M. Taleb, A. Seffah
Human-Centred Software Engineering Group Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
A. Abran
Software Engineering Department & Information Technology
École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS), Montréal, Québec, Canada
Keywords: Design patterns, Pattern-oriented architecture, Software architecture and Web applications.
Abstract: A number of Web design problems continue to arise, such as: (1) decoupling the various aspects of Web
applications (for example, business logic, the user interface, navigation and information architecture; and
(2) isolating platform specifics from the concerns common to all Web applications. In the context of a
proposal for a pattern-oriented architecture for Web applications, this paper identifies an extensive list of
patterns aimed at providing a pool of proven solutions to these problems. The patterns span several levels of
abstraction, from information architecture and interoperability patterns to navigation, interaction,
visualization and presentation patterns. The proposed architecture will show how several individual patterns
can be combined at different levels of abstraction into heterogeneous structures, which can be used as
building blocks in the development of Web applications.
The Internet and its languages offer major
opportunities for developing new generation
architecture for Web software systems, the latest of
which are highly interactive, platform-independent
and run on the client Web browser across a network.
This paper is aimed at providing a pool of proven
solutions to many recurring Web design problems.
Examples of such problems include: (1) decoupling
the various aspects of Web applications such as
business logic, the user interface, navigation and
information architecture; and (2) isolating platform-
specific issues from the concerns common to all
Web applications.
In this paper, the definition of software
architecture from (
Buschmann, Meunier, Rohnert,
Sommerlad, and Stal, 1996)
is adopted: “the structure
of the subsystems and components of a software
system and the relationships between them typically
represented in different views to show the relevant
functional and non functional properties.” This
definition introduces both the main architectural
elements (for instance, subsystems, components and
connectors), and covers the ways in which to
represent them, including both functional and non-
functional requirements, by means of a set of views.
A pool of proven solutions is proposed here in
the form of an architecture and the related patterns
for a pattern-oriented architecture for Web
applications to address solving these problems.
These individual patterns can then be combined at
different levels of abstraction into heterogeneous
structures, which can be used as building blocks in
the development of these applications.
This paper is organized as follows: section 2
introduces related work on pattern-oriented
architectures in general, such as the Model-View-
Controller model (3-tier architecture), the Core J2EE
pattern model (5-tier architecture) and the Zachman
Taleb M., Seffah A. and Abran A. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Web Interfaces and Applications, pages 117-121
DOI: 10.5220/0001259501170121
model (multi-tier architecture); section 3, based on
Zachman’s work, primarily describes the pattern-
oriented architecture proposed here and some
patterns which we have identified and formalized;
finally, section 4 presents a summary and directions
for future work.
2.1 MVC Model
The basic architecture we considered as a starting
point is the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern,
which is commonly used to structure Web
applications that have significant processing
requirements. This makes them easier to code and
maintain. MVC is used here to describe the core
components of Web application architectures, as it is
a 3-tier architecture that is often used by Web
application designers to maintain multiple views of
the same data. At the design level, the MVC pattern
features a clean separation of three types of objects:
Model: for maintaining data;
View: for displaying all or a portion of the
Controller: for handling events that affect
the model or view(s).
Other patterns may apply in the construction of these
components. For example, in MVC, the views are
tightly coupled with the control. Some authors have
suggested using the “Command Action pattern” to
ensure the separation of views and controls.
In Web applications design, several aspects need to
be considered separately, including dialogs,
persistence, site management and error handling. By
itself alone on its own, the MVC architectural
pattern is does not a sufficient solution that fully
addresses these issues. Other patterns are also
required to:
Encourage the designer to consider other
aspects of the dialog which are very important
to the user, such as assistance or error
Facilitate the use for the interface
descriptions, which are highly important to
the designer (
Booch, Rumbaugh and Jacobson,
1999), (Myers, 1986), (Myers and Buxton, 1986)
(Meyer, 1990).
2.2 More Advanced Architecture:
Modeling Core J2EE Patterns
Building on the MVC pattern, the Java Sun team has
proposed 5-tier architecture (from Web site to model the Core J2EE
Pattern Architecture (from Web site
Java also provides support for the implementation of
the MVC architecture using the Observer Interface
and the Observable Classes that together implement
the observer pattern. The Observable Class
represents an observable object, or "data" in the
model-view paradigm. It can be “sub-classed” to
represent an object that the application wants to have
observed. An observable object can have one or
more observers. An observer may be any object that
implements the Observer Interface. The core J2EE
Patterns-oriented Web software architecture
proposed in Web site
It can be observed that Web architecture needs to
operate at six different levels, which are listed in
Table 1.
Table 1: Six architectural levels of a Web architecture.
1. Navigation
Provides proven techniques for
2. Interaction
Provides dialog styles to
perform tasks
3. Presentation
Provides solutions for how to
visually organize the contents
or the related services into
working areas, the effective
layout of multiple data and the
relationship between them
4. Visualization
Provides different visual
representations/metaphors for
grouping and displaying a large
set of data into cognitively
accessible chunks
5. Interoperability
Provides mechanisms for
decoupling the various layers
of a Web application into
particular information
categories (content) and within
the four higher levels listed
6. Information
Provides conceptual models
and architectures for organizing
the underlying content across
multiple pages, servers,
databases and computers
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
To understand and define these levels in greater
detail, we use the Zachman model, which is a multi-
layer architectural framework.
2.3 Zachman Model as the Basis for a
Multi-Layer Architecture
(Zachman, 1987) and (Sowa and Zachman., 1992)
proposed a multi-tier architecture which was an
Enterprise Architecture schema depicting two
distinct dimensions in a matrix. The columns
classify answers to questions such as What (Data),
How (Function), Where (Network), Who (People),
When (Time) and Why (Motivation). The rows
classify the audience’s perspectives: scope, owner,
designers, builder, trades and functioning
organization. This gives 36 cells that uniquely
classify portions of the organization. The columns in
the Zachman framework represent different areas of
interest for each perspective and describe the
dimensions of the systems development effort.
3.1 Overview
To tackle some of the weaknesses identified in
related work, the Zachman theory, or set of
concepts, proposes a 6-tier architecture of a pattern-
oriented generic classification schema for Web
software architecture. We use the matrix
classification proposed by Zachman, according to
which the columns constitute the questions and the
rows represent the six levels defined in Table 2.
Table 2: Pattern-oriented generic classification schema for
a Web software architecture.
3 3
3 3 3 3 3
3 3
3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3
3.2 Pattern Taxonomy
A taxonomy of patterns is proposed next. Examples
of patterns are also presented to illustrate the need to
combine several types of patterns to provide
solutions to complex problems at the six
architectural levels. This list is not exhaustive: there
is no doubt that more patterns are needed, and that
others have yet to be discovered.
A number of Web pattern languages have been
suggested; for example, Van Duyne’s The Design of
Sites (Duyne, Landay, and Hong, 2003), Welie’s
Interaction Design Patterns (Welie, 1999) and
Tidwell’s UI Patterns and Techniques (Tidwell,
1997) play an important role, and specific languages,
such as Laakso’s User Interface Design Patterns
Laakso, 2003) and the UPADE Web Language
(Engelberg and Seffah, 2002), have been proposed as
well. Various specific pattern collections have been
published, including patterns for Web page layout
design (Tidwell, 1997), (
Coram and Lee, 1998) and
(Welie, 1999), for navigation around large
information architectures, as well as for visualizing
and presenting information.
In our work, we investigate how these existing
collections of patterns can be used as building
blocks within the context of the proposed six-layer
architecture. Which patterns at which level solve
which problem is the question we try to answer.
An informal survey conducted in 2004 by the HSCE
Research Group at Concordia University identified
at least six types of Web patterns that can be used to
create a pattern-oriented Web software architecture.
Table 3 illustrates these levels, and gives examples
of patterns.
Table 3: Pattern-oriented taxonomy schema for a Web
software architecture.
Architectural Level and
Category of Patterns
Examples of
Navigation Patterns
This category of patterns
implements proven techniques for
navigating within and/or between
a set of pages and chunks of
- Shortcut
- Breadcrumb
- Index
Interaction Patterns
This category of patterns focuses
on the interaction mechanisms that
can be used to achieve tasks and
the visual effects they have on the
scene, and, as such they relate
primarily to graphical and
- Search pattern
- Executive
rendering transforms.
Presentation Patterns
This category of patterns provides
solutions for how the contents or
the related services are visually
organized into working surfaces,
the effective layout of multiple
information spaces and the
relationship between them. These
patterns define the physical and
logical layout suitable for specific
Web pages such as home pages,
lists and tables
- Home Page
- List pattern
- Table pattern
Visualization Patterns
This category of patterns suggests
different visual representations
and metaphors for grouping and
displaying information in
cognitively accessible chunks.
They mainly define the format and
content of the visualization, i.e.
the graphical scene, and, as such,
relate primarily to data and
mapping transforms.
- Favourite
- Bookmark
- Frequently
Visited Page
- Navigation
Space Map
Interoperability Patterns
This category of patterns is aimed
at decoupling the layers of a Web
application; in particular, between
the content, the dialog and the
views or presentation layers.
These patterns are generally
extensions of the Gamma design
patterns, such as MVC (Model,
View and Controller) observer and
command action patterns.
Communication and
interoperability patterns are useful
patterns to facilitate the mapping
of design between platforms.
- Adapter pattern
- Bridge pattern
- Builder pattern
- Decorator
- Façade pattern
- Factory pattern
- Method pattern
- Mediator
- Memento
- Prototype
- Proxy pattern
- Singleton
- State pattern
- Strategy
- Visitor pattern
Information Patterns
This category of patterns describes
different conceptual models and
architectures for organizing the
underlying content across multiple
pages, servers and computers.
Such patterns provide solutions to
questions such as which
information can be or should be
presented on which device
- Sequence
- Hierarchy
- Grid pattern
Some examples of proposed categories of patterns
are presented below.
3.3 Information Patterns
This category shows the need to combine several
types of patterns to provide solutions to complex
problems. Here again, the list of patterns is not
exhaustive: there is no doubt that more patterns still
need to be documented, and that others have yet to
be discovered.
3.4 Navigation Patterns
Navigation patterns are fundamental in Web design,
since they help the user move easily and in a
straightforward manner between information chunks
and pages. They can obviously reduce the user’s
memory load (
Nielsen, 1999) and (Lynch and Horton,
). See also (Tidwell, 1997), (Welie, 1999),
(Engelberg and Seffah, 2002) and (Garrido., Rossi, and
Schwabe, 1997) for an exhaustive list of navigation
3.5 Interaction Patterns
A critical design issue for resource-constrained
(small) devices is how long it takes to determine
whether or not a document contains relevant
information. The search pattern with the complicity
of the “Executive Summary pattern” (a page-layout
pattern), provides users with a preview of underlying
information before spending time downloading,
browsing and reading large amounts of information
included in subsequent pages.
3.6 Visualization Patterns
Information overload is another fundamental issue to
tackle through Web software architecture. Web
applications, especially large Web portals, can
provide access to millions of documents. The
designer must consider how best to map the contents
into a graphical representation that conveys
information to the user while facilitating the
exploration of the content of a large site. In addition,
the designer must provide dynamic actions that limit
the amount of information the user receives, while at
the same time keeping the user informed about the
content as a whole.
Information visualization patterns can be used to
solve another complex design problem, which is to
provide a comprehensive map for a large amount of
content that cannot be reasonably presented in a
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
single view. They are generally combined in such a
way that the underlying content can be organized
into distinct conceptual spaces or working surfaces
which are semantically linked to one another.
3.7 Presentation Patterns
The presentation patterns define the appearance and
the form of presentation of the application on the
Web page. These patterns provide solutions for how
the contents or the related services can be visually
organized into working surfaces, the effective layout
of multiple information spaces and the relationship
between them. They define the physical and logical
layout suitable for specific Web pages such as home
pages, lists and tables.
3.8 Interoperability Pattern
The communication and interoperability patterns are
useful for facilitating the mapping of a design
between platforms. Examples of patterns that can be
considered to ensure the interoperability of Web
applications include all Web patterns of
Interoperability patterns.
In this paper, we have identified and proposed six
categories of patterns, providing examples, for a
pattern-oriented architecture for Web applications to
resolve many recurring Web design problems,
examples of which include: (1) decoupling the
various aspects of Web applications such business
logic, the user interface, navigation and information
architecture; (2) isolating platform-specific problems
from the concerns common to all Web applications.
Our discussion has focused on the way to specify a
pattern-oriented architecture using particular
patterns. Future work will require the classification
of each pattern and the illustration of each of them in
UML class and sequence diagrams. Next, some
relationships will have to be defined between
patterns so that they can be combined to create
models based on the resulting patterns.
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