Juha Puustjärvi
Lappeenranta University of Technology, Skinnarilankatu 34, Lappeenranta, Finland
Keywords: B2B, e-procurement, e-auctions, Web Services, UDDI.
Abstract: In electronic business buyers and sellers should be able to interact with each others inside an architecture
that is easy to use and maintain. Electronic auctions are an interesting approach to achieve this goal by
bringing together business in the Web. Further the greatest benefits lie in cost reduction for buyers and
sellers. Technically, an electronic marketplace is a virtual place that resides somewhere in the Internet. They
can provide several types of business processes depending upon their target audience. A form of such
processes is e-procurement. E-procurement technology is any technology designed to facilitate the
acquisition of goods by a commercial or a government organization over the Internet. A form of e-
procurement is reverse e-auctioning. In such auctions the supplier that made the lowest offer wins the
auction. In this paper we describe the e-procurement system that we are developing. In particular we present
how taxonomies and user profiles can be utilized in improving the effectiveness of the e-procurement
process. From technological point of view we present how suppliers’ Web services support e-procurement
specific operations, and how BPEL4WS (Business Process Execution Language for Web Services) can be
used in orchestrating these Web services. In addition, we present how UDDI (Universal Description,
Discovery, and Integration) registry can be utilized in storing the used taxonomies and the profiles of the
suppliers. In this way we can achieve high recall and precision fractions in searching relevant suppliers.
E-procurement technology is any technology
designed to facilitate the acquisition of goods by a
commercial or a government organization over the
Internet. Using such a technology we can achieve
many advantages including:
reducing administrative costs,
shortening the order fulfilment cycle time,
lowering inventory levels and the price paid
for goods.
A form of e-procurement is reverse e-auctioning.
In reverse e-auctioning buyers buy goods by using
Internet technology from a number of known or
unknown suppliers. In such auctions the supplier
that made the lowest offer wins the auction.
Most auction software developed for e-
auctioning is based on advanced auction formats
such as on combinatorial auctions and on multi-
attribute auctions (Nissan, 200). In combinatorial
auctions bidders are allowed to place offers on sets
on items whereas in multi-attribute auction price is
not the only negotiable parameter.
Auctions are usually defined by their rules. The
rules are typically classified into three classes (Klein
and Keefe, 1999): rules that control the admission
of bids, rules that control the information revealed
by the auction, and rules that control how the
auction computes trades. The architectures of the
auctions systems typically reflect these rules
(Wurman, 2001). Some architecture originates
from workflow systems and contract management
systems. There are also many research efforts
concentrating on agent technology for electronic
market transactions,e.g., (Wurman, 2005).
A common problem of e-procurements systems
is the retrieval of relevant suppliers. Ideally the
system should be able to retrieve all the suppliers,
which are relevant while retrieving as few non-
relevant suppliers as possible. This kind of quality of
supplier retrieval can be measured by the following
Puustjärvi J. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and e-Government /
e-Learning, pages 72-76
DOI: 10.5220/0001262700720076
Recall: the fraction of the relevant suppliers,
which has been retrieved.
Precision: the fraction of the retrieved
suppliers, which is relevant.
The values of these fractions are highly
dependent on the way the suppliers and their
products are modelled and how the searching of
suppliers is done.
In this article we focus on e-procurement
technology supporting reverse multi-attribute
auctioning. In particular, we will consider the
technical solutions of the e-procurement system that
we are developing. A corner stone of the system is
the private UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery,
and Integration) -registry that is used for searching
relevant suppliers. The registry supports a variety of
taxonomies including industry taxonomy, product
and service taxonomy and location taxonomy. Using
these taxonomies in retrieving relevant suppliers we
can achieve high recall and precision fractions.
The main ingredients of the e-procurement
system are the private UDDI registry, workflow
engine, and the Web services. The workflow engine
coordinates the procurement processes. The UDDI
registry also includes information supplier’s Web
services that support procurement specific
operations such as “Request for Bid”- operation
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
First, in Section 2, we give a short introduction to
Web services. Then, in Section 3, we first give an
overview of the UDDI registries, and show how a
private UDDI registry can prove services for the e-
procurement broker. Then, in Section 4, we give an
overview of BPEL4WS (Business Process Execution
Language for Web Services) and show how it can be
used for specifying the coordination requirement of
the workflow engine which runs procurement
processes. After this, in Section 5 we illustrate how
the ingredients (private UDDI registry, suppliers
Web services and the workflow engine) are put
together to form a working e-procurement system.
Finally, section 6 concludes the paper by discussing
the advantages and limitations of our proposed
technical solutions.
Web services are XML-based (Newcomer, 2002)
self-describing applications that can be published
and invoked across the Internet. Web services use a
loosely coupled integration model to allow flexible
integration of heterogeneous systems. A nice feature
of web services is that new and more complex Web
services can be composed of other web services.
Our distributed architectural model of Web
services is comprised of three types of participants:
service provider, service brokers, and service
requesters. This architectural model presupposes that
services can be first found from the UDDI registry,
and then used. This in turn requires exact
descriptions of the services. WSDL (Web Service
Description Language) (WSDL, 2001) is an XML-
based language (Harold and Scott, 2002) for
describing a programmatic interface to a Web
service. It includes for example input and output
message formats and the operations provided by the
For example, in our e-procurement model
supplier’s Web services support the operation
“Request_for_Bid”, which has the parameters
product_id and quantity. Accordingly e-procurement
broker’s Web service supports operation “Response
_for_Bid”, which has the parameters
“Suplier_Name” and “Bid. This information is
passed between Web services by the SOAP protocol
(SOAP, 2002). It is a protocol specification for
invoking Web services and defining a uniform way
of passing XML-encoded data
The SOAP-envelope for passing the
“Request_for_Bid”-operation is presented above in
Figure 1.
Basically UDDI registry describes a mechanism for
registering and locating Web services (Daconta et.
al, 2003). This in turn requires that in UDDI service
providers describe their organization and register
their Web services.
The information in UDDI consists of three parts
white pages, yellow pages and green pages. White
pages include company’s contact information. It
may also include description of the company or links
<SOAP-ENV: Envelope
<product_id_name>Nokia E 90</product_id>
</SOAP-ENV: Body>
</SOAP-ENV: Envelope>
Figure 1. A SOAP-messaage for a ”request-for-bid” operation.
Figure 1: A SOAP-message for a “request-for-bid”
to external documents that describe the business in
more detail.
In our private UDDI registry yellow pages
consist of business categories organized according to
following taxonomies:
Industry: Classification of the industry
supported by the e-procurement system.
Products and services: Classification of the
products and services of the suppliers of the e-
procurement system.
Geographical location: Classification of the
country and region codes.
So, searching on yellow pages can be performed to
locate business that service particular industry or
product category, or are located in a particular
geographic region.
Green pages consist of the information
businesses use to describe how other businesses
conduct electronic commerce with them. In
particular, green pages include technical information
of the exposed services. For example, the WSDL
descriptions of the Web services are included in
green pages.
UDDI specifies also two APIs for programmatic
access to UDDI registry. The inquiry API is used for
retrieving information from a registry and the
Publishing API is used for storing information.
For our purpose we use UDDI for storing
information (Publishing API) and for retrieving
information (Inquiry API). To illustrate this let us
consider the structure of a taxonomy presented in
Figure 2. For example, in the case of classifying
ICT-devices, the correspondence of symbols could
be the following: P= ICT device, P1=memory unit,
P2=laptop, P3=mobile device, and so on.
Now, when a supplier makes registration (using the
Publishing API) the supplier specifies using the
taxonomy which kind of products it can provide,
e.g., if it specifies P1, it means that also provides
products of its descendants, i.e., P1,1, P1,2 and P1,3.
Then when a buyer (or the e-procurement broker)
retrieves products or services (using the Inquiry
API) it specifies one or more nodes from the
taxonomy. For example, in the case of P2 (laptop),
the UDDI registry returns the Web services of the
suppliers which sell laptops.
The BPEL4WS (BPEL, 2004) processes are XML-
based grammars that can be executed by workflow
engine (orchestration engine), e.g., by IBM’s
BPWS4J (BPWS4J, 2004). The engine reads the
BPEL4WS document and invokes the necessary
Web services in the order required by the process.
A nice feature of BPEL4WS is that we can
generate executable BMEL4WS code from the
BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation). The
reason for using BPMN is that the BPMN notation is
readily understandable for the buyers and sellers of
the system. It is also readily understandable for the
business analyst that create the drafts of e-
procurement processes as well as for the technical
developers responsible for implementing the
technology that will perform those processes.
We now give an overview of the BPMN. First
we describe the types of graphical objects that
comprise the notation, and then we show how they
work together as part of a Business Process Diagram
(BPD) (BPMN, 2004). After it we give a simple
reverse e-auction description using BPD.
In BPD there are tree Flow Objects: Event,
Activity and Gateway. An Event is represented by a
circle and it represents something that happens
during the business process, and usually has a cause
or impact. An Activity is represented by a rounded
corner rectangle and it is a generic term for a work
that is performed in companies. The types of tasks
are Task and Sub-Process. So, activities can be
presented as hierarchical structures. A Gateway is
represented by a diamond shape, and it is used for
controlling the divergence and convergence of
sequence flow.
In BPD there are also three kind of connecting
objects: Sequence Flow, Message Flow and
Association. A Sequence Flow is represented by a
solid line with a solid arrowhead. A Message Flow
is represented by a dashed line with an open
arrowhead and it is used to show the flow of
messages between two separate process participants.
An Association is represented by a dotted line with a
line arrowhead, and it used to associate data and text
with flow objects.
We now consider how a reverse electronic
auction can be represented by a BPD. In this
example, the auction system runs an auction which
is comprised of time rounds where an offer is
P1,1 P1,2 P1,3
Figure 2. The structure of the product taxonomy.
Figure 2: The structure of the product taxonomy.
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
required from each supplier before the auction can
proceed. Such auctions can be conceptualized as
having four Activities (Figure 3):
Request for Bids: The broker requests the
suppliers to make an offer of certain products or
Make Bid: The suppliers make bids and
send them to the broker.
Make decision: The broker makes the
decision which bids are accepted and which bids are
rejected and sends a message to each supplier. In
addition, if the broker did not make deal of all
products it needs, then the broker may request the
suppliers to make additional offers.
Perform clearing activity, where the
agreed-upon contract is executed and payments are
In this section we describe the main functional
components of the e-procurement server (Figure 4).
Essentially the e-procurement broker brings together
various companies. An important feature is that it
can simultaneously support a set of procurement
processes which may be based on different e-
procurement formats (e.g., whether the bids are
sealed or not).
The Buyer’ application registers new users and
collects their preferences in Web forms and forwards
this information (through Web services) to the E-
procurement broker, which in turns stores the
information to the private UDDI registry, which is
part of the brokers database.
Basically, there are two approaches how
companies (in the role of buyer or supplier) can
integrate their system with the e-procurement
A person of company (in the role of a buyer
or a supplier) communicates with the e-
procurement broker through an application
(buyer’s application or server’s application)
and Web service interface.
A company integrates its ERP-system with
the e-procurement broker.
The gain of the first approach is that it has
minimal initial costs but has high operational cost as
it requires duplication of procurement management
effort. In the second approach the costs are other
way around. However this approach is extremely
fascinating as it allows (through a Web service) the
integration of the ERP-system (Enterprise resource
Planning system) with the e-procurement broker. In
particular, this approach nicely matches with the
third wave ERP-systems which are based on Web
service technology.
The internal components of the e-procurement
broker are presented in Figure 5.
Buyer’s application
Web service
Buyer’s ERP
Web service
E-procurement broker
Web service
Web service
Suplier’s ERP
Suplier’s application
Figure 4. The architecture of the system.
Web service interface
for Bids
Figure 3. An example of a BPD in e-procurement.
Need for
new round
Figure 3: An example of a BPD in e-procurement.
Figure 4: The architecture of the system.
E-procurement broker
E-procurement database
(including UDDI-registry)
Figure 5. The components of the e-procurement broker.
The Bid manager controls the admission of bids, i.e.,
control that all the bids are done according to the bid
rules. The Revealing manager governs the revealing
of the information of an auction. The Clearing
manger computes the trades. The Profile manager
maintains the user profiles that are stored in the
database (i.e., in UDDI registry). The profiles
include preferences, which are collected at user
The Auction database contains the UDDI-
registry, user profiles and the BPEL4WS
specifications of various auction protocols. The
Workflow engine (orchestration engine) loads
BPEL4WS specifications from the e-procurement
database and then runs the processes. The Workflow
engine reads the BPEL4WS document and invokes
the necessary Web services in the order required by
the process.
In electronic business buyers and sellers should be
able to interact with each others inside an
architecture that is easy to use and maintain.
Electronic auctions are an interesting approach to
achieve this goal by bringing together business in
the Web.
E-procurement technology is any technology
designed to facilitate the acquisition of goods by a
commercial or a government organization over the
Internet. Using such a technology we can achieve
many advantages including reducing administrative
costs, shortening the order fulfilment cycle time, and
lowering inventory levels and the price paid for
A problem of e-procurements systems is how
the system can find relevant suppliers. Ideally the
system should be able to retrieve all the suppliers,
which are relevant while retrieving as few non-
relevant suppliers as possible
In this article we have described the e-
procurement system that we are developing. A
salient feature of the system is the private UDDI-
registry which is used for finding relevant suppliers.
The registry uses many taxonomies including
industry taxonomy, product-taxonomy and location
taxonomy. Using these taxonomies we aim to
achieve high recall and precision fractions in
searching relevant suppliers.
In future we aim to extend the e-procurement
system by mobility features such that buyers and
suppliers can interact with the e-procurement system
by their mobile devices. From technology point of
view we will use mobile Web services in
implementing mobile interaction. Probably mobile
Web services will allow the development of many
new auction formats also for B2C.
BPEL, 2004. BPEL4WS – Business Process
Language for Web Sevices.
BPWS4J, 2004, A platform for creating and executing
BPEL4WS processes.
BPMN, 2004. Business Process Modeling Notation
Daconta, M., Obrst, L. & Smith, K. (2003). The semantic
web. Indianapolis: John Wiley & Sons.
Harold E. and W. Scott W (2002) . XML in a nutshell.
O’Relly & Associates.
Klein S, and R. O’Keefe R. (1999). The Impact of Web
on Auctions, International Journal of Electronic
Commerce, 3(3).
Newcomer E. (2002) Understanding Web Services.
Boston: Addison-Wesley.
Nissan, N, (2000). Bidding and allocation in combinatioral
auction. In proc Second ACM Conference on
Electronic Commerce.
SOAP, (2002). SOAP – Simple Object Access Protocol.
WSDL, 2001. WSDL- Web Services Description
Wurman, P. Wellman W. and Walsh. A
(2001)parametrization of the auction design space.
Games and Economic Behavior. 35(1-2).
Wurman P. (2005), Online Auction Site Management.
ure 5: The com
onents of the e-
ent broker.
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies