Claudine Brucks, Cynthia Wagner, Michael Hilker and Ralph Weires
University of Luxembourg, Campus Kirchberg, CSC, 6, Rue Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, L-1359 Luxembourg
Content Zoning, Spam Email Detection, Text Analysis and Statistics, Human-Computer Interaction.
Spam is an increasing problem when using email as communication medium. Spam is detected and removed
using spam filters. Furthermore, the spammers use more and more intelligent and complex techniques so that
novel approaches are required to enhance existing spam filters. One promising technique is the Argumentative
Zoning that classifies a text in different parts where each part has a meaning. In this paper, we want to use this
technique in order to divide an email into different zones and evaluate whether the email is spam or not. We
introduce the technique Content Zoning, the way we use it, the implementation, and our results.
In the 21st century with the growing importance of
electronic messaging, the problem of spam emails,
also called junk emails, arises. Many solutions al-
ready exist and improvements for avoiding this kind
of messages are common. The most used techniques
are spam filters (Androutsopoulos et al., 2000; Wit-
tel and Wu, 2004; Rigoutsos and Huynh, 2004) and
IDS (Intrusion Detection Systems) (Roesch, 1999;
Hilker and Schommer, 2006). IDS check each net-
work packet whether they contain a certain pattern
and if a packet contains such a pattern it is removed
in order to secure a network against intrusions. In
contrast, spam filters are specialised to detect spam.
They use different techniques: white and black lists
describing allowed and denied email addresses. An-
other approach is to define patterns used by spammers
or to analyse the header and content of the email in
order to evaluate whether it is spam or not. In ad-
dition, language filters remove all email written in a
foreign language and user-defined rules that remove
spam emails, too.
Unfortunately, the spammers continuously intro-
duce novel techniques in order to fail spam filters and
to hide spam emails. For example, spam emails can
contain text hidden between complex HTML tags or
replace characters, e.g. 0 through o, so that it is hard
for normal spam filters to detect it. Another example
is the recent trend in spam emails for using scrambled
words: this means words recognizable by the human
brain but not by normal spam filters, e.g. “online” be-
comes “onilne”. In the permanent fight against spam
emails, the need in finding new ways for spam email
detection grows permanently.
In this article, we want to analyse whether Content
Zoning can increase the performance of spam filters.
In Content Zoning, an email is divided into different
zones and each zone has a meaning, e.g. a price-zone
describes the price with currency of an offered prod-
uct and the offer-zone describes the product. We will
introduce the Content Zoning, implement a program
for Content Zoning, and perform tests on two types
of spam emails: financial and pharmaceutical spam.
Thereafter, we conclude the paper with some of our
next steps.
Major inspirations for this work can be found in
(Teufel, 1999; Feltrim et al., 2005), which describe
a technique called Argumentative Zoning”. In this
work, zones are used to describe scientific documents.
The aim of this new approach is to provide an intelli-
Brucks C., Wagner C., Hilker M. and Weires R. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Internet Technology, pages 23-27
DOI: 10.5220/0001263400230027
gent library search tool with generation of summaries
on scientific articles and the detection of intellectual
ownership of documents, e.g. for a better document
management or for plagiarism detection.
We apply similar principles to the analysis of
spam emails, as means to separate spam from non-
spam mails. A part of this work can also be seen
in (Brucks and Wagner, 2006), which deals with the
manual analysis of up-to-date spam emails to check
whether they contain significant patterns in the sub-
ject and content.
In this paper, we focus on a tool for analysis of
emails by their content structure to find out about
common patterns in spam emails. By doing this,
we want to gain information that can be used to re-
alise automatic recognition of zones for further work.
Automatically derived information from spam emails
can then be used to help classifying spam emails and
separating them from normal emails.
The aim of the Content Zoning technique is to
provide a useful function or add-on to normal spam
filters for detecting patterns in the content of spam
emails and for analyzing if spam emails have charac-
teristic content structures. By that way, spam filters
can perform better results in spam detection, because
the technical aspect is extended by content analysis.
Before going into detail about applying Content Zon-
ing to spam emails, we first give some general infor-
mation in this section about what Content Zoning ac-
tually is.
Generally, Content Zoning means to divide a
given document into different parts. The separation
is done according to the given structure of the docu-
ments (e.g. different paragraphs) and especially be-
cause of the semantic meaning of the document parts.
In the end, the zones are supposed to represent the
various semantic units of the document.
Besides the plain division of a document in zones,
additional analysis can also be performed to gain fur-
ther information about the separate zones. Rather
simple to extract information could be statistics about
the size and layout of zones but a more sophisticated
analysis of their text content is also possible. The lat-
ter can lead to an extraction of the semantic content
and purpose of a zone. Such kind of information can
be used for various purposes, such as comparing doc-
uments to each other (regarding their analaysed zone
structure and content). In the following, we refer to
such information about the zones as zone variables.
By using Content Zoning, the email text can be di-
vided into different regions, and it can be seen if there
exists redundancy in the structure and in the content
of spam emails. Email analyses have given reason
to the assumption that spam emails contain the same
structure or zone ordering, so they are in general more
similar than other emails with a completely different
The test set of spam emails that has been applied
to the process of “zoning” mainly belongs to two dif-
ferent categories: spam emails of pharmaceutical do-
main (i.e. drug offerings), and spam emails from
the financial domain (more precisely, stock spam
emails). Financial emails typically seem to be defined
as emails with large content, where the offer and com-
pany have a very detailed description. Pharmaceutical
emails on the other hand can be described as emails
with short content, direct offers and only a brief de-
scription. By analysing the characteristics of financial
and pharmaceutical spam emails, it became obvious
that emails of pharmaceutical domain generally had
a lower amount of zones than financial spam emails
(see also (Brucks and Wagner, 2006)).
Figure 1: Example of a zoned pharmaceutical email.
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
In the following, we give a more detailed descrip-
tion of how the zones for these two types of spam
emails are defined and which zone variables are used.
Figure 1 visualises a pharmaceutical email that is
4.1 Definition of a Zone
A zone can be defined as a region in a document that
is allocated to a specific information in that document.
For example, when having a text document with a
price offer, this price offer can be annotated by a tag;
a logical name for that zone could be “price offer”. Of
course, when having a huge document, zones can re-
occur multiple times. The figure 1 illustrates an exam-
ple of a pharmaceutical spam email in order to show
what can be considered as a zone; each zone is repre-
sented by a colour.
The analysis on content and structure of pharma-
ceutical and financial spam emails showed a kind of
redundancy in content rubrics and structures. These
observations have given the main idea to the follow-
ing concept: the most observed redundant rubrics in
the spam email data set have been considered as the
default zones.
Not all text of the email can be attributed to a
zone, because often irrelevant text is included in spam
emails. When having that case, no zone is attributed
to it. After having defined a set of zones, these can be
used for describing the content of a spam email.
Table 1 shows the most important zones we de-
fined for both domains, the financial and pharmaceu-
tical domain (but this does not mean that they have an
equal number of zones, as already stated above):
Table 1: Most occurring zones.
Information Offer
Additional Information Product Description
Price Expected Price
Name of company Company Description
Testimony Address
Mail Signature Date
Symbol Greetings
Forward Looking Stmt. News
Stock Volume Link
The annotation tags have logical names, so that
mostly no supplementary information is necessary for
understanding what the zone is about. Some examples
are shown below to illustrate how a zone is defined.
The introductory information zone informs the
reader on what the email is about
The offer zone contains the offer itself, a promised
product with its specific information
In the price zone, the actual price of a promised
product is found (this zone can be considered as a
sub-zone of “Offer”)
This zone contains web-pages indicated in spam
Defining the zones alone is not sufficient for effec-
tively realising Content Zoning, because they only in-
dicate a position of an information in a text, but do not
give information on the content of the text. For this,
“zone variables” are introduced.
4.2 Definition of Zone Variables
A zone variable is defined as a parameter that de-
scribes specific information of a zone. By describing
the zones with zone variables, more structured infor-
mation can be extracted of the zone content. The zone
variables are one of the most important factors in Con-
tent Zoning, because they contribute to the statistical
evaluation and finally to the detection of similarities
in spam emails. In this work, two kinds of variables
have been defined:
Zone independent variables are defined as param-
eters which can be applied to every zone. Examples
for zone independent variables are:
position of the zone in the complete email
length of the zone, expressed in number of char-
number of words contained in the zone
most occurring word (not considering stopwords)
Zone dependent variables on the other hand are
defined as parameters, which are specific for a certain
type of zone and hence can only be applied to zones
of that type. Mostly, this kind of variables represents
semantic parameters. The following list shows some
examples for zone dependent variables:
top-level domain for links (e.g. .com, .net, .lu)
telephone numbers for the address zones
value for price zones
currency for price zones (e, £, $, etc.)
The implemented system - CoZo - integrates a graph-
ical user interface (GUI) which allows users to make
their Content Zoning on emails. Most commonly
used email types (HTML, EML, etc.) are supported
by CoZo. Information that is not relevant for Content
Zoning like email header or HTML tags can be au-
tomatically removed on user-demand, so that princi-
pally only the content part remains. We implemented
CoZo in Delphi and Perl. The user can easily zone
the content and the results are stored in XML files for
further analysis.
Figure 2: Screenshot of the CoZo Interface.
The figure 2 shows a screenshot of the CoZo ap-
plication, where an example of selecting the zones is
given. After charging the email onto the GUI, the dif-
ferent zones can be selected. To facilitate the zoning,
18 predefined zones have been implemented. How-
ever, if there is no convenient zone for a certain email
region, the user has the possibility to create his spe-
cific zones or to leave that region unzoned. Each zone
is visualised using a colour and CoZo calculates for
each zone variables, e.g. the position of the zone in
the email, the density of the zone, and the amount
of characters in the zone. The output - definition of
zones, calculated variables, and a picture of the zoned
email with colours - is also stored in files for further
analysis, e.g. picture matching.
The focus in the implementation lies on an appli-
cation to test the idea of Content Zoning. Therefore,
we have decided to use a manual zoning system in or-
der to quickly zone many emails and compare these
(proof-of-concept implementation). Furthermore, the
application provides the output that we analyse in or-
der to evaluate the Content Zoning approach for spam
In order to use Content Zoning for real spam de-
tection, it should be implemented as a part in a spam
filter. It should zone the email automatically, calculate
required variables, and evaluate the output to check
whether the email is spam or not. Consequently, Con-
tent Zoning would be a technique for the evaluation
of emails.
After finishing the implementation of CoZo, we tested
the approach. We used a data set of emails captured
from January 2005 to September 2005. The data set
contains emails from various domains (e.g. credit of-
fers, movie downloads, porn emails), but only emails
from the pharmaceutical and financial domain were
used for the tests of CoZo. For more details on the
data set, we refer to the document (Brucks and Wag-
ner, 2006).
For the tests, no supplementary zones had to be
generated. This means that the 18 predefined zones
mostly covered the email content. The zones of the
emails from the data set have been coloured as in fig-
ure 1. After having realized the zoning, the statistics
are calculated and stored in a XML-file:
We have obtained different results:
It was possible to zone the emails and CoZo cal-
culates the output without any problems.
Pharmaceutical spam has mostly the same struc-
ture of zones. This means that after zoning, the
order and the size of the zones are similar. Fur-
thermore, the calculated variables of the zones are
Financial spam has a different architecture of
zones but always contains some significant zones
like e.g. offer, information, and stock details.
Financial, pharmaceutical, and normal advertising
emails have a different order and architecture of
With these results, we can say that Content Zoning is
a technique helping to classify emails as spam or not.
After zoning several emails, we obtained lots of
pictures of zoned emails. These pictures are sorted by
the average colour using ImageSorter
. The results
are that the emails are clustered in normal non-spam
advertising mails, pharmaceutical, and financial spam
http : //mmk.f4.fhtw
id = 40
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
emails. Consequently, zoning of emails and auto-
mated ordering of the resulting pictures maybe helps
identifying spam emails.
This project and the implementation of CoZo are
not finished. With this status of implementation, we
tested the approach of Content Zoning. One of our
next challenges is to adapt the application so that it
will be possible to have a semi-automatically recog-
nition of the zones. Semi-automatically means in this
case that most obvious zones are detected automati-
cally, e.g. price, currency symbol, etc. This would
simplify the zoning for the user, but the more com-
plex zoning should still be realised by the user for
getting more precise results. The complexity of this
function is to detect the zones correctly even when
having no legal formats. An example is “price” zone,
where numbers are represented by characters, e.g. “0”
replaced by “o”.
The next step is to implement an automated zon-
ing so that the system calculates the zones and impor-
tant variables without any input from users. There-
after, the evaluation of the zoned emails must be au-
tomated and the system can be added to an existing
spam filter.
There are different possibilities for classifying an
email into the various types of spam emails using
Content Zoning. One approach would be to define
a similarity metric according to the calculated zone
statistics (e.g. zone ordering, zone sizes, etc.). An-
other approach is to use picture matching to realise
a comparison between two emails. To do this, the
emails are e.g. coloured in order to denote the dif-
ferent zones. The actual comparison is of course not
limited to basic (exact) picture matching but can as
well include more sophisticated image analysis tech-
niques. By doing this, we can perform a comparison
of a new email to our existing spam email types (fi-
nancial and pharmaceutical here) to decide whether
or not the email is spam at all.
To conclude the article, we can say that Content
Zoning is a promising technique for spam detection
and supports existing spam filters with additional in-
formation. The results show that the picture of the
zoned email and the calculated variables contain indi-
cators whether an email is spam or not.
This project is a part of the TRIAS (TRIAS, 2005)
project of the Computer Science and Communication
research unit from the University of Luxembourg. We
want to thank the staff of the MINE-team for their
support and advise.
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