KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY AND EXCHANGE - Towards a Web-based Application for Discovery and Exchange of Revealed Knowledge
S. J. Overbeek, P. van Bommel, H. A. (Erik) Proper, D. B. B. Rijsenbrij
Web technologies enable the discovery and exchange of knowledge from many different locations using many different channels. This implies that one is able to discover and exchange knowledge while using a PDA when traveling by train for instance. A provisional Web-based application referred to as ‘DEXAR: Discovery and eXchange of Revealed knowledge’ is therefore introduced to illustrate the possibilities of the Web in the process of knowledge discovery and exchange. This is illustrated by an example from the medical domain. Before focussing on this Web application however a better understanding of knowledge discovery and exchange is needed to be able to determine what kind of Web-based support is desired and feasible. Thus, a knowledge market paradigm and a knowledge discovery paradigm are discussed in detail.
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Paper Citation
in Harvard Style
J. Overbeek S., van Bommel P., A. (Erik) Proper H. and B. B. Rijsenbrij D. (2007). KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY AND EXCHANGE - Towards a Web-based Application for Discovery and Exchange of Revealed Knowledge . In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Volume 2: WEBIST, ISBN 978-972-8865-78-8, pages 26-34. DOI: 10.5220/0001264600260034
in Bibtex Style
author={S. J. Overbeek and P. van Bommel and H. A. (Erik) Proper and D. B. B. Rijsenbrij},
title={KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY AND EXCHANGE - Towards a Web-based Application for Discovery and Exchange of Revealed Knowledge},
booktitle={Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Volume 2: WEBIST,},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Volume 2: WEBIST,
TI - KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY AND EXCHANGE - Towards a Web-based Application for Discovery and Exchange of Revealed Knowledge
SN - 978-972-8865-78-8
AU - J. Overbeek S.
AU - van Bommel P.
AU - A. (Erik) Proper H.
AU - B. B. Rijsenbrij D.
PY - 2007
SP - 26
EP - 34
DO - 10.5220/0001264600260034