Florian Lautenbacher and Bernhard Bauer
Programming Distributed Systems Lab, University of Augsburg, Universitaetsstr. 14, Augsburg, Germany
Keywords: Semantic Web Services, OWL-S, WSDL-S, WSMO, SWSF, UML-profile, ODM, MDA.
Abstract: Annotating web services with semantic information is a tremendous piece of work for persons who are not
familiar with the languages and underlying logic. However, a graphical model can assist users to achieve
this goal easily. Therefore, we reviewed existing standards and developed a meta-model and UML profile
for semantic web services based on the current W3C submissions to enable an automatic generation of code
and reduce this normally time-consuming task.
Service-oriented architectures (SOA) have gained a
lot of attention over the last years. As the number of
available web services is steadily increasing,
companies realize the need for automatically
discovering web services and having an automated
composition. Several organizations have already
proposed web service composition languages (like
WSBPEL (Alves et al., 2006) or XPDL (WfMC,
2005)), but these standards lack a semantic
description of services which can be automatically
interpreted by machines and can not be used to make
an automatic discovery or composition. But,
semantic interoperability of web services is needed.
To solve these issues several organizations and
companies focus currently on the development of
semantic-enabled web service technologies (or buy
companies which have knowledge in this area).
Several approaches have been submitted to the
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) – each one
focusing on different aspects as the other. As the
number of “standards” is getting higher, the need for
an independent way of describing semantic web
services increases, too, because the learning curve
for the average service developer can be steep for
such languages and the creation of ontologies
(especially for web services) is a huge amount of
The Object Management Group (OMG)
promotes the model-driven architecture, shortly
MDA (OMG, 2003), approach towards the analysis,
design and implementation of systems. One of the
key aspects is the usage of the Unified Modeling
Language UML (OMG, 2005) to model all kinds of
aspects. UML (currently version 2.1 is under
development) is established in the section of
computer science, but also easily understandable for
business experts (e.g. business process models as
activity diagrams, see e.g. Lautenbacher, F. and
Bauer, B., 2006) and supports with its well-defined
meta-model (building on MOF, OMG, 2006a) model
transformation and code generation.
To fulfil the need of an independent way of
describing semantic web services we developed a
meta-model and UML-profile for semantic web
services. Additionally, we specified informal
transformation rules to generate code from the meta-
model and implemented these rules using the
openArchitectureWare-language XPand (Efftinge,
C. and Kadura, C., 2006). Our UML-profile has
been implemented in a UML tool-suite
(innovatorAOX 2006 from MID Enterprise Software
Solutions GmbH, Nuremberg) and a well-known
example has been modeled as a case study.
This paper is organized as follows: In the next
section we compare already existing standards (of
semantic web services and others) which we use for
our meta-model and give a short explanation about
each standard. We introduce our meta-model and
explain each concept in section 3. Related work,
other profiles and their shortcomings are described
in section 4, before we conclude in the last section
where we summarize the contributions of this
approach and describe future work.
Lautenbacher F. and Bauer B. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Web Interfaces and Applications, pages 376-381
DOI: 10.5220/0001266203760381
This chapter gives a short introduction to the current
semantic web service (SWS) submissions and other
approaches and compares them.
2.1 OWL-S
OWL-S (Martin, D. et al., 2004) (currently version
1.2 is under development) enables the discovery,
invocation, interoperation, composition and
verification of services. It builds on the formerly
developed DAML-S and was the first submission of
a semantic web service to the W3C.
Each Semantic Web Service in OWL-S consists
of a service profile, a service model and grounding.
The service profile describes what the service does
and is used to advertise the service. The service
model answers the question “how is it used?” and
describes how the service works internally. Finally,
the service grounding specifies how to access the
To give a detailed perspective on how to interact
with a service, it can be viewed as a process. OWL-
S distinguishes three kinds of processes: Atomic
processes are directly callable and correspond to the
actions a service can perform by engaging it in a
single interaction; Composite processes correspond
to actions that require multi-step protocols and/or
multiple server actions; finally, Simple processes are
not callable and not associated with a grounding and
only provide an abstraction mechanism to enable
multiple views of the same process.
OWL-S is based on the Web Ontology Language
OWL and supplies web service providers with a core
set of markup language constructs for describing the
properties and capabilities of their web services in
an unambiguous, computer-interpretable form.
2.2 WSMO
The Web Service Modeling Ontology (WSMO)
(Lausen, H. et al., 2005) is a formal ontology and
language that consists of four different main
elements for describing semantic web services:
Ontologies provide the terminology used by
other elements to describe the relevant aspects of the
domains of discourse.
Goals state the intentions that should be solved
by web services and are representations of one or
more objectives which need to be fulfilled.
Web Services: A Web Service is a computational
entity which is able to achieve a part of or the
complete goal a user seeks to fulfil. WSMO web
service descriptions describe various aspects of a
service and consist of functional, non-functional and
the behavioural aspects of a web service.
Mediators resolve interoperability problems and
describe elements to overcome incompatibility
problems between different elements on data,
process and protocol level.
2.3 WSDL-S
WSDL-S (Akkiraju, R. et al., 2005) is another
semantic web service approach submitted to the
W3C in November 2005 and extends the WSDL
standard with semantic information. Currently it
only considers single-step services and there is no
specification how a composition of several web
services should be handled. However, there are
already efforts to annotate web service choreography
languages like WS-BPEL similar to the annotations
made in WSDL-S (see e.g. Pistore, M. et al., 2006).
WSDL-S uses the extensibility elements of WSDL
and introduces new elements to describe the
semantics of a service, of its inputs and outputs and
of preconditions and effects.
The advantages of this approach can be
summarized as follows:
- it builds on existing web services standards
- it supports the user’s choice of the semantic
representation language
- it allows the association of multiple annotations
- it supports semantic annotation of web services
whose data types are described in XML schema
(therefore e.g. GRDDL – see Hassael-Massieux,
D. and Connolly, D., 2005 – could be used)
2.4 SWSF
Another W3C submission (from September 2005) is
the Semantic Web Services Framework (SWSF)
(Battle, S. et al, 2005) which represents an attempt
to extend the work of OWL-S and consists of two
major parts: the Semantic Web Service Language
(SWSL) and the ontology SWSO above.
SWSO can itself be divided in two formats:
FLOWS, the first-order logic ontology for web
services and ROWS, the rules ontology for web
SWSF emerged from the work in service
composition which might require more expressivity
than is available in OWL and is therefore based on
logic programming, first-order logic and policy
research. It builds on DAML-S, OWL-S and WSMO
and provides rich semantics for greater automation
of discovery, selection and invocation, content
transformation, composition, monitoring and
recovery and verification. Laying the focus on
messages (similar to WSDL 2.0) it introduces the
concepts of Channels and Messages which can be
created and modified using several specialized
2.5 Ontology Definition Metamodel
Based on the ideas and work of Stephen Cranefield,
Dragan Gašević and others, the Object Management
Group (OMG) works on a specification for the
interoperability between ontologies (and its
underlying description logic), UML diagrams, ER-
diagrams, Topic Maps and common logic. The
Ontology Definition Metamodel (ODM) (OMG,
2006b) consists of four platform independent models
(PIM: Common logic, Topic Maps, RDF and OWL)
and informative models like the one for Description
logic. It defines a meta-model and UML-profile for
RDF(S) and OWL-ontologies and mappings
between the meta-model and these semantic web
2.6 Comparison of SWS Approaches
Figure 1: Categorization of Semantic Web Service
Figure 1 shows how the semantic web service
submissions might be categorized. WSDL-S does
not force to use a specific ontology language and
therefore it does not define any underlying logic. It
is only usable for single-step processes whereas the
other standards can handle multi-step processes, too.
OWL-S builds on OWL which is based on
description logic (OWL DL). OWL-S is widely
common in projects and research, because it was the
first SWS submission. SWSF uses first-order logic
and rules languages to model the ontology in its
underlying language SWSL. WSMO offers both
logic layers for the modeling of ontologies in
WSML. SWSF and WSMO offer with their first-
order logic and rule support a more comprehensive
way of modeling, which might be problematic for
Based on the above described standards and seeing
the need for an independent way of modeling
semantic web services, we designed a meta-model
which can be applied and transformed into all of the
mentioned W3C submissions. shows the
dependencies from our meta-model to the standards
introduced above.
Our semantic web service meta-model is based on the
Ontology Definition Metamodel for modeling ontologies
(in form of a UML-profile) and on the above mentioned
semantic web service submissions. WSDL-S is
independent on the underlying ontology modeling
language, but OWL-S, WSMO and SWSF require a
specific ontology language (OWL, WSML and SWSL).
Figure 2: Profile dependencies.
It is difficult to integrate our meta-model into the
layers of MDA. It is platform independent in
principal, but also includes constructs for each
specific platform and semantic web service language
and one can directly generate code from the meta-
model. But, this matches to our own experiences that
business users prefer one meta-model avoiding
model transformations where possible and use
different views on a meta-model instead. This also
conforms to current discussions about the future of
the MDA at the OMG where e.g. Stan Hendryx,
Chairman of the OMG Business Rules Special
Interest Group, pleaded for a weakening of the
current layers.
Figure 3: Package overview for our meta-model.
no ontology language and
logic pre-defined
describtion logic
first-order logic /
higher order logic
single-step processesmulti-step processes
no ontology language and
logic pre-defined
describtion logic
first-order logic /
higher order logic
single-step processesmulti-step processes
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Our profile consists of five packages which
interact with each other. The Ontology-package
contains all concepts that are needed to model an
ontology (similar to ODM). The Interfaces-package
provides all elements to model a WSDL service and
to describe it with semantics (like in WSDL-S). The
ServiceProvider-package includes all aspects to
model one or more semantic web services with non-
functional descriptions and using the elements of the
ProcessFlow-package the functional elements and
composition of multi-steps can be modeled. Every
single step can be annotated with functional
descriptions as described in the Functional-package.
The Interfaces-package, the ProcessFlow-package
and the Functional-package access elements of the
ontology and therefore import the Ontology-
package. The ProcessFlow-package extends
concepts defined in the ServiceProvider-package and
therefore merges this package. The Functional-
packages extends some concepts of the
ProcessFlow-package and therefore merges this, too.
Figure 4: SWS meta-model for the ontology.
At the bottom of our meta-model are elements to
model the constructs in an ontology (whereby it
doesn’t matter whether this ontology needs to be in
OWL or in WSML). We are conform to the ODM
standard in this package, but since we also need
elements which are not semantically described (e.g.
in a XSD-file) the DataElement (compare) is
specialized in two ways: It can be an element
specified in an XSD-file or it can be a
SemanticElement. This might be an RDFSResource
which itself is then part of an ontology. A resource
can either be a class (or concept as it is called in
WSML) or a property. RDFSClasses can be
connected to other classed via RDFProperties which
contain the domain and range of the property. Every
class (resp. property) can be generalized and there
exist specializations for OWL classes which are the
mostly used presentation form of current ontologies.
ODM defines many more constructs, but these are
the most basic ones to model an ontology.
Figure 5: SWS meta-model for interfaces, operations and
Having finished the ontology grounding, the next
step would be to develop elements for modeling the
infrastructure of the service(s) (). Every web service
(as defined in WSDL) has an interface which
includes a number of operations. Every operation
can have one input and output message and zero or
more fault messages. Each operation might be
described with a semantic element from the ontology
(similar to WSDL-S). A message contains one or
more documents which can also be described with
semantic elements and which can be structured with
several attributes which might themselves be
documents again or simple data types (like String,
int, etc.).
Figure 6: SWS meta-model for a service provider.
With these basic constructs for describing the
interfaces, operations, messages and the underlying
ontology we can now start the modeling of one or
more semantic web services. A web service is a
Process with a specified Behavior. A
ServiceProvider (an organization or institution)
offers a number of processes which can be executed.
Every process can be categorized (according to
OWL-S and SWSF) with a categoryName, a path to
a taxonomy, a specific value in the taxonomy and the
code associated to a taxonomy. Each process can be
additionally described with a ServiceDescriptor and
NonFunctionals. These contain attributes to describe
the non-functional properties of a web service. Each
process can communicate with other processes via
Figure 7: SWS meta-model for the process flow.
Each process has an internal behaviour which
can be described using a ProcessFlow. A process
flow contains Nodes and Connections between these
nodes. A node might either be a control node like the
ones known in UML activity diagrams for XOR-
and AND-splits and joins and other control flow
directions (InitialNode, ForkNode, JoinNode,
DecisionNode, MergeNode, etc.) or an Action
(single-step) or a CompositeProcess (multiple steps)
which contains several other nodes. An action can be
either an AtomicProcess which calls an operation or
a CallCompositeProcess which can start a new
behavior or a CompositeProcess.
Figure 8: SWS meta-model for the functional description.
Each action has Inputs and Outputs which refer
to simple types or semantic elements as introduced
above. Every action can also be described with its
Preconditions and Effects, which itself can be
described in more detail with a class or concept of
the ontology.
We developed a UML-profile based on this
meta-model, integrated it into a UML tool suite and
modeled the CongoBuy-example which was first
introduced with OWL-S. For more details see our
technical report on (Lautenbacher, F., 2006).
There are several efforts to create a UML profile for
Semantic Web Services. However, to our knowledge
none of the existing approaches tries to consider
every existing W3C submission of semantic web
services (meaning OWL-S, WSMO, WSDL-S and
In (Skogan, D. et al, 2004) and (Gronmo, R. et
al, 2005) the authors define transformations between
UML and OWL-S and a web service composition
based on this information. The developed profile
uses the UML Ontology Profile (defined by Duric
for UML 1.5 class diagrams) to model the concepts
of the ontology. They use a UML activity to
describe a web service and to attach inputs and
outputs which makes it difficult to use control nodes
for the composition of several web services later.
Their profile supports the generation of OWL-S and
WSMO code (hence, there are no transformation
rules for the generation of WSMO), but doesn’t
consider SWSF and WSDL-S.
In (Timm, J. and Gannod, G., 2005) a model-
driven approach for specifying semantic web
services has been developed. However, the UML-
profile only considered AtomicProcesses in OWL-S,
not including the collaboration of several processes.
It is only applicable to OWL-S and misses
transformation rules for WSMO, SWSF and WSDL-
(Scicluna, J. et al., 2004) describes how OWL-S
services can be modeled, but in a proprietary format
not using the UML-profiling mechanism. (Pondrelli,
L., 2005) develops an MDD annotation
methodology for semantic enhanced SOAs, but does
not develop a UML profile for semantic web
services in greater detail. (Acuna, C. and Marcos, E.,
2006) describes a case study with a methodological
framework for the development of semantic web
information systems (MIDAS-S) building on
WSMO. In (Kendall, E., 2006) (and other talks) the
author promotes the integration of OWL-S and
SWSF within the ODM. We completely agree and
support this initiative, if the meta-model considers
other approaches of semantic web services like
WSMO and WSDL-S, too.
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Using our meta-model and UML-profile one can
simply model a semantic web service and then
generate code in one of the currently proposed SWS-
languages. Our profile provides independency from
each single SWS standard and can easily be adapted
in the future. We integrated our profile into a UML
CASE-tool and modeled a well-known example.
Our meta-model is compatible with all of the
current W3C SWS-submissions and builds on the
OMG specification draft, it enables a code
generation through a well-defined meta-model and it
includes the modeling of ontologies.
However, the integration of semantic web rules
is still missing. To make it easier to model
preconditions and effects we will include rules
(based on SWRL or WRL) in upcoming versions of
our profile. We are also interested on semantic
business process models and how to combine these
business processes with the developed meta-model
for semantic web services.
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