Using our meta-model and UML-profile one can
simply model a semantic web service and then
generate code in one of the currently proposed SWS-
languages. Our profile provides independency from
each single SWS standard and can easily be adapted
in the future. We integrated our profile into a UML
CASE-tool and modeled a well-known example.
Our meta-model is compatible with all of the
current W3C SWS-submissions and builds on the
OMG specification draft, it enables a code
generation through a well-defined meta-model and it
includes the modeling of ontologies.
However, the integration of semantic web rules
is still missing. To make it easier to model
preconditions and effects we will include rules
(based on SWRL or WRL) in upcoming versions of
our profile. We are also interested on semantic
business process models and how to combine these
business processes with the developed meta-model
for semantic web services.
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