allows to add information
to components using the Attribute mechanism. This help to annotate classes, methods,
parameters, etc. To describe assertions, we have created a class called
specializes System.Attribute. This class includes the ambit where the attribute is valid –
Methods in this case. Each constraint will contain a String representing the text of the
pre or postcondition. For regular expressions representing the usage protocol the ambit
is Class. In order to facilitate evaluation both, the assertions and the usage protocol, are
described in a prefix form as can be seen above. In order to inspect the set of members of
any element, .NET includes the Reflection mechanism. This can be used to retrieve the
set of methods from components to be evaluated. Reflection can be of substantial help
in cases where components do reside on well-known and already evaluated repositories.
5 Related Work
Research very close to our intent of composing applications is presented in [5], though
here we suppose components residing on distributed disparate devices. From this we
continue studying technical situations which could make the environment to apply an
adjustment over a running application. Particularly the so called quality of service im-
plies an important consideration for this approach. The work in [11] presents a solution
for composing applications. A general framework for components integration is pre-
sented and evaluated the involved challenges on its application for PvCEnv’s. Other
work which gives a contribution to our work is presented in [7] by providing a consis-
tent format for specifications of components by means of XML. The approach covers
all of the aspects from components: functional, non-functional and commercial. We
are evaluating the use of such XML schemas and probably extending those related to
non-functional aspects. Some recognized projects on PvCEnv’s are Aura and Gaia. The
former presented in [12] addresses a large range of PvC topics by focusing of system
aspects. Applications are treated as user tasks which are a collection of abstract services
and are monitored to optimize their resources. The latter presented in [13] extends the
traditional services of an operating system by considering a PvCEnv. Both services
and devices are treated as resources that must be managed and allocated to requesting
6 Conclusions
We intend to address the automation of an Integration Process from software compo-
nents in order to properly update applications into a PvCEnv. In previous works [8, 9],
we have presented a scheme to address our intent. In this paper we have explained how
components could be replaced when the technical conditions change. This is done ac-
cording to the Application Model and the connection of Components and Models. We
have also described an Assessment procedure to evaluate components both at develop-
ment stage and at run-time. Such evaluation is based on specifications of the compo-
nents functionality, which is provided by their Component Models. Compatibility of a
component with respect to an expected Component Model is analysed at syntactic and
semantic levels. Semantic aspects are described by means of assertions and usage proto-
cols, which are then analysed by deriving extended ASTs storing both expressions and
control data that help in the evaluation process. We have implemented the current stage
of our approach on Microsoft .Net in order to gain experience to understand possibili-
ties to recognize not only efficiency but mainly effectiveness on supporting reliability.
Selection of appropriate methods, techniques and languages must be accurately accom-
plished upon the concern of a reliable mechanism. This is the emphasis of our next
development in this area.
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