6 Conclusions
We intend to address the automation of an Integration Process from software compo-
nents in order to properly update applications into a PvCEnv. In previous works [8, 9],
we have presented a scheme to address our intent. In this paper we have explained how
components could be replaced when the technical conditions change. This is done ac-
cording to the Application Model and the connection of Components and Models. We
have also described an Assessment procedure to evaluate components both at develop-
ment stage and at run-time. Such evaluation is based on specifications of the compo-
nents functionality, which is provided by their Component Models. Compatibility of a
component with respect to an expected Component Model is analysed at syntactic and
semantic levels. Semantic aspects are described by means of assertions and usage proto-
cols, which are then analysed by deriving extended ASTs – storing both expressions and
control data that help in the evaluation process. We have implemented the current stage
of our approach on Microsoft .Net in order to gain experience to understand possibili-
ties to recognize not only efficiency but mainly effectiveness on supporting reliability.
Selection of appropriate methods, techniques and languages must be accurately accom-
plished upon the concern of a reliable mechanism. This is the emphasis of our next
development in this area.
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