An Approach to Address Pragmatics in the Design of Web Information Systems
Klaus-Dieter Schewe
Massey University, Department of Information Systems & Information Science Research Centre, Palmerston North, New Zealand
Bernhard Thalheim
Christian Albrechts University Kiel, Department of Computer Science, 24098 Kiel, Germany
Storyboarding, pragmatics, life case, application domain description.
On a high level of abstraction a Web Information System (WIS) can be described by a storyboard, which in
an abstract way specifies who will be using the system, in which way and for which goals. While syntax and
semantics of storyboarding has been well explored, its pragmatics has not. This paper contributes the first
step towards closing this gap. For this we present life cases, which capture observations of user behaviour in
reality. We discuss the facets of life cases and present a semi-formal way for their documentation. Life cases
can be used in a pragmatic way to specify a story space, which is an important component of a storyboard.
A Web Information System (WIS) is an information
system that can be accessed through the world-wide-
web. On a high level of abstraction a WIS can be
described by a storyboard, which in an abstract way
specifies who will be using the system, in which way
and for which goals. In a nutshell, a storyboard con-
sists of three parts:
a story space, which itself consists of a hierarchy
of labelled directed graphs called scenarios, one
of which is the main scenario, whereas the oth-
ers define the details of scenes, i.e. nodes in a
higher scenario, and a plot that is specified by an
assignment-free process, in which the basic ac-
tions correspond to the labels of edges in the sce-
a set of actors, i.e. abstractions of user groups that
are defined by roles, which determine obligations
and rights, and user profiles, which determine user
and a set of tasks that are associated with goals
the users may have.
In addition, there are many constraints compris-
ing static, dynamic and deontic constraints for pre-
and postconditions, triggering and enabling events,
rights and obligations of roles, preference rules for
user types, and other dependencies on the plot.
While syntax and semantics of storyboarding has
been well explored, its pragmatics apart from the use
of metaphors (Thalheim and D
oft, 2000) has
not. Pragmatics is part of semiotics, which is con-
cerned with the relationship between signs, seman-
tic concepts and things of reality. Main branches of
semiotics are syntactics, which is concerned with the
syntax, i.e. the construction of the language, seman-
tics, which is concerned with the interpretation of the
words of the language, and pragmatics, which is con-
cerned with the current use of utterances by the user
and context of words for the user. Pragmatics permits
the use of a variety of semantics depending on the
user, the application and the technical environment.
This paper contributes the first step towards prag-
matics of storyboarding. For this we present life
cases, which capture observations of user behaviour
in reality. The idea is that these observations give rise
to both a concrete scenario for the usage of the WIS
including roles and user profiles. We then derive the
candidate scenarios by abstraction. Further integra-
tion and refinement of these scenarios gives rise to the
story space. We deal with the problem of extracting
user models in a separate article. The third component
of the storyboard, the tasks, has already been subject
of strategic modelling. The life cases permit the re-
finement and further decomposition of these tasks.
Schewe K. and Thalheim B. (2007).
LIFE CASES - An Approach to Address Pragmatics in the Design of Web Information Systems.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Web Interfaces and Applications, pages 5-12
DOI: 10.5220/0001261000050012
Most methods for web application engineering such
as OOHDM (Schwabe and Rossi, 1998), WebML
(Ceri et al., 2003), HERA (Houben et al., 2003),
WSDM (De Troyer and Leune, 1998) and variants of
UML (Conallen, 2003; Lowe et al., 2002) pay little
or even no attention to high-level modelling. The ra-
tionale underlying our work is that this is far too little
to capture strategic and usage issues of WISs. The
integration of goals and soft goals into the informa-
tion systems development process has been proposed
by (Mylopoulos et al., 2000; Giorgini et al., 2002).
The detailed distinction of intentions as targets, ob-
jects, objectives and aims is based on linguistics. The
integration of the temporal dimension is necessary be-
cause of the information systems context. The ex-
tension by the representational dimensions has been
made in order to specify aspects of WISs.
Life cases extend and formalise scenarios used
in software engineering and user modelling (Courage
and Baxter, 2005). Early work like already discov-
ered that human computer interfaces can be devel-
oped in techniques of movie writing or play devel-
opment (Vale, 1982). Life cases have already been
envisioned in (Carroll, 1991). Scenarios as defined
in software engineering are examples of interaction
sessions. This kind of scenario starts with an outline
of the interaction, and during requirements elicitation,
details are added to create a complete description of
interaction. They are specified by a general descrip-
tion of the start and termination states of the system,
a description of the normal flow of events, and a de-
scription of concurrent events (Sommerville, 2004).
Later scenario research has been integrated into ag-
ile programming. Customer involvement is one of the
requirement of agile methods. Customers should be
integrated as early as only possible into the develop-
ment process (Ambler, 2002). Both approaches are to
much oriented towards systems and do not consider
life cases as we do. Scenario development has been
applied to development of websites in (Rosenfeld and
Morville, 1998).
In (Harel and Marelly, 2003) life cases were in-
tegrated into the entire software engineering pro-
cess. Recently, software engineering research de-
veloped an engineering approach to simple life case.
Business use cases (Robertson and Robertson, 2006)
generalise the requirements shell of (Robertson and
Robertson, 1999) that is based on verbal description
of event/use cases, requirement types, the rationale,
originator, fit criterion, customer (dis)satisfaction,
supporting materials, and the history. Our life case
specification is not as complex as these business use
cases. They combine intention, users, actors, con-
straints/assumptions/scope or context, tasks, migra-
tion, risks, costs, documentation, testing, and require-
ments for functions, data, look and feel, usability,
humanity, operating, maintenance, support, security,
culture, politics, legal and performance. We concen-
trate on the requirements the user has as such.
The description of intention is based on a clear under-
standing of aims and targets of the WIS including a
specification of long-range and short-term targets, ex-
pected visitors, characteristics of this audience, tasks
performed by the users, necessary and unnecessary
content, and finally an understanding of restrictions
of usage.
Utilisation scenarios are developed on the basis of
intentions. An intention specifies what one purposes
to accomplish or do, i.e. one has in mind to do or
bring about. It has four facets that are based on the
general characteristics of WISs:
Purpose facet: The purpose of stakeholders speci-
fies an anticipated outcome that is intended or that
guides the planned actions. It may be based on
two additional pieces of information: The aims
specify what is intended to be attained and what is
believed to be attainable. The objectives are more
general than the aims. They specify something to-
ward which an effort is directed, e.g. goals or ends
of an action.
The purpose is already specified at the strategic
layer. It depends on the audience intended for the
WIS, and is influenced by the mission that is de-
termined by the WIS provider.
Intent facet: The intent suggests a clearer formula-
tion or greater deliberateness. It distinguishes be-
tween the following two aspects: The targets of
stakeholders specify the steps of a plan and its ter-
mination or satisfaction conditions. The object of
stakeholders is related to wishes or needs of users,
and specifies an effort or activity of a user in order
to satisfy the need.
The intent facet is related to tasks the user wants
to accomplish. The intent may be ordered into
major intents specifying the main uses of the sys-
tem and minor intents that may be only partially
of interest. Intents may be generalized to themes
that represent classes of intents.
Time facet: The time facet is used for specification
of the general time restrictions such as the design,
which implies a more carefully calculated plan,
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
and the end, which stresses the intended effect of
an action, often in distinction or contrast to the
action or means as such. Time facets may be very
general. In this case, we use occasions to repre-
sent an entire class of time frames.
Representation facet: Intentions are described or
annotated through utterances, words or pictures.
The word representation is related to word fields
used in the strategic model. The icon representa-
tion is based on metaphors. Word fields may be
specialised to concept fields discussed later in this
chapter. Representation is deeply dependent on
the cultural environment and the community that
uses the WIS. Intentions can be supported by pro-
viding stimuli that rouse or incite activity.
Intentions may be restricted by a scope. The scope
allows to concentrate on the main aspects. Typical
restrictions are the cultural environment, education or
other profile properties of potential users, or specific
time facets for utilisation of the WIS.
The first two facets of intention have a general
form (objective, object) and a more concrete form
(aim, target). The purpose facet depends on the mis-
sion and the audience, whereas the intent facet de-
pends on the tasks. Therefore, the first facet specifies
the ‘what’, the second the ‘how’, and the third facet
the ‘when’ of an intention. We may either concentrate
on a more general specification or a more concrete
The different facets may be considered separately
or altogether in a condensed form. The detailed con-
sideration is necessary, whenever a fastidious audi-
ence requires sophisticated content. High demands
come into consideration due to the content provided,
the community that must be satisfied, the sophisti-
cated functionality required for the WIS, or the high
attention the WIS gains.
Example 3.1 The purpose facet is often considered
to cover ‘soft intentions’ or by ‘business rules’. In
an information service a user may be interested or
becoming more interested in some content. The intent
facet is different and mainly driven by tasks the user
tries to solve.
Similarly, we may derive a number of intentions a
user has in mind whenever s/he visits an edutainment
Aim: An aim of an edutainment user may be to ob-
tain a certificate that proofs the success of learn-
ing. Aims of providers of edutainment sites might
also be binding the learner to some products such
as the software of a supporter of the website. Typi-
cal general aims within an edutainment site are to
grant equal rights to everybody; nobody should
have higher rights than other learners.
Objectives: Typical objective of using an edutain-
ment site are greater ease of learning, greater
pleasure or satisfaction during leraning, and
more fun. Another general objective is secu-
rity and privacy. Edutainment applications also
host confidential information, e.g. information on
progress and errors. The learners need to be sure
of the security and privacy of their data. They
should be informed of the security precautions.
The audience of an edutainment site may be rather
unspecific or more specific such as students of a col-
lege or analysts of a bank.
The mission of an edutainment site is to sup-
port learning by providing easy-to-grasp knowledge.
At the same time, the provider may be interested
in increased visitor-to-customer conversion rate, in-
creased number of returning customers, and in-
creased revenue.
The intent is related to the more concrete tasks a
user has in mind while visiting a WIS.
Example 3.2 Intents come directly from analysing
the needs and the demands of users. Some possible
tasks a user may want to accomplish in an edutain-
ment site are the following:
A user realises that certain knowledge or infor-
mation is necessary for solving a task. For in-
stance, an analyst of a bank wants to know what
the changes are in the customer community that
led to a rise of faulty credits.
A student in a college needs to know methods for
analysing data. The student is interested in a data
mining course that provides material on his/her
educational level, permits learning the content in-
teractively, and is comparable to the material the
student is currently working with in the college.
Possible intents in an edutainment site are the fol-
Objects: There are a number of objects such as
faster task completion, successful completion of
more tasks, or commission of fewer errors.
Targets: In the bank analyst case, the analyst needs
to know data mining methods, to capture the
achievements and the disadvantages and pitfalls
of such methods.
The themes in the bank analyst case could be the in-
terest in learning association methods, preprocessing
of data, and prediction methods.
The time facet represents general time restrictions
such as the time or the interval for visits of the WIS,
the time and the interval of repeated visits, or the tem-
porality that may force a user to leave the site. The
LIFE CASES - An Approach to Address Pragmatics in the Design of Web Information Systems
representation facet represents the flavour or atmo-
sphere of a site, which is largely determined by the
other three facets.
The set of intentions we should consider may be
rather large. Moreover, the faceted representation
may become too difficult to manage and to satisfy.
The order we may use depends on the audience and
on the provider. The audience is oriented towards
solving tasks. The provider has a ‘mission’. We can
use these two restrictions to figure out which kind of
website supports this profile, to harmonize our under-
standing with the corporate identity, to order the target
realisation (short-term, long-term), and finally to de-
velop an understanding how the site will look like in
two years from now on.
Example 3.3 The intention prepare for a visit is
based on a number of intents such as addressing vis-
itors beforehand for some purpose, use, or activity.
It includes the aim to put the visitor of the WIS in a
proper state of mind. A task associated with prepara-
tion may be to work out the details of a plan in ad-
vance. The task may be extended by putting pieces
of information together into a compound form or
preparing a report. The time facet may range from
‘now’ until ‘next opportunity’. Typical metaphors
supporting this intention are baskets, descriptions,
and cultural journals.
The intention prepare for a cinema visit extends
the intention of prepare for a visit by a certain content,
a refinement of the time facet to the next possible visit,
and a refinement of the purpose facet now targeting at
We can combine the description of intentions in a
semi-formal way as follows. The items in the list are
optional except the first one.
Intention space
: hintention namei
: houtcome descriptioni
: hlist of aimsi
: hlist of objectivesi
: houtcome descriptioni
: hlist of weighted targetsi
: hlist of weighted objectsi
: hclass of intentsi
: houtcome descriptioni
: hgeneral flowi
: heffects, termination conditionsi
: hlist of objectivesi
: hgeneral style guidei
: hgeneral description of
: hlist of metaphorsi
Based On
: h
tasks, audience, mission, goal
Life cases allow to overcome the information over-
load and lost in the hyperspace syndromes typically
observed for WISs. For completion of tasks users
need the right kind of data at the right moment of
time, in the right dose, of the right form, in the com-
plete extent, and within the restrictions agreed upon in
advance. Moreover, users are limited in their abilities
for verbalisation and digestion of data, and by their
habits, practices, and cultural environment.
These limitations may cause intellectual overbur-
dening of users. Most systems that require sophisti-
cated learning courses for their exploration and uti-
lization did not consider these limitations and did not
cope with real life situations. The approach we use
for avoiding overload is based on observation of real
applications before developing the system.
We may extract life cases from observations in re-
ality, which are very useful source, whenever a WIS
is going to be developed from scratch or is required to
provide a ‘natural’ behaviour. In the latter case users
are not required to learn the behaviour of the WIS.
Instead, the user can continue using a ‘classical’ be-
havioural pattern.
Example 4.1 As a motivating example let us consider
the life case relocation of a person, which consists of
the change of basic relocation data including the
possible removal of data on the old location,
the change of official documents such as the pass-
the optional change of relation enhancements
such as the registration of pets, relocation of cars,
the change of personal specific data such as fam-
ily enhancements, or relationships to religious
the change of data for additional relocation an-
nouncements such as tax, insurance changes, and
specific additional tasks such as applications for
housing allowances.
The person acts in the role of an issuer. We ob-
serve that relocation is enhanced by the profile of the
issuer, by the specific tasks related to the relocation of
the issuer, by specific laws and regulations, and by ad-
vanced functionality required for associating the life
case with other life cases.
The life case relocation consists of steps such as
change of address data, change of data for associated
people, change of registration data for cars, pets, etc.,
change of specific data, e.g. data for public author-
ity responsible for aliens, change of data for social
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
aid, etc. These steps are bundled together due to their
relationship to one person and to one life case. The
associations may be represented by adhesion of dif-
ferent steps, e.g. representing the association of steps
by a hypergraph.
4.1 The Concept of Life Case
Life cases are characterized by:
Observations: We are interested in the collection
and assessment of behaviour relating to the spe-
cific application. This would typically involve an
observation of behaviour of users in real environ-
ments, including a background check that relates
usage to intentions, goals or tasks.
Processes: This involves arranging all the actions ob-
served in an application into a main logical and
coherent pattern. In some case, deviations of the
main pattern must be modelled through excep-
tions. In most cases, we can use parallel execution
of independent actions.
Assessment: This involves the reconstruction of the
sequence of actions and specific behaviour of
users. This will aid in understanding the role each
individual has within the story. It assists in devel-
oping the user profile.
Individual profiles: A list of background including
physical, and behavioural characteristics of indi-
viduals is conducted. This list can also be used
for deriving the most appropriate interview tech-
nique we discuss below.
Interpersonal coherence: A variation in the activity
will relate to variations of other life cases.
Significance of time and place: The choices made
also depend on mobility, surrounding, and sched-
ules of events of interest.
Characteristics of the life case: Individuals using a
service may be grouped by characteristics. Based
on this grouping a similar behaviour is observed.
Experience and skills: Individuals may have their
own experience with services provided in real life
and thus use different behavioural pattern of ser-
vice employment.
In general, life case studies are designed to produce
a picture of service employment that is as accurate
as possible. Determining why, how, where, when and
why a service is called using what data provides a bet-
ter picture for utilisation scenario. As life cases are
used for quality control, we must carefully record our
observations. We either use a natural language speci-
fication or a semi-formal one as described later.
Example 4.2 Let us consider the support of hotel
search within an information service. In this case
we may observe the behaviour of individuals in travel
agencies while seeking for hotels. We observe that in
most cases search based on associations is preferred
over search by main properties such as name, address
or facilities. Associations may be of a large variety,
e.g. convenience to reach a hotel, location in certain
maps, places of interest, or events that have caused
the search. Other search criteria may be bargain or
bundled offers. At the same time we observe that ho-
tel search is combined with other intentions of users
such as visiting cultural institutions. It may depend
on results for search of other individuals.
Another example of a life case study is the book-
ing of train tickets depending on individuals, offers of
railway companies, circumstances of individuals are
using trains, etc.
4.2 Life Case Development
Life cases may be developed and interpreted step by
1. The first step during life case collection is the sur-
vey of possible application cases we might con-
sider. The observations could have more than one
meaning and may follow a variety of user-related
goals. In this case we consider the most likely
2. The second step involves a deep assessment of the
life cases. We extract the different execution or-
ders, the relationship among actions, and the roles
individuals play these actions.
3. The third step extracts those life case characteris-
tics that are distinguishing features and are rele-
vant for time and location. At the same time we
search for similarities within these life cases.
4. The final step is concerned with the characteriza-
tion of potential users, their behavioural patterns,
and their roles in various stages of the life case.
Collectively, this information will produce a pic-
ture of the life case we are intending to support by
a WIS. This may produce further life cases, or may
aid in reducing the amount of development. It may
result in a prioritisation of life cases under consider-
ation, assist in the linkage of potentially related life
cases, assist in assessing the potential of the WIS de-
velopment, provide the WIS developers with relevant
leads and strategies, and keep the WIS development
on track and undistracted. These life case are mapped
to scenarios in the sequel. The integration of scenar-
ios can also be based on life cases.
LIFE CASES - An Approach to Address Pragmatics in the Design of Web Information Systems
Example 4.3 Let us consider life cases of an infor-
mation service for a city or a region:
Attracting visitors: The information we are pro-
viding is based on some information need visitors
may have. The life case follows those that we ob-
serve during marketing activities.
Inhabitants information: The life case is based on
selected information chunks that may be of inter-
est to individuals, an ordering of the correspond-
ing available information, and a derivable per-
sonal newspaper.
Informing tourists: The life case is similar to
those observed in city information centres.
Providing official city information to inhabitants:
This life case follows the message board metaphor
that is used for newspaper information.
During the development of city information ser-
vices such as the service
we have
made a life case analysis for city information services
and detected around 30 different life cases. We can
categorize these life cases by the content and infor-
mation demand of individuals. We distinguish:
life cases related to tourist content for inhabitants
permanently living in the city, for inhabitants tem-
porarily living in the city, for short-term tourists
and business people on short term trip, for vaca-
tionists planning a trip for more than 5 days, for
teenagers with uncertain wishes, for seniors with
particular interests, for week-end visitors, for vis-
itors of highlights, festivals, etc.;
life cases related to official content for inhabitants
on search through directory of public authority,
for inhabitants on search for emergency cases,
for inhabitants orienting themselves before apply-
ing at public offices, for inhabitants interested in
problems of city management, etc.;
life cases related to business content, e.g. for in-
vestors considering engagement in the area.
For the collection and development of life cases
it is normally a good idea to interview the personnel
currently providing the service.
Life case should be checked against sufficy. As
they may have a variety of traces, we add two stages
to life case analysis:
Exploration: The actual life case is provided to WIS
customers and incorporated into their processes.
Life case exploration can be conducted in normal
environments of the user such as home or work.
Then users can show the actions while they are
explaining their aims and targets.
Apprehension: Finally, cross checking of life cases
and utilisation scenario is used for correction, ex-
tension and affirmation of the developed utilisa-
tion scenarios.
During life case elicitation and specification users
are confronted with sketches of scenarios. We ask
what users think about these conceptualisations. The
feedback is used for the refinement of life cases. We
may use affinity diagramming, in which case we ar-
range the individual conceptions we discover on a
blackboard, associate them, and discuss their rela-
tionship to the general characteristics of WISs. An-
other technique is based on card sorting similar to
the model-view-control cards used in software engi-
neering. In this case cards represent simple life situa-
tions. Their associations are then used for organising
the conceptions. These sketches can also be used for
discussing deviations from the normal case and for
search of exceptional life cases. Instead of directing
users to specific life cases we can show them two or
more alternatives for the problem solution.
Life case analysis goes beyond task analysis. It is
simple and easy to carry out, lightweight and straight-
forward to understand, and yet quite accurate in iden-
tifying the real demands users of a WIS might have.
While observing real life cases and mapping them to
life cases that must be supported by the WIS we carry
out a user-centered development. Additionally, we
may identify and resolve conflicting or competing in-
tentions. These conflicts can be resolved on the ba-
sis of life cases by accommodating both intentions,
i.e. fulfilling the stakeholder intentions and support-
ing the demand of users.
Besides observation of real life situations life case
detection can also been based on interview tech-
niques. Research on artificial intelligence has also re-
sulted in a number of interview techniques:
Unstructured interviews can be considered as an
informal and explorative conversation on goals a
user is following and on tasks a user has to com-
plete. Unstructured interviews observe the rules
that are applied to brainstorming. All interrup-
tions should be avoided. The questions asked
must be short and simple to answer and should be
open-ended questions. Interview partners should
share their thoughts and experiences. There is
no judgement, confrontation or condescension.
Users should not be lead toward a certain sce-
nario. Unstructured interviews should only be in-
terrupted if clarification is required. They need
consecutive feedback in order to give the inter-
viewees the impression that the interviewer is lis-
tening. While the interviewees are talking, every-
thing that seems to be important is written down
and used for later questions.
Structured interviews are based on query plans.
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
These plans can be based on the general charac-
teristics of WISs. We start with easy questions
on data and main functions and continue with the
life cases of their utilization. Context and inten-
tions are more difficult to capture. Structured in-
terviews are also based on features, which can be
shown to users for a rating of their importance.
Life cases can also be detected by observing and
critically analysing products of competitors. Elic-
itation of life cases from existing solutions is
based on specifications, results from interviews
with business users, excerpts from documents and
spreadsheets, analyzed messaging and transac-
tions, knowledge on the solutions that are cur-
rently used, meta-data and context information on
the utilization within the current framework, and
third party information. As reasons for restric-
tions cannot be captured, the copying of already
existing solutions can only be used in exceptional
Users may also use protocols of “loud thinking”,
in which case they are provided with a real-life
problem of a kind that they deal with during their
working life, and asked to solve it. They imag-
ine that they are solving the problem presented
to them. As they do so, they are required to de-
scribe each step and the reasons for doing what
they do. The transcript of their verbal account is
the protocol. In this case, they work and explain
their current work. These protocols can be the ba-
sis for capturing a scenario. This interview tech-
nique should be combined with other interview
There are other interview techniques that might be
useful for life case elicitation such as the ladder-
ing or grid techniques. In these cases, a hierarchi-
cal structure of the application domain is formed
by asking questions designed to move up, down,
and across the hierarchy.
4.3 Semi-Formal Representation of Life
Although it is sufficient for life cases to be stated
in natural language, we may use a semi-formal
representation instead using the following template:
Life case
: hlife case namei
: houtcome descriptioni
: hlist of user tasksi
: hlist of problemsi
: hgeneral characterisationi
: hlist of objectivesi
Life case flow
: hgeneral graphical
: hgraph of milestonesi
Content consumed
: hconsumed content itemsi
Content produced
: hproduced content itemsi
: hclass of intentsi
: hactors listi
Expected profile
: hgeneral profile descriptioni
: hgeneral collaboration
: hgeneral context
: htemporality limitationsi
: hassignment of placesi
: hnames of documentsi
: hgeneral WIS contexti
: hgeneral behaviori
: hgeneral description of
This template captures the following components
of life cases:
Characterisation: Life cases are characterised on the
basis of strategic issues, the problem statement,
background and objectives for the life case, the
methodology that is used for solving the life case,
and by describing the basic modules that are used
for solving the life case. The characterisation is
harmonized with intentions, tasks and goals.
Life case flow: The life case flow combines the ob-
servations we made, the processes involved, and
the data which are consumed or produced. The
life case flow is mapped to a scenario.
Figures: We develop profiles, especially those of in-
dividuals, as part of the WIS utilization portfolio,
and interpersonal coherence specifications.
Context: Time and location is explicitly described
for life cases. The applicability of life cases is
restricted by regulations, laws, and orders. These
restrictions are seldom given in an explicit form.
In addition, the context of life cases is given by
the provider, the intended audience, the utilization
history, and the availability of data due to the tech-
nical environment. We also use this information
for the context specification.
Requirements: Life cases are restricted by habits,
general approaches, good practices, and boundary
conditions for their application. They presuppose
experiences and skills of the users involved.
Note that life case we intent to support by a WIS
can be completely different in real life. Sometimes we
need a complete reorganisation of the business activi-
ties. In this case we should not map the real life case
to a suite of associated scenarios, but rather envision
a better organisation of the tasks and goals and then
map these to a new envisioned hypothetical life case.
LIFE CASES - An Approach to Address Pragmatics in the Design of Web Information Systems
Let us now outline briefly how life cases can be
used in a pragmatic way to specify a story space.
More precisely, we just want to derive a prototypi-
cal scenario. Other scenarios may result from other
life cases, and the scenarios collected this way can be
integrated and then be subject to further refinement.
Let us concentrate on the life case relocation again.
Example 4.4 In the case of the relocation of a person
the steps identified in Example 4.1 give immediately
rise to scenes in a scenario, i.e. in addition to an
entry scene, say start, we obtain scenes for change of
address data, change of data for associated persons,
change of registration data, change of specific data,
change of data for social aid. For a start we only have
a single actor citizen.
In principle, the visit of any of these scenes is op-
tional, which gives rise to a classification of actors
into citizens with children, citizens with pets, foreign
residents, etc. The life case of a citizen with children
gives rise to a scenario for the change of data for as-
sociated persons, while the life case of a citizen with
pets gives rise to a scenario for the change of specific
data, etc.
In this paper we introduced the concept of life cases as
a contribution to supporting pragmatics of storyboard-
ing, which closes a gap in our development method-
ology. The general idea is to start from real life ob-
servations and to characterize them in a semi-formal
way. This gives rise to prototypical scenarios, tasks,
roles and user profiles by abstraction. Several of such
prototypes can then be integrated and refined to obtain
the desired storyboard.
The concept of life cases is new and original. It
has already successfully been applied in our web in-
formation system projects, e.g. for information ser-
vices (e.g.,
), for edutainment sys-
tems (e.g.,
), and for community services (e.g.,
). Use cases in UML (Conallen, 2003) and busi-
ness use cases (Robertson and Robertson, 2006) share
some similar intentions, but are far too simplistic to
capture the same information as the novel life cases.
However, life cases still contribute only a part of sto-
ryboard pragmatics. They have to be complemented
by user models, which should give rise to a deeper un-
derstanding of actors, and contexts. Both topics will
be addressed next and published in due time.
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WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies