Jiaming Zhan
, Han Tong Loh
and Ying Liu
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Hong Kong
Keywords: e-Commerce, customer reviews, multi-document summarization, web mining.
Abstract: Online customer reviews offer valuable information for merchants and potential shoppers in e-Commerce
and e-Business. However, even for a single product, the number of reviews often amounts to hundreds or
thousands. Thus, summarization of multiple reviews is helpful to extract the important issues that merchants
and customers are concerned about. Existing methods of multi-document summarization divide documents
into non-overlapping clusters first and then summarize each cluster of documents individually with the
assumption that each cluster discusses a single topic. When applied to summarize customer reviews, it is
however difficult to determine the number of clusters without the prior domain knowledge, and moreover,
topics often overlap with each other in a collection of customer reviews. In this paper, we propose a
summarization approach based on the topical structure of multiple customer reviews. Instead of clustering
and summarization, our approach extracts topics from a collection of reviews and further ranks the topics
based on their frequency. The summary is then generated according to the ranked topics. The evaluation
results showed that our approach outperformed the baseline summarization systems, i.e. Copernic
summarizer and clustering-summarization, in terms of users’ responsiveness.
Nowadays, with the rapid development of e-
Commerce and e-Business, it is common that
products are sold on the websites such as Customers are invited to write reviews
to share their experiences, comments and
recommendations with respect to different products.
Also, in modern enterprises, a lot of emails are
received from customers every day regarding
products and services. These product reviews are
valuable for designers and manufacturers to keep
track of customers’ feedback and make
improvements on their products or services.
Moreover, the reviews posted on the World Wide
Web (WWW) offer recommendations to potential
buyers for their decision making. However, the
number of reviews can grow very quickly and it is
time-consuming to read through all of them
manually. For example, there are hundreds of
reviews posted on the web for some popular
products in; and thousands of customer
emails may be received by the manufacturer
regarding one particular product.
Some work has been reported dealing with the
vast amount of customer reviews (Hu & Liu, 2004;
Popescu & Etzioni, 2005; Turney, 2001). All these
work focused on opinion mining which was to
discover the reviewers’ orientations, whether
positive or negative, regarding various features of a
product, e.g. weight of a laptop and picture quality
of a digital camera. However, we noticed that
although some comments regarding product features
could not be labelled as positive or negative, they
were still valuable. For example, the following two
sentences are extracted from the customer reviews of
mobile phone Nokia 6610 from Hu’s corpus (Hu &
Liu, 2004):
#1: The phone’s sound quality is great.
#2: The most important thing for me is sound
Both sentences discuss the product feature sound
quality. Unlike the first sentence, the second one
does not offer any orientation, either positive or
Zhan J., Tong Loh H. and Liu Y. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and e-Government /
e-Learning, pages 5-12
DOI: 10.5220/0001266400050012
negative, regarding the specific phone Nokia 6610,
yet it does provide valuable information for
designers and manufacturers about what mobile
phone consumers are really concerned about. Such
neutral comments and suggestions are currently not
considered in the method of opinion mining.
Moreover, opinion mining focuses mainly on
product features which can not cover all significant
issues in customer reviews. Figure 1 shows some
sentences extracted from the customer reviews of
Nokia 6610. These sentences all discuss flip phone
and they reveal the different perspectives from
customers about flip phone. Some customers also
elaborate on the reasons for their choices. This
information is believed to be valuable for designers
and manufacturers. However, in the method of
opinion mining, such important issues were not
pointed out because flip phone is not an explicit
product feature of Nokia 6610.
Figure 1: Sentences discussing flip phone from customer
reviews of Nokia 6610.
In this paper, we propose an approach to
automatically summarize multiple customer reviews
which are related to each other, e.g. reviews
discussing the same product or the same brand. In
our approach, we intend to discover salient topics
among reviews and to generate a summary based on
these topics. Unlike existing Multi-Document
Summarization (MDS) approaches which divide
documents into non-overlapping groups and
summarize each group of documents individually,
our approach is based on the topical structure of a
document collection. The rest of this paper is
organized as follows: related work of automatic text
summarization is reviewed in Section 2; our
summarization approach is presented in Section 3;
Section 4 evaluates the summarization results and
Section 5 concludes.
During the last decade, there has been much interest
with automatic text summarization due to the
explosive growth of electronic documents online
(Barzilay & Elhadad, 1997; Gong & Liu, 2001;
Hovy & Lin, 1997; Yeh et al., 2005). There are also
some initial web applications. For example, Google
provides a short summary for each retrieved
document in the form of scraps related to the query
words. Another example is NewsInEssence
( which is able to
summarize news articles from various sources.
There are two major groups of automatic
summarization approaches: statistical methods and
linguistic methods. Statistical methods are widely
used because of their robustness and independency
of document genre. The first implementation can be
traced back to Luhn’s work (Luhn, 1958) in which
the author developed a method based on frequency
of words. Subsequent researchers extended Luhn’s
work to deal with more features in addition to
frequent words, e.g. title and heading words
(Edmundson, 1969), sentence position (Hovy & Lin,
1997), indicator phrases (Hovy & Lin, 1997),
sentence length (Kupiec et al., 1995), etc. Linguistic
methods present a different way for summarization.
The typical methods include discourse structure
(Mann & Thompson, 1988; Marcu, 1999) and
lexical chains (Barzilay & Elhadad, 1997).
Recently, as an outcome of the capability to
collect large sets of documents online, there is an
increasing demand for MDS. Instead of focusing
only on single document, MDS is performed to deal
with multiple related documents (Mani & Bloedorn,
1999; Mckeown & Radev, 1995), e.g. news articles
regarding an event from various sources. The most
popular MDS approach is clustering-summarization
(Boros et al., 2001; Maña-López, 2004; Radev et al.,
2004). The approach of clustering-summarization
first separates a collection of documents into several
non-overlapping groups of documents or sentences.
Summarization is then performed separately within
each group. There are two limitations to the
clustering-summarization approach when applied to
the domain of customer reviews:
z The number of clusters is difficult to determine
- As much as I like Nokia phones the flip phones are
much better because a) you won’t scratch your
screens/keys b) you don’t need to lock your phone
all the time to prevent accidentally hitting the keys.
- Personally I like the Samsung phones better
because I found myself liking the flip phones so
much more.
- My past two phones were all flip phones, and I
was beginning to tire of them.
- Nokia was my first non-flip phone, and I'm glad I
decided to go with them.
- This is probably your best bet if you are looking
for a phone in this price range, or like me, do not
have the patience to deal with annoying flip
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
without prior knowledge regarding the collection
of reviews. Inappropriately choosing this number
will inevitably introduce noisy information and
reduce effectiveness.
z In clustering-summarization, the document set is
split into non-overlapping clusters and each
cluster is assumed to discuss one topic. However,
in a collection of reviews, topics often overlap
with each other and are not perfectly distributed
in the non-overlapping clusters of documents.
Each topic is associated with various reviews.
Likewise, each review in the collection possibly
discusses several topics instead of only one
because customers usually comment on various
aspects of product rather than focus on one
These two limitations of the clustering-
summarization method are tackled in our approach
based on topical structure.
Based on analysis of various text corpora including
DUC ( and Hu’s corpus (Hu &
Liu, 2004), we observed that in a document
collection, topics often overlapped with each other
and are not perfectly distributed in the non-
overlapping clusters. As shown in Figure 2 which
lists some topics in the review collection of Nokia
6610 and review IDs with respect to these topics,
review 18 has comments regarding all the topics and
some other reviews are also associated with multiple
topics. The approach of clustering-summarization is
not suitable in this situation since clustering this
collection into non-overlapping groups will cut off
the relationship among reviews.
Figure 2: Some topics from the review collection of Nokia
We propose a summarization approach based on
the topical structure demonstrated in Figure 2. The
framework of our approach is shown in Figure 3.
Detailed steps are given as follows.
3.1 Pre-processing
The summarization process starts with a collection
of customer reviews as the input. These reviews are
collected from WWW or retrieved from Intranet,
e.g. all customer emails regarding a product. Pre-
processing steps are first applied to the reviews,
including stop words removal and term stemming
(Porter, 1980). The purpose of these steps is to
reduce the noise in the following processes.
Intranet and WWW
Extracting FSs and
equivalence classes
Ranking FSs and
equivalence classes
summary based on
topical structure
Pre-processing: stop
words removal,
Topic identification
Candidate sentence
Highlighting relevant
sentences for each
Redundancy reduction in
candidate sentences
A collection of
customer reviews
FSs as topics
classes as topics
Figure 3: Summarization process based on topical
3.2 Topic Identification
The key step of our framework is to identify topics
in the review collection and generate the topical
structure based on these topics. Some work of topic
identification has been reported in previous
literature. The typical method is text segmentation,
which is to segment the text by similarity of adjacent
passages and detect the boundary of topics (Choi,
2000; Hearst, 1997; Moens & De Busser, 2001;
Ponte & Croft, 1997). This method works well for
- Sound quality 8,13,18,20,27,33,34,40
- Battery life 2,5,10,13,17,18,26,28,29,30,37
- Flip phone 4,18,26,33
- Nokia phone 1,2,16,17,18,31,37
- Samsung phone 18,40
single text. For multiple texts, however, it is hard to
find such straightforward boundaries.
Our process of topic identification is based on
Frequent word Sequences (FSs) (Liu, 2005) and
equivalence classes (Ahonen, 1999). A FS is a
sequence of words that appears in at least σ
documents in a document collection (σ is the
threshold for supporting documents). Algorithm 1
demonstrates the process to extract all the FSs in a
document collection. The process starts with
collecting all the frequent word pairs, i.e. FSs with
length two. These FSs are then expanded with one
more word and therefore form a set of word
sequences with length three. All the FSs with length
three are then expanded. This process is iteratively
performed until there is no FS left for expansion.
The threshold for supporting documents is chosen
according to the size of the review collection. For a
small collection, say 20 reviews, a low threshold is
chosen to let more important concepts to surface.
For a large collection, a high threshold may be
considered to reduce noisy information.
Algorithm 1: Discovery of all FSs in a review collection
//Input: D: a set of pre-processed
σ: frequency threshold
//Output: Fs: a set of FSs
//Initial phase: collecting all
frequent pairs
1 For all the reviews d
2 Collect all the ordered pairs
and occurrence information in d
3 Seq
= all the ordered word pairs
that are frequent in D
//Discovery phase: building longer FSs
4 k
=: 2
5 Fs
=: Seq
6 While Seq
7 For all phrases s
8 Let l be the length of the
sequence s
9 Find all the sequences s
such that s is a subsequence of s’ and
the length of s’ is l+1
10 For all s
11 If s’ is frequent
12 S
S {s’}
13 Fs
=: Fs S
14 Seq
=: Seq
15 k
16 Return Fs
FSs can be further pruned and grouped into
equivalence classes according to their cooccurrences
with each other. The equivalence classes are
generated in the following way. Let A and B be two
FSs. The equivalence class of A, Eq
, contains the
set of FSs that cooccur with A in almost the same set
of reviews, as given by a confidence parameter. Det
is the set of FSs that are determined by A, and is
required in deciding which FSs belong in Eq
. For A
and B, if:
we add B to the set Det
; A itself is also included in
. Other FSs are tested in the same manner, and
will be added to Det
if they satisfy the above
criterion. Eq
is thus made up of all FSs X such that
A FS or an equivalence class is considered as the
representative of one topic in a review collection. In
the following experiments, we intend to compare the
performance between FSs and equivalence classes as
topics. Topics are ranked based on their scores. The
score of a FS is calculated in the form of Equation 2.
The score of an equivalence class equals to the
average scores of its FSs.
= l
where f is the frequency of the FS in the whole
review collection, N is the total number of reviews, n
is the number of reviews in which the FS occurs, l is
the length of the FS.
3.3 Candidate Sentence Extraction
For each topic in a collection, all relevant sentences
are extracted and added into a pool as candidate
segments of final summary until the expected
summary length is reached. Each sentence will be
accompanied by a label including its source review
ID. The method of Maximal Marginal Relevance
(MMR) is implemented to reduce the redundancy in
the sentence selection process (Carbonell &
Goldstein, 1998). MMR intends to balance the
tradeoff between the centrality of a sentence with
respect to the topic (the first part in Equation 3) and
its novelty compared to the sentences already
selected in the summary (the second part in Equation
3), i.e. to maximize the marginal relevance in the
following form:
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
where s
is a candidate sentence, D is the set of
relevant sentences to a particular topic, S is the set of
sentences already included in the summary, λ is the
redundancy parameter ranging from 0 to 1. With
regard to Sim, we adopt a cosine similarity measure
between sentence vectors. Each element of a
sentence vector represents the weight of a word-stem
in a document after removing stop words.
3.4 Post-processing and Final
The final step is to regenerate sentences from the
candidate sentences and present the summary output
to users.
Figure 4: Summarization output for the review collection
of Nokia 6610.
Figure 4 shows an example of the summary
presented to readers. Topics are ranked according to
their saliency in the review collection. Reviews
relevant to each topic have been identified and
hyperlinked, with their IDs included in the
parenthesis following the topical phrase, to make it
easy for users to browse the details of each review
article. If users are interested in a particular topic,
they can click the unfolding button prior to the
topical phrase to expand this topic and the detailed
information will then be presented. In Figure 4, the
topic flip phone is unfolded and all the relevant
sentences to this topic are displayed along with
reviews’ IDs.
We compared our summarization approach with the
baseline summarization systems of Copernic
summarizer ( and
clustering-summarization. Copernic summarizer is a
commercial summarization software using
undisclosed statistical and linguistic algorithms. The
method of clustering-summarization is a popular
method for MDS, especially in the context of
information retrieval system (Maña-López, 2004;
Roussinov & Chen, 2001). In clustering-
summarization, a document collection is separated
into non-overlapping clusters and summarization is
then performed in each cluster.
4.1 Experimental Data Sets and
Parameter Setting
The data sets used in our experiments included five
sets from Hu’s corpus (Hu & Liu, 2004) and three
sets from For each review collection,
summaries were generated using Copernic
summarizer, clustering-summarization method and
our approach based on topical structure. These
document sets were normal-sized with 40 to 100
documents per set. Therefore, we extracted FSs with
at least three supporting documents in our approach.
The confidence level for equivalence classes was set
to 0.9 and redundancy parameter λ in candidate
sentence selection was set to 0.5. Since the
document sets in our experiments were normal-
sized, the clustering number in clustering-
summarization method was set to five. The
clustering algorithm in our experiments was
implemented in Cluto (Karypis, 2002).
The compression ratio of summarization was set
to 10%, i.e. the length ratio of summary to original
text was 10%. The summary generated by Copernic
was a set of ranked sentences. The summary
generated by clustering-summarization was divided
into clusters, as shown in Figure 5 (only three
clusters are shown here).
Figure 5: Summary generated by the method of clustering-
summarization for the review collection of Nokia 6610
(only three clusters are shown here).
4.2 Intrinsic Evaluation and Extrinsic
The methods of summarization evaluation can be
classified into intrinsic method and extrinsic method.
Intrinsic method compares candidate summaries
with reference summaries (Jing et al., 1998).
Reference summaries are usually generated
manually and are therefore biased by human authors.
Extrinsic method requires no reference summary and
is task-oriented or user-oriented (Maña-López, 2004;
Tombros & Sanderson, 1998). In our case, since it is
hard to define an ideal reference summary to fulfill
the diverse information requirements of different
users, extrinsic evaluation is more suitable.
We evaluated summarization performance
according to users’ responsiveness. Human assessors
were required to give a score for each summary
based on its structure and coverage of important
topics in the review collection. The score was an
integer between 1 and 5, with 1 being least
responsive and 5 being most responsive. In order to
reduce bias in the evaluation, three human assessors
from different background joined the scoring
process. For one collection, all the peer summaries
were evaluated by the same human assessor so that
the hypothesis testing (paired t-test) could be
performed to compare the peer summaries.
4.3 Evaluation Results
Table 1 shows the average responsiveness scores of
Copernic summarizer, clustering-summarization
method and our approach based on all the review
collections. Table 2 presents the results of paired t-
test between our approach (using FSs as topics) and
other methods.
It can be found that the approach based on
topical structure performed the best amongst all the
peer methods (Table 1 & 2), because this approach
better represents the internal structure of a review
collection than clustering-summarization. We also
analyzed the clustering quality in the clustering-
summarization method. Table 3 shows the intra-
cluster similarity and inter-cluster similarity for the
review collection Nokia 6610. As can be seen, there
was not much difference between intra-cluster
similarity and inter-cluster similarity, especially for
cluster 4 and 5 which were the two major clusters in
the collection. This implies that the review
collections are difficult to be clustered into non-
overlapping clusters.
As shown in Table 1 & 2, we found that using
FSs as topics was significantly better than
equivalence classes with the p-value of 0.0008 in
paired t-test. Review writers usually write in an
arbitrary style and cover different topics in a review
rather than focus on only one topic. Therefore, using
equivalence classes might introduce much noisy
information, since equivalence classes are grouping
topics based on their cooccurrences. Copernic
summarizer performed worse than other
summarization methods. The possible reason is that
Copernic summarizer does not take into account the
case of MDS and treats all sentences from a review
collection as the same in the pool of candidate
segments for summarization.
Cluster 1 (4 reviews)
Sound - excellent polyphonic ringing tones are very
nice (check cons) it also doubles as a radio, which
is a nice feature when you are bored.
Cons: ring tones only come with crazy songs and
annoying rings, there is only one ring that sounds
close to a regular ring.
Games kind of stink and you cant download them
you have to get the link cable to get additional
Cluster 2 (3 reviews)
Nice and small and excellent when it comes to
downloading games, graphics and ringtones from I thought this was the
ultimate phone when it comes to basic features, but
I was dissapointed when I saw that it was only a
gsm comaptible phone.
Cluster 3 (17 reviews)
I've had an assortment of cell phones over the years
(motorola, sony ericsson, nokia etc.) and in my
opinion, nokia has the best menus and promps
hands down.
No other color phone has the combination of
features that the 6610 offers.
From the speakerphone that can be used up to 15
feet away with clarity, to the downloadable poly-
graphic megatones that adds a personal touch to
this nifty phone.
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 1: Average responsiveness scores.
Copernic summarizer 1.1
Clustering-summarization 2.3
FSs 4.3 Topical
Table 2: Hypothesis testing (paired t-test).
Null hypothesis (H
There is no difference between the two methods.
Alternative hypothesis (H
The first method outperforms the second one.
Frequent word Sequences (FSs)
vs. Copernic summarizer
Frequent word Sequences (FSs)
vs. Clustering-summarization
Frequent word Sequences (FSs)
vs. Equivalence classes
Table 3: Intra-cluster similarity and inter-cluster similarity
of the review collection Nokia 6610 (41 reviews, 5
Size Intra-cluster
1 2 0.684 0.343
2 4 0.592 0.431
3 3 0.606 0.454
4 17 0.692 0.546
5 15 0.645 0.553
Summarization of online customer reviews is a
process to transfer reviews from unstructured free
texts to a structured or semi-structured summary
which can reveal the commonalities and links among
reviews. The automation of this process, in the
context of e-Commerce and e-Business, should be
able to assist potential consumers in seeking
information and to facilitate knowledge management
in enterprises as well.
We proposed an approach to automatically
summarize multiple customer reviews based on
topical structure. Based on the observation that
topics often overlap with each other in a collection
of reviews, we extracted topics across reviews,
instead of dividing reviews into several non-
overlapping clusters. Evaluation results
demonstrated that our approach achieved better
summarization performance and users’ satisfaction
compared to the baseline systems of Copernic
summarizer and clustering-summarization method.
Moreover, this approach is able to address different
concerns from potential consumers, distributors and
manufacturers. Potential consumers usually
concentrate on the positive or negative comments
given by other consumers. Designers and
manufacturers, on the other hand, may be more
concerned about the overall important issues and the
reasons why customers are favoring or criticizing
their products.
The emergence of Blogs and e-Opinion portals
has offered customers novel platforms to exchange
their experiences, comments and recommendations.
Reviews for a particular product may be obtained
from various sources in different writing styles.
How to integrate information from different sources
will be the focus in our future work.
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