Ontologies and Feasibility Study of Policy Enforcement Function
Anton Naumenko
Department of Mathematical Information Technology, University of Jyväskylä, P.O.Box 35, FIN-40014, Finland
Keywords: Access Control, Policy Enforcement Mechanism, Semantic Web, Ontology.
Abstract: The current Web evolves to the Web 2.0 that is an intermediate step towards Semantic Web. Conventional
security measures fall short to serve both, emerging technologies and innovative web-based information
systems. The paper presents our research and development results towards adoption Semantic Web
standards for the creation of unified view on the access control area that enables flexible, collaborative and
distributed management of access control based on semantic relations amongst relating concepts. The
integration of Semantic Web and access control disciplines leads to the elaboration of new more intelligent,
flexible and reusable access control mechanisms and tools. The paper has practical orientation, evaluating
research results and ideas with the development and testing of the prototype for the enforcement of access
control policies based on the ontologies.
The current Web evolves to the Web 2.0, which is
an intermediate step towards Semantic Web
(Berners-Lee, Hendler, and Lassila, 2001), by
adding new unique advanced features (O’Reilly,
2005). Ubiquitous and autonomic computing, RFID
technologies, and ambient intelligence ultimately
leads to the “Internet of things”. Web-based
information systems become more complex,
dynamic, heterogeneous, pervasive, nomadic, and
open. Conventional security measures fall short to
serve both, emerging Internet technologies and
innovative web-based information systems. This
slows down or even blocks the adoption of
innovative Internet and Web technologies.
We present our research and development results
towards Semantics-Based Access Control (SBAC).
SBAC aims at the adoption of Semantic Web
standards for the creation of unified view on the
access control area that enables flexible,
collaborative and distributed management of access
control based on semantic relations amongst relating
concepts. SBAC research and development targets
are mathematical models (Naumenko 2006),
ontologies (Gruber, 1993), specification of
functionality for enforcement and administrative
functions, algorithms, abstract designs (Naumenko
2006, Naumenko and Luostarinen 2006), reference
implementations, concrete designs for different
domains with different ICTs (Naumenko et al 2005,
Naumenko and Luostarinen 2006, Naumenko et al
2007). SBAC is to provide means for the
management of access control on the abstract level,
in order to allow flexible ontology-based policy
management for open and dynamic environments.
This paper addresses the use of ontologies and
evaluates our research results with the development
and testing of the prototype for the enforcement of
access control policies based on ontologies.
The remainder is organised as follows. Related
work is presented in section 2. Section 3 addresses
ontologies in SBAC. Section 4 describes the study of
feasibility of the SBAC enforcement mechanism.
Section 5 provides conclusions.
The presented in this paper research lies on the
intersection of Semantic Web and access control
research areas. There are number of ongoing efforts
to apply the Semantic Web standards to different
aspects of access control.
Yagüe et al initially introduced Semantic Access
Control (SAC) model (2005) and constantly publish
results of their research on applying SAC (2003) in
different environments. SAC uses XML (Yergeau et
al., 2004) inheriting limitations of XML-based
efforts (see below).
Naumenko A. (2007).
SEMANTICS-BASED ACCESS CONTROL - Ontologies and Feasibility Study of Policy Enforcement Function.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Internet Technology, pages 150-155
DOI: 10.5220/0001265601500155
The Concept-level Access Control (Qin and
Atluri, 2003) introduces the model based on 4-tuple
(object, operation, positive or negative sign, subject)
for the specification of authorizations over Semantic
Web data.
Rei is the rule-based policy language represented
using RDF. This language originally was oriented to
specify policy rules for individual subjects, targets
and actions. However, it permits specification of
policies based on roles, groups and entities despite
the fact, that notions for roles, groups and entities
have not been specified in the basic Rei ontology
(Tonti et al., 2003).
KAoS is an approach to the ontology-based
policy representation language. It is based on KAoS
Policy Ontology (KPO) that uses OWL (Tonti et al.,
2003). KAoS policies authorize actions that restrict
subjects and objects of access further in their
annotations. Thus the KAoS overstates the
importance of actions comparing to subjects and
objects. Policies may target individual concepts,
classes, groups, etc.
Finally, there are number of ongoing industrial
efforts to produce access control languages and
standards based on XML, like Extensible Access
Control Markup Language (Moses, 2005), Web
Services Security (Nadalin et al., 2006), Extensible
Rights Markup Language (Wang et al., 2002), etc.
XML-based solutions intersect in ideas and concepts
with ontology-based approaches. However, they do
not concentrate on semantic features and thus do not
fully gain benefits of Semantic Web. The main
limitation of these efforts is that knowledge
representation models standardized as part of the
Semantic Web activity is much more generic and
expressive than the representation based on tailored
XML schemas.
The main research proposal is to use ontologies
instead of mathematical access control and domain
models. The SBAC ontologies consolidate and
formally specify knowledge of the access control
domain in machine-interpretable form. This means
that SBAC ontologies mainly represent and organize
knowledge that was already formalized in different
existing access control models. The SBAC
ontologies formally serialize the model-theoretic
semantics of SBAC (Naumenko 2006) which uses
the model-theoretic semantics of OWL (Patel-
Schneider, 2004).
For the specification of SBAC ontologies we use
the abstract syntax of OWL (McGuinness and
Harmelen, 2004). Purpose of abstract syntax is
informal specification of ontologies that facilitates
analysis of concepts and relations.
A regular OWL ontology consists of annotations,
axioms, and facts. Annotations carry information
about authorship, versioning and other data
associated with an ontology and concepts. Facts and
axioms provide information about classes,
individuals and properties that form main content of
an ontology. An ontology can have name that is
intended to be the address where it can be found,
although this is out of formal semantics.
Semantics-based security (SBS) ontology is a
stub of upper ontology. The SBS ontology defines
three classes and three individual-valued properties
with explicit definition of their names (note: OWL
allows defining anonymous concepts). Specification
of classes and properties consists of axioms that
associate concepts’ identifiers with the specification
of their characteristics, for example that sbs:subject,
sbs:predicate and sbs:object properties have
sbs:SecurityStatement class as their domains. The
class of security statements and three relations
define a generic structure for specification of
statements related to security e.g. privileges,
prohibitions, obligations for access control, trace
statements for logging and audit, reputation
statements and trust agreement statements for trust
management, and other. The scope of this paper
encompasses semantics of access control statements.
The main feature of the semantics of access control
statements and the whole SBAC is that above
mentioned security-related statements are specified
between classes instead of individuals.
An ontology property owl:imports gives the extra
effect of importing the contents of target ontology
into the current ontology (Patel-Schneider, 2004).
The SBAC ontology imports the SBS ontology in
order to specialize the security statement and three
relations. The introduced class for access control
statements is a subclass of security statements.
Subject, operation and object relations of access
control statements are subproperties of
corresponding relations of the SBS ontology. The
SBAC ontology also defines restrictions on these
relations that their values must be classes of
resources and operations, respectively. For this
SEMANTICS-BASED ACCESS CONTROL - Ontologies and Feasibility Study of Policy Enforcement Function
purpose there are two sub classes of the owl:Class
concept that denote the class of resources and class
of operations. A resource is an entity of physical or
digital world that is a subject or an object of access.
Definition of the resource as a set for subjects and
objects gives more flexibility in access control rights
specification because it is hard to separate resources
on passive and active in environments where
artificial resources play active roles and their
relations to human users are weak or are not present.
Individual operations could be actions, transactions,
access modes, etc. Finally, there is an axiom
defining relation of precedence between
specialisations of access control statements, like
privileges, prohibitions, etc (see description below).
Annotation(owl:imports sbs:ontology)
Class(sbac:ClassOfResources partial
Class(sbac:ClassOfOperations partial
partial sbs:SecurityStatement
The SBAC privilege and prohibition ontologies
import the SBAC ontology in order to extend it with
class axioms that define the class of privilege
statements or the class of prohibition statements,
respectively. These classes are subclasses of the
abstract class of access control statements. The
individual privileges and prohibitions are positive
and negative authorizations.
Class(sbacpriv:Privilege partial
Class(sbacproh:Prohibition partial
A privilege is an authorization of resources to access
other resources using some operations. A decision of
access granting or prohibiting depends on
classification of subjects, operations and objects.
The decision algorithm evaluates types of subjects,
operations and objects taking into account partial
order of classes.
Support of only positive authorizations in the
form of privileges guaranties a conflicts free
specification of access control policies. However,
even in this case, the model has an implicit
prohibition that everything is prohibited unless it is
privileged. Introducing means for the specification
of prohibitions in SBAC policies enhances
expressivity of the policy language i.e. to make
negative authorizations explicit.
It is evident that policies with privileges and
prohibitions are not free from conflicts in an
arbitrary case (Naumenko 2006). These policies
require mechanisms to resolve conflicts and
ambiguity for the guarantied decidability. Following
the fundamental principle of access control for
ensuring confidentiality, prohibitions always precede
privileges. For example, block lists in mobile phones
prohibit accepting calls from given phone numbers
while there is a general implicit privilege to accept
calls from everybody. Note, for this example
prohibitions are mostly used to specify policies in
the form of block lists. Although in the most cases
policies will follow the fundamental principle, there
is a need to specify the precedence between
privileges and prohibitions to facilitate at least the
explicit specification of the fundamental prohibiting
principle with the further precedence of privileges.
Figure 1 illustrates the concepts of SBAC
ontologies, importing mechanism amongst the
ontologies and possible policies commitments to the
different SBAC features introduced in the paper.
Ontologies for the policies A and D are able to
define only privilege and only prohibition statements
respectively. The policies B and C may contain both
types of statements. Privileges have precedence over
prohibitions in the policy B and prohibitions precede
privileges in the policy C.
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
ClassOfResources ClassOfOperations
subject: ClassOfResources
operation: ClassOfOperations
object: ClassOfResources
subject ClassOfResources
operation ClassOfOperations
object ClassOfResources
property: Range
property Restriction
i s
subject: owl:Thing
operation: owl:Thing
object: owl:Thing
- allValuesFrom restriction
- hasValue restriction
precedes sbacpriv:Privilege
precedes sbacproh:Prohibition
Figure 1: The SBAC ontologies.
SBAC interprets the facts, axioms and ontologies
as defined by the OWL direct model-theoretic
semantics. Notable and important interpretations of
OWL for SBAC are provided briefly below. The
OWL provides a possibility to specify classes using
descriptions. Descriptions are axioms and they
include class identifiers, restrictions and boolean
combinations of other descriptions. Boolean
combinations are union, intersection, and
complement. Restrictions are placed on properties
and called also facets. Descriptions allow flexible
specification of access control policies for further
inferring access control statements applicable to
individual resources and operations based on their
taxonomic and faceted classifications Another useful
OWL feature for organizing access control
statements is specification of an enumerated class by
the explicit specification of all individual members.
Interpretation of ontologies is the key issue for
evolution, consistency, reasoning and organising
SBAC policies and domain knowledge in different
ontologies separately. That is needed for flexible and
joint further use with the high conceptual
granularity. Annotation and ontology properties help
to record a history of evolution of the SBAC and
domain ontologies, policies, trust agreements, etc.
The OWL standard (Patel-Schneider, 2004) defines
conditions when an abstract OWL interpretation
satisfies an OWL ontology. The definitions of when
and how a collection of ontologies and axioms and
facts is consistent and entails an ontology or axiom
or fact provide background for reasoning and
maintaining integrity of the SBAC data.
The use of Semantic Web standards ensures
automated reasoning over ontology-based access
control policies. This also ensures the possibility to
reuse existing Semantic Web tools and applications.
The prototyping was conducted with the main
purpose to test performance of the SBAC
enforcement mechanism and to gather information
for the feasibility study.
4.1 Development and Testing
The development environment consists of several
interrelated elements (figure 2). Java 2 standard
edition development kit version 1.5
( is a programming
language and platform that was chosen for the
prototyping of research ideas. Jena
( is a semantic web framework
for java developed within the HP Labs Semantic
Web Programme ( ARQ
( is a SPARQL processor
for Jena. SPARQL is a query language for the RDF
developed by W3C (Prud'hommeaux and Seaborne,
2006). Eclipse ( is an open source
community that produces extensible with huge
amount of plugins integrated development
environment (IDE). The last version of the IDE is
3.2. The Eclipse Test & Performance Tools Platform
(TPTP, project consists of
four subproject one of which provides tools for
tracing and profiling java applications for further
analysis of performance. The protégé
( is the most appropriate
tool to create defined SBAC ontologies in the
RDF/XML exchange syntax of OWL. The protégé is
an open source and free ontology editor with the
number of plugins for editing (Protege-OWL) and
visualizing (Ontoviz, OWL Viz) OWL ontologies.
Web server is a container for developed in the
protégé SBAC, domain and policy ontologies that
are accessible by the prototype through HTTP.
Java 2 Standard Edition Development Kit 1.5 Platform
Jena 2.4 ARQ
Eclipse 3.2 IDE
EclipseUML 2.1
TPTP 4.2
Protege 3.1
OWL plugin
Ontoviz plugin
OWL Viz plugin
Web Server
Figure 2: The development environment.
SEMANTICS-BASED ACCESS CONTROL - Ontologies and Feasibility Study of Policy Enforcement Function
4.2 Testing the Prototype
The test application firstly creates a subject, a
protected object and a guard. Then, it initiates a
request from the subject to the guard, which
evaluates the request. Basically, there are two
processes with distinct characteristics and impacts
on the overall performance of the guard. The first
process starts up the guard. It creates and initializes
all internal components. The performance of this
process is crucial for the fast restarting. The time, at
which the guard starts, is not as important and
critical as the response time of run-time evaluating
of requests. This is the second process. The overall
performance accumulates both performances of the
start-up and evaluating processes.
The performance of the start-up process is
determined by the time of start-ups of guard’s
components. For example, a decision maker can
faster initialize a knowledge base with only SBAC
ontologies, or can initialize the knowledge base with
all ontologies and semantic annotations.
The performance of the evaluating process
is determined by manipulations with semantic
annotations and a decision making procedure. The
decision making procedure is broken down to three
activities. The first activity combines retrieved
semantic annotations, applicable SBAC, domain and
policy ontologies into the knowledge base. The
second activity prepares a query according to the
request and SBAC authorization rules. The third
activity queries the prepared knowledge base.
Several major factors influence the performance
of the SBAC enforcement mechanism. Preparation
of the knowledge base for the decision making
process can be allocated to both the start-up and
evaluating processes based on the availability of
semantic annotations and ontologies in different
environments. This allocation shapes the balance
between performances of the both processes. The
complexity of querying the knowledge base differs
because of different complexity of the authorization
rules for policies that commit to different features of
SBAC. The performance of the query execution is
the most crucial for the evaluating process. The
performance of other operations with the knowledge
base impacts performances of the both processes.
The UML component diagram (Figure 3) depicts
the architecture of the prototype for the SBAC
enforcement mechanism. The internal structure of
the guard consists of the decision maker and the
query engine (query processor) provided by the
ARQ processor of SPARQL queries. The decision
maker has in-memory knowledge base (decision set)
in the form of ontology model provided by the Jena
framework. All ontologies are accessible via HTTP.
The fastest response time of the evaluating
process corresponds to the simplest policy ontology.
The policy ontology consists of one class of active
resources with one individual, one class of passive
resources with one individual and one class of
operations with one operation. The policy has the
only one privilege statement defined using the above
described classes. All these data are loaded into the
decision set during the start-up process.
Figure 3: The architecture of prototype.
The cumulative CPU time of the guard start-up
process is 12,256 seconds which are caused mainly
by initializing the in-memory decision set (12,141
seconds). The average cumulative CPU time of the
evaluating process is 0,813 seconds which are fully
caused by the query execution over the decision set.
This cumulative CPU time is smaller than the
real invocation time of both processes (14,559 and
2,05 seconds) but fairer for the comparison with
fixed type of CPU because the overall cumulative
time depends from number of characteristics of the
hardware. The personal computer was used for
testing. It was IBM PC with the CPU AMD Athlon
XP 3000+, 1 GB of RAM, and OS Microsoft
Windows XP Professional version 2002 with
Service Pack 2.
There are several critical sections in the research on
the SBAC ontologies. The suggested structure of
access control statements reminds RDF statements.
It is disputable whether this structure is universal
enough to accommodate privilege, trust, trace, etc
statements. The concepts defined in the SBAC
ontologies require OWL Full profile that may cause
problems in the stage of practical implementation, as
long as existing reasoners do not fully support the
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
whole semantics of OWL. Thus, the ontologies
could experience refinement based on practical
needs. SBAC relies on the Semantic Web layers.
The standards for some layers are still in active
discussion and research. The provided feasibility
study illustrates benefits of orientation to Semantic
Web in reusability and expressivity. In general, the
results are quite promising. The automated inferring
makes the enforcement mechanism and the whole
SBAC intelligent and flexible.
Presented in the paper ideas have clear practical
and research implications. SBAC is an ambitious
target. It further demands prototyping of ideas,
reference implementations, and industrial
deployments and evaluations. This should aim at
rigorous and convincing specification of advantages.
The application of SBAC seems to be promising
in areas where Semantic Web emerges and resources
have their semantic annotations according to
ontologies, for example multi-agent systems,
semantic web services, semantic web portals, social
networks, collaborative tools, etc. Semantic web
services and agent technologies are the most
promising because these environments already have
means for ontologies and semantic annotations of
resources (agents and services) and of operations
(service processes and agent speech acts).
We are grateful for the financial support to the
Rector and to the Department of Mathematical
Information Technology, University of Jyväskylä.
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