Utilising the Wikipedia Category System for Corpus Building in Machine Learning
udiger Gleim, Alexander Mehler, Matthias Dehmer and Olga Pustylnikov
Text Technology Group, Bielefeld University, Universit
atsstraße 25, 33615 Bielefeld, Germany
Social Tagging, Wikipedia, Category System, Corpus Construction.
The Word Wide Web is a continuous challenge to machine learning. Established approaches have to be en-
hanced and new methods be developed in order to tackle the problem of finding and organising relevant
information. It has often been motivated that semantic classifications of input documents help solving this
task. But while approaches of supervised text categorisation perform quite well on genres found in written
text, newly evolved genres on the web are much more demanding. In order to successfully develop approaches
to web mining, respective corpora are needed. However, the composition of genre- or domain-specific web
corpora is still an unsolved problem. It is time consuming to build large corpora of good quality because web
pages typically lack reliable meta information. Wikipedia along with similar approaches of collaborative text
production offers a way out of this dilemma. We examine how social tagging, as supported by the MediaWiki
software, can be utilised as a source of corpus building. Further, we describe a representation format for social
ontologies and present the Wikipedia Category Explorer, a tool which supports categorical views to browse
through the Wikipedia and to construct domain specific corpora for machine learning.
The development of the Word Wide Web has inspired
new branches and continuously offers challenges in
the area of information retrieval and related disci-
plines (e.g. topic tracking and text mining). This ac-
counts especially to methods in supervised learning
facing the peculiarities of web documents whose cat-
egorisation, for example, is more demanding than the
one of text documents. One reason is that while gen-
res of written text (e.g. scientific papers, job postings
etc.) are in terms of their structure and function
relatively stable, web genres (Mehler and Gleim,
2006) are still in flux and continuously emerge as the
web serves more and more communication functions
which, previously, were distributed over different me-
dia. Thus, in order to successfully classify instances
of newly evolving web genres, a better understanding
of their typical document structure, content, function
and interrelations is indispensable. Solving this task
is, in turn, bound to the availability of adequate and
large enough corpora of natural language texts which
serve as training or test data (Mitchell, 1997) for the
development and evaluation of reliable approaches to
web mining.
The composition of domain- or genre-specific web
corpora is still an unsolved problem. The reason is
that it is time consuming to build large corpora of pu-
tatively representative web pages since we generally
lack trustable meta information, thus leaving it to the
researcher to manually check and annotate instance
pages – a task out of reach when it comes to handling
highly fluctuating web data.
Knowledge communication by example of the
Wikipedia project (Leuf and Cunningham, 2001)
along with similar approaches of collaborative con-
tent production may offer a way out of this dilemma.
By enabling users to assign wiki articles to one or
more category documents, a convenient method of
social classification or social tagging is provided.
Nonetheless, utilising social ontologies and text cor-
pora based thereon as a source of corpus building
in the framework of machine learning, is highly de-
manding as users rarely agree on conventions of when
Gleim R., Mehler A., Dehmer M. and Pustylnikov O. (2007).
AISLES THROUGH THE CATEGORY FOREST - Utilising the Wikipedia Category System for Corpus Building in Machine Learning.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Web Interfaces and Applications, pages 142-149
DOI: 10.5220/0001267101420149
and how to categorise articles.
This article examines how the wiki-based ap-
proach to social tagging can be utilised to tackle the
task of building domain-specific corpora in machine
learning. We present an approach to extracting, rep-
resenting and enhancing the category systems of wiki-
based encyclopediae. This includes especially the
Wikipedia Category Explorer (henceforth named
), a tool which provides category system-based
utilities to browse the Wikipedia as well as to select
and extract domain-specific text corpora.
Section 1.1 starts with discussing related ap-
proaches to enhancing and utilising wiki-based on-
tologies. Section 2 gives a brief introduction to the
way Wikipedia supports article categorisation and so-
cial tagging. It presents a graph representation as
a starting point to analysing benefits and drawbacks
of wiki category systems and, finally, proposes an
enhanced graph representation model which tackles
some of its flaws. Section 3 proposes an approach to
how the category system of Wikipedia can be used to
select articles in order to build domain specific cor-
pora. The
WikiCEP tool, which implements this ap-
proach, is presented in detail in section 4. Finally,
we exemplarily sketch applications which may bene-
fit from the concept described and give a prospect of
future work.
1.1 Related Work
Shapiro (2002) has build the
TouchGraph system, a
graph visualisation tool of which one demo applica-
tion allows to browse the link structure of small Wiki
instances. In general, this tool should be adaptable
to the Wikipedia, if the wiki graph is preprocessed
and represented as required by
TouchGraph. But fac-
ing the sheer amount of graph data, its small world
topology (Mehler, 2006) and temporal variability, this
is, obviously, barely manageable by a single graph
viewer which works offline.
Wikipedia itself offers (i.e. by means of the Medi-
aWiki Software
) a tool to browse its category system
online. The so called
CategoryTree tool
is directly
integrated into the Wikipedia: It provides informa-
tion on category documents which consist of lists of
links to their respective hyponyms and hyperonyms
as well as to articles being categorised by the cate-
gory under consideration. Furthermore, each entry
of the list of hyponyms of a category document can
be expanded to a tree if the focal hyponym contains
children itself. This functionality enables straightfor-
ward access to the wiki category system and can be
used to manually explore the context of a category
document – that is, its position within the hierarchical
taxonomy of hyperonyms and hyponyms. However,
practically it only allows to explore a small part of the
category system. Furthermore the tree expansion of
hyponyms is a bit misleading as it suggests that the
underlying structure is a tree which is not the case as
we will show in section 2. Thus the on-board means
to browse through the categories misses to offer an
overall picture of social ontologies which depart from
classical hierarchical taxonomies as they allow users
to link the same category with several putative hy-
peronyms, thus, making use of the expressiveness of
graphs. Consequently, some kind of a GraphView is
needed instead or in addition to the TreeView pro-
vided by the
CategoryTree tool. This need is analysed
in more detail in the following section.
In this section we give a brief introduction to how
Wikipedia allows users to classify articles according
to a rich and equally flexible category system. We dis-
cuss the advantages and drawbacks of this approach
by mapping the wiki category system to a graph repre-
sentation model which allows to examine its features
from a graph-theoretic point of view. More specifi-
cally, we propose an approach to derive a graph-like
representation which is called generalised tree as it
consists of a kernel rooted tree which is augmented
by graph inducing links as the proper data structure to
map wiki-based category systems. This is done by ex-
ample of the German distribution of the Wikipedia
which, for the time being, is the second largest.
2.1 Article Categorisation In Wikipedia
Wikipedia is well known for the ease of article cre-
ation, edition and interlinking. By simply writing the
name of another article into the documents’ source
code and putting it into doubled squared brackets an
author can establish links to other articles which he
or she thinks may be of interest to the reader (e.g.
[[Related Article]]). That way, a complex network
of highly interlinked articles has evolved sharing the
peculiarities with many social networks (Newman,
2003; Zlatic et al., 2006; Mehler, 2006). So com-
plex in fact that a mechanism was needed that could
as extracted on 2006-08-03
AISLES THROUGH THE CATEGORY FOREST - Utilising the Wikipedia Category System for Corpus Building in
Machine Learning
improve the organisation of the contents. In order to
help users to classify their contributions according to
some general topic markers, a separate type of doc-
ument has been introduced: The so called category-
documents are separated from common articles by a
different namespace. By linking to a category doc-
ument a categorisation is expressed (e.g. by adding
[[Category:Music]] to the document source the re-
spective article is assigned to the category Music’).
From the readers’ perspective, a categorisation is vis-
ible by means of a separate text box at the end of the
document which lists the set of categories the article
is assigned to. By following such a category-link, the
respective category document is shown. It may con-
tain arbitrary content as articles do but usually only
offers a brief description of the category itself. The
important point is that it additionally contains a list of
articles which are likewise categorised by that docu-
ment. Further, the category document itself may be
subject to categorisation.
This is exemplified in Figure 1: The article of
the lemma South America is categorised by a cat-
egory document of the same name. This document
contains a list of articles it categorises which among
others include the article we came from. The cate-
gory ‘South America is, in turn, hyponym of the hy-
peronyms ‘Americas’, Continents’ and Latin Amer-
ica’. These categories belong to a chain of hyponym
relations which eventually lead a root category Cate-
Figure 1: A sample of the wiki category system related to
‘South America’.
2.2 Graph Representation
The small sample of Wikipedia in Figure 1 already
suggests that the category system (i.e. the set of cate-
gory documents and their interrelations) is more com-
plex than a simple tree-structure. In order to grasp
this complexity and its peculiarities we map the cat-
egory structure onto a directed graph. The mapping
is straightforward: We regard category documents as
vertices and their hyperlinks which constitute, for
example, hyperonym relations (‘hyperonymOf ’), as
directed edges (from a putative hyperonym to a cor-
responding hyponym).
Table 1 shows some general statistics of the Ger-
man distribution of the Wikipedia. On 2006-08-03
it contained 415,980 articles of which about 94.2%
were assigned to at least one of the 30,690 categories
of that release. Figure 2 shows the distribution of as-
signed categories per article. The mean value is 2.57
categories per article whereas the standard deviation
is 2.04 indicating that the distribution is quite stable.
The fact that over a million categorisations where
Table 1: Characteristics of the German Wikipedia.
Nodes Total 446,670
Articles Total 415’980
Categorised Articles 391,837
Uncategorised Articles 24,143
Categories 30,690
HyperonymOf-Relations 43,078
Categorises-Relations 1,069,005
Root-Categories 7,028
Number of cycles 16
Figure 2: Distribution of assigned categories per article
(log-log scale).
made shows how well this mechanism is accepted and
applied by the community. This does not say any-
thing about quality whatsoever. In fact there are a few
characteristics which hint that the category system is
a bit messy. First of all one would expect that a well
formed category system has one designated root and
an acyclic graph structure. Most Wikipedia distribu-
tions, including the English and German one have a
designated root called ‘Categories’ or ‘Hauptkatego-
rie’, respectively. However, there are 7,027 categories
in addition which do not have a parent hyperonym and
thus form alternative roots. In terms of graph theory
and supposing that each of these roots would domi-
nate a single tree, we would need to speak of a for-
est. But as we actually deal with graph-like structures
which consist of kernel rooted trees, we face the situ-
ation of a forest of generalised trees instead (see be-
low). Moreover, an analysis of all paths between the
category documents revealed that there are 16 cycles.
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Thus, the wiki category system does, clearly, not in-
stantiate a hierarchical taxonomy.
To complete the picture, we examined the distribu-
tion of in- and out degrees of the category nodes (cf.
Figure 3): The mean in-degree is 1.4 and the stan-
dard deviation equals 1.03. The distribution of the
out-degrees shows a mean of 36.24 hyponyms per cat-
egory and a standard deviation of 568.77, thus point-
ing to a high variability as expected by scale-free phe-
nomena. Why does the category system of Wikipedia
in/out degree
in degree
out degree
Figure 3: Distribution of category in/out-degrees (log-log
make a rather chaotic impression – far from the order
of a hierarchical taxonomy? The main reason might
be given by the collaborative approach. Any user can
specify any categorisation and hyponym-/hyperonym
relation as he or she wishes. This has two important
implications: On the level of article categorisations,
there does not exist a common agreement what cat-
egories apply and how strict a definition (if one in-
formally exists) has to be taken. This leads to ex-
treme cases where an article (namely the one about
Johann Wolfgang Goethe) is associated to 29 cate-
gories in this sense polysemous categorisation is a
phenomenon to be observed naturally in social on-
tologies. Another implication relates to the ‘inner’
organisation of the category system. We assume that
only few if any users have a complete overview of the
categories and how they are associated. Especially
users which are new to Wikipedia might tend to build
up some idiosyncratic category sub-structure for the
domain they intend to write about even though a
similar one may already exist. One way to tackle
this problem would be a semi-automatic supervision
which is a hopeless task given the dynamics in which
Wikipedia is being edited. Since we cannot expect
this situation to change in the near future, we have to
think about representation models which enable cat-
egorical views without disregarding the factual com-
plexity of the wiki category system.
2.3 From Raw Data to Generalised
Our goal is to use the category system of Wikipedia
to support the construction of corpora of a specific do-
main. To roughly sketch a scenario consider the task
to build a corpus for a classification experiment which
has to distinguish documents which belong to differ-
ent subcategories of a common domain. The overall
category might be ‘Sports’ whereas the subcategories
(of which the articles have to be separated) belong to
‘Motor Sport’, ‘Team Sports’ and ‘Individual Disci-
plines’. To transfer this task to Wikipedia you could
try to pick the respective category ‘Sports’, check if it
has equivalent subcategories and select those articles
which belong to them. This and related approaches
demand a tree-like structure of the category system
which, as we have demonstrated above is by far not
the case: The structure contains several roots as well
as cycles and quite a number of categories have more
than one hyperonym. How, then, can a tree be ex-
A first approach would be to build a spanning tree
of the category graph, that is all edges are removed
from the graph until the constraints of a tree (or a
forest) are met. The problem of this solution is that
there typically are numerous trees which can be de-
rived from the basic graph which are equally valid.
Figure 4 illustrates this situation. Let G be the graph
representation of an exemplary category system. Ver-
tex 1 is the only vertex which does not have an in-
coming edge which makes it the only candidate for
the root. Starting from this vertex, at least three dif-
ferent trees can be derived by discarding one or more
edges which due to the loss of information result
in different semantics.
Figure 4: Variants of spanning trees for a graph G.
Since a loss of semantic information is unavoid-
able in the case that a specific tree-structure is se-
lected over its equally selectable alternatives, a repre-
sentation model is needed which overcomes this risk
by incorporating the complete underlying edge set.
AISLES THROUGH THE CATEGORY FOREST - Utilising the Wikipedia Category System for Corpus Building in
Machine Learning
That way one may quickly choose a different heuris-
tic to construct a tree based on the underlying cate-
gory graph. In order to do this we adopt the notion of
a generalised tree. The starting point of this approach
is to utilise an edge typing starting from a graph’s ker-
nel hierarchical skeleton which is said to be spanned
by so called kernel edges (cf. example in Figure 5).
More specifically, we type edges as kernel which con-
stitute the tree structure that was extracted by a spe-
cific spanning tree algorithm. The typing of the re-
maining edges is based on this initial step:
down links associate nodes of the kernel hier-
archy with one of their (im-)mediate successor
nodes in terms of the kernel hierarchy.
up links associate analogously nodes of the ker-
nel hierarchy with one of their (im-)mediate pre-
decessor nodes in terms of the kernel hierarchy.
across links associate nodes of the kernel hierar-
chy none of which is an (im-)mediate predecessor
of the other in terms of the kernel hierarchy.
For an in-depth description cf. (Mehler and Gleim,
2006). By representing the wiki category system as
a generalised tree, none of the category-links is dis-
regarded, but made accessible for further processing
when it comes to extracting corpora of similarly cate-
gorised wiki articles.
Figure 5: A sample generalised tree.
The previous Section has introduced the concept
of kernel hierarchical structures and how it can be
used to tackle the flaws of the category system of
Wikipedia by representing it as a generalised tree.
The advantages of the representation are that on the
one hand an easy to process kernel-tree is established
while at the same time all hyperonym relations are
still available. Based on these preliminary steps sev-
eral applications are possible. In this section we ex-
emplify how the kernel hierarchical structure of a cat-
egory system can be used to create categorical views
and how category-based article subsets of Wikipedia
may be selected. Section 4 will describe an imple-
mentation of the concepts in form of a browsing and
extraction tool. Further applications which benefit
from these results are discussed in Section 5.
3.1 Categorical Structure
The motivation of this section is to enable an informa-
tion scientist to gather a subset of Wikipedia articles
in order to build domain specific corpora. We start our
considerations with the simple task to select articles
which belong to a category that marks the boundary
of the domain, say ‘Jazz’. Figure 6 shows an excerpt
of the kernel tree including associated articles. Note
that the categories shown in the example may have
much more interrelations which are not kernel (e.g.
up links or across links) and not displayed. In case
of the German distribution of Wikipedia there are 86
articles which are directly categorised as ‘Jazz’. For
some studies this may be enough, but often espe-
cially in quantitative linguistics more instances are
desirable. Therefore, we extend the subset by also in-
cluding those articles which are mediately categorised
as Jazz (e.g. via subcategory ‘Jazz-Style’). Based on
the kernel hierarchical structure of the Wikipedia cat-
egory system this is done as follows: Let T
be the
kernel-subtree of which the node representing cate-
gory ‘Jazz’ is root. Iterate over all nodes t
of tree T
and add all articles which are categorised by category
to the result set.
The approach to select all articles which are im-
mediately or only mediately categorised by a given
category is quite exhaustive. On the other hand the
set of selected articles might well be too heterogenous
and may range from articles about different sub-genre
of Jazz over musicians to festivals and typical instru-
ments. In order to restrict the range of selected arti-
cles to a more specific subdomain one may go deeper
into the category tree, that is consider child nodes
of the category node that has initially been in focus.
If that is still too general one may go a step further
and so on. This concept of category-based article se-
lection may be parameterised furthermore by distin-
guishing the multiplicity by which the considered ar-
ticles are categorised. In general articles may be as-
signed to an arbitrary number of categories. However,
one might restrict the selection of articles to those
who are uniquely categorised or at least with respect
to those categories which are (im-)mediate hyponyms
of the selected root category.
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 6: Excerpt of category graph including associated
3.2 Article Characteristics
The approach of article selection presented so far has
concentrated on the structure of the category system
and how focal articles are located within. As far as
selected articles are subject to machine learning stud-
ies it is desirable to filter out those articles which do
not meet certain quality factors. The notion of ‘article
quality’ invites a wide range of different interpreta-
tions. Instead of arguing about the impact of collab-
orative approaches on the quality of text production
we take a pragmatic view by selecting articles which
obey some “norm” with respect to their size, lifespan,
number of revisions and related characteristics.
Revisions and time span The number of revisions
of an article gives a first idea how controversial its
content is. More specifically, we can ask for the time
span between the first and last revision of an article
and compute several expected values with respect to
this time span as well as with respect to the number
of revisions. Combining these criteria help to indicate
how well an article is ‘settled’ into the Wikipedia.
Distinct contributors One might argue that an ar-
ticle which has been online for a long period of time
and was edited more than once may nevertheless be
of poor quality. In the case of so called ‘edit wars’,
where few authors undo each others contributions, a
large number of revisions is produced which in the
end may be prejudicial to article quality. There may
also be cases where articles have been edited several
times but always by the same author. This is another
example where solely relying on the number of revi-
sions and the lifespan may fail. Therefore, we also
take the number of distinct contributors per article
into account and compute its expected value and stan-
dard deviation in order to rate the corresponding ob-
served value (see below).
Content size A final characteristic we take into ac-
count is article size. That way articles are filtered out
which barely contain any content or, inversely, are too
long by integrating irrelevant material with respect to
the definition of the focal lemma. From the point of
view of machine learning, it is the former case which
poses the problem of insufficient positive information,
while the latter relates to the problem of supplying ir-
relevant or even false information.
We do not expect the number of revisions or dis-
tinct contributors to grow proportional to article qual-
ity. Instead, we compute the mean and standard devi-
ation of each characteristic in order to span a window
which filters out articles of ‘unusual’ characteristics.
That is, for a given variable X (e.g. size, lifespan etc.)
we compute the mean µ
and standard deviation σ
and get the interval
< x < µ
in order to select those articles whose observed value
x of X falls into this interval (ν [1,] is a parameter
of our approach). Next, we define a selection rule
: A {0,1} with R
(a) = 1 µ
/ν <
X(a) < µ
+ σ
/ν, A is the set of all input articles
and X(a) is the observed value of variable X in article
a A. Finally, we build a constraint schema
R =
I } which allows to select all articles a for
which R
(a) = 1, i
I . That way we can select for a
given set of categories all instance articles whose size,
number of revisions and lifespan lie within a certain
interval around the corresponding mean value.
The previous sections have described an approach
to utilise the Wikipedia category system in order to
provide graph-like browsing facilities and category-
based article selections. In this section we describe in
depth the tool we have built in order to implement this
functionality. We give a short overview of its prepro-
cessing steps and demonstrate its key features. Since
the algorithmic background has already been intro-
duced we focus on its user interface.
The first question that rises when it comes to pro-
cessing the category system of Wikipedia is: How
to get it? In contrast to the built-in mechanism to
browse through the categories in Wikipedia (i.e. the
underlying Mediawiki-Software), our tool relies on
an offline representation of its category system. The
Wikipedia Foundation offers
XML-dumps of all distri-
butions which come in different flavours. The variants
mainly differ in coverage. The largest one includes all
AISLES THROUGH THE CATEGORY FOREST - Utilising the Wikipedia Category System for Corpus Building in
Machine Learning
document types (e.g. articles, categories, talks, por-
tals) and all revisions in full text- so it comes to no
surprise that the compressed file of the German dis-
tribution is about 16GB in size. However, since the
file also contains meta information (e.g. the names of
the contributors, the time a revision took place etc.),
it is worth the trouble. In any case, the interlinking of
the documents including the category-related links
are not explicitly stored but must be manually parsed
from the document source codes which are embedded
into the
XML- document.
In order to preprocess the raw data and extract
the information which is relevant to the link structure
and meta data we haven written a separate tool. Its
purpose is to read the
XML-dump using an efficient
SAX-Parser and parse the meta data and document
sources, reconstruct the interlinking and store the in-
formation as an attributed, typed graph. We use the
XML-based Graph eXchange Language (GXL) (Holt
et al., 2006) which allows to represent hierarchical hy-
pergraph structures of arbitrary complexity. The GXL
representation contains all information needed as in-
put to the
WikiCEP. However, the file still is about
11GB in size (note that the contents are not stored but
only the structure!) which is still too large to effi-
ciently load it. Therefore, we create a compact repre-
sentation based on the
GXL-file which solely contains
the relevant information for grasping the category sys-
tem and the corresponding article categorisation.
The GUI of the
WikiCEP is organised into two sec-
tions: The Main Category (cf. Figure 7) tree view
allows to browse through the category system rep-
resented as a kernel hierarchical structure. Techni-
cally speaking, it is an extension of the Java Class
JTree which allows not only to visualise trees but also
graphs. If a node of this generalised tree view has
any links to some categories or articles which are not
kernel, they are represented by icons left to the docu-
ments name (separated by in- and out-going links). A
tool-tip shows the list of non-kernel (i.e. across, down
or up) links of each node. By clicking on the respec-
tive icon it is possible to jump to the destination hy-
ponym or hyperonym. This enables the user to freely
navigate through the complete graph structure of the
wiki category system. A double click on one of the
nodes opens the respective document online in a sep-
arate browser. Finally, a (substring) search function
allows to quickly locate categories as well as articles.
If a category is selected in the main category tree
view, the respective node becomes the root of a cate-
gory subtree (cf. Figure 8) which can be used to se-
lect articles for extraction according to the criteria ex-
plained in Section 3.2.
By default, all immediate (kernel-)subcategories
Figure 7: Generalised tree view of category system.
of the selected main category are marked for extrac-
tion. Performing an extraction now would result in
the creation of a directory structure in the file system
representing the main category and a set of child cate-
gories by analogy to the marked subcategories. Then
all articles which directly or indirectly belong to the
subcategories are extracted and stored accordingly in
the directory structure.
The set of articles to be extracted can further be
filtered out. First of all, it is possible to select whether
the desired articles should be uniquely categorised,
unique with respect to the subcategories of the main
category or whether no restriction should be made at
all. Furthermore, it is possible to select whether the
articles to be extracted should directly be categorised
by the subcategories or if a more lenient rule should
apply (i.e. mediate categorisation). Finally, a slider
allows to specify a window around a combined me-
dian of the statistical article features as described in
Section 3.
Figure 8: Category and article selection for extraction.
Currently, only one heuristic to compute the ker-
nel hierarchical structure is implemented. However
alternative approaches are in development.
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
So far we introduced an approach to representational
and algorithmic issues of exploring wiki category sys-
tems. The implementation of the
WikiCEP reflects
these considerations. It supports researchers who
need to gather corpora for their machine learning
tasks. In this section, we outline three of them:
Text categorisation is the task of automatically as-
signing category labels to a set of input texts (Se-
bastiani, 2002). It hinges on the availability of
positive and negative training samples in order to
train reliable classifiers. One way is to use the in-
put corpus in order to separate training and test
data and to overcome its limited size by means
of cross-validation methods (Hastie et al., 2001).
We propose using the
WikiCEP as a means to addi-
tionally select data or to enlarge the feature space
by exploring similarly categorised articles.
Lexical chaining is the task of exploring chains
of semantically related words in a text, that is,
tracking semantically related tokens (Budanitsky
and Hirst, 2006). It hinges on the availability of
terminological ontologies like WordNet. We pro-
pose using the
WikiCEP as a means to explore the
Wikipedia category system as a social terminolog-
ical ontology instead, that is, we propose using the
Wikipedia as a source of defining semantic relat-
edness and similarity of lexical units.
In lexicology, corpora are widely used for vari-
ous applications. This relates, for example, to har-
vesting for new lexical terms, word sense disam-
biguation and the extraction of exemplary phrases.
(Kilgarriff et al., 2005) describe the development
of a corpus to support the creation of an English-
Irish distionary which, besides print media, in-
corporates web documents. Further, (Baroni and
Bernardini, 2004) propose an approach to incre-
mentally build specialised corpora from the web
based on a set of seed terms.
WikiCEP marks a
complementary approach which enables lexicog-
raphers to incorporate Wikipedia articles for their
This article addressed the potential of social tagging
which Wikipedia offers to classify articles in order to
enhance browsing for readers as well as to support the
composition for domain-specific corpora. We mapped
the category system onto a forest of generalised trees
as an enhanced representation format for graph-like
structured ontologies. This, nevertheless, allows tree-
like processing of the data while keeping full infor-
mation and overcoming flaws like cycles and multi-
ple root categories (by introducing a virtual root to the
kernel structure if necessary). Section 3 and 4 showed
an exemplary application of the enhanced representa-
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AISLES THROUGH THE CATEGORY FOREST - Utilising the Wikipedia Category System for Corpus Building in
Machine Learning