Chatterbox Challenge 2005: Geography of the Modern Eliza

Huma Shah



The geography of a modern Eliza provides an illusion of natural language understanding. However, this is seen in very few of the hundred-plus programmes entered into Chatterbox Challenge 2005 (CBC 2005), a competition for artificial intelligence based on Turing’s measure for intelligence through textual dialogue. The author’s experience as one of the Judges in CBC 2005 has found that though not ’bathed in language experience’ like their human counterparts, artificial conversational entities (ACE) are able to maintain lengthy conversations. Eliza’s descendants respond at times humorously and with some knowledge but they lack metaphor use, the very feature of everyday human discourse. They find success as virtual assistants in single topic e-domains. But understanding remains in the head of the human user. Until metaphor design is included, ACE will remain as machine-like as Weizenbaum’s original.


  1. Shah, H.: A.L.I.C.E.: an ACE in Digitaland. Presented in computational linguistics track of European Computing and Philosophy conference (ECAP) 2005. Proceedings to be published in special issue of Triple C journal (2006)
  2. Weizenbaum, J.: Eliza - A computer Programme for the Study of Natural Language. Communications of the ACM, Vol. 9 (1) January (1966)
  3. Turing, A.: Computing Machinery and Intelligence. Mind, Vol. 59. (1950)
  4. Chatterbox Challenge: The Ultimate Bot contest. date: 2/4/2006; time: 13.15
  5. Loebner, H.: Loebner Prize Home page. date: 25/6/2005 time: 13.12
  6. Treister-Goren, A., Hutchens, J.: The Developmental Approach to Evaluating Artificial Intelligence - A proposal. Ai Research - creating a new form of life. date: 31/5/2005
  7. Barnden, J.A.: Challenges in Natural Language Processing: The Case of Metaphor. Invited talk at ICEIS, 1st International Conference on Natural Language Understanding. ICEIS Press, (2004)
  8. Wallace, R. S.: A.L.I.C.E. Artificial Intelligence Foundation. date visited: 15/5/2005 time: 19.13
  9. Pirner, J.: Jabberwock. date: 31/5/2005; time: 23.19
  10. Carpenter, R.: Live Chatbot AI Artificial Intelligence Talking Robot. date: 5/2/2006, time 17.30
  11. Shah, H.: Constraining Random Dialogue in a Modern Eliza. Accepted for presentation at International Conference on Computing and Philosophy (i-CAP), (2006)
  12. Computer Hope: IRC chatroom bot with millerlogic Techno Z. date: 2/5/2005; time: 20.35

Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Shah H. (2006). Chatterbox Challenge 2005: Geography of the Modern Eliza . In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Cognitive Science - Volume 1: NLUCS, (ICEIS 2006) ISBN 978-972-8865-50-4, pages 133-138. DOI: 10.5220/0002504301330138

in Bibtex Style

author={Huma Shah},
title={Chatterbox Challenge 2005: Geography of the Modern Eliza},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Cognitive Science - Volume 1: NLUCS, (ICEIS 2006)},

in EndNote Style

JO - Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Cognitive Science - Volume 1: NLUCS, (ICEIS 2006)
TI - Chatterbox Challenge 2005: Geography of the Modern Eliza
SN - 978-972-8865-50-4
AU - Shah H.
PY - 2006
SP - 133
EP - 138
DO - 10.5220/0002504301330138