INSTANT COLLABORATION - Developing a Framework to Support New Patterns of Team-Cooperation
Alexander Schatten, David Pölz, Matthias Epheser
Communication and collaboration is supported by a multitude of different (client) applications and backend systems. At the same time, new patterns of collaboration between knowledge workers arise: people want to communicate in-time, share resources, keep track of their issues and yet do not want to be unnecessarily disturbed in their concentration. We analyse several systems and approaches to support team-collaboration and finally introduce our understanding of “instant collaboration”. In our research we support first patterns with a middleware and client-side prototype. The system is built upon proven systems for (instant) messaging, communication and repositories, and suggest a system that allows support for new work-patterns, yet integrates seamlessly into existing IT and workgroup infrastructure and company policies.
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Paper Citation
in Harvard Style
Schatten A., Pölz D. and Epheser M. (2007). INSTANT COLLABORATION - Developing a Framework to Support New Patterns of Team-Cooperation . In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Volume 3: WEBIST, ISBN 978-972-8865-79-5, pages 21-28. DOI: 10.5220/0001268300210028
in Bibtex Style
author={Alexander Schatten and David Pölz and Matthias Epheser},
title={INSTANT COLLABORATION - Developing a Framework to Support New Patterns of Team-Cooperation},
booktitle={Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Volume 3: WEBIST,},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Volume 3: WEBIST,
TI - INSTANT COLLABORATION - Developing a Framework to Support New Patterns of Team-Cooperation
SN - 978-972-8865-79-5
AU - Schatten A.
AU - Pölz D.
AU - Epheser M.
PY - 2007
SP - 21
EP - 28
DO - 10.5220/0001268300210028