Michał Chora
Institute of Telecommunications, University of Technology and Life Sciences, Kaliskiego 7, Bydgoszcz, Poland
Piotr Mroczkowski
Hewlett Packard Polska, Global Delivery Poland Center, Szturmowa 2a, University Business Center, Warsaw, Poland
Web Security, Keystroke Dynamics, Password Hardening.
Many online access systems (e.g. e-banking) require stronger protection than the login-id password pair can
provide. Other, more sophisticated techniques of identity verification are in demand: one-time passwords,
smart cards or biometric technologies. Among several biometric approaches the web-based solution that
incorporates keystroke dynamics is the most relevant due to the low cost of the implementation, satisfactory
results as well as the degree of transparency it offers.
Rapid growth of e-bank systems and their popularity
within information society as well as the dangers in
the web motivate efforts to create more secure online
services. Other more sophisticated techniques than
login-id password pair are in demand. Among sev-
eral web-security approaches identification based on
keystroke dynamics is the most relevant due to the
low cost of the implementation, satisfactory results as
well as the degree of transparency it offers. More-
over, following the success of other biometrics meth-
ods of identification, keystroke dynamics seems to be
a new emerging web technique for web-security en-
Keystroke dynamics biometric systems analyze
the way a user types at a terminal by monitoring the
keyboard events, and thus is considered as the behav-
ioral approach. Identification is based on the rhythm
of typing patterns, which is considered to be a good
sign of identity (Monrose and Rubin, 2000). In other
words not what is typed, but how it is typed is im-
portant. In this approach several things can be an-
alyzed: time between key-pressed and key-released
events, break between two different keystrokes, dura-
tion for digraphs and trigraphs and many more.
Keystroke verification techniques can be divided into
two categories: static and continuous. Static verifi-
cation approaches analyze keyboard dynamics only
at specific times, for example during the logon pro-
cess. Static techniques are considered as providing a
higher level of security than a simple password-based
verification system (Monrose and Rubin, 2000). The
main drawback of such an approach is the lack of
continuous monitoring, which could detect a substi-
tution of the user after the initial verification. Nev-
ertheless, the combination of the static approach with
password authentication was proposed in several pa-
pers [e.g. (Leggett et al., 1991)] and it is considered as
being able to provide a sufficient level of security for
the majority of applications. Our web identification
system is based on such a combination. Continuous
verification, on the contrary, monitors the user’s typ-
ing behavior through the whole period of interaction
(Monrose and Rubin, 2000). It means that even after
a successful login, the typing patterns of a person are
constantly analyzed and when they do not mach user’s
profile access is blocked. This method is obviously
more reliable but, on the other hand, the verification
algorithms as well as the implementation process it-
self are much more complex.
s M. and Mroczkowski P. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Internet Technology, pages 337-340
DOI: 10.5220/0001264903370340
In the proposed and implemented verification system
three independent methods of the identity verification
are performed every time a user attempts to log in.
First and second method is based on the calculation
of the degree of disorder of digraphs and trigraphs re-
spectively. The last one compares typing paths stored
in the database against a typing path created at the
time of logon process.
1. Digraphs and trigraphs
Digraph is defined as two keys typed one after the
other. In our case the duration of a digraph is mea-
sured between the press event of the first key and
release event of the second key.
Trigraph is defined as three keys typed one after
the other. The duration of trigraph is measured
between pressing event of the first key and release
of the third key.
2. Degree of disorder Having two sets of key laten-
cies of the same Login P assword pair, it is
possible to measure their ”similarity”. One way to
calculate that is the degree of disorder (do) tech-
nique (Bergadano et al., 2002).
Let us define vector V of N elements and vector
, which includes the same N elements, but or-
dered in a different way. The degree of disorder
in vector V can be defined as the sum of the dis-
tances between the position of each element in V
with respect to its counterpart vector V
. If all the
elements in both vectors are in the same position,
the disorder equals 0.
Maximum disorder occurs when elements in vec-
tor V are in the reverse order to the model vec-
tor V
. Maximum disorder (do
) is given by
|V |
where |V | is the length of V and
it is even, or by do
(|V |
where |V | is
length of V and it is odd.
In order to get the normalized degree of disorder
) of a vector of N elements, we divide do
by the value of the maximum disorder. After nor-
malization, the degree of disorder falls between 0
(V and V
have the same order) and 1 (V is in
reverse order to V
3. Typing paths Typing paths can be described as a
set of key code/key event pairs stored in order of
occurrence. If some short sequence of chars is be-
ing retyped by a user several times (which is the
case with the ”Login - Password” mode), the anal-
ysis of such paths is likely to show some typical
characteristics of a user’s behavior:
moments where keys overlap (second key is
pressed before the release of the first one)
the position of the key pressed in the case of
duplicate keys (digits, SHIFT’s, etc.)
Password hardening using keyboard statistics can be
described as login-password pair combined with the
collected typing features during the logon process.
A system that implements the password hardening
not only performs the password verification but also
checks the typing patterns. The main advantage of
this approach is the significant increase of the secu-
rity. On the other hand the false rejection rate (FRR)
can increase, especially for users that are not very fa-
miliar with typing on a keyboard. Our application is
a remote system of identity verification that is based
on password hardening using typing patterns. It is
implemented using J2EE platform (JSP, Servlets) and
MySql database. The logon module is encapsulated
in applet where both login-id password pair as well as
keyboard statistics are collected and send to server for
Figure 1: High level architecture of our password hardening
Server performs statistical analysis of typing sam-
ples, generates on the fly the typing path and the vec-
tors of digraphs and trigraphs. Then the newly gener-
ated items are compared to their model counterparts
stored in database. The model vector of digraphs and
trigraphs automatically adapts to gradual changes in a
user’s typing patterns. High level architecture of our
password hardening system designed for increasing
web applications security is presented in Figure 1.
Additional use of keystroke analysis could be encour-
aged in many other applications and situations. Some
of them are presented below:
Identity Verification - keyboard statistics could be
introduced into any verification system right after
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
the user’s login-password pair typing stabilizes.
Strong Authentication - root password, safety-
critical systems and resources.
Forgotten Passwords - our algorithms could be
used in forgotten password recovery.
In our experiments 18 volunteers participated in test-
ing the system. Typing skills varied slightly among
them - the majority of the group type on PC key-
board every day. Every volunteer had assigned unique
login-id and password. The full name of particular in-
dividual was used as her/his login-id, since it is one of
the most frequently typed phrase for most of people.
Collecting keyboard statistics session for single par-
ticipant lasted from 20 to 40 minutes.
In our experiments we calculated False Rejection
Rate (F RR) and False Acceptance Rate (F AR) for
each of the users. We set the systems for different
thresholds: 0.25, 0.3, 0.35 and 0.4. In the first stage
every participant performed 15 attempts of log in-
password authentication that were evaluated by the
system in order to calculate the model vector of di-
graphs and trigraphs as well as to collect the typing
paths. After that users performed several another lo-
gon attempts as valid users (F RR tests) and few at-
tempts as impostors (trying to log on somebody’s
else account knowing login and password - F AR
Table 1: FAR results for digraphs and trigraphs for the 0.25
user Digraph FAR Trigraph FAR
user1 0.0000 15.3846
user2 0.0000 0.0000
user6 0.0000 17.5439
user8 0.0000 0.0000
user9 0.0000 12.5000
user10 0.0000 1.9231
user14 1.2346 28.3951
user15 0.0000 9.0909
user17 0.0000 0.0000
user18 0.0000 0.0000
In the experiments a participant was asked to act
as impostor. She/he was trying to logon on somebody
else account. In order to increase the number of lo-
gon attacks per single account, we randomly selected
Table 2: FAR results for digraphs and trigraphs for the 0.3
user Digraph FAR Trigraph FAR
user1 1.9231 34.6154
user2 0.0000 15.3846
user6 0.0000 47.3684
user8 0.0000 1.6949
user9 0.0000 50.0000
user10 0.0000 7.6923
user14 9.8765 38.2716
user15 0.0000 45.4545
user17 0.0000 0.0000
user18 9.0909 18.1818
Table 3: FAR results for digraphs and trigraphs for the 0.35
user Digraph FAR Trigraph FAR
user1 5..7962 48.0769
user2 7.6923 61.5385
user6 7.0175 66.6667
user8 5.0847 3.3898
user9 12.5000 68.7500
user10 9.6154 19.2308
user14 24.6914 59.2593
user15 0.0000 54.5455
user17 0.0000 0.0000
user18 27.2727 45.4545
10 out of 18 existing accounts to be attacked. This
decision was motivated by the fact that the number
of participants (and thus samples) was limited (users
were not willing to spend hours trying to hack some-
body’s else account). Bigger number of attacks per
single account will picture more clearly the FAR, so
smaller number of accounts to hack was the only rea-
sonable solution. The results showing FAR for each
of the threshold for digraph and trigraph method are
shown in the Tables 1-4. The results for typing path
method and for all the methods combined together are
shown in the Table 5.
In the article we presented our keystroke feature
(characteristics) extraction methods. We also proved
that biometrics based on keystroke dynamics is capa-
ble of increasing security in web applications such as
Table 4: FAR results for digraphs and trigraphs for the 0.4
user Digraph FAR Trigraph FAR
user1 19.2308 50.0000
user2 46.1538 69.2308
user6 12.2807 71.9298
user8 15.2542 11.8644
user9 18.7500 81.2500
user10 26.9231 36.5385
user14 33.3333 67.9012
user15 0.0000 63.6364
user17 0.0000 10.0000
user18 54.5455 63.6364
Table 5: FAR results for typing paths and combined meth-
user Typing Path FAR Combined FAR
user1 0.0000 1.9230
user2 7.6923 0.0000
user6 0.0000 0.0000
user8 3.3898 0.0000
user9 0.0000 0.0000
user10 1.9231 0.0000
user14 0.0000 8.1649
user15 9.0909 0.0000
user17 0.0000 0.0000
user18 0.0000 0.0000
password hardening in e-banking (the combined val-
ues of F AR were equal to %0 for all but 2 users
(Table 5).This means that the presented methods are
effective and could be implemented to increase web
security in applications where logging-in is the neces-
sity for the clients.
It is hard to determine which of the developed and
implemented method gives the best performance for
all users. The best solution is to make the logon al-
gorithm adaptive. The algorithm should check which
method gives the best performance for given user in
order to give it the biggest weight while taking the
access/no access decision. In case of non-adaptive
implementation the best results were observed for
thresholds: 0,25 for trigraphs and 0,3 for digraphs.
The threshold for digraphs and trigraphs should not
be equal. It should be higher for digraphs and lower
for trigraphs. It is also noticeable that longer char
sets (trigraphs) have more stable statistics for a le-
gitimate user (the standard deviation of particular tri-
graph’s durations is small, and thus the distance cal-
culated from the degree of disorder is smaller), but on
the other hand they are easier to forge.
Keystroke dynamics are sensitive to the emotional
and physical state of the person who is verified. Very
poor typing skills are another factor which can af-
fect the process of authentication. The good thing
is that this method is very likely to achieve a high
level of acceptance among ordinary users. Moreover,
unlike other biometric systems which usually require
additional hardware and thus are expensive to imple-
ment, biometrics based on keystroke dynamics is al-
most for free - the only hardware required is the key-
board (Monrose and Rubin, 2000).
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WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies